Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 65: Transcendent

Chapter 65: Boss Rewards


"Why can't you just let me win!"







The Eye moved at a terrifying speed through the sky in a random pattern, which made it incredibly hard to hit him properly with the trees under my control. Even though the victory was so near, this guy suddenly became crazy and started dashing at an insane speed in a random direction that made one of my attacks fail! And after that he became like this.

 "Ah shit, I'm starting to lose sight of him!"

"Behind you!"


The eye that was some meters away dashed towards me with its mouth wide open ready to devour me at anytime.


The trunk of one of the nearby trees separated from the ground before it took the shape of a very sharp spear and was sent flying directly into the mouth of the Eye


You have dealt 87 Damage



You have received 65 Damage

However, the Eye momentum was barely affected at all by the tree-spear, and still managed to chomp into one of my shoulders. Taking away apart a big chunk of meat and bone from there, which made me unable to move my arm at all.

After that he ended up crashing against some nearby trees in the forest before he recomposed himself and dashed once again into the air ready to lung at me at any moment.


This shitty eye...!

Why does it have to have such a broken buff?!

This doesn't even make sense!

°[Eye of Cthulhu]°

Race: [Chaotic living eye]

[HP: 212 / 9282]

[Underdeveloped intellect: Due to not being a fully evolved being, the eye of Cthulhu has not the intellect to create elaborated plans, acting more like a beast in some cases. However, do NOT underestimate it, as it still has enough intelligence to change its attack pattern if it deems it necessary]

[Blindness: Due to losing the organ that allowed him to see, This being is now unable to see its surroundings, However, due to the energy of Order within your body and soul, he can still sense you and thus attack you.]

[Berserker: Due to his near death state, this being is now consumed by his own fury, and will completely discard his own safety if it means to kill his enemy (You) Thus, he gains an incredible boost in speed and damage, but loses completely rationality, his precision when attacking you worsens, and he receives a bit more damage from your all your attacks. The less HP he has, the Faster he becomes]

[Bleeding: The regenerative abilities of this being are completely unable to recover the damage taken on the body, thus the being will not heal any more] (123 hours left...)

[Burning!: Rapidly losing life]

[Eye: ???]

Argh, At least these blessings I have made me unable to die from blood loss, otherwise I could have already died a couple of times during this fight...

How many hours have I been fighting this motherfucker?

Even the Dryad is starting to lack mana at this point... And I barely have two mana potions left...


Name: Aspen (Aeron) 


Age: 20 (39)


[Bleeding: You can't auto regenerate Hp for the time being] (5 hours left)

[Swiftness: 25% Increased movement speed] (4 hours left...)

[Ironskin: Increases defense by 8] (4 hours left...)

[Dangersense: You can see nearby hazards through walls] (4 hours left...)

[Night owl: Increased night vision](4 hours left...)

[Regeneration: Provides increased life regeneration](4 hours left...)

[Archery: 20% increased arrow damage and speed] (4 hours left...)

[Happy!: Movement speed increased and monster spawns reduced]

[Cozy fire!: Life regeneration is slightly increased]

[Dryad's blessingThe power of nature protects you]

--->[Grants 8 extra Defense to The Player, and 14 to nearby allies]

--->[Increased health regeneration]

--->[Gives The Player and nearby allies the Thorn potion effect]

--->[You're slightly more loved by nature]


[Hp: 142/320]  [Mana: 26/80]

I couldn't even ride on his back because he never stopped moving.

My brain was tired of all this shit and was completely unable to think of a proper plan, aside from the fact that this guy was so fast that there wasn't even time to think of a plan!

Even though I perceived the world in a slower way due to my highly concentrated state, this guy was so dashing so fast that it was hard for me to react even in this state.

Argh! Even though victory was only two hundred HP away...!


And here comes again-!



This time I was able to dodge it properly, but slowly I was feeling as my body was starting to turn slower, and movements more painful. My stamina was reaching its limit, and this eye must already know it!

No, maybe I'm being a bit paranoid here. His status itself says that he is not even thinking right now, So there's no way he knows about it.

[Wood javelins!]



The Dryad that have been following us during all this time chanted some magic as soon as she saw an opportunity, and five javelins made from wood shoot into the direction of the Eye, with only two of them hitting due to the eye being so fast to fly again even after crashing against some trees.


"Huff... Puff... Fuck, my chest hurts..." I was starting to feel sluggish, my body was probably already reaching its limit, and I wasn't in a situation where I could afford of losing my consciousness.

The urges to vomit remembered of those days when I was trained by the old man to the point of almost fainting.

Swinging my sword at sunset while my sweat flowed down from all my body and my bones screamed in pain.

The cuts that appeared on my face every time I managed to barely dodge the attacks from the old man.

The fresh air of the morning, free of any smell of death and blood as I'm accustomed now.


The satisfaction cutting through something, and the joy of blocking an attack.


It was a nostalgic feeling that somehow washed away all the stress and exhaustion I was feeling until now. To be honest, I'm pretty sure I can't even feel my body right now.


I took one step.

The Eye right ahead of me opened it mouth widely and dashed towards me with its whole body being covered in its own blood.

As the wind around his body blows violently due to its momentum, it makes the plants on its surroundings get blown away into the distance, all this while thousands of insects try to escape from the onslaught from the monster.

I took another step.

The trajectory of the Eye became clear on my mind. Yet, as if completely unaffected, my body didn't move in the slightest. No, even my mind wasn't even caring about it.

Somehow, I didn't feel fear. It was as if I was resting in a fluffy bed made from the softest material in the universe. I was feeling as if the fact that a giant eye was about to devour me didn't matter at all.

But somewhere deep in my mind, as I watched the approaching eye, started calculating every minus detail in how to move, how to attack... And how to kill.

I took another step.

My body finally started moving, but it was all pure instinct. I wasn't even thinking of moving in the first place.


I kicked the ground and dashed directly towards the eye. Facing it face to face, or better said, face to eye.

Its mouth opened even more widely seeing that I was dashing directly into his attack, ready to chomp me in half and kill me instantly before devouring me.

However... that didn't happen.

[Mana Explosion]


I was propelled forward right into his mouth right at the moment his mouth was about to rip my body apart.


I drank a mana potion, and I started.

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

[Mana Explosion]

A giant amount of mana ready to explode appeared directly on my hand, burning my skin away, and leaving the bones of my hand at sight.

You have received 24 Damage.

I leaned towards one of his mouth cavities, as he still tried to munch me onto me now that I was inside its mouth, and pressed the giant amount of mana against him

[Mana Explosion]



After that, I started losing consciousness and my eyelids started closing by themselves. However, right before losing consciousness I checked my status screenwhile the whole body of the Eye of Cthulhu was starting to get blown away, and many notifications started popping up after that.

Name: Aspen (Aeron) 


Age: 20 (39)


[Burned skin: Increases pain sensitivity]

[Bleeding: You can't auto regenerate Hp for the time being] (5 hours left)

[Swiftness: 25% Increased movement speed] (4 hours left...)

[Ironskin: Increases defense by 8] (4 hours left...)

[Dangersense: You can see nearby hazards through walls] (4 hours left...)

[Night owl: Increased night vision](4 hours left...)

[Regeneration: Provides increased life regeneration](4 hours left...)

[Archery: 20% increased arrow damage and speed] (4 hours left...)

[Happy!: Movement speed increased and monster spawns reduced]

[Cozy fire!: Life regeneration is slightly increased]

[Dryad's blessingThe power of nature protects you]

--->[Grants 8 extra Defense to The Player, and 14 to nearby allies]

--->[Increased health regeneration]

--->[Gives The Player and nearby allies the Thorn potion effect]

--->[You're slightly more loved by nature]


[Hp: 12/320]  [Mana: 0/80]

You have attained: [Swordsmanship: Transcendent]

Alert: The soul of a dying Transcendent monster has been found.

Target: Eye of Cthulhu.


Beginning the process of extraction and materialization of the soul of a Transcendent monster








[You have obtained: Shield of Cthulhu]

[Bonus: Eye of Cthulhu Mask]

Alert: A vast amount of a Chaotic and corroding energy has been found within the decomposing body of a Transcendent monster.

Alert: A vast amount of a Evil and corrupting energy has been found within the decomposing body of a Transcendent monster.

Target: Eye of Cthulhu.


Beginning the process of extraction and materialization of the soul of a Transcendent monster








[You have obtained: 47 Crimtane ore; 56 Demonite ore]

Although I could have screamed in happiness after reading those notifications, I actually wasn't giving a fuck about it and just wanted to get some sleep for the time being.

Alert: Due to its high evil and corrupting energy, you have gained the seeds that...





Stupid host

(A/N Just joking, this didn't actually happen)


Sorry for the wait, but I engrossed my self too much in playing minecraft.

Sorry about that.

I'm tired so no more words from this Author.


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