Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 66: Rest

Chapter 66: Rest



As I opened my eyes after a satisfactory sleep and noticed the unfamiliar ceiling above me, I exclaimed in wonder as to where I was right now.

I stood up rapidly just in case I was kidnapped by some strange guy with weird tastes, and grabbed my head after feeling a light headache.


The memories of everything that happened the other night came back to my mind, and I immediately checked my status as I tried standing up.

Name: Aspen (Aeron) 

Race: [Human...]

Age: 20 (39)


[Hp: 320/320]  [Mana: 80/80]

It seemed that I had already recovered from my previous injuries after fighting the damn eye. And judging by the fact that I had only 5 HP left before losing consciousness, then that means that at least more than 5 hours have passed since then.

I looked at my shoulder, and even though a big piece of it was torn apart before, right now it was good as new.

I stood up from the white bed on which I was lying until now, and opened the door of the room in order to understand where I was right now.


A bald man wearing glasses and a white coat appeared at the other side of the door, he had some medical instruments on his hands and he seemed to be about to enter the room in order to check him.

"Sir Aspen, You're up!"

"Uh... yeah, who are you by the way?"

"I'm the owner of this clinic, and also the most famous medic in this city, Nowemater Leories. Once the soldiers saw you lying unconscious in the middle of the grass they brought you to me in order to treat your injuries after fighting that giant monster. Though I was very surprised when I noticed that your wounds were closing and healing on their own!"

"I see, thank you for taking care of me for this time."

"Oh don't worry, it was just three days, nothing much."

Huh, so I slept for three days consecutive? No wonder I feel so good. I haven't had a rest like this since... well, since never.

"Do I owe you money for the treatment?"

"Oh no no no, The militia paid me in advance for your treatment, even though I didn't do that much... So you don't need to pay for anything."

"Then I will go now, thank you for treating me"

"O-oh, yeah goodbye"


After that brief conversation I left the place and started walking through the empty streets of the city. It wasn't that I was acting cold towards the doctor, but it was instead the fact that I'm not used to too much human interaction, and although I can behave properly in such cases, it still makes me feel uncomfortable to talk to someone so enthusiastic and grateful towards me.

That's what 6 years of hatred from all the people around me and constant aggression from monsters at night have made me...

But fortunately its still better than becoming a mentally retarded psychopath that kills everything he doesn't like.

After the danger from the eye was over, the people returned to the city after being evacuated and began once again with their everyday chores, However, there was still an air of fear and uncertainty after seeing the giant monster from afar attack their city.

Even though there were some people doing business on the streets, it was nothing compared to a few days ago.

"Argh, what the heck is this headache, why is it no fading away?!" It was until then that I was unable to resist the sharp pain in my head and entered into an alley so that I could take a rest without being recognized.

It wasn't horrible, but it was utterly annoying.

Then I remembered that something similar happened to me each time I overused my hyper concentrated state. By overusing the power of my mind to slow down my perception of the world, I could soon receive a violent headache that could assault my mind seconds after deactivating this state.

However, the pain was just supposed to last for a few minutes, but right now it had been going for at least an hour or so since I woke up!

It was then that I remembered the seconds before losing consciousness, how I started feeling everything around me a lot slower than normal, and how my own body knew exactly what to do in order to defeat the eye, even without me thinking about it.

"So after [Master] comes [Transcendent], huh? Neat"

-Abilities (Passive)

[Order's blessing: Universal connection]

[Order's blessing: Supreme body]

[Order's blessing: Supreme mind]

[The player]

[Swordsmanship: Transcendent]

[Bow mastery: Expert]

[Martial arts: Expert]

[Alchemy: Expert]

[Nature control: Expert]

[Mana manipulation: High-level]

[Mana control: High-level]

[Fire control: High-level]

[Water control: High-level]

[Rock creation magic: High-Level]

[Mana manifestation: High Level]

[Mana shaping: Mid-level]

[Necromancy magic: Mid-level]

[Metal-bending magic: Mid-level]

[Electricity release: Mid-level]

[Summoning magic: Mid-level]

[Mana explosion: Mid-level]

[Ice manifestation: Mid-level]

[Ice shaping: Low-level]

So the buff to my hyper concentrated state was because of this new level of Swordsmanship? Then what could the other abilities give me once I leveled them up to the Transcendent level? 

Though, that nostalgic feeling that came back to me at the moment I used that technique was really relaxing. It made me go back to the days when I wasn't mentally ill due to stress and fear, and I was just happy nourishing my body and preparing myself to become strong enough to start my adventure in this world.

Yeah... Back then I was just a dumb kid.

Though, I can't deny that the feeling of satisfaction after swinging my sword and slowly but steadily feeling my strength increase was something beautiful.

Yes, the sweat going down my face, the air in my lungs being violently released with each swing, the satisfactory feeling of hitting and cutting through something...




After that, I received a sharp headache after entering accidentally in my new hyper concentrated state once again, which made me fall on my knees while gritting my teeth in pain. Probably because that technique had something like a cooldown and using it during that time could make me feel a sharp headache.

Fortunately, the pain just lasted a few seconds before it returned to being the small headache from before.

"Urgh... should I use this as an excuse to take some vacations?"





As I approached the enormous walls from my home I let out a tired yawn after experiencing that tiring meeting with the elders of the militia.

We decided that the security over all the districts of the city had to be increased severely in order to avoid cases of kidnapping or murder from the cultists, as they used the slums to commit great part of their murders taking advantage of the fact that the patrolling area from the guards didn't reach that zone.

After we decided together how to act from now on in order to avoid facing such calamities like the Eye, I was sent off from the city by Easton that expressed his gratitude towards me for helping them deal with two calamities in just one day.

*Dugooooooon* The gate opened with a heavy and deep sound after I clicked the button on the side of the wall.

"Now I can finally take a rest from these horrible last days" After I opened the gate of the walls and entered the small area where my house and Claire's house were built, I stretched my limbs while imagining the beautiful days to come with just me and my bed.

However, as if to make a laugh of my aspirations towards a peaceful life, I heard some small laughter coming from the garden of Claire's house.

When I looked over there, I saw a green haired woman wearing very revealing clothes made of plants and vines laughing happily while taking tea along with Claire.


Why do these strange people keep appearing?


I have to do homework






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