Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 3 – Hunting and escape

Katlin gripped the cup of coffee she had just brewed for herself. She stared awkwardly at Yantraki; she wasn’t sure how to answer the question she had just asked her.

“So, what is it?” Yantraki pushed, narrowing her eyes at Katlin.

“Well, if I had to say the first person he ever loved, it may have been me…” Katlin said she had heard rumours of the "Amazonian condition" as the soldiers called it, it was a condition (to her knowledge) were once and Amazon fell in love they never fell out of love. She could tell from just looking at Yantraki, that she was madly in love with him. Yantraki narrowed her eyes, she was annoyed that her pet had already like a woman before her.

“But don’t worry, it wasn’t in a romantic way, it was more in an “older sister and younger brother way!” Katlin said, terrified by the face the Amazon was making. Yantraki seemed to relax a little, a small amount of annoyance still visible on her face.

“Ok, so I won’t need to kill you…good,” Yantraki said, trying to sound friendly, even though her words sounded more like a death threat. Katlin gulped as she prepared herself for the next question.

“I will ask something… less personal,” Yantraki said, not wanting to scare the woman who she would eventually call her mother or sister-in-law, she wasn’t sure what she was going to call her yet, but she knew they would one day become family once she married Liam.

“What is his favourite food?” Yantraki asked, sounding incredibly serious. Katlin was happy with the question; it was a much easier one to answer.

“A large margarita pizza with basil and some mint leaves, and maybe a little bit of well-cooked pork” Katlin answered, she smiled slightly as the Amazon’s face lit up.

“Oh, and he also likes eggs and a bagel in the morning.” She quickly added, making the Amazon's face light up again.

“How do you make this feast?” Yantraki asked, her curiosity peaking at the thought of these new dishes she had never heard of.

“If you like Mrs…” Katlin hesitated, not knowing what to call this Amazon that had shown up out of seemingly nowhere.

“Yantraki, you can call me Yantraki. Also…” Yantraki said, smiling at her new friend.

“If you like I can show you right now!” Katlin said, excitedly, hoping to get on the good side of the Amazon so that she would spare the village. Yantraki jumped up and walked over to her.

“Let’s go chose a villager to roast and we can get cooking!” Yantraki said matching her enthusiasm. She was taken back though as Katlin looked a little scared.

“We don’t actually eat people here Yantraki,” Katlin said, putting on her best ‘please don’t kill anyone smile. Yantraki looked a little confused and nodded.

Yantraki turned her head as she heard a set of little feet charging towards her. She jumped a little as a sharp feeling stabbed into her leg and a high pitch war cry of a child rang out. She stared down to see a small boy holding a broken knife at her leg. Shards of the broken knife were on the ground and there was a small stab wound in her muscular leg. The knife wasn’t strong enough to go deep into her luckily. She stared down at the probably 5-year-old boy as he cried his eyes out and started to murmur and mutter something to her. Yantraki smiled and lent down. She picked the small boy up in her arms and gently started to cradle him.

“What is wrong little one?” She asked, trying her best, despite her full warpainted body and face, to look and sound gentle.

“G…gi…giv…wa….” The boy croaked out through his tears. There was something about the boy that felt familiar, she thought it was his face at first but soon realised it was his scent.

“Give back my big brother.” The boy finally said, trying to swing the knife at Yantraki. Yantraki chuckled and picked the knife out of the small boy’s hand before he could hurt himself. She smiled as she realised why the boy felt so familiar.

“You mean Liam, don’t you?” Yantraki said, smiling at the small boy. She wondered if she should adopt him as her son so that Liam could have a little friend to play with. She patted the boy on the head and started to rock him in her arms.

“Give Liam back!” The boy said as he started to hit her with his little, weak fists. For the Amazon, he was like a playful little puppy rather than a problem or annoyance. She started to gently rock him in her arms until his eyes were starting to close. The boy jumped out of her arms and pounced onto the sofa like a cat. He screamed as he darted back up the stairs to the other waiting boys.

“I AM SO SORRY!” Katlin yelled as she hurried the boys to their rooms. Yantraki and her warriors only laughed though. They found the little human children amusing.

“Are you alright Yantraki, I am so, so sorry about them!” Katlin said, a look of ungodly fear in her eyes. Yantraki giggled and ran her fingers through her hair.

“Let’s forget about the little ones and do some cooking yes?” Yantraki said patting Katlin on the head, reassuring her. Katlin nodded and started to lead the Amazon to the kitchen. Yantraki ordered her warriors to stay behind and entertain the children who all looked to be preparing for war as they started to line the top of the stairs and mezzanine with pillows and blankets.

Yantraki was taken back as they walked through the warm wooden halls of the building. She admired the painted images of people encased in thick blue armour fighting unnatural and evil-looking beasts. She was amazed by the paintings, they looked so realistic. She stopped as she passed a painting of 30 young boys looking to be 17 or 18, dressed in smart military attire. She looked on with confusion as she saw Liam standing amongst the men. Katlin noticed that Yantraki had stopped. She saw her staring at the large photo that she had framed of Liam and the other young boys of the village who were sent off to fight.

“That image was of Liam and his friends just before they set off to fight against you and your people,” Katlin said.

“He is very beautiful in his uniform…” Yantraki said, gazing over the bright smile he proudly wore in the image. He was so happy in the image, he looked so different to the shy, small boy she had captured.

“Is he still a virgin?” Yantraki asked out of the blue. Katlin was taken back by the odd question but answered anyway.

“Yes?” Katlin replied.

Yantraki carried on walking with Katlin until they reached the professionally cleaned white-walled kitchen. Katlin walked over to some hooks that some aprons were hanging off. She took one off and placed it over her neck. She tied the strings to help keep the apron on, she then took another of the hooks and gave it to Yantraki. The apron was small on Yantraki, making Katalin laugh.

“Ok then let’s get started!” Katlin said as she set to work teaching Yantraki how to cook human food.

The four warriors were happily taking pillows off the sofas and chairs and throwing them at the children. They enjoyed playing with the small, weak, human children, they enjoyed it, especially when one of the pillows hit the children and made them fall over. The Amazons liked to laugh at the attempts of the young boys when they tried to charge at the Amazons with sticks they had found. The boys would act like it was bayonet charge and the Amazons would just sweep them aside and gently knock them on the head. These Amazons were starting to like the small, young humans.

Yantraki spent most of the day cooking and serving food to the captive villagers to see how they liked it. Katlin had assured the people of the village the Amazons weren’t going to harm them and to give their honest opinions of the food. After a lot of trial and error, what felt like an era of Yantraki running down with dishes of food, giving the dishes to the humans for them to eat and waiting for them to finish eating, she asked for their opinions of the food. After all that, (once she had the opinions on the food and what to change and do better), she would run back to the kitchen to make a new meal with the knowledge of what she needed to do to improve. Yantraki and Katlin would make a new dish implementing the improvements before repeating the cycle and running down to give it to the humans to get their feedback. She repeated this for most of the day until she had satisfied the hunger of the 300+ people of the village.

Yantraki walked into the living room after finally mastering the dishes that Katlin had told her Liam liked. She watched as her royal guard were happily playing what looked to be a military game with the children as they threw pillows at one another. She smiled to herself, she was happy to see her normally stoic and uptight guards who only ever let themselves go and relax around Yantraki and her mother, were finally having some fun by themselves.

She walked into the kitchen and stared happily at Katlin.

“They liked It…Now where can I rest?” Yantraki said, laughing slightly as she moved over and placed a hand onto the human girl’s head.

“If you like Yantraki, Liam’s room is up the stairs,” Katlin said. She was slowly starting to like the Amazon more and more. Yantraki nodded and turned to leave the kitchen.

“Thank you for today sister, I’ll find Liam’s room by myself, so you don’t have to worry, ok?” Yantraki said as she left the room and re-entered the battleground of the living room.

The children were still waging their war against the Amazon guards. Yantraki smiled and walked towards the stairs, yelling back in her native tongue that she will be having a nap in Liam’s room, and they should carry on playing with the children, so she doesn’t get disturbed. Yantraki walked up the stairs and past the children until she was at the top of the stairs. She sniffed the air and started to move up the stairs. She soon arrived at the room where Liam’s scent was the strongest.

Yantraki slowly opened the wooden door, savouring the smell of her beloved as she went inside. She quickly entered the room and shut the door behind her to stop any of the little humans from entering and seeing what she was about to do. She quickly found his bed. The blue sheets looked inviting and cosey. She leapt onto the bed and started to bury her face into the cream-coloured pillow. She could smell Liam’s scent on it and could feel herself getting aroused.

“I’ll keep these,” she said smiling to herself. She climbed under the sheets and pulled his pillow into her chest.

“I love you” She whispered to herself, her thoughts dwelling on the sleeping face of Liam. She reluctantly climbed out of the bed. She wanted to look around his room and see what his life was like before she had saved him. She walked over to a large chest of drawers. After a bit of fumbling around with the drawer, Yantraki managed to open the top one. She dug her hands into the pile of clothes inside and started to pull them out. She piled the clothes from the first drawer onto the ground. Once she was satisfied with the small pile of Liam’s shirts, she pulled open the second draw and pulled out his trousers.

“Perfect, more human clothes. I wonder if Liam will like me more for bringing him his clothes.” Yantraki wished quietly to herself as she held Liam’s trousers in her arms, she was excited at the idea of Liam’s happy face when he got to see all of the belongings she had brought back for him. She put the trousers into the pile before moving onto the next drawer.

Yantraki quickly opened the next drawer, she wanted to see what items of clothing he had next. She investigated the drawer and pulled out a pair of his pants (underwear). She stared at the soft fabric for a few seconds before realising what the pants were and placed them into the pile. She finally opened the last drawer and took out his socks which she quickly added to the pile. Once all his clothes were in a neat pile on the floor she moved to the door of the room. She opened it and leaned out to the warriors that had followed her up the stairs to entertain the children and make sure that no one disturbed her in her “studies”. She ordered something in her native language and one of the warriors quickly complied.

The warrior soon returned with a large bag made of animal skins, hides and furs. She took the bag from her and went back into Liam’s room, remembering to shut the door behind her. She started to pile his clothes into the bag. Once she had placed all his clothes into the bag, she placed the bag onto his bed and started to add the bed sheets and pillows too. Once she had placed everything she thought he would need for clothing and comfort into her bag, she went back to her exploration of his room.

She started to look around every crack and crevice of the room, ignoring the tv that sat against one of the walls. She didn’t know what the black box was and decided she didn’t want to touch it in case she accidentally broke something. As she was lying down on the ground staring at the ceiling, she was about to give up and go back to asking Katlin question when she spotted something under his bed. She smiled and leapt towards the bed. She dug her hands under the bed until she brought out a large cardboard box. The weird texture of the cardboard was scary for her but she quickly pushed the fear aside as she saw the contents of the box.

She pulled out some plastic and paper magazines with naked women on the front. She frowned not knowing why he would have these weird pictures under his bed. She called for Katlin, who quickly arrived, one of the small boys clinging to her leg.

“What are these for? What purpose do they serve?” Yantraki questioned innocently. Katlin looked a mix of scared and embarrassed as she stared at the magazines.

Yantraki glared closer at the naked women. She quickly realised what the magazines were meant for before placing them back in the box. But she did this after making a mental note of the women she would wish to kill if she ever met them. Katlin slowly and carefully slinked away into the background as she watched the Amazon angrily muttering to herself.

Yantraki got up after placing the erotic art back under his bed. She gritted her teeth and pulled the box out again. She would destroy it, just in case she never met those women she would then be able to get some payback for them being beautiful enough to seduce the eyes of her Liam. She would try to burn them that night in secret. As she thought this, Liam was trying to figure out a way to escape the warm and loving clutch of Kenyanire, he could feel a shiver run down his spine.

Yantraki was starting to move out into the corridor with the box and bag when something suddenly came to mind. She didn’t know why she was doing all this. She originally came here to learn about Liam, but now she was doing things that would make him happy. She didn’t know why but she wanted to see her slave happy. She was a warrior princess who had killed, abused, and raped humans her entire life, now she was obsessing over one she barely knew and had only met the day before. She was also being gentle and kind to the small, annoying child humans. She realised she needed to leave quickly; she didn’t want to be corrupted by the lower life filthy humans even more. Her mother couldn’t have been right when she said she loved him, right? Yantraki quickly put the thought to one side, she didn’t want her mother to be right, she couldn’t believe that she may like a human. Yantraki started to hate herself, she hadn’t even known him for a week, and she was already head over heels for him. Yantraki took the bag and walked out of the room and back down into the living room.

Katlin was sitting on the sofa between two of the Amazon warriors. The women were prodding and poking at the soft weak human woman, taking enjoyment every time, she jumped or squealed from their prodding fingers. Yantraki moved over to them, noticing the exhausted boys lying across the ground, it seemed like the Amazons had beaten them in their little playful war. Yantraki stood next to them, a smile on her face, Liam’s box of magazines under her arm and her bag of his clothes and bedsheets slung over her shoulder.

“It is time. I wish to speak with you and your villagers though before I leave!” Yantraki said, helping Katlin off the sofa and out of the clutches of the two Amazons. Before they could start their talk, the doors to the house burst open and a sweaty exhausted and slightly scared looking Amazon messenger arrived.

“Liam has escaped!” The messenger yelled in their native tongue.

“Wait here with my warriors!” Yantraki yelled as she darted past the messenger and took off in the direction of their war camp, the bags of Liam’s belongings still on her. Before she knew it, she was back at the camp. She ran over to the royal hut so that she could dump Liam’s things then go hunting for him. She was confident in her ability to find him.

She dove into the royal hut. She sighed, slightly disappointed, as she saw that the sacred juice used to make sacrifice deaths painless, had been used on her mother, Sruna and Takire. The three girls were all on the floor, heavily masturbating and playing with themselves and each other, brought on by the aphrodisiac effects of the sacred juice. She couldn’t believe Liam was able to use it on all three of them. She walked over to the bed and placed down her bag of things alongside the box of magazines. She planned to come back for them later, but her biggest concern now was recapturing Liam.

Yantraki grabbed a non-lethal blunt spear and darted out of her hut to begin her hunt. She stopped as she noticed her warriors already charging into the thick forest. Walking over to a group of hesitant looking warriors that were standing next to the cages Yantraki realised that the humans were all gone.

“How did this happen?” Yantraki asked.

“The human man you captured somehow managed to cut open the locks of the cages, the prisoners overwhelmed us with their numbers and ran into the jungle,” One of the warriors said, looking embarrassed that they had all somehow gotten outsmarted by a single human. Yantraki wasn’t angry, all she could do was smile. She was happy that her man was better than she expected. She gripped her spear tightly, trying to keep her composure. The very thought of hunting Liam, finding him, fighting him, pinning him down and having her way with… She could barely stop herself from giving in to her primal instincts.

Yantraki gave the order for the warriors to capture as many humans as possible then return. Once the message was spread amongst the remaining warriors, Yantraki darted off into the jungle to hunt for her prized prey.

Liam sat next to the poorly constructed rope bridge. The rest of the people he had gotten out of the cages were already across. Under the bridge lay a large canyon, that stretched down at least two to three thousand feet. He had gotten his fellow humans out of the cages very simply. He had used the aphrodisiac on Kenyanire. Once he had done that, he slipped into the hut and found the nearest warrior who looked like they could speak English.

He asked her for a knife, with the excuse that Kenyanire had asked him to get one to cut some bread. Not wanting to disobey their Chief the warriors quickly complied. Liam returned to the hut for a few minutes, slipping the knife into the back of his trousers. He then left the hut and ran over to where the humans were being held. He told them that the queen had wanted them to go and speak to her about a made-up subject that he had thought off the top of his head. One of the warriors went but the second one stayed.

This wasn’t a problem as he was then able to slip behind her and use the knife he’d concealed to cut the lock to the cage. Once the lock was undone the 100+ prisoners charged out, causing chaos among the Amazons. Alongside the freed captives Liam then slipped into the jungle. He was about to set off on his treacherous path across the bridge, but he stopped as the sound of crashing feet soon burst from the tree line about 20 meters behind him.

He turned to see Yantraki standing in the tree line, her eyes locked on him. Liam looked at the knife in his hands then to the bridge. She was bound to catch him and once she had caught him, she would most likely call for her warriors so that they could get over the bridge and continue the hunt. Liam took in a deep breath. He was a soldier. He had a duty. Liam took the sharp knife and cut the rope that just barely held the bridge up. He watched as the bridge fell into the canyon. He wasn’t escaping. He turned to stare at the excited looking Yantraki. He gripped his knife tightly and prepared to fight.

Yantraki couldn’t hold herself back any longer. She charged at Liam. She picked him up and threw him towards the jungle. She then darted to where he was bound to fall and caught him. Liam was scared and confused, but only for a few seconds as he quickly took his knife and stabbed it into Yantraki’s side. Yantraki made an annoyed face as she dropped him onto the ground, the knife still sticking in her side. Liam would have tried to take the knife out but her naturally strong abdomen muscles wouldn’t let the knife budge.

Yantraki gripped the knife, yanking it out her side. Some of her thick blood trickled onto the floor, but she quickly used some healing magic to close the wound before it could become too serious. Once the wound was healed, she stared down at the determined-looking Liam. She leapt down onto him and started to plant kisses onto his neck.

“You impressed me today~” She flirted as she pinned his arms onto the ground. She pushed Liam’s legs down as he kicked and punched at her.

“I thought you were just a small, weak human, but today I have found out so much about you” Yantraki giggled, for her the day had been a total success, she had even learnt that humans lived in villages much like the Amazons. Most Amazons just assumed humans lived in mud trenches as that was where they were mostly found when they raided the island’s coast.

Yantraki ignored Liam’s protest kicks, and hits as she started to place loving kisses onto his chest. She lifted his shirt and started to smother him in kisses.

“Please, just kill me” Liam croaked out, not wanting to be embarrassed and humiliated by the savage Amazon. Yantraki stopped and looked him in the eyes. Her eyes were blank and emotionless, but still held a feeling of strictness.

“I lo…love you, don’t ever say or even suggest that I may try to kill or hurt you,” Yantraki said. Despite her blank expression, she was doing her best to hide her embarrassed face as she was screaming inside. In her mind, she had just confessed her feelings to Liam.

“w…what?” Liam said, slightly confused. He assumed Yantraki, her mother and two guards were just going to taunt and bully him for a while until she was happy and satisfied, and once he was no longer needed, he would be brutally killed.

“Idiot” he muttered under his breath. He despised the fact he was actually believing her obviously fake words.

Despite all this, despite what he had thought and assumed at first, there was now this Amazonian savage telling him she loved him, and she didn’t want to harm him. Liam quickly shook the idea off and continued to struggle. He had heard soldiers and many other people from all walks of life tell him about the evil and bloodthirsty nature of the Amazons. Those people had to be right. Yantraki was just playing with her food. She didn’t care for him, she couldn’t.

Yantraki buried her face into his chest. She loved his scent. It made her happy beyond words. She sat up and pulled the struggling boy into her arms. She turned him around by the back of his head was gently pressed against her large breasts. She started to stroke his dark silver hair as she gently began to hum a soft tune.

As she held him, she started to think. She had been too relaxed. She carelessly left to go into human territory, she carelessly charged into the jungle to find him, now she was carelessly sitting out in the open, unready to fight off any attacks. She couldn’t believe that into only a few measly days she had lost her usual strict demeanour and composure.

She knew if her sisters saw her like this, they would probably try to overthrow her as the future head of the family. She needed to become stronger if she was going to stay in her position and keep Liam safe. Yantraki gently stopped humming as she saw him slowly drift to sleep. An Amazonian’s song could always put animals back on the island to sleep, she was happy it seemed to work on humans as well.

She buried her face into his hair. She wanted to stay there with him forever, but she knew the moment couldn’t last. She continued to sit under the large jungle trees for a long time. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the little light that pierced through the thick brush above them was starting to fade as night was approaching them. She placed a kiss onto Liam’s head, blushing slightly as she did so.

“I will keep you safe my little one. No matter if mother or anyone else says otherwise,” Yantraki whispered into his ear. She knew if her sisters got their hands onto him, they would probably try to mate him just to spite her before either sacrificing him in a bloody and painful ritual or try to eat him, either cooked or raw…

“I will protect you, I will keep you by my side, no matter the cost.”

She needed to keep him safe, no matter the cost. Yantraki lifted Liam into her arms. Her 7ft frame to his 6ft meant he fitted almost perfectly in her strong yet still feminine looking arms. She started to carry him back through the jungle, towards the war camp.

She soon arrived back at the camp, the warriors who went out to hunt the humans had already arrived back. The warriors were all standing around nervously, but one by one they noticed Yantraki and Liam. The horde of warriors surrounded her, making sure she wasn’t harmed, they also made sure that the sleeping Liam that was curled in her arms was fine as well.

Seeing their future queen and her pet were alright and no harm had come to them, the warriors started to party. They weren’t in the slightest saddened by the loss of the humans, after all, this entire war party’s purpose was only to come to the mainland to fight the humans as a trial of passage from being Amazon runts to full-fledged warriors. They were also excited for the next day, the day they would be going home to tell their families and friends the good news. Some of the older veteran warriors were staying behind to watch over Liam’s village and to start setting up an outpost there, but besides that, the Amazons were in good spirits.

Yantraki carried her fragile pet back to the royal hut. She carefully opened the cloth door and entered the dimly lit room. She looked down, slightly disappointed. Her mother, Sruna and Takire had taken the bag of Liam’s clothes off the bed, they had opened the bag and were all now sniffing his clothes as they heavily masturbated. She was happy Liam’s wasn’t awake to see her mother fingering herself as she read one of the erotic magazines.

Yantraki sighed and walked past the three girls slightly disappointed in their behaviour. She moved over to the bed and gently placed Liam under the covers. Happy that he was now safe and out of the grasp of her mother, she grabbed the magazine her mother was getting off to, alongside the other magazines and walked outside. She handed the box to one of the warriors and told her to burn the box along with the magazines.

Yantraki returned to the hut. She walked over to the large chest they kept in the hut for storage. She opened the chest and reached inside, fumbled around for a little while, and soon emerged with a long vine rope.

Yantraki quickly surveyed the scene, and before her perverted mother and two friends could do anything, she had already tied them together and gagged them with the vine rope. Happy with her work she took Liam’s clothes and placed them into a corner where the three still incredibly horny warrior women couldn’t get them.

She turned to her sleeping Liam and smiled. Like a cat stalking its prey, she moved on to him and gently lifted the fur blanket. She slyly moved under the covers, being careful not to wake him. She cuddled into his chest as she pulled the blanket back over them. The next day they would leave for her home island, when she returned home, she planned to seriously start putting what little information she learnt from Katlin to work so that she could finally start strengthening her bond with Liam. She slowly drifted into sleep, happy with the day’s accomplishments. Even if she couldn't get all the information she wanted, she was happy that she now had her pet by her side.






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