Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 64: The Eye of Cthulhu (III)

Chapter 64: The Eye of Cthulhu (III)


"Huff... How long have I been doing this?"



You have received 25 Damage



"Sigh... Why do you have to be an intelligent being...? You're a motherfucking eye for god’s sake..."


I drank a healing potion and continued running for my life while sometimes dodging successfully, and other times not the attacks from the Eye. 

After all this motherfucker wasn't the same as in the game, and unlike its cute version, this one actually chose the hardest spots to hide and then lunge at me. Like for example, he actually shoved into the ground with that strange ghost like ability that allows him to move through the underground with ease in order to hide from my vision, and then take me for surprise with one of his attacks whenever I am not prepared.

He also moves and dashes from the weirdest spots just to make my escaping more difficult, like suddenly moving in front of me while I run before lunging at me once again, forcing me like that to stop my run and change directions in order to not become his food, and making me slowly lose my stamina after every miraculous dodge.

However, unfortunately although I have managed to dodge all the mortal attacks he has done, I have still been pierced by his fangs every once in a while. Making me drink healing potions in order to recover my health while I run.

And that has been the cycle for the last hour.

Yep, It has all been Run, dodge, groan in pain, heal, and run once again. And honestly I am getting tired of it.

Although I could have liked to end this fast with the use of my nature control magic, I'm actually starting to get out of Mana potions. Thus making me have to save potions by running and shooting him fire arrows every time I can in order to deal him enough damage.

And to make things worse, whenever I tried using the Tree-Drill, or the Tree-Saw against him, they always ended up breaking just a second after crashing against the Eye. Probably because of the hardness those teeth had when using them to bite the trees, or because he goes so fast that the trees are unable to pierce through his skin due to the momentum he has.

Either way, this was starting to tire me out and my stamina was quickly being drained. Which also meant that I could be unable to continue running in a few minutes from now if I didn't take a rest. Which I saw as something pretty impossible due to the fact that a Giant eye was trying to tear me apart 24/7.




I glanced at the back of the eye that was recovering from the stun after crashing against the ground while letting out ferocious growls.

It was at that moment that I had a beautiful yet ruthless idea.

My lips curled up into a wide and pretty sinister smile as I took my Gold sword out from my inventory.

"Let's see if the Game rules don't apply to you as well..."




-At the same time in another place at the underground...


"Quick! Treat his injuries fast, or he will be completely devoured by the chaos within him!"

"Yes Sir!"


What the heck is this...?


"He is still human Sir, we have done it on time!"

"Perfect, the cult can't afford to let its leader become an irrational beast. It all must come with time, and only when this world is completely taken over by the great Cthulhu we will be allowed to rest into our chaotic forms!"


Where am I?


"We have a report of the situation at the city Sir! And it's not good!"

"What?! Tell me what happened fast"

"The ritual failed and we only managed to summon the eye of our great God Cthulhu. To make it worse, the hero of the city Aspen is currently fighting against it with all its might, and the situation seems completely dire for our side!"

"Tsk... Fuck!!"



My body hurts...


⊬⍜⎍ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎅⍜⋏⟒ ⍙⟒⌰⌰ ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏, ⌿⍀⟒⌿⏃⍀⟒ ⎎⍜⍀ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟟⋏☊⍜⋔⟟⋏☌ ⍙⏃⍀ ⏚⊬ ⍀⟒☊⍀⟒⏃⏁⟟⋏☌ ⋔⊬ ☌⌰⍜⍀⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⏚⍜⎅⊬, ⏃⋏⎅ ⍜⋏⌰⊬ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⏁⟟⋔⟒ ⋔⊬ ⌿⍀⟒⌇⟒⋏☊⟒ ⍙⟟⌰⌰ ⏚⟒⎎⏃⌰⌰ ⎍⌿⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⍙⍜⍀⌰⎅.
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"What is happening with our Lord?! What did you do?!"

"No-nothing Sir, he suddenly started screaming in pain!"

"What are you talking abou-!"

"Prot..........ect T-the brain, reCOver...THE boNES... IncoMING War.... AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!"

"Could it be?! Our God is communicating with our Lord!"

"A new divine command we must follow?!"

"Pro...Tect...... Hero of Order"

I felt the blood escaping from my eyes and ears, thousands of voices started whispering to my mind at the sametime while talking in a dialect I have never heard before.

Who am I?

Why do I have to feel this pain?

This was not how it was supposed to be...

You promised-


Who promised me that?

What was even the promise?


Suddenly dozens of spikes made of chaotic mana came out from my body and killed everyone in the room.

All the blood surrounding me started coming into my body, and all my injuries started being treated in the matter of seconds.








"Oh Yeah, I remember it all now~  Thank you my Lord, I'll not fail ever again"





Back at the battlefield.



You have dealt 20 Damage


You have dealt 21 Damage


You have dealt 21 Damage

"Oryaaaaa!!! What's wrong little eye? Does your back itch you? Let me help you!"


You have dealt 22 Damage


You have dealt 19 Damage


You have dealt 23 Damage


Currently, I was hanging on the back of the eye using my sword to stab him repeatedly while it howled in pain.

As it had no hands, no legs and no tail, it was completely unable to take me off from his back, which I used to my benefit by stabbing it constantly while I also pierced it with dozens of torches on its body to make it suffer constant damage from the fire of all the inextinguishable torches made by the system.

Sometimes he dashed backwards in order to crush me by crashing against the ground while I'm at its back. However, at those times I could only need to jump off before the impact, and then grab myself once again into its back to resume my stabbing.

"What's up little eye?! You don't have contact damage as your version in the game~? Too bad!"


You have dealt 20 Damage


You have dealt 22 Damage


You have dealt 21 Damage



You have dealt 23 Damage


Oh, what I could give just to find some gunpowder to create my own bombs. I could have already obliterated this fucker by shoving dozens of explosives into his mouth by now. 


I jumped off again and turned to look at the dizzy eye that lost focus after hitting heavily the ground in order to shake me off.

°[Eye of Cthulhu]°

Race: [Chaotic living eye]

[HP: 1342 / 9282]

[Underdeveloped intellect: Due to not being a fully evolved being, the eye of Cthulhu has not the intellect to create elaborated plans, acting more like a beast in some cases. However, do NOT underestimate it, as it still has enough intelligence to change its attack pattern if it deems it necessary]

[Blindness: Due to losing the organ that allowed him to see, This being is now unable to see its surroundings, However, due to the energy of Order within your body and soul, he can still sense you and thus attack you.]

[Outburst: Due to his near death state, this being is now consumed by his own fury, and will completely discard his own safety if it means to kill his enemy (You) Thus, he gains an incredible boost in speed and damage, but loses a bit of his rationality, precision when attacking you, and receives a bit more damage from your attacks.]

[Small bleeding: This being is starting to lose some of its powerful regenerative abilities due to its body receiving too much damage in a short amount of time.] (3 hours left...)

[Burning!: Rapidly losing life]

[Eye: ???]


I jumped on his back once again, and turned to look towards the Dryad that looked at the battle from far away with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

I made some hand signs to her in order to communicate briefly and explain her my plan, before I continued stabbing the back of the Eye while he roared in pain completely unable to do anything.

The Dryad Understood my signs and sunk into the ground before it started moving to a different location.


The eye seeing me completely attached to its back once again, dashed backwards in order to shake me off. Yet, it was completely clueless that this was what I wanted all along.

"Hop!" I jumped away from its back right when it was about to crash against the ground.


As it stopped moving for some seconds after crashing against the ground due to the impact, two giant trees suddenly rose into the air and took the shape of fists that soon started barraging the stunned eye while I started preparing my magic while the eye was completely unable to do anything

This was the final part of the plan in order to kill it.

[Tree-Drill barrage]


"Now, time to finish this" I cracked my knuckles while a sinister smile emerged on my face as I commanded the trees to attack.


Finally this boss arc is ending, and I must say that I'm very tired.

Now I have to do my homework, so bye.

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