Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 61: The calm before the Eye

Chapter 61: The calm before the Eye


"Kuk..." As I placed my hands on my face to cover my crying face, a small groan escaped from my mouth.

"Why are you crying so suddenly...?" The Dryad that was some meters away from me, asked with an akward expression on her face when she saw me crying out of nowhere.

"Sniff... It's nothing... Nothing at all..."

I just wanted to have some peace after almost dying today, but now you say that I have to face death for a second time on one fucking day?!

Until now, I usually had to deal with only one problem a day, but now the amount of problems increased to two?!

Is this world increasing the difficulty on purpose?!


I am tired.


I drank a healing potion after the [Potion sickness] effect disappeared from my status, and started walking towards the city.

"As I said, I will need your help to defeat whatever descends upon this world after their ritual is over, so...  Are you with me or not?"

"First of all... Why don't you stop them before the ritual is over?"

"I currently don't have a clue on where they are, and the only reason I know they are performing a ritual because I can feel the protective layer on this world weakening slightly"

"Then, do you have any kind of secret artifact to fend off threats like these?"

"No, I have been busy for the last 1000 hundred years maintaining and sustaining the protective layer of this world, so I haven't had any time to plan or prepare something like that in the first place. Nor did I ever think that Cthulhu could have bestowed them somehow a method to weaken the protective layer of this world"

"1000 Years? That must be rough..."

"Not that much, when you see the world from the eyes of a plant you end up losing your sense of time eventually. So... are you gonna help me or not? We are running out of time here..."

"Yeah yeah, whatever... however, let me first contact the elders so that we can evacuate the city, or at least prepare an army to fight that thing"

"The help of the humans? I don't think they are going to be of much help in our fight, instead, they will most likely become a hindrance"

"I will need all the extra damage that we can inflict towards that monster, so even if I need the whole army to fire a rain of arrows upon the battlefield just to damage that thing, I will do it"

Besides, I have a certain theory that I want to check. Whether the Eye of Cthulhu will target me because of my special existence as a Player, or the power of Order residing within me... I want to know if I will become the main target, or if I will be another insect more in his sight.

That way I can avoid worrying about others while fighting that thing, as I will be the only one being attacked in the first place.

"Very well, do as you please"

"Hm..." I just nodded my head in response and walked towards the militia headquarters.

Only time could tell whether my plan could be successful, or if I was going to become the food of a giant flying eye. And I could make sure to make sure that even if I was eaten, I was going to burn and pierce that motherfucking eye from the inside if I deemed it necessary.


I have known for a little while that I have a certain tendency to attack directly towards the eyes of my opponent whenever I'm on a dangerous situation, yet this time I was fighting a whole literal giant eye.

The irony strikes hard here.





The wind flew past the walls of the city, as a complete silence drowned the city. No kids laughing, no drunkards fighting, no cheerful conversations, nothing.

Only thousands and thousands of soldiers could be seen standing above the high walls with bows and swords hanging from different parts of their bodies while watching the horizon in complete silence.

At the front of the whole army, a man in shiny silver armor stood fearlessly eating some dried meat while eleven small birds sat on his shoulders and head quietly.

Although the situation might look awkward at first glance, as the whole army was completely silent without apparent reason, no one there actually cared about that at all as they all could feel the tension in the air.

Back then a few minutes ago, they were skeptical about fighting some strange monster that the city's hero, Aspen, had warned them that could come. After all, who could believe right away that they were gonna fight a mythical creature out of nowhere on a seemingly normal day?

Although they were reported that there was actually a big battle between the so-called leader of the cultists and Aspen, they still thought that the matter could end there.

However, as soon as they were ordered to pack their weapons and ready themselves for a fight against a giant creature, they were dumbfounded.

All of them hoped that the matter could only be speculations from Aspen, and that nothing could actually happen. However, suddenly when the night arrived and the zombies started coming out from the ground, a sudden chill went down their backs as they all felt an extremely ominous gaze coming from the sky.

Since then, all of them knew that the incoming fight was real, and that they need to take this seriously.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" The old man Easton approached Aspen and grabbed his shoulder with a worried face.

"No, but it's not like there are many options either. Just stick to the first plan, and if it doesn't work, then let's go with the second one" Aspen spoke calmly from inside the armor while looking at the empty sky illuminated by the beautiful moon with a peaceful gaze on his eyes.

"Remember that whatever comes out, it must not be underestimated at all. After all, Cthulhu is an ancient demon capable of exterminating the whole world with his power. Even a finger of his could be able to exterminate entire civilizations after becoming self-conscious"

"I know... What time is it by the way?" Aspen looked towards the Dryad's green eyes and observed the screen that appeared in front of him after that.

Name: Evvie

Race: Dryad

Title: The last Dryad

[Hp: 250/250]

Easton, that heard Aspen question, looked at his wristwatch with curiosity and then looked at Aspen once again.

"It's currently 21:50, Why do you ask?"

"Then that means that it's about to begin, tell your men to prepare themselves..."


And as if to confirm Aspen's words, suddenly all the monsters in the surroundings of the city started getting all their mana sucked away, turning them into nothing but empty husks that fell to the ground devoid of any life.

All the mana started gathering at one point in the sky, soon acquiring a dark and evil color as more and more mana gathered into the shape of a sphere. At the same time, a giant blood torrent appeared from the distance and started getting sucked away into the mana sphere.


The mana sphere suddenly turned into a giant explosion that covered almost the whole sky with a dazzling crimson light

After that, the whole place fell silent once again until...


The whole place suddenly trembled, as if an earthquake was happening in the city.


Suddenly, the sky started shattering as if it was made of glass. Leaving a very deep and large fissure in the middle of the sky that made the hearts of everyone present turn cold.

"Here it comes...!"


The sky was torn apart as a giant eye made its way into the planet through the giant rift, imprinting nothing but fear on the hearts of everyone that saw it. Thousands of tentacles hanging on its back that seemed to move on their own will, and a very bloody appearance that made more than one vomit of disgust towards the view.

As Aspen looked towards its appearance, a screen popped up in front of his gaze that made cold sweat to run down his back.

°[Eye of Cthulhu]°

Race: [Chaotic living eye]

[HP: 9282 / 9282]

[Underdeveloped intellect: Due to not being a fully evolved being, the eye of Cthulhu has not the intellect to create elaborated plans, acting more like a beast in some cases. However, do NOT underestimate it, as it still has enough intelligence to change its attack pattern if it deems it necessary]

[Eye: ???]

Hahaha... Fuck my life.

Cliffhanger attacks once again.

Will Aspen defeat it? Probably, I mean, he is the protagonist, I can't just kill him out of nowhere... or could I?

Anyways, I'm going to sleep now because it's late and I have classes tomorrow.


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