Amazonian and her captive

chapter 4 – Monster or Angel

Liam slowly woke, his head was aching. His vision was dizzy. He looked down to his side to see the sleeping Amazon. He quickly remembered the day before was amazed he was even alive. He had heard many rumours and legends back at his village about how if an Amazon's captive was caught escaping the Amazons would cut off all their Limbs and roast them over a fire while the person caught escaping watched, still fully conches and alive.

Just to fully make sure he wasn't dreaming, and all his limbs were intact he gave himself a good prod and poke in the arm and face, he quickly realised he wasn't dreaming. Liam looked down at the sleeping Yantraki. He remembered the day before how she had gently sung him to sleep. He couldn’t believe such a savage creature that ate humans such as an Amazon could be so kind to him. She had to be plotting something, scheming something.

Liam noticed something out the corner of his eye. He turned and looked at the corner of the room. Sruna, Takier and Kenyanire were all tied together practically naked in the corner. He looked at the three bound girls, a mixture of confusion, interest, and somewhat fear running through his dazed mind. It was too early in the morning for him to try to make sense of the Amazons bullshitery.

He looked down at the bed covers. He quickly realised that alongside the usual large fur blankest there were also his old blankets and duvets from his house. He started to shiver when dreading what the Amazons could have done to his home village. He was shaking with fear as he stared down at the Amazon. He then looked to the exit of the hut, wanting to run.

Yantraki moved slightly, she had noticed that Liam had managed to escape from her arms. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the shaking Liam. She did think it was cold, so she just assumed his chronic shaking had to be due to that. Yantraki smiled and pounced onto Liam, wrapping her arms around his chest.

“Moring my little one,” She said, planting several kisses onto him as she buried her face into his neck. Liam shivered as her warm breasts pushed against his back.

“What did you do to my village,” Liam said, jumping out her arms and staring sharply into her eyes. Yantraki frowned. She leapt onto Liam and pinned him onto the bed. She stared him in the eyes and placed a kiss on his lips. She parted her lips from him and stared into his eyes.

“Don’t worry, I met Katlin, she is a good woman. I didn’t hurt anyone, I promise.” She said staring deeply into his eyes, she gently caressed his face.

“No…” Liam muttered; the Amazon had to be lying. She had to have killed someone.

“I wanted to ask Katlin more questions about you, but I got distracted wanting to learn to cook,” Yantraki said sounding slightly annoyed. She wanted to learn more about him, she did, but sadly there wasn’t enough time. She planned to come back one day to get more information, but that was a plan for the future. Yantraki kissed him again. Liam relaxed slightly.

“You promise you didn’t hurt anyone…” Liam said, not believing himself as he was starting to believe the Amazon. Yantraki roughly kissed Liam on his lips again, Liam giving little resistance, the Amazon was vastly stronger than he could ever be.

“I would never lie to you; I promise you I didn’t hurt anyone.” She said, keeping her eyes locked on his.

“Could you move…Please?” Liam said, glancing away from the Amazon. Yantraki grinned and started to kiss his neck again.

“My mother will wake soon, she will probably try to steal you when she sees you this aroused, so let’s cuddle for a while until she wakes.” Liam blushed and looked down as he realised, he was naked and erect, two things he rather not be around a savage Amazon.

“Sorry…” he said, not knowing why he was apologising. Yantraki laughed.

“I don’t want anything sexual tonight, if you get injured it will only delay us more… but then again I do want to go back to your village to learn more about you, and you being bedbound for a week or two could be good binding time,” Yantraki said, teasing the boy. The only Amazons that were staying behind were the Amazons who were sent to protect Liam’s village and build an outpost there. She knew the humans would probably be resistant, but she hoped the warriors would soon find a way to keep the humans happy and more importantly safe and in check.

Liam struggled a little as Yantraki started to pull the fur blankets over the both of them. She giggled and started to plant kisses onto his neck. She cuddled into his chest, wrapping her arms around him, not wanting to let him leave her. Liam moved and wriggled but the Amazon was too strong. Yantraki giggled like a child at his efforts, she found him amusing, she knew she could get many tens of thousands of years of enjoyment and entertainment out of him.

Yantraki was about to go back to cuddling her Liam when she felt something wrap around her ankle. She quickly let Liam go and jumped up. She looked down to the ground and saw a vine on the edge of the bed, she then turned to look at where her mother and two guards were bound in the corner of the room. She sighed out of frustration as she saw her mother’s eyes gazing at her, her mother was now awake. Yantraki was about to move over to her to untie her but a vine raised in front of her mother and cut the rope. Yantraki watched as the rope falling and her mother stood up and walked over to her.

“I see you have taken good care of our little human” Kenyanire said, walking past her daughter and over to Liam on the bed, a warm smile on her face. She seemed completely undeterred that she had just been tied up in the corner a few seconds ago.

“For a starter, he is MY human and not yours or my sisters, and you just interrupted some nice cuddling time we were going to have,” Yantraki said, crossing her arms. Kenyanire looked at the bed covers; she didn’t recognise them. But she soon put together what the weird blue fabric was as she remembered her daughter went out to find Liam’s village, she assumed these were probably Liam’s old bed covers, which would also explain why she could smell Liam’s delicious scent even more than usual.

Kenyanire moved over to him and started to crawl onto the bed. His helpless and tiered appearance started to trigger some strong old Amazonian instincts as she crawled onto the bed. She stared at him, stopping herself from pouncing onto him. Like her daughter, she also deeply desired Liam for herself. She still was suffering the effect of the drug the priestess used for sacrifice, meaning she was deeply in heat. Kenyanire stopped as she could feel her daughter’s eyes staring her down.

Kenyanire jumped onto Liam and gave him a small kiss before jumping off the bed and back onto her feet. She dressed in her usual blue-dyed grass skirt, grass top, the crown of tall red feathers and green striped paint. Yantraki leapt onto the bed and quickly started to lick away at his lips trying to cleanse them of her mother’s lips.

Yantraki eventually parted her lips from Liam’s just as her mother had finally finished applying her war paint. Liam sat on the bed in a mixture of fear, confusion and arousal. Yantraki jumped off the bed and quickly collected Liam’s clothes out of the large wooden box she had placed his clothes in the night before. She took the clothes and threw them onto the bed.

“Dress, we will not wash this morning, but we shall tomorrow,” Yantraki said, smiling at him and preparing herself for the day. She dressed in her red and white war paint, grass skirt and feathered headdress. Liam finished getting dressed, now and then catching Yantraki staring at him as she tried her best to sneakily stare at his nude body that he tried his best to hide behind his blankets.

He was soon dressed in his blue shirt and black trousers that Yantraki had fetched from his home and was pulling on his socks and shoes as he started to think about what Yantraki said. He hoped that she wasn’t lying, and she hadn’t hurt anyone in his village. Despite the arguable kindness and “love” of the two Amazons he still didn’t trust them, let alone like the devious savage people. Despite what they told him about how they didn’t wish to harm him, he still felt like something wasn’t right, he was raised to hate and despise these people, he just wanted to wait until they showed their real colours and showed who they were.

Liam walked over to Yantraki who was waiting excitedly at the exit of the hut. Liam couldn't help but smile at the happy face of the Amazon, she reminded him of some of the young boys back at the orphanage whenever he brought home sweet so food for them, he smiled sadly to himself, he would miss their smiles, but that was more of the reason for him to try and find a way to escape. Yantraki noticed the dismal look in his eyes and patted him on the head as if he was a pouting child.

“I told you before, I promise you will have a good life on my island, I think it will take some time for you to get used to our rituals, festivals and religions let alone our language, but I think a smart one like you can do it,” Yantraki said, smiling warmly down at him. He looked away from her warm gaze.

“Shut up and just show me what you want…” Liam said automatically going on the defence not even realising really what he was saying to her. Yantraki frowned slightly. She knew they had only known each other for about 3 days now, but in those three days she was hoping she had made it clear she didn’t want to harm him, yet it seemed like he was getting more hostile by the hour. She shrugged this off as a human just being a dumb human. she gave him a gentle pat on the head before leading him towards the large huts where the Warriors were eating their breakfast.

The Amazons took notice of the approaching Yantraki and Liam. They stared and mumbled as Yantraki lead Liam over to a pair of empty seats that sat in the centre of the benches that were lined with Amazonian Warriors. Liam shivered as he noticed the piercing gazes. Yantraki seemed to notice his growing fear and gently pulled him into her side.

“Don’t worry, you are mine, they won't dare bite,” Yantraki said sitting him down in their seats. She sat down next to him.

Yantraki took in a deep breath. She was going to try to talk to him properly for once, she didn’t get too much time to ask Katlin all the questions she wanted to know about him, she wanted to try to understand him, so she decided to make her move and try her best to get him to start to like her and see she wasn’t a threat. Yantraki looked around and grabbed the arm of a woman that was walking past them. The woman looked more human than Amazon, but she did have the beauty of one. She was dressed in a skirt and multiple necklaces of fruit and herbs, her body painted in red paint. The woman stopped and stared at Yantraki, slightly scared. She said something in her native tongue and the woman quickly hurried off.

Liam felt like something wasn’t right as he watched Amazons laugh and grab at the practically naked woman as she ran off through the crowd of wooden benches and Amazons. The woman looked to be a slave of sorts, but something wasn’t right. Yantraki gave him a little hit on the head as she noticed him staring at the round ass of the leaving slave girl.

“Don’t look at her, she is a Boruma,” Yantraki said. Liam looked at her, confused about what a Boruma is.

“What’s a Boruma?” Liam said. Yantraki looked slightly confused and shocked as he had just told her something stupid like water isn’t wet.

“You do not have Borumas where you are from?” Yantraki asked, tilting her head slightly.

“No…” Liam said, feeling embarrassed like he was being talked down to like a child.

“Well then… Boruma are those in our society that do not pass the fitness trials and are used as slaves/backup sacrifices and livestock. We tend to go through the trials at 20 years old, but people like my sisters did it at 16. That Boruma I talked to is the one we plan to feast on tonight.” Yantraki said, drooling slightly as she licked her lips. Liam felt sick in his throat. These people were going to eat that girl! He started to think, he had to help her, he couldn’t just leave her to die in what was probably going to be a gory and evil ritual.

“What is wrong little human?” Yantraki said, noticing his distressed face. She remembered back to what Katlin had told her about how humans didn’t eat each other and immediately realised why he looked so petrified.

“Don’t panic, we don’t plan to eat you! I mean we won’t ever! You don’t have to come to the party, you can stay in the hut and sleep.” Yantraki said, slightly panicked, not wanting to scare him.

Liam nodded, not saying a word. He couldn’t tell if Yantraki was just bad at talking to people or humans, or if she accidentally just told him she was going to eat him. Yantraki was frustrated with herself as Liam looked even angrier and terrified than he was when they first met. She took in a deep breath, she needed to be calm and calculated.

“Sorry if I scared you, I promise we won’t hurt you, and you won’t have to come to the sacrifice tonight if you don’t want to,” Yantraki said, placing a loving hand on his head. Liam sat beside Yantraki quietly until the girl he was to be sacrificed that night returned with a few bowls of fruit and a few pallets of cooked fish. She bowed her head and offered it to them respectfully. Liam looked at her with a sense of dread and remorse, this girl was running around serving the people who that night would be feasting upon her. This wasn't right, but this, as he thought, was the true nature of the Amazons.

“Does she know she is going to be eaten…” Liam asked quietly, doing his best to not sound scared.

“Yes, she is a very much willing sacrifice that wishes to serve her tribe. As do many other Borumas” Yantraki said, notching he was trying to sound and act emotionless. She could tell almost like a 6th sense that he was depressed and was just wanting to scream in anguish and frustration. Once an Amazon has found her mating partner, they can almost tell just from a glance what that person was feeling, or at least that is what the legends say. She knew he was an overly kind person; he just didn’t want to show it.

Kenyanire was walking over to them, a friendly look on her face, she looked happier than usual. Liam was confused, Kenyanire always looked seductive and happy but now she just looked happy. Kenyanire’s eyes fell onto Liam and a smile came across her face, making Liam shiver.

“I see you are up now!” She said excitedly, walking over and sitting down next to Liam. Yantraki narrowed her eyes at her mother as she pulled Liam into her side.

“What do you want mother, I plan to take Liam for a walk this morning,” Yantraki said, doing her best to stay calm and not yell at her mother for interrupting what she had seen as an awkward but potentially romantic day out before they left back for their island.

“Oh, so you’re going out today. Mind if I come as well” Her mother said, narrowing her eyes at her challengingly. Not having the energy or briefly to go against her mother at this point Yantraki reluctantly sucked in her breath and let out a big sigh before pushing a bowl of berries towards Liam.

“eats up well, we will be out for most of the day, and you'll need your energy,” Yantraki said as Liam nervously dug into the berries and cooked fish.

Kenyanire smiled at Liam, she could see he was nervous, slightly distressed I'm probably quite scared, but she was to sway him to her side and use him as a tool to Unite her daughters or at least provide some pleasure for herself she'll need to learn about him more. She decided to do this by going with her daughter today when she was out with Liam and asking them both questions about him, I'm doing her best understand what goes on inside the small human’s head.

The two Amazons and Liam quickly ate their meals and before long, then set off towards an already pre-scouted and deemed safe part of the forest. They walked in silence for a while both Amazon's flanking either side of Liam to make sure he couldn't try and run away. They stared intently at the boy studying his every action. Liam shivered slightly Yantraki had already scared him that day when she told him about how they were going to sacrifice that girl that night, he didn't know what was more sickening the fact they were just going to kill one of their own because they weren't strong enough and didn't live up to the expectations of Amazonian society, other fact that the scale was going to willingly let these women most likely brutally and savagely murder her for their enjoyment and religion.

“So, tell me, Liam, what was it like growing up in a human village?” Kenyanire asked.

Liam thought for a few seconds snapping out of his dismal and pessimistic mindset to answer her question.

“We were taught from a young age to fear your kind. I can understand why” Leah murmured the last part under his breath but the two Amazons with their superior hearing pick up on it. Kenyanire stared at her nervous looking daughter.

“What did you do?” Kenyanire questioned her daughter in their native Amazonian tongue. Yantraki only awkwardly looked away though as if a child not wanting to reveal a secret.

“I told him about the sacrifice tonight and he got scared,” Yantraki said, putting on a tone of voice as if to say she didn’t know she was doing anything wrong. Kenyanire hid her smile. she was planning to tell Liam anyway so that she could start finding out more but how he reacted to this kind of situation and how he thought believed, this would help her in the future as she would then be able to understand him more and gain his trust.

“you learn soon enough soon enough small human that this is how Amazonian society works, you will get used to it,” Kenyanire said, placing a gentle hand onto his shoulder as they walked.

“But you don’t need to…” Liam said, angry about how easily these Amazons could kill one of their own.

“What do you mean small one? This was bound to happen the day you tried to escape and in doing so let all the humans we captured go. If we still had the humans the Boruma wouldn’t be tonight’s sacrifice, the human would be instead. This also goes for the Borumas we will sacrifice and feast upon when we get home, you let the humans escape, we need the food, so we eat the Borumas.” Kenyanire said very matter of fact. Liam couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“If…If… I will come back to your island willingly on one condition.” Liam said gathering all the bravery he could muster. Kenyanire smiled, surprised at the humans offer.

“You will need to let me go back to my village to gather some books, then I will go with you to your island and find an easy and sustainable way to get food without eating humans or Boruma,” Liam said. He didn’t know why he was saying what he was saying, after all these people weren’t humans, so what was his concern if they eat each other or not? Liam decided that he was doing all this so that the Amazons wouldn’t eat humans, yeah that was it, he would never help an enemy otherwise.

“Fine then, we shall let you get the books, but it will be very hard to find a meat as good as cooked human or Boruma, and what do you think a singular human such as yourself could do?” Yantraki said, crossing her arms. She thought it cute that her Liam was thinking of trying to do such a probably undoable task.

“The only meat on the island anywhere near as good as human or Boruma is Timberwolf-Eyed Quaggatra, but they are hard to catch and are rare on the island,” Kenyanire added, admiring Liam’s face as she could almost see all the different thoughts and ideas that were running through his head being reflected onto his face. She knew he might not succeed but he was getting her hopes for a better future for the Amazons, and she wanted to entertain that idea.

“Okay, I have an idea, so you tell your warriors that they won’t need to kill any people tonight,” Liam said excitedly. His heart dropped thought as Kenyanire shook her head.

“My warriors are looking forward to tonight’s sacrifice. As am I,” Kenyanire leaned in and put her lips to Liam’s ear. She knew her people needed a sustainable food supply, and if he had away, she knew they would need it.

“I like you though so let’s make a deal. You will help us make a sustainable food supply, and I won’t turn your village into a human feasting ground.” Kenyanire said. She didn’t want to scare him, but she wanted to give him a little bit more of an extra drive, after all, he had gotten her hopes up and she didn’t like being disappointed.

She liked this side of him, she saw the determination in his eyes, she saw the potential he had to help her people. Kenyanire had Liam give her the names of the books he wanted. She memorised the names of the books quickly. Kenyanire left them to carry on their walk as she went back to the village to get some warriors to go with her and get the books for him on his behalf. Kenyanire had always wanted to find a way to have a constant food supply on their island that wasn’t the Boruma. She felt a little guilty for threatening Liam’s village, but he had her hopes up now for a brighter future for her people where they won’t need to kill the Boruma. She was starting to like the boy more and more.

Yantraki was now left alone with her slightly happier looking, Liam. She had to admire the look of happiness he had on his face. It seemed helping people, people who he even hated, was something that made him happy.

“You are a good human Liam,” Yantraki said putting an arm around his waist.

“you mind?” he said trying to get out of her arms, much to her amusement.

“Come on! Don’t tell me you don’t like the feeling of my large Amazonian breasts pressing against your arm” Yantraki said, leaning down slightly and kissing him on his cheek. Liam blushed and moved out of her arms. He hated the fact that she was somewhat right and he liked the feeling of her soft Amazonian breasts pressing against him. Despite her being a foot taller than him, and probably being older, she acted like a child.

“How old are you?” Liam questioned, jabbing the Amazon in the side with his elbow.

“20!” She said, giggling as his little attack made her giggle.

“Fucking act your age then!” Liam said, Yantraki laughed again and started to tickle Liam, making him fall onto the jungle floor.

“Amazons can live to be thousands of years old! It doesn’t matter what age I act, well at least around you.” She said giggling.

Liam laughed uncontrollably due to Yantraki’s tickles. He started to think about what she said and about how Amazon's lived to be thousands of years old. He then remembered what her mother had said about how since her daughter used some of her blood to save him immensely, he was now bound to live for the same life span as an Amazon. He thought this had to be rubbish and this had to be some joke they're playing on him, but the more he thought about it small he became scared and thought of living for thousands of years alongside bloodthirsty Amazons. He knew he had to do something if he was going to help the Boruma from being eaten.

He planned to find some of the Timberwolf-Eyed Quaggatra, find a way to breed them with one another much like cows. If he could find a way to turn them into a source of sustainable farming, then hopefully the Amazons wouldn't have to keep eating the weakest of their tried to survive. Liam didn't know why he was going to such extremes to help them after all he was their prisoner, and they were most likely going to just kill him once they got bored of him. Liam grunted and cursed his overly kind mind and heart as he couldn't bring himself to not help the Amazons.

His second idea was that he could try to find a way to plant crops on the island so they get a sustainable source of different kinds of foods so that they could hopefully find something tastier than human meat. Liam laughed a little too himself as Yantraki childishly tickled him. She wasn't that bad of a person to him, just someone with a different upbringing and belief system. Mabey what they talked about in school about the Amazons or being savages was wrong, or at least partially wrong as he hoped more Amazons like her were friendlier and much more caring towards the humans. He found it hard to believe that the Amazons didn't get bored of their partners and never grew tired of them even after hundreds or even thousands of years, but then again, they were a different species to the humans, so it might be possible.

Liam looked into Yantraki’s happy eyes. He laughed again to himself, hoping he wasn’t starting to get Stockholm syndrome off being around her too much. He also started to think that if he was going to live for the same number of years as Amazon does, would that make him a half Amazon in a way? And if he was now a half Amazon does that mean once he fell in love with someone, he won't ever fall out of love with them? These questions all shot through his mind but were quickly interrupted as Yantraki swooped him up in her arms and started to run through the jungle, an excited look on her face.

Yantraki ran for a while with a slightly scared Liam in her arms. She was an incredibly fast runner, so fast Liam felt like he was in a sports car in a race. Yantraki smiled down at the Liam that had curled into her chest and was clinging onto her arm for dear life. He was shaking like a newly born baby deer. She liked this soft side of him, it was cute. With Liam still in her arms as he was slowly getting his senses back, she walked him over to a large tree that sat on a small hill overlooking the ocean, and where the Amazons were keeping their war boats.

Yantraki took him over to the bed and sat down under the tree, Liam in her arms.

“Don’t worry Liam, your safe, I just want you to see something,” Yantraki said, running her hands through his hair. She liked the feeling of his hearing, it was soft and slightly curly. She gazed into his eyes and smiled before placing him by her side. She brushed a few leaves off him.

“Sorry if I am a little shaken up here, I just… am not good at moving that fast,” Liam said, his body was slightly wobbly from how fast they had been moving.

“Really? I know humans are weaker and slower but what I was doing was a light jog” Yantraki said, laughing. Liam laughed a little as well, he found it funny that what he had just gone through was just a light jog, he then shook slightly, hoping he would never have to be held by her if she were to take him on a sprint.

The two sat under the tree and looked over the Amazonian boats for a while, not saying a word. Yantraki put an arm around Liam and gently cuddled into his side. Liam was a little taken back, but he lifted his arm and let the Amazonian cuddle into his chest. She wrapped her arm around her.

“I’m only doing this because I’m cold and you’re warm,” Liam said, not wanting to admit he like the feeling of the Amazon’s soft body pressing against him. Yantraki could feel his heart beating loudly as she nestled her head against his chest. She could tell he was enjoying her company.

“Be honest, you like me?” Yantraki said, burying her face into his belly as she lay down on her side.

“I hate you,” Liam said, looking away from the Amazon. Yantraki giggled as she placed her head on his lap. She gently placed her hands on either side of his face. She could feel the heat in his cheeks. He was blushing. She made Liam look at her and place both of his hands onto her head.

“Rub my head, it will make me happy,” Yantraki said. Liam put his hands to his side out of protest.

“Are you still going to murder that girl tonight?” Liam said sternly as he looked to the side again, he couldn’t bear the fact he was starting to see this monster as a human. Yantraki sighed, she didn’t understand how or why he cared so much for just one stupid Boruma. They were all just meat, just food and playthings for the Amazons, she didn’t understand why he cared so much for a singular piece of livestock. She also didn’t like the fact he called the sacrificing of the Boruma murder as if the Boruma were people to him. He was complicated, he didn’t understand his human mind.

The Amazon jumped up and planted a kiss onto Liam’s lips. Liam sat back slightly, not expecting such an action.

“Yes, I plan to take part in the sacrifice of the Boruma tonight. But don’t worry, remember the drug you used on my mother? Well, we plan to use a lot of that drug on the sacrifice tonight.” Yantraki said, staring into his eyes. Liam jumped up, making Yantraki sit up as well. Liam rolled to one side and looked away from Yantraki.

“Promise me something.” He said dismally. Yantraki sighed and looked lovingly at him as he turned his head away to hide the blush coming over his face from the sight of the beautiful Amazon.

“Anything my love,” she said moving over to him and planting a kiss on his neck.

“Promise me two things, the first is that when you kill that girl tonight, she won’t feel any pain, secondly, promise me after I hopefully find a way to make a sustainable food source that there won’t be any more needless killings like the girl tonight,” Liam said, turning to Yantraki, a serious and brave look on his face. Yantraki was about to reject both requests, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. The brave and determined look on his face had her heart racing. She was even starting to hope that whatever ideas he had thought up to make a sustainable food source would work.

Yantraki sighed, disappointed in herself, but despite this, she still wore a large smile on her face. She was meant to be a strong and brave warrior princess, but that could wait until she was back on her island. For now, she could just be a little more loose and childish. Yantraki leapt onto Liam and started to kiss him.

“I promise,” Yantraki said. Yantraki was a little taken back as Liam did something she didn’t expect. Liam wrapped his arms around her.

“Thank you” He whispered before jumping to his feet and looking away smugly as he looked down at the heavily blushing Yantraki.

“Just because I hugged you though doesn’t mean l like you now,” Liam said crossing his arms and looking condescendingly down at Yantraki.

“Be honest, you like me,” Yantraki said playfully as she pounced up onto all fours like a lion.

“No, I still hate you,” Liam said. Yantraki smiled and started to laugh a little. She knew he didn’t mean what he was saying, she could tell he was slowly and steadily starting to warm up to her.

“At least call me beautiful then. If you do, I will let you kiss me.” Yantraki teased like a child playing a game. Liam scoffed.

“I admit you are fairly attractive but don’t get too full of yourself, and anyway from how you act you will kiss me later at some point whether I like it or not,” Liam said, taking a few steps back, not wanting to fall into the clutches of the Amazon.

“Don’t act like I am not the most gorges and breath-taking woman you have ever met.” Yantraki flirted. Before Liam could dodge Yantraki pounced and pinned him onto the ground. Yantraki started to place kisses onto Liam’s lips as she cooed over how amazing his new life on her island will be.

“Please, stop!” Liam said trying to push the overly loving Amazon off, after everything they had just discussed, he just wanted to think, rather than entertain her. Yantraki was stronger though and planted a few more kisses onto him before letting him go.

“We have been out here for probably an hour or so, we should go back, and I can show you all the things I have taken from your house,” Yantraki said as she gripped one hand around Liam’s throat and another around his crotch.

“I also found your little collection of nude women, I will forgive you for now because you didn’t have me yet and needed a way to release your sexual needs, but you have me now so no looking at other women, ok?” Yantraki said as she let him go and gripped his hand. Liam gulped. He was hoping Yantraki wasn’t planning on doing any tortures activities for him. The two started to walk back through the forest, happily chatting and making jokes. Yantraki teasing Liam the entire time, mostly over her superior hight and strength, which in her mind made her superior to the weaker human women. Liam hated the fact he was starting to get along with this monster. He stared at her smiling face as they walked. He wouldn’t allow himself to start thinking of this beast as a friend, he rather kill himself first.

They soon returned to the village. Yantraki walked with Liam back to their hut, doing her best to keep him distracted as the Amazonian women were preparing a large cooking spit for the night’s ceremony. Yantraki looked sadly at the women as they prepared for the feast. She usually loved it when they cooked and ate a sacrifice. If the sacrifice were willing, they would usually have them dance around the crowd dressed in a crown and small skirt of fruits. The natives would then slowly pluck the fruits of the dancing man or woman and once all the fruit was gone, they were dressed in clothing made of large tropical flowers. Once the person was then prepared, they would dance around the fire until they got tired and then finally would the Amazons cook them.

Yantraki loved the ceremony, but despite this, she found herself not wanting to attend the party and rather spend her time with Liam in the hut. She started to think, she had to be going crazy, she was his owner, she should be the one in charge, yet she was placing his feelings above her own. Yantraki didn’t understand what she was feeling. On one hand, she wanted to take part in the feast as she hadn’t eaten any good meat in a while as berries and fish could only satisfy and Amazon for short amounts of time. But then again, she also wanted to spend time with Liam, she wanted to stay by his side and make sure he was sleeping well. Yantraki pushed the thoughts out of her head. She would make sure Liam was happy for the rest of the day before drugging him and making sure he is in a good deep sleep before going to the feast. She saw this as the kindest thing she could do for him at the time.

She took Liam into the hut and moved past him and onto the bed.

“Come here, I want to cuddle,” Yantraki said as she held up one of his bed covers. Liam walked over and sat next to her. Yantraki moved in behind him and sniffed his hair.

“After the feast tonight, we will move under the cover of darkness back towards our home, so you need to relax and have a good sleep,” Yantraki said, pulling him under the covers and cuddling into his chest.

“Tell me about yourself, or I will bite your nipple off,” Yantraki said, biting his nipple slightly, a playful look in her eyes. Liam laughed a little, she was a weird one, to say the least, he still didn’t trust her fully but he did like her to an extent. She was like an overly excited puppy, but despite this, he still felt a small amount of fear whenever he was around her.

“Fine, I’ll tell you a simple story,” Liam said placing a hand onto her head as he leant his head back against the pillow.

“Once when I was training to be a teaching assistant this guy and I accidentally set a car on fire,” Liam said smirking, beginning his story and explanation of what a car is. But in the back of his mind still dwelled the thought that the Amazon that was cutely cuddling into his chest, that night was going to eat someone. He couldn’t believe a savage cannibalistic creature such as an Amazon could be so loving and caring towards him. He could feel his heartbeat faster as he looked at her devilish smile. Amazons weren’t human, he knew that, but despite that, they looked so human. He went back to telling his story, wanting to take his mind of the savage beauty who was against his chest.

He looked down at her loving eyes. He couldn’t decide whether she was a monster or an angel and in a twisted way he wished he would never find out




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