Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 63: The Eye of Cthulhu (II)

Chapter 63: The Eye of Cthulhu (II)



"What are these things?! There are hundreds of them!"

"Yeah, but they are weak!"

"Oryaaaa~! What's the matter filthy monsters?! You can't keep up with me?!"

"Help! Someone help me please, I'm being surrounded!"

As Aspen and the Dryad dealt with the giant eye, the army suddenly had to face an enormous army of small demonic eyes that were born from the gigantic eye's body. As if creating bubbles from its body that soon took the shape and color of the small demonic eyes.

Fortunately, unlike the normal Demonic eyes that appear at night these were a lot weaker and frail compared to those sturdy and dangerous monsters, as normally it could take a whole group of six soldiers to take an average demonic eye down without casualties, yet with these smaller ones even an average soldier could take care of one, not to mention that the army of soldiers present in this battle was trained to their limit, making them incredibly skilled compared to normal and average soldiers.

So even though the army couldn't help Aspen with the Giant eye, they were not a hindrance either, as they took care of the smaller monsters so that they could not interrupt his battle.

Not that there were not small eyes bothering Aspen, as there were a few that were persistently targeting Aspen while he was in the middle of escaping from the attacks of the Eye of Cthulhu.




Aspen POV:


"For fucks sake, doesn't this burn you?! You're a goddamn eye, blink at least once!" I ran away while barely dodging the Eye's dashes by a few meters, and at the same time shooting some fire arrows directly into his iris, yet somehow the eye seemed to be completely unaffected by my attacks.


The Eye crushed the ground where I had been just a few seconds ago, before then it started pursuing me once again after noticing that its prey was still alive.

"Goddamn it, Dryad could you hurry up a little bit?!"

"This takes time, so hang it in there!"

"You say so, but running away from a giant eye that can crush my bones if he ever hits me while moving at super high speeds isn't as easy as it seems!!"

"You're exaggerating!"

"Oh good lord give me patience..." * BOOOOM!!* "And luck..."



"Oof!" I grunted as I received a hard hit on my stomach out of nowhere that stopped my running and made me fall on the floor.

You have received 13 Damage

Looking down rapidly, I noticed a small eye right in front of my stomach glancing at me with a mocking look.

Servant of Cthulhu

Race: Chaotic waste


This little shit...

I grabbed him with my hands and crushed his whole body using my strength alone.


You have dealt 24 Damage.

After that I threw the corpse of the eye towards the Eye of Cthulhu's iris, and then I started running once again with all my might.


The Eye crushed the ground once again, this time missing his attack by just a few centimeters as I managed to jump away in the last second before being crushed.

Cold sweat fell down through my back as I imagined myself being crushed against the ground repeatedly by the Eye, before turning into meat paste completely.

Was it that hard to just put me in expert mode...? Even that is better than fighting these monsters...


"Shit, you don't even let me despair in peace!"




As the cycle of me running, shooting, and dodging continued for a while, the Dryad finally had managed to finish the preparation to attack the Eye with a final attack. And while she was chanting the spell she also called me to help her in order to perform correctly on the preparation of the attack.

"Aspen, It's done!"


I quickly summoned a giant fist made of wood, and punched the Eye that was dashing towards me at high speed, stunning him for a bit, and allowing me to start chanting.

Mana: 72/80


Mana: 57/80


Mana: 43/80


Mana: 29/80


Mana: 18/80

As my mana was drained from my body, I started to feel the connection towards dozens of trees in the surroundings. Whether it was their location, life force, and even faint feelings... Everything.

The Dryad suddenly sunk into the ground and disappeared completely from the battlefield, yet, I already knew where she was, or better said, where she was heading.


I kicked the ground and started running with my full speed towards the forest far away into the distance, all this while also drinking from time to time the disgusting mana potions on my inventory to replenish the lost mana.


The eye of course didn't stand still and started following me once again. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't able to keep up with the combination of my incredible superhuman psyche at full capacity, the Hermes boots, and the many effects that increased my movement speed, increasing more and more the distance between him and me while our race towards the forest continued.

As I approached the dense and giant forest, the amount of trees that I could control also increased. And right before I could finally arrive, I noticed the Dryad exerting her mana on the plants underground and making them rise into the surface.

[Vine Restraints]

Then, out of nowhere thousands of vines came from the ground and launched themselves towards the Eye of Cthulhu before they tied him completely and stopped his movements. However, unfortunately it was far clear that his strength was completely monstrous and that the vines couldn't restrain him for much more time. Otherwise, I could love to torture this fucker with my trees while he is unable to move at all.




I began channeling my mana through dozens of trees at the same time, draining my mp like crazy and making me feel incredibly exhausted due to the sudden consumption of my mana.





The sound of wood creaking filled the whole forest, as dozens of trees started merging into one and taking the shape of a giant Drill of more than a hundred meters long.

"Huff...Puff" I gasped for air exhausted, as this was my first time using so much mana and controlling so many trees at the same time. Feeling my head to be a bit dizzy, and my eyes slightly cloudy, I did my best to make the drill completely sharp and sturdy.



[Super Giant Drill... Or whatever]



A giant hurricane started forming around the drill as it started rotating at great speed, making many trees on the surroundings to tremble slightly, and making the dozens of birds pleasantly sleeping fly away in panic.

"Sorry about that... but not sorry at all"


The eye finally freed himself from the restraints. However, as soon as it managed to get out from the vines' prison the first thing he ended  up seeing was a gigantic drill about to pierce his iris, and his whole body as well.


You have dealt 189 of Critic damage!


You have dealt 79 damage


You have dealt 89 damage


You have dealt 76  damage


You have dealt 102 damage


You have dealt 83 damage


You have dealt 72 damage


You have dealt 71 damage


You have dealt 73 damage


You have dealt 89 damage


You have dealt 87 damage


You have dealt 95 damage



Soon, the giant drill stopped spinning and crumbled apart.

But it was not because the sturdiness of the Eye had managed to break it apart. No, it was because my mind was unable to handle the stress of having itself being overused that much.

I was using my Hyper concentrated state, which allowed me to perceive the world in a slower manner and to react more easily to attacks, and at the same time I was also controlling dozens of trees at the same time, which also meant to concentrate deeply on moving every and each one of them at the same time. 

These two abilities were extremely mind consuming, and for a normal human this might have caused permanent damages to the mind or even to the brain. Luckily, I wasn't a normal human either.

Name: Aspen (Aeron) 


Age: 20 (39)


[Hp: 307/320]  [Mana: 0/80]


Strength: 35 [Max]


Stamina: 35 [Max]


Resistance: 35 [Max]


Defense: 32 [Full Gold Armor set equipped]


Comprehension: 27


Mental stability: 42


Mental power: 30

My mental stats were absolutely above any other human, which also helped me to resist the stress I accumulated after every battle, and to somehow control these overpowered abilities somewhat.


I fell to my knees and grabbed my head while groaning in pain at the sharp headache that attacked me so suddenly.

Fortunately, it took only some seconds before it started fading away. However, I wasn't relieved in the slightest, after all there was still a Giant motherfucking eye that wanted to kill me.


While I still grabbed my head to lessen the pain I was feeling now, I turned to look at the Eye just in case he was dashing towards me right now... However...


The Eye of Cthulhu was just there floating completely still, as if oblivious to the opportunity it just had to attack me just now, there was also an enormous hole in the middle of the eye, probably because of my attack earlier. However, while he indeed seemed to be regenerating his wounds, it was not taking the normal shape from before the attack.

Is that... a mouth?

Unlike before, the Eye couldn't be called an eye anymore, as there was a giant chunk of meat missing from the place where his iris and pupil were before. However, even though his body was regenerating from the attack from before, that part in specific only healed a little bit before it stopped regenerating at that moment. Leaving it with the shape similar to Pac-Man.


"Oh... Yeah, this guy was capable of doing that as well..."

Suddenly, Dozens of very sharp and long teeth started coming out from what seemed to be now his mouth, making me wonder whether I could be able to survive if that thing were to chomp me.

"Yeah, as expected... Even one of his eyes is completely abnormal..." The dryad that appeared next to me groaned silently while watching at the eye now transforming itself.


It suddenly let out a very vicious and angered roar, before it turned to our direction while growling in anger toward us.

"Yep, good luck" The Dryad sunk into the ground and moved away from me, leaving me completely alone against the Eye.

"Good luck my ass..."


The Eye dashed toward me once again, but this time, at a terrifying speed which I wasn't sure if I could be able to dodge his attacks.

(By: Samrausku in DevianArt)

°[Eye of Cthulhu]°

Race: [Chaotic living eye]

[HP: 3719 / 9282]

[Underdeveloped intellect: Due to not being a fully evolved being, the eye of Cthulhu has not the intellect to create elaborated plans, acting more like a beast in some cases. However, do NOT underestimate it, as it still has enough intelligence to change its attack pattern if it deems it necessary]

[Blindness: Due to losing the organ that allowed him to see, This being is now unable to see its surroundings, However, due to the energy of Order within your body and soul, he can still sense you and thus attack you.]

[Outburst: Due to his near death state, this being is now consumed by his own fury, and will completely discard his own safety if it means to kill his enemy (You) Thus, he gains an incredible boost in speed and damage, but loses a bit of his rationality, and presicion when attacking you.]

[On fire!: Slowly losing life]

[Eye: ???]

Hahaha... I wanna cry...

And as If to make fun of me, a screen popped out in front of my eyes as I saw the Giant Eye lunging at my with its mouth completely open and ready to tear me apart.

You have gained 1 status point on: Mental stability.



Boom baby! Second fase Eye of Cthulhu appears!

Man, defeating this guy sure is hard! Even though I'm only writing the story, this is being very hard for me... Poor Aspen, I can't imagine how it might be for him...

Not that I'm gonna stop giving him trouble. :P

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