Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 62: The Eye of Cthulhu

Chapter 62: The Eye of Cthulhu



°[Eye of Cthulhu]°

Race: [Chaotic living eye]

[HP: 9282 / 9282]

[Underdeveloped intellect: Due to not being a fully evolved being, the eye of Cthulhu has not the intellect to create elaborated plans, acting more like a beast in some cases. However, do NOT underestimate it, as it still has enough intelligence to change its attack pattern if it deems it necessary]

[Eye: ???]

"Hahaha... Fuck my life."

As I watched the giant amalgamation that seemed to be taken out from a horror movie breaking through the sky and moving towards us, I started observing all its moves to determinate who it was targeting right now.

"S-Sir Aspen" The commander of the troops called out to me, his voice trembling and his eyes shaking from fear after seeing such a monstrosity advancing towards us.

"Don't worry"

I then took a step forward and started walking towards the eye with a fearless expression on my face, leaving the terrified army of soldiers behind me, and making all the commanders gasp at my sudden act of "bravery". 


As soon as the eye saw me, its pupil constricted to the minimum, and let out a roar full of fury and savageness before dashing in my direction.

"As expected..."

Whether it was because of me having the powers bestowed by that goddess, or because of me being the actual "Player"... the eye was only targeting me in particular, and of course, I was planning to exploit that fact until the end.






Name: Aspen (Aeron) 


Age: 20 (39)


[Swiftness: 25% Increased movement speed] (8 hours left...)

[Ironskin: Increases defense by 8] (8 hours left...)

[Dangersense: You can see nearby hazards through walls] (10 hours left...)

[Night owl: Increased night vision](10 hours left...)

[Regeneration: Provides increased life regeneration](8 hours left...)

[Archery: 20% increased arrow damage and speed] (8 hours left...)

[Happy!: Movement speed increased and monster spawns reduced]

[Cozy fire!: Life regeneration is slightly increased]

[Dryad's blessing: The power of nature protects you]

--->[Grants 8 extra Defense to The Player, and 14 to nearby allies]

--->[Increased health regeneration]

--->[Gives The Player and nearby allies the Thorn potion effect]

--->[You're slightly more loved by nature]


[Hp: 320/320]  [Mana: 80/80]



-[Hermes boots]








-[Gold Helmet]

-[Gold Chainmail]

-[Gold Greaves]


[Vanity slots]

-[Silver Helmet] (Does not provide actual defense)

-[Silver Chainmail] (Does not provide actual defense)

-[Silver Greaves] (Does not provide actual defense)

Total defense: 32

"Let's see if this is enough for you..."

As I felt the enormous amount of effects moving through my body, I also felt incredibly light and full of energy, as if the exhaustion from before was completely a lie.

After that I turned to look once again at the incoming boss.

Hmm...? Isn't it bigger of what it is supposed to be?

I mean, in the game its size was at least of a few meters wide... However, now... it's at least ten times bigger than that... 

Ayo what the fuck?! How am I supposed to dodge something so big?!


No time to think either!

As I jumped with all my might to the side in order to dodge the incoming impact of the eye, I was unable to hear any sound of the impact or explosion that had been supposed to happen after he hit the ground.

When I turned back... It was gone...

"What the-"

"Sir Aspen, it's below the ground!!!" One of the commander screamed to me.

"Below the what?!"


Suddenly I heard another roar from the eye, but this time it was actually coming from under the ground!!

I jumped to the side once again before stabilizing myself in order to understand where he was right now.

As I looked back to where I was before, I saw the eye coming right from below the ground at an incredible speed as if he was a ghost.

Oh, come on... Now he can pass through the ground as well?!

Agh... Whatever.

"Start shooting!!" I yelled out loud so that the commanders could hear me. And soon, all the soldiers of the army started firing arrows towards the monster.

Although no mesagges of inflicting damage appeared, I could still see that its HP was decreasing steadily as dozens of arrows pierced on his body.

"Very well... Let's see how hard is the first boss of this world"

Behind me, a few trees raised magestically in the air before they started taking the shape of a giant chainsaw, and then... their blades started moving.




The eye just lunged at me once again, completely oblivious of the incoming chainsaws that aimed to cut his body in half. And before it could be even able to reach me, all of them connected and started tearing his body appart.

Or so I thought...

You have dealt 23 Damage
You have dealt 37 Damage
You have dealt 58 Damage
You have dealt 54 Damage
You have dealt 68 Damage
You have dealt 65 Damage
You have dealt 71 Damage
You have dealt 73 Damage
You have dealt 76 Damage
You have dealt 78 Damage
You have dealt 80 Damage

A lot of blood fell to the floor, and many ugly scars appeared on the sides of the eye, however, after rotating for some seconds the blades of the chainsaws broke appart and fell to the ground aparently being unable to handle the resistance of its body anymore.

Although his body wasn't exactly hard as steel, it was for some reason aparently very good at absorbing damage and resisting piercing attacks.


The eye lunged at me once again, this time with its whole body covered in blood and its pupil showing complete fury towards me.


However, right before it could be able to even touch me, a giant wood fist made of many trees merged together appeared from the side and punched the eye before sending it flying into the distance.

"It's pretty darn resistant huh?" The dryad appeared emerged from the grass besides me and clicked her tongue in annoyance after seeing the resilient body that eye had.

"Prepare the catapults!" Some commanders far away from me shouted to their soldiers right before they started pointing the catapults towards the eye while placing giant gel bombs, Rocks with spikes coming out of them, and even boulders enveloped in flames on the ends of the catapults.

The eye, that finally seemed to have recovered from the impact, looked towards us with an infuriated look on "Its eye" and started dashing towards us while letting out a terrifying roar from who knows what mouth.




The first one to impact the eye was a giant gel bomb, which soon covered the whole eye in the very-flammable liquid, and blocked it's view slightly.


After that, the second one to hit the eye was the rock with spikes, which damaged its body and injured it a lot before knocking the eye out.



And finally, the boulder enveloped in flames impacted with the eye and ignited its whole body into fire.


The eye let out a scream of pain after receiving the three impacts, and having its whole body covered in fire, however, as soon as it tried to attack once more, five trees next to it grew in size and took the shape of spears that started spinning at a terrifying speed befor piercing its body completely.




You have dealt 15 Damage
You have dealt 23 Damage
You have dealt 32 Damage
You have dealt 38 Damage
You have dealt 46 Damage
You have dealt 48 Damage
You have dealt 53 Damage
You have dealt 65 Damage
You have dealt 73 Damage
You have dealt 82 Damage

As it twisted in pain, the eye let out a scream of agony after having it's body pierced by the spinning spears while it's body was still covered in fire.

After some seconds the spears finally broke appart after being unable to continue spinning inside its body, however, before the eye could even try to get up once again, another five trees grew in size and took the shape of fists that soon started barraging its body without mercy.


While being plummeted down by the giant fists, a cloud of smoke started gathering around the eye, and small cracks like spiderwebs started appearing on the ground below the eye.

In the end, it took a minute or so until the tree-fists stopped barraging the eye as they broke appart unable to handle the resistance of the eye.

"Huff...Puff... is it done...?" The dryad that stood next to me spoke while gasping for air everyonce in a while.

"We are still not even halfway..." 



The eye started flying once again while still being covered in fire, before all the wounds and bruises over its body started healing completely in a matter of seconds, leaving the army behind me astonished and completely filled with despair.

"Imposible, All that for nothing?!" 

"No..." I grabbed my golden sword and raised it in the air before I started screaming while amplifying the sound of my voice with the power of my mana.


After that, the soldiers that heared my voice looked towards the eye and gulped in nerviousness before they gathered all their courage and started pointing their bows towards the eye once again.

"Very well..."

"How can you be so sure that he is not completely recovered...?" The dryad looked at me with an serious expression on her face while she also prepared to start attacking the eye once again.


"Because I can see it"


°[Eye of Cthulhu]°

Race: [Chaotic living eye]

[HP: 6409 / 9282]

[Underdeveloped intellect: Due to not being a fully evolved being, the eye of Cthulhu has not the intellect to create elaborated plans, acting more like a beast in some cases. However, do NOT underestimate it, as it still has enough intelligence to change its attack pattern if it deems it necessary]

[On fire!: Slowly losing life]

[Eye: ???]

Seems like this is gonna take a while, huh?



This chapter could have been uploaded yesterday, but as I was halfway writing it the power in my house went out. Probably due to the storm that was happening outside.

Even though yesterday I actually had the energy to write one chapter for each of my fanfic... Tsk, such a waste... But whatever here is the chapter

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