Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 20 – A hive mind of stupidity

As most mornings went by. Sun slowly poured into the room from an open window. Loud tropical birds sang outside on the tree branches. And lastly, Liam awoke in the arms of Yantraki. Like usual he groaned as he dragged himself out of the amazon’s arms. Strands of Yantraki’s hair hung over Liam’s face. Despite its softness, the hair was a menace to Liam when he woke. Her long stands would always find themselves wrapped around his face. Groaning Liam started to swat the hair away. He had no clue What Yantraki did at night that would cause such a mess. But it seemed today she had decided to be even less careful than usual as Liam yanked his legs from between her strong thighs.

What didn’t help as well as the headache he had from the night before. He had no clue what had happened the night before. But whatever they had given him was giving him a hangover of a lifetime.

“Fucking hell. I know you amazons pride yourselves on your long hair. But holy fuck.” Liam said as he brushed more thick blue locks out of his face.

Wait a second. Liam looked at the hair again. It was a deep shade of dark blue. Yantraki hair was a dark green. Very dark green at that bust still a dark green. In other words, there was no way he could mistake what he was seeing. Now scared at the idea he was sleeping with someone else who wasn’t Yantraki. Liam barrel rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Landing with a thud. Scrambling to his feet he looked at the stranger he had been in bed with.

A mixture of fear, confusion and somewhat curiosity filled Liam as he saw the now waking Thorn as she dragged herself out of bed. Her nude body immediately catching Liam’s eyes.

“Idiot today is a rest day. Get back to bed.” Thorn said as she patted the space next to her.

“Fuck your naked!” Liam screamed as he covered his eyes and stumbled back.

“And I’m fucking naked! Why am I fucking surprised!” Liam said as he started to move around the room in search of clothes.

“Idiot! You leave for the Daughters of the Moon in a month, so we will arrive after the mating season. I will be accompanying you. So today we rest and tomorrow you and I shall start your talks about whatever military plan you have come up with.” Thorn commanded as she again gestured for Liam to return to bed. Liam wasn’t listening though as he started to look for his trousers under the bed. Nothing though. His clothes weren’t in their usual place next to the bed, nor under the bed. Maybe the Boruma had taken them.

“Oh, you are fucking cunts” Liam muttered as he went to drab a fur blanket off the bed to cover himself.

Thorn reached forward and grabbed Liam’s hand. Stopping him in his tracks. Before Liam could say anything, Thorn overpowered him. Dragging him onto the bed she pinned him down onto the bed.

“I said we are relaxing today. The Boruma are currently on the other side of the village with your clothes. So, in other words, you are staying here with me for today my little human.” Thorn said. Swiftly she placed a kiss onto his lips to prevent him from speaking. Her warm body almost melting against Liam’s. Pulling the shorter Liam down under the covers. She pushed Liam’s body against hers.

“Stay, relax. I want to sleep for a little longer. If you want something to eat or drink. Feel free to ask…or…” She said a wicked smile on her lips. Liam watched as she started to fondle one of her breasts.

“No,” Liam said immediately as he saw how this was going.

“Oh, come on! My mother has talked a lot about you suckling on her breasts like a child! It sounds adorable!” Thorn teased as she pushed his face between her breasts. Liam pushed her back, taking in breaths to keep himself from suffocating against her large breasts.

“I’ll have you know that none of those times was by my choice.” Liam tried to argue.

“Really?” She questioned as she went to push her breasts against his face again. In any other circumstance, like most things with the amazons, he would have enjoyed this. But the constant over sexualising of themselves that the amazons often did was something that he was starting to find annoying.

“Please stop before I punch you,” Liam said as he narrowed his eyes at her.

“Really? You will punch a girl?” Thorn berated.

“You’re an Amazon, I think you will be fine. Also, one last thing. Just respect your own body more. Please. I’m just not used to it, even now.” Liam said. He had to admit he was starting to get used to the nudity the amazons proudly displayed. But he wanted whatever excuse possible to escape.

“Well, unlike your little human women, we amazons are very much proud of our bodies, and we like to display them to the world. And especially to those we like.” Thorn said, kissing the squirming Liam on the head.

She couldn’t help but want to spend some time with the human who had seemingly changed her very orthodox mother and sister so much. Thorn could defiantly see the attraction. He wasn’t the most handsome. But he had a weird charismatic sense to him. He had weird bravery and kindness that wasn’t found amongst the amazons. Don’t get it wrong. Amazons were brave. But the bravery to throw himself onto an island of people who would gladly stick a spit up his ass and having him roast over a fire, and then try to help them so they didn’t eat his people. This little human was brave in a weird sense.

Then there was the kindness he showed towards those who saw him as their property, their slave, their pet. Only the Boruma held this kind of kindness towards each other and others. But they did greatly lack the intelligence that she could see he held. How he held himself. How his eyes were always subtly scanning the room.

Kissing him once again. Thorn started to rub the top of his head. Liam protest slowly halted as the skilled hands of an amazon were starting to force him into a deep sleep. Smirking Thorn took the opportunity to place Liam into a position she found comfortable. Now she had the soft human smuggling into her chest; she understood what Kenyanire meant by when she said he was puppy-like.

“I…need to go…” Liam tried to say. But his lips were again met by Thorn’s.

“Relax little one, you should stop your worrying,” Thorn said as she carried on her head rubs. She went until his breathing slowed to a calm pace and his eyes slowly closed. Once he was in a relaxed sleeping state. She began to cuddle him into her chest as she fell into a sleep of her own.

Kenyanire peaked around the entrance of the room. Thorn was now fast asleep. A relaxed and equally as fatigued Liam curled up in her arms. She heard them from downstairs and went to say good morning. But it seemed Thorn wasn’t planning on allowing him to leave yet. turning around she went back down the wooden stairs. Kenyanire guessed that she could just leave them for a while longer. Her original plan was also to tell Liam about how she had a fleet of ships they captured ready to go and save the people from Thorn’s tribe. It seemed though that she could just send them off to get them without him. After all, this may just be a nice little surprise for both of them. Andreaka and Icaria greeted Kenyanire at the bottom of the stairs. Bright smiles on their faces. Kenyanire knew what the girls and their possies wanted.

“You can see him in a minute,” Kenyanire said in Amazonian as she walked past the now disappointed looking Boruma.

“AHHH!” The Boruma all simultaneously groaned as they slumped into a group by the stairs. They planned to ambush Liam when he came down for breakfast. As Kenyanire walked into the living room she came to a sudden stop in the doorway. Turning around she looked to the group of Boruma. A short blue-haired girl sat at the runt of the pack with several other blue or black-haired girls. Chalking this up to just being new members of their little gang, Kenyanire continued into the living room.

She took a seat down on a pile of comfy furs. Leaning stared at the blank tapestry that hung on her wall. Having a blank canvas like this was boring. She could paint something nice onto it. But at the cost that it would probably be disrespectful to the Amazonian art. After all, the tapestry was meant to be something important. Thus, it needed to be painted with something important. Like a story, adventure or ritual of some kind. Usually, this would be no problem for someone of Kenyanire’s status who had fought and been through many wars and battles. But at this time her mind was disturbed by many images and feelings. All that filled her head were the ideas of Yantraki and her wellbeing.

This didn’t seem right. It couldn’t be. She did care for her daughters yes. But in Amazonian society, it was accepted for daughters to die and mothers to simply sleep with a captive man and produce more. Her mind started to ponder about how this could be happening. How was she caring this much about a singular daughter? Her mind pondered yet again on a possibility. Staring at the blank tapestry that stood proudly infant of her, she started to think.

“Liam.” She muttered, now understanding why she had these thoughts. It was what Liam had said to her yesterday after the battle.

How he had told her to act like a mother towards her daughters. This was stupid. She was acting like an Amazonian mother. Raising her children. Allowing the strongest to survive. Then sending them off into the world to do whatever they wished. Why did Liam say act like a mother? She was. He was. She understood most of her daughters were trying to kill her. That was normal though, right? Amazonian children would often try to kill their parents to become the head of the family. Then why the fuck was she so worried about her daughter!

No matter how many times Kenyanire tried to rationalise what she was thinking. Her mind always looped back to the idea of actually like her daughters.

“Impossible…” She muttered. At that moment she decided to wait for Liam so she could try to talk to him about what she was feeling.

Thumping and yelling from upstairs signalled that Liam was now awake. She knew that Thorn had probably tried to seduce him and in return, the quite sexually calm Liam was now probably fully awake and freaking out. Kenyanire had to admit she was impressed by how reluctant Liam was to sleep with any amazon. Now thinking about it the only time he had sex was because Yantraki started it and he was either too slow (compared to an amazon) to realise what was happening and by the time he noticed he realised that trying to get an in-heat amazon of him was like trying to live by not eating, drinking or breathing. The other times were when he had a little bit of the weaker wines, meaning his mind was not in that clear of a mental state. From watching Liam, she could tell he probably didn’t mind sex, but it seemed that when he was sober, and in a clear mental state he rarely ever even looked at their bodies. Kenyanire knew he found them attractive though. He was just shy. Once he was having sex he enjoyed it, she could tell. Amazons could almost smell on humans their arousal and enjoyment. Thinking about it. Kenyanire had never once seen Liam have sex with Yantraki when he hadn’t had some wine to start with.

“FUCKING PERVERT!” Liam yelled as borrowed down the stairs. Kenyanire watched as Liam started to struggle against the army of Boruma that sat at the bottom of the stairs.

“So, this is what he is like when he doesn’t want sex? Interesting.” Kenyanire thought out loud to herself as she took a mental note.

The note being. when humans are not intoxicated, and/or horny, they do not like to have sex. Humans were interesting creatures to Kenyanire. After all, amazons almost had a switch in their head that activated whenever they smelt or saw anything that slightly aroused them. This metaphorical switch, when activated placed them into an extreme heat where they would stop at nothing to have sex with their desired partner. They also realised this almost hypnotic subtle scent that placed others around them into heat. Now thinking of it that was probably why Yantraki was able to get Liam to sleep with her so much so easily. Noticing the erection Liam had it seemed the scent of mating an amazon gave off was already working on him.

Amazons were dangerous to humans. The combined subtle scent and their natural beauty were almost enough to seduce any man. Kenyanire had to admit it was quite interesting though how Liam overcame this scent so easily. Yes, the scent wasn’t that strong. But it was strong enough to at least make him think of sex. Mabey his lack of lust was just part of her theory that he was very shy?

Kenyanire stopped theorising and trying to put together ideas when Liam leapt onto the pile of furs next to her.

“Please, stop them, they are monsters…” Liam said as he cowered from the group of Boruma that stared him down. Lustful and playful looks in their bright eyes.

“It is about 2 weeks until the mating season is in full swing. And we shall leave in a month or so after the mating season. So, they wish to have as much enjoyment with you as they can before they disappear for a month. Of cause that Is a month away so they will have plenty of time to have fun with you.” Kenyanire informed as the Boruma now circled Liam like a pack of wild animals.

“I thought the mating season was in one week?” Liam said as he tried his best to fend off the group.

“It was, but the high priestess has done another prediction. They think for the first time in about 2-6 hundred years the second sun shall appear and line up with the moon and sun.” Kenyanire said as she watched the Boruma tackle, Liam, to the ground.

Despite now being pinned by a group of lustful looking Boruma, he still found himself thinking about what she just said. From what he gathered the Amazons were much like animals in how they had mating seasons and how one mate tended to be much more sexually active than the other. Oh god…he hated thinking of himself as a mate of Yantraki’s. After all, yes, she had sex with her. But that was because she was very attractive, and he was slightly drunk most of the time. Anyway… he pushed the thought out of his mind. He knew he was going to have to act fast if he was to start training the Boruma alongside Thorn. Shit, and he hadn’t even gotten the pots for boiling water ready.

Not wanting to be any more behind on schedule than he already was, Liam started to try to claw his way out of the horde of Boruma.

“Relax, stop struggling. I heard you upstairs, just tell me what you wanted to talk about, and I will go and do it. Assuming that you probably want me to go and do something that is. In the meantime, you relax. You deserve it after the battle.” Kenyanire said as she watched the Boruma strip him. She started to theorise again. The Boruma were very similar to the amazons in terms of hormones and sexual desire. What she could tell though was that they were much worse at controlling these urges, nor like amazon did they care much for the idea of seducing their partner. Despite living for so long. Boruma still couldn’t wrap her head around the sexual behaviour and desire of both humans and amazons. It seemed simple, yet here was Liam refusing such beautiful young women wanting to see him naked.

Footsteps descended the stairs. Kenyanire turned to see a defeated looking Thorn walking down the stairs, her hand covering one of her nipples.

“He bit me!” She said as tears swelled in her eyes.

“I know, I know. Just let me get whatever plan he has come up with into my head so I can leave him in the…care? of the Boruma.” Kenyanire wasn’t sure if the pile of bodies that now swarmed Liam is what was meant to be classified as care. But either way, she wanted to hear whatever he had come up with to see if it could help her people.

“I am pretty sure that he wants me to train some amazons on our battle tactics in close combat,” Thorn added. Liam pushed his head out from the pile of Boruma.

“No, I want you to train the Boruma. I want you to train them as a light combat unit, then the amazons will be trained in how to use the pikes and shields.” Liam said before he was dragged back down into the pile.

“I see…” Kenyanire said as she wasn’t sure if she should try to drag Liam from the pile. But the excited gleam in the eyes of the girls as they examined a male/human for the first time. They were like her in a way. Simply just curious about how this human worked.

“Why train Boruma?” Thorn questioned.

“Well, they beat you, didn’t they?” Kenyanire pointed out. Thorn snarled, hating the fact her mother was right. Now having the information, they needed to at least start Liam’s plan, the two stared down at the group who were now all examining and studying Liam’s nude body. His hands being sat on by the Boruma as the blushing Liam tried to convince the girls to get off him as he wasn’t in the mood for sex and there were things he needed to get done. Kenyanire bit her bottom lip. Why was she thinking of sex so much? It was probably because of the coming mating season.

“Should we help him?” Thorn asked, staring down at the group who now prodded and poked at a very pissed looking Liam.

“He’ll get used to it if he isn’t used to it already. Let’s go and start training the Boruma.” Kenyanire grabbed Andreaka and Icaria by the scruffs of their necks. If they were to control the Boruma and they didn’t have Liam, they were going to need the next two best things. The Boruma all seemed to rally around both Liam and these two girls. So, to command the Boruma they needed these two. Wining the two girls started to struggle as Kenyanire started to carry them under her arms.

An awkward and slightly confused Thorn followed her mother as she started to carry the two struggling girls out of the house. Liam waited until the two amazons and two Boruma had left before he started to struggle.

No longer having their leaders the Boruma didn’t fight back against Liam as he went to stand up. The second though he started to move towards the door, the blue-haired girl jumped into action. She bolted to the door. Throwing her arms out to the sides she blocked Liam from leaving.

Liam didn’t even try to go for the door. Instead, he chose to sit on the pile of furs. Trying to think of why they were to go and meet the Daughters of the Moon. He didn’t remember if they had already told him about this. They may of but the ever-increasing pain of the headache was taking over. Considering that they were called the Daughters of the moon he assumed they probably had sour relations with the Sun Sisters. That was so he guessed they were probably going to meet them like the idea of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

It seemed that they probably wanted him to go with them as he was going to have to try to get them onto their side somehow. Something bumped into his arm. Liam glanced down to see the blue-haired girl had moved from the door to his side. Her large, dark, brown eyes fixed on Liam. She smiled as she nuzzled her head against his arm. He couldn’t help but think how an animal like the Boruma was compared to their amazon counterparts. This was to do with their vastly different upbringings. Anyway, though Liam knew he needed to do something that day to stay sain. Like a god had heard his calls, there was a knock at the door.

Liam’s eyes met with the blue-haired girl. Both then looked to the door. It was clear that she had been told to not allow him to leave. But it seemed she wasn’t informed on what to do if someone went to visit the house. In a standoffish position, they slowly backed away from one another. Neither was sure what the other one was going to do. Liam simply wanted to answer the door. He knew though there was a high chance she was going to try to tackle him.

The door opened. Instantly putting an end to the tense situation and starting another as a tall woman with black hair walked into the room. It took a few seconds for him to realise who this person was. Soon though he realised this was Thormoenia. She just wasn’t wearing her usual coats of dirt and paint. Chuckling Liam calmed as he realised how stupid he had been.

“Thormoenia, hey how can I help you?” Liam said. Thormoenia chuckled and looked down to his waist. Liam looked to where she was gazing. Immediately his face burst into a blush as he realised his makeshift fur lion cloth had slipped. Revealing his gentiles to the amazon.

Thormoenia looked behind herself and waved a hand. A young huntress stepped forward with ha pile of cloths. She threw the materials to Liam. Catching them Liam quickly realised they were some of his clothes. Thought question he pulled his clothes on. Much to the disappointment of the Boruma who wished to see a male up close for longer.

“Come with me, I wish to take you on a walk.” Thormoenia, gesturing for Liam to follow her as she turned to leave.

“Sorry, but I am currently under house arrest,” Liam said, pointing to the group of Boruma.

“Ignore them. If they try to stop us, I will eat them!” Thormoenia said with a large grin on her face.

“Now come on. I understand you are a person who can’t be confined to a single space like me. So, I think Kenyanire keeping you here is more harm than good. Come now, I shall take you somewhere nice.” Thormoenia explained as she placed a hand on his head. Pulling Liam towards the door. Thormoenia made it clear he was coming with them. Not wanting to fight the head huntress, but also not wanting to go against Kenyanire. The Boruma followed in their pack after them.

Together the group walked down the dirt path away from the house. Like most times he ever left the relative safety of the home. Liam soon found himself in the jungle with little idea of how he originally got there. This was always a problem of his as a child. He got easily distracted and would completely forget where he was going.

Glancing over his shoulder. Liam could see the Boruma all kept a good distance as not to start a conflict with the huntresses. Despite the good 30ft distance though Liam could still hear the loud chattering of the group. He could also still feel the intense gaze that the blue-haired girl seemed to be giving him. Was she angry? If she was then why? Now he was thinking about it, it may have been because she thought she was going to get in trouble for letting Liam out of the house.

After wandering around for a little while the group soon arrived at their destination. A large circular lake. It was probably about 100 by 100ft. so not too giant. But big enough to get a group of their size into. Not wasting a second of freedom. The huntresses immediately stripped of their clothes and started to walk towards the water. Liam pulled his eyes away from the now nude amazons as they started to dip their legs into the water. Despite their rough and hostile appearance. The huntresses were like all amazons. Giant children with a warped sense of humanity. But then again Liam couldn’t blame them. Why would they have a sense of humanity if they weren’t human?

“Hey, you coming?” Thormoenia called to Liam.

“Yeah sorry,” Liam said as he walked down to the lake. His hands stuffed in his pockets as a way to tell them there was no way, he was going to get undressed. Thormoenia smirked as her eyes met with Liam’s. She could almost smell the determination on him.

“You know what I am going to say don’t you?” Thormoenia said as she gripped a hand around Liam’s thigh.

“Yes, and the answers no.” The second the words no left Liam’s lips. Thormoenia gripped tightly around his leg and threw him into the water.

Sputtering and coughing. Liam emerged from the cold water. A sour scowl on his face. Laughing at his face. Thormoenia started to kick under the water. Covering Liam in waves of freezing water.

“You ass hat!” Liam yelled. Diving under the water Liam started to move towards the legs of the huntress.

Gripping his hands around one of the huntresses’ legs. He dragged them down into the water. The amazon was dragged under the water. Liam smirked for a few seconds as he thought he had gotten back at the amazons. Fear stabbed into him sharper than any knife. Thormoenia’s eyes narrowed at Liam as the bubble of water cleared and their gazes met. Immediately Liam turned from the amazon. Wanting to escape from the pissed looking amazon. Kicking off the ground he went to try to swim. A firm hand wrapped around his ankle.

“Shit,” Liam thought as Thormoenia dragged him back through the water. Strong arms wrapped around him as Thormoenia pulled him onto her lap. Spinning Liam around she made Liam face towards her.

“My, my who knew you were such a rebel little human?” Thormoenia said as she placed Liam into a headlock. Putting her hand into a fist she started to ruffle the boy’s hair with her knuckles.

“Fuck that hurts!” He yelled as he tried to struggle out of the amazon’s arms. Thormoenia only responded with a grin as she sat up out of the water. Liam still held firmly under her arm. Just before Liam was placed into a headlock once again. He caught a glimpse of the Boruma gathered in a bundle around what looked to be a flower.

Its petals were purple with red dots. He remembered this flower from one of his books. It was highly poisonous but wasn’t life-threatening. From the looks of it though the Boruma seemed to know this let alone know what the plant was as they all took turns sniffing it and taking bites of its leaves. The Boruma who bit the leaf threw her hand over her mouth as she sprinted to a bush. Liam frowned slightly as he heard her starting to throw up.

“You see that right?” Thormoenia said as she also watched the idiocy of the Boruma as one after another they each tried taking bites from the plant in different areas.

“What are they doing?” Liam asked as the girls who ate from the plant all went to the bushes to throw up.

“Honestly, the Boruma don’t leave the village much. So, they are probably trying to study what that plant is.” Thormoenia tried to rationalise.

“Trial and error,” Liam whispered as he now watched the girls with fascination. Wanting to get a good idea of how the Boruma thought. After all, they were interesting creatures. Their love and compassion for one another greatly outweighed their intelligence or reasoning. Crawling out of the now equally as interested Thormoenia’s arms. He sat and watched as the girls studied the plant and the surrounding plants of similar shades of purple with red dots.

First is the stem. Then the leaves. Then the stem again. Next the bottom of the stem. Then the top. The Boruma tried all different ways to eat the plant. Each time though they scattered away to throw up.

Watching them Liam started to feel a little bad. It was obvious to him now that it was metrical, they were still alive as a species. These Boruma truly were idiots. You would have thought by now eating the same plant over and over again they would have figured out it was dangerous. But no, they kept going. Eating the plant and then throwing up.

Liam was distracted from his thoughts as he saw the blue-haired girl pick up a sharp stone. Picking one of the plants that they hadn’t try to eat. She ripped the plant from its roots. Using the sharp stone, she cut open the stem of the plant. Thick amounts of a purple liquid poured out of the plant and onto the grass.

Moving down closer to the liquid she licked the purple liquid. She immediately recoiled. Putting one of her hands over her mouth she stopped herself from throwing up. Picking up the plant. The blue-haired girl took a bite off one of its leaves. Her face soured for a few seconds. Liam and Thormoenia watched. Just waiting for the girl to start throwing up. The blue-haired girl’s face relaxed as she happily ate the plant. Once her mouth full was finished she started to inform her fellow Boruma on how to eat the plant.

Together the two sat and watched as the Boruma had their fill of the plants. Once all the plants were eaten. The Boruma started to burry the seeds of the plants. Liam was confused for a few seconds about what they were doing. Soon though he realised they were just sowing the seeds so they could come back to eat the newly grown plants another time.

“Why are they burying the seeds?” Thormoenia asked as she watched the Boruma finish the last bits of their planting.

Crashing came from a nearby row of bushes. The Boruma immediately all went to attention as their gazes fixed onto the bushes. Rustling the bush started to open as an about 5ft tall bird hopped out from the green leaves. A Chillcali. Something was off about it though. Liam knew from the weeks spent watching over the field of Chillcali that they came in many different colours. But this one. It was a bright scarlet red. Several more of the birds came screaming out of the bush after the first. Looking to the Boruma Liam could see the look of hunger in their eyes.

“Shit, I think they are going to attack the birds,” Liam said.

“And? They are birds.” Thormoenia responded.

“Yeah but, I haven’t seen these before. I just want to watch them for a while.” Liam said as he moved closer to the birds.

“Hey, Thormoenia?” Liam asked.

“Yes,” Thormoenia responded as she also watched the birds start to hop towards the excited Boruma.

“Just hypothetically. Would you ever train a human how to fight?” Liam asked as he put a hand out to one of the birds.

“What do you mean? A huntress, a feared warrior even amongst the Gray Skinned who dwell on their island far from here…maybe,” she said as she started to ponder what this human was trying to ask her.

“Would you…train me,” Liam said, as he turned and looked Thormoenia in the eyes.

Their eyes met as the two waited for the other reaction. Thormoenia smirked, assuming he was joking. But his unwavering gaze made her start to think. He was serious. A human asking a huntress to make him strong.

“You’re not kidding, are you?” She said, now interested even more in this human.

“Yes,” Liam answered in an instant. Looking into the eyes of the boy. Thormoenia started to think.

“Amazons do not just give out their help you know. What will you offer me?” Thormoenia said, glaring at Liam. Liam looked down. Thinking for a few seconds. Once he had come up with an answer. He met her stare.

“I’ll train you,” Liam said. Thormoenia ginned. Assuming he was joking.

“In what? What could a little human possibly have to teach,” Thormoenia cackled, seeing an opportunity Liam put a handout to Thormoenia.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” Liam said, giving her a cocky smile. Returning his smirk. Thormoenia grabbed his small human hand.

“Fine, you have me, interested human,” Thormoenia said as she placed a sturdy hand onto his head.






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