Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 39: YOU DARE?!

Chapter 39: YOU DARE?!



"Huh, It's already this late...?" I asked while glancing at the clock on my wall.

"Seems like I got too absorbed on practicing magic... Well, I think it's time to go to bed."

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom to brush my teeth, of course, not before I stretched my limbs as I felt a bit stiff after being seated for so long reading the [Necromantic sorcery] tome.

"Hmm... I'm already reaching the end of this book... maybe there will be more variety of magic to learn in the Elf kingdom after I finish this one... Should I go and pay them a visit?"

*Criii......* A strange sound like wood planks creacking suddenly reached my ears.


I turned to look at where the sound came from, but ended founding nothing.


Usually I could just have shrugged and continued to brush my teeth. But certainly I've been making quite a few enemies this past few days, albeit unintentionally...

The alchemist that always schemed behind my back and spread the rumors soon had their credibility plummet to the ground after having me becoming something like the hero of this city...

This of course gave them a lot of financial problems, though not to all of them. As they were the only alchemists in this city, excluding me of course, as I was only accepting jobs from the militia.

So probably to take revenge they sent some assassins to kill me...

"Hey, get out of your hiding... I know you are hiding there..." I said while narrowing my eyes sightly in the direction the sound came from.

I actually didn't know whether there was someone there or not... but it was worth trying.



Yeah, didn't think that could work anyways... it's not like the assassin could come out and then say: "Hoh~ You actually managed to know I was here?"... That could just be plainly stupid... but cool...

"Should I drink a Hunter Potion? That could pretty much solve the problem..."

But blink-root herbs which are a crucial part of the potion are too hard to find... not to talk about shark fins... The sharks in this world were complete monsters...

They were a lot faster, stronger, and tougher than the sharks from my world... Heck they were such monsters that I'm pretty sure one of them could actually go toe to toe against a Megalodon...

Not like I have ever seen a Megalodon to make such a comparison, but still... 

I'm not fighting a shark anytime soon.

So actually getting shark fins was even harder than getting platinum ore... The only reason I was able to make a lot of Hunter potions was because one day the people at the coastal city of the human territory found the corpse of a shark laying at the coast.

And I was also extemely lucky that 1 shark fin was enough to make 10 Hunter potions...

So... was It worth it to drink the potion just for a potential assassin?


I'm going to bed.

"Neo" A portal appeared in midair when I raised the Finch staff and injected my mana in it.

*Chirp!* Neo flew around me happily after seeing that I summoned once again.

"Hey there buddy, I actually ended up summoning you two times in one day huh?"


"Your words are as wise as always, but I need a favor... you see, there seems to be an intruder in the house, and I could like you to investigate"


Neo immediately made a military like salute with his wing and started looking through the whole house.

Such a trustworthy guy...

I entered my bed and prepared to start sleeping.



My ears caught a certain sound coming from the ceiling.

Don't tell me...

I suddenly opened my eyes and glanced directly at the ceiling... or more specifically at a certain fissure on the wood planks of the ceiling. 

Race: Human

Name: Kayden Tyson

HP: 110/110

Huh... I guess we made eye contact...

I immediately took out my Silver sword and stabbed the ceiling.

"AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!" The intruder yelled in pain after receiving my attack through the ceiling.


The sound of the intruder falling to the floor soon filled my ears. Probably because I stabbed an important part for him to escape.

"Seems like I did hit the legs after all..."

Alright, The intruder has been taken care off!






Now how am I supposed to take him out of my ceiling?




A few minutes later.

Everything ended well. The militia soon reached my house and captured the assassin, finally taking him out of my ceiling. After that I was finally able to go and take some sleep.

"I wonder who sent me an assassin this time though..."

The majority of them should know that such things don't work against me...

Welp, who knows? Maybe they were just too blinded by rage after seeing me become the city's hero.

I just hope they learned their place.

"Yeah... Know your... *Yawn* Place... trash..."

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the pleasure of finally entering the world of dreams.

But, oh boy, how wrong I was...

I actually underestimated the amount of people that actually hated me now...

And I could only discover it in the days to come.


A week later...

-Unknown POV:


I was sent on a mission by Lord Derick to kill Aspen, The city's hero. 

I've been trained in the art of assassination since I was a child, and I must say, I always loved cutting the throats of my victims.

Just the feeling and the texture I could feel through my daggers made me shiver in excitement every time I cut my victims throat.

So I thought... How could the throat of the so-called city's hero feel like? Could it be like all the others? Or maybe it could be a completely new experience?

Just imagining the blood of coming out of his throat while he tries to scream in desperation made me shiver in anticipation!

I was currently hidden under his bed. It may sound a bit unorthodox, but if you know how to move to suppress any sounds from leaving from your body, then it's actually an amazing place.

Who could actually imagine an assassin to be hiding under your bed?

It also made a lot easier to cut the throat.

"Urgh... I will close the windows today..."

Hoh... My little objective finally arrived! But what did he mean with closing the windows?

Maybe a mosquito bit him yesterday?

"I swear to god that-..." The city's hero cursed and started murmuring something under his breath while laying on the bed. I just shrugged. Maybe he had a bad day?

Whatever, my day was going to be awesome when Aspen fell asleep.


Now all I need to do is wait...





I heard the snoring of Aspen, and I knew my moment had finally arrived.

I slowly moved out from under the bed and positioned myself besides him. His peaceful face just made my excitement rise, the thoughts of how could his face look like when he notices his inability to talk, or the bloodshot eyes trying desperately to ask for help after noticing the wound on the throat... Everything made me shiver in anticipation.

However, when I was positioning myself to cut his throat in just one swing... His eyes opened suddenly.

A vein palpitated on his forehead and his eyes were filled with unimaginable fury.

"You dare to disturb my sleeping time...?"

W-What is he talking about?!

When I noticed that he woke up, I tried to attack. However, before I could notice he was already standing in front of me grabbing my throat with his hand.

"Is it funny?" He asked me once again...

I looked him directly in the eyes, those eyes that seemed to take my soul away with just one glance...

The excitement and anticipation I felt before soon turned into a deep fear for my life.

"I asked you a question"

"Le-...Gh... Let me...Ghrahgh... Let... go...!" I struggled to break free from his grasp, but his hand seemed to be unmovable.


"Le-Let me...argh... Let me go...!"


Don't mess with the sleeping hours of Aspen if you want to live.

Anyways, I made this chapter so you guys don't forget about this story so fast.

I think I will be done with Webnovel pretty much in two days more or so...

I will continue writing chapters after that...

Unfortunately, school is beginning once again... So let's hope I don't drop this fic just because of school...

Bye bye guys!

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