Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 2 – Secrets

Liam slowly opened his eyes, something was latching onto his chest, weighing him down. He tried to move whatever was on top of him, but his body felt too weak, he also felt as if he had a fever of some kind starting to take over his conscience, making it hard for him to think straight.

Yantraki’s mother slowly entered the hut, checking in to see if the sleeping drugs she had slipped into her daughter’s midnight drink had set in. She moved over to Liam’s side. And gently sat next to him on the bed.

“Are you awake my child?” She asked, gently caressing his face as his eyes met with hers.

“I see you are; you don’t feel well do you,” she said, leaning down. She moved the sweaty strands of hair that were on his forehead aside and placed her forehead against his. Liam blushed. He couldn’t see who she was, but her voice made him relaxed and calm.

“You are very warm, I think you have a temperature, my poor child,” she said running her fingers through his hair. She carefully slipped him from under her daughter and swooped him up into her arms like he was a child.

“Let’s get you something to eat then give you a good bath,” she said as she helped him onto his feet. Liam’s mind was dazed, and his vision was blurred from fatigue. She started to help get him dressed. Once dressed she helped him to the door, pushed aside the cloth that covered the door and walked him outside.

He squinted as the golden rays of sunlight poured over his ghostly pale face. He couldn’t adapt to his surroundings for long though as Yantraki’s mother quickly but carefully hurried him off to a large open tent where the Amazonian warriors were all sitting on long wooden tables, eating and drinking before their day of training and doing what they wished to the captives.

Yantraki’s mother sat him down at one of the large wooden tables next to a handful of warriors. The girls all looked curiously at the ill Liam. The Amazons didn’t need to worry as they very rarely ever got ill so they had no fear of catching anything from Liam. Yantraki’s mother took a seat next to him and gestured for one of the serving girls to come over. She placed their order, and the girl quickly ran off to fetch it for them. The girl soon returned with two bowls of green fruit and a green drink.

“Sorry my Noble, I will get another drink,” The girl said, but before she could leave Yantraki’s mother outstretched her hand and stopped her.

“No, we will share, after all, we do not get ill from these weak human illnesses.” She said, going back to focusing on Liam.

“Liam is your name, yes? I am Kenyanire” Yantraki’s mother said as she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. She was happy that her daughter had brought back such a nice-looking boy for her to play with. Liam didn’t answer as he could barely focus on her words due to his currently poor mental state.  Kenyanire could see this and saw an opportunity to try and make him more attached to her, she started to place the fruit to his lips. He was like a small animal happily eating the berries. She took a sip of the drink then passed it to him.

“Here, drink, you have eaten enough so after a little drink we will have a nice cool bath in a nearby lake.”  Kenyanire placed her hand on his forehead, testing his temperature.

“With such a warm and sweaty head like that, I think a cool bath is a really good idea,” She said gently kissing him on the top of the head as she put the drink to his lips. After she had made him finish the fruit and drink Kenyanire picked him up and placed him over her shoulder.

“If you do not mind sisters, I will be taking the little human now,” she said as she carried him off in the direction of the nearest lake.

They soon reached the lake, its deep blue stretched for as far as the eye could see. She placed Liam down onto the soft grass along its shore. She stripped off her clothes and moved down onto the sleepy-looking Liam. She placed her hands onto his chest and started to remove his shirt. Liam struggled for a few seconds but soon gave in as she planted her soft lips onto his.

“Despite you being ill you should really try to relax with me as much as possible. My daughter will probably want to spend the rest of the day cuddling and treating your illness, and tomorrow she will probably spend most of the day asking you many questions.” She said planting another kiss onto his lips. Liam couldn’t understand what she was saying but her soft voice relaxed his fevered brain.

She removed his clothes and gently laid him into the surprisingly warm water. Kenyanire slipped in behind him. She pulled his weak body into her warm breast and started to wash his chest. She gently caressed the scars that riddled his body. She examined them closer, as an Amazon, she was used to seeing people’s bodies riddled with the scars of war, they were proud marks for the Amazons. But something about his scars wasn’t right, they looked to be more like scars of abuse rather than war.

“How did you get these scars my little one? These are whip marks…” She asked gently running her hand over a large scar that blazed across his chest. He didn’t respond though as he gently cuddled into her warm breasts. She chuckled to herself. Of course him being in such an ill state would prohibit him from answering any questions. She gave him a soft kiss on the back of the neck as she continued to wash his back and front.

“I hate ama….” The sleepy boy said as he wriggled slightly in her arms. Kenyanire giggled slightly, she could tell he was probably having a fever dream of some kind.

“What did you say my little one?” She asked giving him a loving kiss.

“I hate Amazons….” He muttered out.  She looked dismally at him. She knew it would take a long time until he became a submissive husband for her and her daughters but the words still stung her heart.

“I understand you hate my little human. But I promise your life with my daughters, and I shall be amazing, perfect, spectacular, and everything in between.” She said as she started to gently cradle him in her arms.

“Don’t hurt my family, please…” He begged in his delusional state.

“Tell me then, what is your family like?” She asked as she let him lie down against her warm soft breast.

“Please don’t…Katlin” He muttered out, it seemed he wasn’t in any shape to answer questions. She placed one of her nipples into his mouth.

“Once us Amazons have had children, we can produce milk from our breast for many years after. So go ahead and drink my poorly little puppy” she said, she knew he didn’t understand her, so she started to squeeze her nipple to allow a small amount of milk to trickle out and into his mouth. As soon as the first few drips went past his lips he started to automatically suck on the sweet thick liquid.

“There you go my little one, Amazonian milk is very healthy for humans as well as Amazons, by drinking this you shall get better much faster.” She said as she allowed him to feed on her.

In Liam’s confusion he didn’t even realise what he was doing as he gently suckled on her. Kenyanire smiled at his blushing red, sleepy face. She wished this moment could last forever, he was so peaceful and cute as he shook in her arms like a newly born lamb. She thanked the goddess of love for her daughter for bringing home such an amazing little creature. She laughed a little as she kissed him on the forehead. She despised humans, especially their weak men, but this one felt different, it seemed that her daughter had found her soul mate.

Just for context, in this word Amazons have a natural hatred and superiority complex to humans as they just see them as a food source, but some Amazons do fall in love with humans. I should also add that Amazons share about 90 per cent of their mother’s DNA and 10 per cent of the fathers; as a result if one female Amazon from that family falls in love with a human, then there is an extremely high chance the rest of their family will as well. End of context.

Kenyanire was originally going to try and make Liam into a tool that she could use to make her daughters try to get along better, but she was starting to think she wanted to keep him for herself. She shook off the thought as she heard the sound of someone quickly approaching from behind them. She plucked his mouth from her nipple and placed one of her hands against the side of his head.

Yantraki burst through the tree line, she was dressed in bright red war paint and what looked to be warrior clothing, in her hands she also held a large, long, well-crafted spear. Her eyes landed on them, and she aggressively aimed her spear at her mother. Kenyanire narrowed her eyes at her, she didn’t like her daughter’s hostility. A vine shot out of the ground and took the spear from Yantraki’s hand, Kenyanire was very adept at woodland magic, meaning she could easily use magic to manipulate vines and trees. Yantraki snarled at her mother, she could use the same kind of magic like her mother, but she knew when it came to a fight, she couldn’t beat her.

“Give him to me!” She yelled angrily. Kenyanire wanted to keep him for a while longer, but she also didn’t want to start a fight with her daughter in a foreign land. She carefully handed over the sleeping boy to her daughter.

Yantraki swept him up into her hands and started to bombard kisses onto his face. She looked him over for any injuries her mother may have given him. She pulled him into her chest defensively and snarled at her mother before running back into the jungle. Clutching Liam to her chest Yantraki soon arrived back at the camp. She couldn’t believe her own mother would try to seduce the man she had openly claimed as hers.

Her blood was boiling with the very thought of her sisters or mother having him for themselves. She walked past a slightly scared looking Sruna and Takire and into her sleeping hut. She couldn’t blame them for their fear as when she woke to find Liam wasn’t by her side and that he was seen with her mother going into the woods, she did lose control for a few seconds and start a mini earthquake by using some earth manipulation magic. She would apologise later but for the time being her main goal was to keep her captive at a safe distance from her conniving mother.

“She looks angry,” Sruna said as she and Takire watched Yantraki disappear into her hut.

“Her eyebrow is twitching” Takire added.

“You think the human will be alright?” Sruna said nervously watching the hut alongside a large group of Amazons that had also gathered to watch the events unfold. They didn’t have much to do on the island so having some drama to watch alongside the human hunting was something they all enjoyed.

“I don’t understand what she sees in him, he is so small and weak,” Takire said, several warriors, agreeing with her.

“Yes, but he is cute in a small animal-like way, I wouldn’t mind having him cuddling into my chest as I sleep,” Sruna said, a small group of warriors nodding in agreement with her.

Yantraki gently placed Liam into her bed, she knew he was weak from his illness and would need lots of care. She smiled down at Liam as she sat next to him on the bed, placing his head onto her lap. She was indescribably happy to be able to care for such a small and gentle creature. She leaned down and placed a kiss on his head.

There was an old legend in her culture. The legend was that if every Amazon sacrificed and fought hard enough, one day they would find someone they absolutely love. When they find that person, they probably wouldn’t love them at first but if they capture, keep and shower that person with their love, their loved one would one day love them back. Amazons would also know when they find that person, when their body and mind tell them so, they will become attached at first sight. Yantraki knew Liam had to be her destined one, she could feel it down to her bones. Every little thing inside her body told her that Liam belonged to her, and he was going to be hers no matter who or what stood in the way.

They call this the Mated Instinct, once an Amazon is in love, they don’t fall out of love. Stupid but simple. Some say it is brought around simply due to an amazon finding a person attractive, others say it is because amazons can see an aura around a human that attracts them. One thing is certain though, it starts with a simple gesture of kindness. Besides this though, little is know about what brings around such strong feelings in an amazon.

She ran her fingers through his hair. She knew nothing about him, she didn’t know what kind of person he was, but being an Amazon with her Mated Instinct kicking in she didn’t care. They were now bound for eternity, and she would never let him leave her side. She snarled slightly as the thought of her mother washing him in the lake returned to her. She gripped Liam’s jaw and forced his mouth open. She smelt his breath. She snarled and screwed her face up again, she could smell her mothers’ scent in his mouth, meaning she probably would have kissed him, or God forbid, tried to breastfeed him and make him have a parental attachment to her.

She calmed as Liam turned in his sleeping feverish state, his face gently nuzzling into her thigh. Yantraki couldn’t help but heavily blush as he made a few little moaning noises in his sleep, he was probably having some kind of fever dream. She moved his head off her lap and onto a soft fur pillow. She moved around him so that she was sitting between his legs. She took a small bowl of scented oil that was also a kind of magic ointment that was specially designed for humans. They tended to use it on injured humans that they wished to use for human sacrifice, but she had decided to use it to make her beloved pet happy and relaxed in his otherwise tormented state.

She was just about to start rubbing the oil into him when a warrior entered the hut, a map clutched in her hands. Yantraki didn’t even try to hide her annoyance as she looked dismayed at the girl.

“Speak quickly, can’t you see I am in the middle of making my captive healthy.” She said, keeping her sour expression.

“Your greatness, our scouts have brought you a detailed map of the area, we have also found a nearby village which may be where your human used to live.” the girls said, doing her best to act bravely in front of the terrifying warrior noble. Yantraki smiled as she heard that they may have found his village, and her hopes were confirmed as Liam hit her in the stomach and muttered something along the lines of “don’t hurt my family”. Being naturally weaker than her alongside his illness the hit didn’t hurt and only made her smile with amusement.

“Thank you, sister, leave the map with me and go have fun with the other sisters, and allow yourself and the scouts to help yourselves to some of the humans in the cages.” Yantraki politely said as the girl quickly approached and handed her the map. Yantraki took the map and placed it to one side, she planned to go hunting the next day for the village in hopes of learning more about Liam. But for now, all she cared about was being able to be able to run her hands up and down his body lovingly with the oil.

Once the girl had left, Yantraki continued to rub her male in the thick oil, not caring if any of it went onto the bedsheets. She rubbed the liquid slowly over his legs, then his arms, then his chest, and then to the part she was hoping for the most. She wrapped her hands around his member, giggling like an overly excited schoolgirl. She knew if her blood sisters were to see her now, they would make fun of her for taking advantage of the man she loved while he was asleep. She decided to not take advantage of his growing manhood, knowing that if he were to find out it would probably start to cause an even bigger gap of distrust than there already was.

She stripped herself of her clothes and moved on top of him. She moved down until she was cuddling into his chest. She lay there naked for a while, listening to his beating heart. Just feeling him and listing to his chest at it rose and fell with each breath. She couldn’t believe she’d been missing such an interesting and wonderful creature in her life. She had found many more men who were far stronger and would produce much better offspring, but this man was the one she felt like she needed. His offspring wouldn’t be strong, but with the right training and ‘tough love’ that she could give him, Liam could be one perfect mating partner.

She lay there for a little while longer, lovingly kissing his chest. She heard him muttering in his sleep. The mutters were mostly about him being chased by a monster of some kind; she sadly thought the monster was probably her. She gave him another kiss on the lips before sitting up and grabbing the map. She opened the tanned page and looked over the carefully plotted area. She soon found the large, circled area that pointed to where Liam’s village would roughly be.

She gazed happily at the map, humming a soft tune as her eyes wandered over the marked village. She wanted to make a good impression on the people she may end up calling her mother and father-in-law. She wondered if he had any friends back in his village that she could try to use as bargaining tools to make him more compliant with becoming her husband.

She jumped out of bed and got dressed realising if he was going to get better, she should probably go get some herbs from the jungle to start making medicine. She could also do a bit of scouting around his village, after all, it was only 9 miles away and she could probably make that within the day. After all, she was an Amazonian and was great at running and manoeuvring through the jungle. She planted a kiss on the head of her pet.

She happily hopped out of the hut into the daylight. Sruna and Takire, alongside a handful of warriors, were all standing out of the hut, wanting to listen in on what was happening. Yantraki wanted to tell them off for eavesdropping, but she was in too good a mood to get angry over such a little thing.

“I am going out hunting, guard my pet, and don’t let my mother anywhere near him” She ordered to the crowd as she started to walk away.

Yantraki made her way to the hut where her weapons were being held. She entered the hut and gave some orders to her servants who quickly supplied her with her war bow, a quiver packed with arrows and a spear. She dressed in war paint and then quickly ran off into the jungle in the direction the map said the village was. It was still early in the morning meaning that she could probably go unnoticed by the human guards.

Yantraki ran for around 2 to 3 hours until she reached a small hill that overlooked a large area of land. She lay down and stared out over the large area of land. She soon saw a small village consisting of maybe only 15 to 20 houses. She was happy her scouts were right and that this may be his village. She wanted to watch some more but was interrupted by a group of human military guards approaching her from behind.

“STOP RIGHT THERE, AMAZON!” one of the men yelled, aiming his rifle at her, ready to kill her at any moment.

Yantraki stood up, an annoyed look on her face. She hated humans, and she hated ones that interrupted her even more. She drew a stone knife that she kept hidden on her leather belt that sat under her grass skirt. Before the soldiers could even move Yantraki was by their sides. She placed the knife to the neck of the first man as she placed her hand onto the barrel of his rifle.

“Are you friends of Liam?” she asked, snapping the barrel of the gun in half with her fingers. The group of eight fully armoured men shook with fear as Yantraki took the gun from his hands and snapped it in half. The men all started to nod their heads.

“We know him yes!” they all yelled, hoping that was the right answer. Yantraki was smart, smarter than the soldiers gave her credit for. She was good at telling if people were lying, and she could tell they were all lying, they weren’t friends of his and she doubted they even knew who he was. She narrowed her eyes and gave a sadistic smile.

Her smile faded as she stabbed her knife into the head of the soldier closest to her. The man’s dead body dropped to the floor with a thud. Before the soldiers could fire Yantraki was already at the throat of the next man, then the next. In a matter of only a few seconds, the entire guard were dead on the ground in a pool of blood.

She licked the blood from her hands like a cat before deciding it was best to return to camp. She arrived, blood splattered on her dark skin. Moving to the centre of the camp she raised her knife in the air. She had decided that tonight was the perfect night to go to Liam’s village and learn more about him.

“Sisters, some of you come with me, tonight we have some fun!” She yelled, the warriors rallying around her. The warriors all started to prepare for the hunt, each and every girl that was going had a look of excitement on their face.

Yantraki was also excited, she was planning to go the next day, but they would probably have found the bodies by then and tried to evacuate. She started to think about the first question she was going to ask his parents, the first question she was going to ask his friends, the question she was going to ask anyone who had ever been close to him.

A group of around 60 warriors were ready and surrounded Yantraki.  Yantraki looked over the warriors and smiled, they would be perfect for scaring the humans into compliance. Once her warriors were briefed, she set off into the jungle to go back to the village and find the information she wanted. She took one last look towards the hut where Sruna and Takire were guarding her pet. She smiled, she knew they weren’t the smartest, but they were good and loyal guards.

Sruna and Takire watched as their best friend and master Yantraki walked off into the jungle. Once she was gone from sight, they immediately dove their heads into the hut and started to stare at Liam as he lay in his exhausted, fevered state on the bed.

“What do you think is wrong with it?” Sruna questioned, staring at Liam.

“I can’t believe a human can get ill so easily from just a bit of rain” Takire added, admiring how fragile humans were compared to Amazons. Liam gave out some coughs and splutters causing the girls to look at each other out of concern, but what they should do?

The two girls soon noticed Kenyanire as she was approaching their tent. Kenyanire smiled as she walked past them.

“My countess, I am sorry, but your daughter has insisted on him being alone,” Takire said, not wanting to offend such a powerful woman.

“He is ill, and I shall treat him. As the noble and leader of our island I will look after our own and that human. If you like it or not that beautiful little creature in there, is mine and my families and I shall look after him. Tell my daughter this.” Kenyanire said as she walked past the girls into the hut. The girls stood still not wanting to question their superior. 

Kenyanire walked into the hut. She wanted to take the opportunity to spoil and win over the mind of Liam before her daughter could. She saw him as a very precious tool, after all, if she and one of her daughters could  feel so deeply for him, then there is a high chance her other bickering and fighting daughters would as well. If she could get him on her side, she could try to use him to unite her daughters and get them to cooperate in their war against the Grey Eagle (an enemy tribe) and other Amazonian enemies.

She walked over to Liam’s side and placed a gentle hand on his head. Before she could start to comfort him Takire walked into the hut, followed by a shy looking Sruna.

“Your greatness, I am so sorry, but your daughter seemed adamant,” Takire said staring down her Clan leader with as much courage as she could.

Kenyanire rolled her eyes as she stood up and walked over to a box in which she kept her personal items. Liam looked over to her and watched as she leaned down and picked up a wooden jar. She clicked the animal skin on top of the jar, opened and dipped her fingers into it. As her fingers left the jar they were covered in thick, white, liquid goo.

Liam continued to watch as she turned and quickly approached the girls. He lay there confused for a few seconds as Kenyanire said a few words in the native language and then lifted the grass skirt of Takire and slapped the white liquid onto her vagina. Liam did not understand what was going on, and before he could take in what was happening, Kenyanire had already lifted the skirt of Sruna and repeated the action. The girls fell to the floor, clutching at their sexes.

Kenyanire glanced back to see a very confused and slightly terrified Liam. He gazed at her as she put the jar to one side and moved over to him. She placed a hand gently on his head and planted a kiss onto his forehead.

“Don’t worry, I just gave them a drug that will highten their sexual urges to the point they can’t control their movements. We tend to use it on men and women that we plan to sacrifice so that their deaths will be practically painless. The effect of the drug will go in a day or so.”  Kenyanire said as she swept him into her athletic arms. 

“You look a little better after having some of my milk. After all Amazon milk is particularly good at healing people’s minds and bodies. I can’t wait to spend the rest of eternity with you” She said gently nuzzling her face into his neck. Liam didn’t know if it was just because of his illness but he could have sworn she said eternity. He knew Amazons didn’t age, but she had to know humans did, right? Kenyanire seemed to notice the confusion on his face.

“After my daughter made you drink some of her blood, it made you…. Better let’s say. You shall no longer age now that the magic of Amazonian blood has taken effect of you.” She said running her fingers through his hair.

 Liam looked at her with a look of horror, shock, and amazement. He couldn’t believe what she was true, it had to be a fever dream of some kind. Kenyanire noticed the look of fear and concern on his face and smiled. She was starting to think that it was a bit too early for her to tell him that he was now part Amazon. She decided that she would need to take it more slowly, allowing him to get used to his new life. She understood that it could be a very scary and confusing experience for such a young and small creature, but she knew he would get used to living with them eventually.

Kenyanire lay Liam down onto the bed and walked back over to the box that had contained the white liquid and now pulled out a wooden bottle containing a red liquid. She moved to his side and lifted his head. Kenyanire opened the bottle and placed it to his lips. Liam was hesitant at first, hoping it wasn’t one of the aphrodisiac drugs she had given the two guards and that she planned to take advantage of him. Kenyanire giggled like a child as he clasped his lips shut against the liquid, not daring to allow the sweet-smelling liquid past his lips.

“Come on now, don’t be stupid, this is medicine, nothing else. Just remember I am the one who will always care for you” she said, as Liam parted his lips and took a sip, he finally accepted her help. Kenyanire was happy to see the plan her daughter had put into place to gain his affection, was finally starting to bear some fruit.

“Now say thank you to your new friend.” She said, she knew she was pushing her luck, but she wanted to see how willing he was to be her pet.

“I want to go home…” He said, gazing into her gentle brown eyes. She smiled down at him, he was cheeky, which was something she liked. She pulled him onto the bed and climbed onto him. She pulled the blanket over the pair of them and carefully cuddled into his side. 

“I am going to sleep for a little while, I am always sleepy after a wash. If you try to run, I will capture you and drag you back into the bed and punish you.” She said playfully as she gave a little laugh.

“You’re scary” Liam said, blushing as the goddess-like dark-skinned Amazonian breasts pressed into his side.  Kenyanire faked going to sleep. She wanted Liam to try to escape. This was because she was stealing one of Yantraki’s ideas again. By taking care of him when he was ill, he would be able to see her loving, kind side and how nice life could be if he stayed by her side and did what she said. But she wanted him to also see the consequences for not obeying her and trying to escape. She needed him to learn early before he accidentally hurt himself in the future, if he ever tried to escape.

She smiled to herself; she could already see him eyeing up the bottle of the aphrodisiac. She was hoping he was going to use it on her when he tried to make his escape, that way the hunt would be more fun.

Yantraki and her warriors slowly rode to the top of the hill that overlooked the village, the same hill where she had killed the soldiers. The bodies of the butchered soldiers looked to be undisturbed since she had last been there about an hour before. She looked down to the village alongside her warriors.

“You lot, line up here and signal us with the war horns if you see anyone coming who might be a threat. The rest of you, follow me down to the village, and don’t kill any of the humans.”  Yantraki ordered.

The warriors quickly spilt off into two groups and Yantraki led her troupe stealthily down the hill. The tall grass only just hid them from the village as they approached. Yantraki made it to the border of the village. She scouted the area. There weren’t many guards and they all seemed to be local militia, unlike the soldiers in uniform she’d killed earlier. She leapt out of the grass alongside her warriors and started to walk into the village. The villagers all stood stunned and terrified as if they were staring at the incarnation of death itself. Yantraki’s warriors darted around the village and rounded up every villager they could find, including the children. To make sure the crying, whimpering villagers didn’t fight back she made threats to kill the children and took the soldiers’ weapons.

“Where is your village head?” Yantraki asked one of the crying men. He didn’t reply, only stared at her in pure fear.

“I said where is your leader!” She said slamming the butt of her spear into the ground.

The man pointed a shaky finger to a large wooden and stone building that stood high on a nearby hill. Yantraki started to walk towards the building, noticing the people inside were putting up much more of a fight. Yantraki quickly ran up to the entrance of the tall, brown building. A gentle-looking woman with kind eyes was trying her best to fight off the Amazons with a long wooden stick. Yantraki gripped the pole and yanked it from her hands.

She was about to pick the woman up and bring her down to the rest of the humans when she smelled a strong familiar scent.

“Are you the leader of the village?” Yantraki asked politely as she barged past the woman and into the large house. Yantraki admired the large staircase that led to the top floor and balcony that overlooked the living room.

“Yes… in a way,” she said, trying to sound brave in front of the 7ft, athletic, yet still feminine and beautiful Amazonian that stood Infront of her.

“Do you know a boy called Liam?” She asked as she moved over to the sofa that faced the tv in the centre of the room. She examined the tv carefully, not knowing what it was or if it was dangerous. The woman looked shocked as she heard Liam’s name be mentioned.

“Yes… what have you done to him,” The woman said, a mix of terror and anger on her face and in her voice.

“How do you know my Liam? What is your connection?” Yantraki asked turning and walking over to the terrified woman.

“He used to live here, in the orphanage. I am a mother of sorts to him” the woman said.

“What is your name?” Yantraki asked moving to the side of the woman and gently running her hand over the top of her head.

“Kat,” She said staring into the green eyes of the Amazon. Yantraki smiled, if this woman was like a mother to him, she wondered who his mother was, she also wondered what an orphanage was.

“If you are like a mother to him, then who is like a father, I hear from my scouts' humans live with both a mother and father,” Yantraki said.

“He doesn’t have one Mrs,” Katlin said, not daring to move.

“May I ask who his parents are then?” She said as she walked back over to the comfy looking sofa.

“We don’t know Mrs, his parents died when he was little, and we found him and took him in,” Katlin said, walking over to the sofa after the Amazon. Yantraki was surprised, he never had any parents, she wondered if that was one of the reasons, he was so hostile? But then again it was also probably because she was an Amazon, and she could tell from the looks of the human villagers they all had a fear of the Amazons.

“May I ask what you want with Liam?” Katlin said, doing her best to sound brave.

“He is my pet, and hopefully future mating partner and husband.” She spoke, smiling at Kat.

“May I get you something to drink then?” Katlin said, taken back by what she had said. She couldn’t believe that this Amazon was claiming to be the future wife of one of her children.

“No, but I would like to learn about Liam, I want to know what he loves, what he hates, where he slept when he was a child,” Yantraki said sitting on the sofa. She crossed her legs and watched as Katlin sat down in the chair across from him.

“I have some pictures of when he was a child, I also can show you where he used to sleep if you like. But on one condition.” Katlin said. Yantraki smiled, she was willing to offer anything in exchange for knowing her pet even better.

“What do you wish,” Yantraki said as she glanced towards the top of the staircase that led to the balcony overlooking the main room. A group of young boys were all sitting and standing around the wooden railing. The boys all looked mesmerised, terrified, and angry at the site of the Amazon. Yantraki narrowed her eyes and the boys.

“If I tell you information about Liam you must promise to not hurt any children in the orphanage or people of the village and I will tell you everything, and for the love of God please, please promise me.” Katlin pleaded.

“I promise, now let us begin our talk, Katlin,” Yantraki said smiling at the boys. None of them had the same silver hair as Liam but she did wonder if any of them were related to him.

“So where do you want to start?” Katlin asked, praying for Liam’s safety.










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