Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 21 – always a new problem

Liam’s hair gently flowed Infront of his face. He sat on a ridge with Thormoenia. Staring downwards he looked to the small nests of red birds. Liam’s hands ran over the dark green grass he was kneeling on. The light that broke through the treetops almost highlighted the nest and the birds happily hopping around them.

“Do I have to?” Liam said.

“If you want me to train you yes,” Thormoenia added

“Fine,” Liam said as he took in a deep breath. Gripping the Kukuna knife in his hands. He looked down at the birds. Picking out the weakest and smallest.

Taking in another deep breath. Liam charged forward. Leaping into the air he crashed down onto one of the birds. Lifting his knife high into the air he went to stab the creature in the neck. Chirps from the younger birds filled Liam’s ears. Looking up he stared at the birds in the eyes. He couldn’t do it. Looking back down to this strange cousin of the Chillcali species he looked into its cowering eyes.

“Fuck.” Liam muttered as he let the bird go from his grip. Liam smiled as he watched the bird happily jump to the side of its flock. Mabey it was better to call them a parliament instead as they looked more like owls than any other bird. Thormoenia jumped down from her spot on the ridge. Quickly walking forward, she grabbed one of the birds around the neck. Yanking it from its family she brought it over to Liam. Holding the bird to eye level she placed her thumb onto the creature’s neck.

“If you are to work for me. You will need to put aside that kindness you hold so proudly in your heart.” Thormoenia said. Using her thumb to snap the neck of the bird. The crack of the bird’s neck followed by the ripping of flesh as Thormoenia ripped off the bird’s head was enough to make Liam shudder.

“Let’s go back to the lake and roast this bird. It’s getting dark and if Kenyanire finds out you aren’t at home she will skin me alive.” Thormoenia said as she pulled Liam to his feet and started to walk back towards the lake. Liam looked to the sky.

He hadn’t even noticed how late it had gotten. Standing up he looked to Thormoenia who was already walking in the direction of the lake. Liam only took a few steps after her before stopping. Turning around he looked at the red birds. Their trembling legs and big eyes started to tug at Liam’s heartstrings. Quickly counting. Liam took note that in total there were 4 birds.

“I’m going to get in trouble for this…” Liam said as he leaned down and picked the birds up into his arms. There was no way they were going to survive out here alone. He just wanted to make sure they were well looked after until they were big enough to look after themselves.

Branches broke under her feet as she made sure they were well trodden down and broken. Thormoenia knew that if she was to…oh god even the thought of training Liam was enough to make her smile. But anyway. She trod down the branches to make sure he had an easy path to follow. She knew that she could move much faster than Liam. But for whatever reason, he still was so far behind her. Glancing over her shoulder she looked to see Liam struggling to carry what remained of the red birds in his arms. What was he…oh.

“Oh fuck.” Thormoenia muttered as she realised what Liam was doing.

“We are not keeping those.” She said as they finally reached the lake.

“No, we are not. I am. I’ll look after them on their own.” Liam said as he held the birds closer to his chest.

“What did I just say about being more brutal and tough?” Thormoenia said as she threw the bird to one of the huntresses that were staring at a small fire. The Boruma all lay around lazily as they waited for food. The remaining huntress was using a knife to sharpen a stick for them to spit roast the meat over the fire. Liam had to admit it was interesting to see an amazon sharpening a spit for roasting a bird rather than a human or Boruma.

Sitting down by a nearby tree, Liam allowed the birds to start hopping excitedly around his lap. He started to move them closer though as he realised several Boruma was now watching him. This on its own wasn’t bad, no. It was just that he could see them starting to salivate. This was due to their lust for wanting to eat these birds. Pulling the two-foot-tall birds closer. Liam took off his shirt and wrapped it around the birds to keep them safe. Pulling his shirt over the eyes of the birds to prevent them from seeing their parent being cooked.

Thormoenia glanced over her shoulder to see the Boruma now surrounding Liam as he played with the four birds.

“You know the reason we are eating early was that none of us here will want to be found out by Kenyanire that we were out here with you, to begin with,” Thormoenia said as she took the spit from her huntress. Lifting the meat up she impaled it down on the spit. The second huntress now had the fire going at a good size as Thormoenia started to roast the meat.

“Shit yeah. I’ll just say I went into the garden, and they walked over to me.” Liam quickly rationalised as he struggled to stop the Boruma from trying to eat the birds.

“Idiot. Amazons can tell if you are lying, remember?” Thormoenia said as she looked from the roasting meat to Liam.

“I’ll…figure it out when I get to it,” Liam said, now realising he was bound to get in trouble. But if that meant these little guys and probably some girls who sat on his lap were safe. He didn’t mind the consequences. After all, he knew Kenyanire needed him. For this reason, he doubted she wasn’t going to give him that harsh of a punishment.

Soon the meat was eaten and the Borumas were calmed. Even going as far as to play around with the baby birds who didn’t know better. Liam though was slightly annoyed by the prods and pokes he got on his back and chest since his shirt was wrapped around the 4 birds. Thormoenia smiled as she watched Liam smack the blue-haired girl on the head as she went to bite off the head of one of the birds. Scowling the girl looked up to Liam. But he only responded with a hit once again. Feeling no sympathy for the girl.

Seeing it was already starting to get dark. Also armed with the knowledge that Kenyanire was soon to be home. Standing up and walking over to the bickering group Thormoenia gave Liam a little kick in the side.

“Come, it's dark. Kenyanire will be home soon and you better start thinking of something as an excuse.” Thormoenia said as she yelled in Amazonian the same, she had told him. Boruma all started to jump up from their sleepy states as they hurried to start on the track back towards the village. Liam was last to get up as he struggled to juggle the birds.

The group walked through the thick jungle. The Boruma chatted loudly as the huntresses muttered angrily about them under their breath. Liam ignored both groups though as he started to think. If an amazon was like a living lie detector. Then could he try to trick them by allowing the birds to wander ahead of him to the house? By having the birds do this on their own he could then technically say the birds came to the house by themselves. Mabey, just maybe this could work. Even better he could have the Boruma bring the birds for him. Then again, he can say he didn’t be bringing the birds to the house and that it was the Boruma who did so. Technically again he wasn’t lying. Mabey he could get away with this.

Soon the troop reached the village. Automatically Liam gave the birds to the blue-haired girl. Praying she wasn’t going to try to eat them. Pulling on his shirt he directed the girls towards the house. The Boruma seemed to get a rough idea of what he wanted to do and watched as he quickly ran to the house. Running through the door he pulled off his clothes and threw them into a corner of the room. Knowing his next move, he then rushed up the stairs and into bed.

A smile spread across his lips as he heard the horde of Boruma enter the house. But something was off. The birds. He could hear the chirps of the birds. Mabey they were just being quiet? Yeah, that had to be it. Jumping a little Liam heard the squawks of birds. Not from inside the house. But rather from outside. Leaping out of bed. He moved to the window and looked downwards. Almost immediately his eyes fell onto the red chicken-sized birds as they hopped around the outside of the house.

The distinct sound of Kenyanire’s voice filled Liam’s ears as she entered the house. Taking up a casual position (well what he deemed at the time to look casual). He looked down at the birds as he heard Kenyanire start to walk up the stairs. After yelling something to the Boruma. She entered the bedroom.

“I’m home~ and I bring food!” Kenyanire’s cheerful tone almost sent shivers down Liam’s spine. She rarely ever snaps out of her usual and sheer majestic voice. This knowledge made Liam fear had made this Amazon so cheerful.

Kenyanire entered the room. Her eyes immediately fixed on Liam who was leaning over the edge of the window. Grinning, she walked quietly towards him. Once she was close enough. She threw her arms around his waist. Despite knowing she was coming. The sudden and quiet attack still spooked him.

“Oh, hey Kenyanire,” Liam said. Beaming his best smile towards the amazon. Kenyanire returned the smile. Placing a kiss onto his forehead she subtly looked over the edge of the window to see what he was looking at. Sighing she looked to the flock of 4 red birds that hopped around their garden.

“They're cute, aren’t they?” Liam said as he also went back to looking at the birds. Kenyanire narrowed her eyes at Liam. This was the first time she'd ever heard him mutter the words cute. Her motherly instincts kicked in as despite Liam not being her child, she could still tell one someone younger than her was up to something. And from the smirk on Liam’s lips. He was up to something.

“Can I umm. Ask you a question?” Liam said as put on his best doting eyes. Ok, now Kenyanire knew he was up to something.

“What is it little one?” She responded, acting as if she knew nothing of the human’s intentions.

“If I umm, you know have other days where I stay in like this. It would be nice if I had something to do so… could I try to keep those guys down there as pets. I promise I’ll take good care of them!” He said quickly as he wrapped his arms around Kenyanire’s waist. Fuck. Kenyanire thought as she automatically hugged him back. Goddesses are dammed she loved him too much. Ridding herself of the thought he had done something wrong. She embraced him. Wanting to take in as much of this rare opportunity as possible.

“I’ll let you keep them on one condition,” Kenyanire said, a wicked grin coming over her lips.

“Anything!” Liam said immediately without any trace of thought.

“Don’t sneak out again like today. What? You didn’t think I would notice the mud off your face or clothes?” Kenyanire said as she licked her thumb and wiped off a bit of mud that clung to the side of Liam’s face. Gulping Liam didn’t dare to make eye contact with the amazon’s as he could feel her eyes burning holes into his very soul.

“S…Sorry…” Liam said as he felt Kenyanire tighten her grip around him.

“I love you, Liam. You know that right?” She said, wrapping her hand around his neck.

“Just remember that no matter how well we treat you, you are still our property,” Kenyanire said as she let him do. Moving over to the window. She went back to glancing down at the birds.

“Fine, you can keep them. I only do this because I think it is funny the pet wants to have some pets.” Kenyanire said as she turned back to Liam. Grabbing his arm, she escorted him towards the door.

“Come, we bring Chillcali meat,” Kenyanire said as she dragged him down the stairs and out into the garden.

Thorn and the Boruma had already got the fire roaring and the meat of a large animal roasting over the fire. It wasn’t a Chillcali like Liam was used to. This creature looked to be more of a mix between some kind of bear and lizard and probably about twice as long as both. Kenyanire sat Liam down on a pile of furs about 10ft away from the roaring flames. The Boruma were scattered around lazily on their won piles. Andreaka, Icaria and the blue-haired girl all simultaneously noticed Liam. Looking at each other they started to talk to their fellow hive mind of stupidity members. Once all Boruma were aware of Liam’s presence. Picking up their piles of fur they migrated over to his side. Plopping down the fur piles they all started to chatter amongst themselves. Ignoring the fact, they had all invaded Liam’s personal space.

Signing Liam look to the Boruma as they made themselves at home around him. Andreaka tugged on Liam’s leg. Pulling him closer she nuzzled her face into his leg. Just from the look of the girl. He could see today had been a long day for her. Icaria soon repeated the same as she made his other thigh into her home. Placing his one hand onto the heads of the two girls. As if the two were cats. He started to rub them behind the ears. Almost as if the girls read his mind. They started to give out small moans and purrs of enjoyment. Some days he could sweat that the Boruma were more animal-like than amazon.

Kenyanire saw the two girls that now used Liam as their pillow. Smirking she started to walk over. The light of the fire was blocked as Kenyanire stood over Liam.

“We sent some ships today to go and get what remained of Thorn’s people. My warriors were against helping them at first, but after a little…persuasion… I convinced them to help. Despite last night tension are still high,” Kenyanire said. A little sense of guilt filling her as she realised that by telling Liam this it was going to start theorising of things to do.

“Oh, and I have used my vines to make a few little pens for your new little pets,” Kenyanire said as she leaned down to look Liam in the eyes.

“I see….” That was all Liam said. Kenyanire could almost see the sparks of thoughts bouncing around Liam’s head as he stared down at the ground. Taking a seat next to Liam and the Boruma. Kenyanire watched as the meat roasted over the fire.

After a few hours of the Boruma either lying around lazily. Their bodies slung over Liam and each other as they tried to sleep. What Boruma still had energy danced around the fire to entertain Thorn and a handful of their friends who had come to visit the infamous human who almost killed their war chief.

Muttering and joking the amazons of Thorn watched as Liam tried his best to adapt to the new Boruma that kept adding themselves to the pile that now lay around or on Liam’s legs. A few hours of partying passed. Soon the meat was cooked and seeing the drowsiness in Liam’s eyes. Kenyanire wasted no time getting Liam’s cut. Grabbing two wooden plates. Kenyanire got herself and Liam two large cuts of the monster’s meat.

“Here,” Kenyanire said as she offered Liam his food.

Simply wanting to go to bed as soon as possible. Both Kenyanire and Liam gobbled down the meat. After waiting a little while for their food to go down and the Boruma to disperse to go and get some food of their own. Kenyanire helped Liam to his feet. Leading the stumbling boy back towards the house. They entered the house and she slowly helped Liam up the stairs. Not long after them. Thorn entered the house. Notching her daughter’s arrival. Kenyanire turned and gave her a nod of approval. The fatigued Liam didn’t take note of what was happening as the two amazons grabbed him and proceeded to carry him up the stairs. Once they reached the top, they dragged him into the bedroom. With a practised, perverted, expiates the girls stripped him of his clothes.

“Hey…” Liam said as only when they had finally taken off his socks did, he finally noticed what they were doing.

“We are just making sure you don’t try to run away again,” Thorn said as she kissed him on the neck.

“And this is your punishment for trying to run away,” Kenyanire added as the two girls pulled him onto the bed. Both moved to either side of him. Kenyanire placed his head between her breasts as Thorn placed his back between hers. Both amazons shuffled around until they were comfortable. After a while longer of awkward shuffling the two finally place themselves into a position that was both comfortable for themselves and Liam.

“I have probably said this before, but this isn’t necessary.” Liam was cut off as Kenyanire placed her index finger onto his lips.

“No, speaking. We are sleeping now.” Kenyanire said as she and Thorn quickly pretended to be asleep. Seeing there was no point in try to fight the amazons and being in such a fatigued state. Liam snuggled into the embrace of the two amazons. He had to admit. Despite (even in such a sleepy state) him currently being in what he deemed to be an embarrassing state, Liam couldn’t help but find the sound of the heartbeats of the amazons relaxing. As he slowly fell into a deep sleep. His last dwindling thoughts were of the comfort these amazons were giving him and how he knew if Yantraki was to see this she would probably try to kill them. Even though he found Yantraki to be such a nuisance. He still couldn’t help but find himself thinking of her.

Soon his heavy eyes fell shut as he drifted into the warm embrace of the amazons. He knew that despite them on the surface being so perverted. Deep down this was how they showed affection to those they liked. Or in Liam’s case, loved.

The night passed and as all mornings on the island started the sun started to pour its light into the bedroom. Being early birds. Kenyanire and Thorn were the first two to wake. Awkwardly their eyes met. This was the first time in many years they had woken up in the same house. For a moment there was a little standoff over who was the one to stay with Liam and who was to go and prepare breakfast. Knowing that there was a month between now and when they left to try and meet the Daughters of the Moon. Kenyanire gave up today’s battle. She could always try to have a lie-in with him tomorrow.

As Kenyanire dragged herself out of Liam’s arms. The warmth that she gave him suddenly gave way to the coldness of the morning. Immediately shivers ran down the entirety of Liam. Shocking him awake from his otherwise peaceful slumber. Jumping up. Liam scouted the room as he instinctively pulled the covers back over himself.

“You monster….” Liam muttered as he tried his best to start to rekindle the heat he once had. Usually, he only slept with Yantraki. This meant most of his body was exposed to the elements. So as the temperatures around him changed his body would have adapted too. But due to having both the amazons on either side of him. To say the least he felt as if he had wakened from a cryogenic slumber.

“Come on, stop whining. It is too early in the morning,” Kenyanire said as she walked over to where they had last left his clothes. Picking them up. She threw the clothes over her shoulder and onto Liam.

“Well, I am a human and I apologise if we can feel emotions over than, Oooh ooh I want sex and, oh that human/anything that moves looks like it will taste good,” Liam said as he pulled on his clothes. Thorn swore under her breath as she could tell that she now wasn’t going to be allowed to stay with him in bed for longer.

Walking down the stairs. Kenyanire grunted as she heard Liam still complaining from upstairs. Urgently she made a mental note to herself not to accidentally wake him. As Kenyanire reached the bottom of the stairs. She immediately saw the Boruma who were all happily thumbing through Liam’s clothes. As usual, the Boruma were awake before anyone else in the house. She never knew why but they always woke early. Which didn’t match much with their lazy sleeping habits but oh well.

Liam soon followed Kenyanire down the stairs. He had to do a double-take as he saw the Boruma sniffing, playing, and burying themselves in his clothes. But his lust to try and get as much work as possible done today took priority. Following Kenyanire out the door and after a little running to catch up to her. They eventually began their walk down to the communal feasting area in the main village.

Again, like most mornings they arrived and had their fill of food. One thing was off though. Liam could see Kenyanire’s eyes glancing between a table of their tribe’s warriors and a table of Thorn’s. Watching the two carefully. Liam tried to figure out what Kenyanire was watching so intensely. There it was. It was the reactions between their warriors and Thorn’s warriors. It wasn’t too obvious at first. Probably why Liam didn’t pick up on it, to begin with, or he would have said something. Now and then the tables of warriors would exchange looks with each other. They would then snarl or mutter an insult of some kind between each other. Liam looked back to Kenyanire.

“You think there will be a fight?” Liam said quietly to Kenyanire.

“You see them too as well then. Mabey there will be a fight, maybe not. My people are fiercely loyal to me and because of this and my order to tell them not to fight, they hopefully won’t,” Kenyanire said as the two now subtly watched the two groups as they took small pop shots of insults at one another.

“Yes, but from what I see it looks like they are ready to rip each other in half,” Liam said, keeping his eyes locked onto the hands of the Amazons to try and see if any of them were going for weapons.

“Well yes, of course, they do not like each other. Thorn’s warriors would usually be roasting over spits by now, if it wasn’t for the new farming system you gave us,” Kenyanire said as she bit into a chunk of Chillcali meat. Liam nodded to her thanks. It was going to be a few months until the farming got to a scale that would last for a long time, but for now, it was enough to feed the tribe. Maybe not in the future, but for now.

“It is tradition for enemy captives to be raped then eaten, but that was never much my tribe’s style. We just often did the eating part. We always did this as it asserted dominance over the enemy tribe we defeated. Now though that we are not eating them, it is unclear who is the strongest,” Kenyanire finished her bowl of food. Pushing it to the side.

“Surely your lot are the ones in charge as you won the battle?” Liam questioned. Kenyanire shook her head in response.

“Usually that is what would happen. But since you showed them mercy, many believe you are on their side.” Kenyanire explained.

“So, in other words, I still need to find a way to unite the two tribes…” Liam muttered as he continued to watch the two groups.

“How about a fighting arena?” Liam said, hoping he wouldn’t have to do much in terms of explanation as to the name ‘fight arena’ kind of spoke for itself.

“Let me guess, an area in which amazons fight to settle differences. No one gets killed or eaten, but it will establish a fair form of higher archly. I like it, I’ll get some amazons together and we will build one.” Kenyanire said, liking this idea.

Once both had finished their meals. They chose to leave and start recruiting amazons to build a fighting arena. Together they hadn’t walked far, down the path to the centre of the village to find some free amazons, before Liam started to do his usual pondering. One thing was still bigging Liam. Due to him being out of action yesterday. He didn’t get to see the training of the Boruma nor the rescue of Thorn’s Boruma. Curiosity at yesterdays progresses now filled Liam.

“Yesterday, how did the training and all that go?” Liam said, dropping the polite demeanour now that they were away from people.

“Good, as did the evacuation. The Boruma from both our tribes has gotten along incredibly well. It’s just the amazons so far who have had some hostilities. But hopefully, once we have a fighting arena made, then we can relax,” Kenyanire said, a wide, optimistic smile coming across her face.

“If you could get that done today, is it alright if I can then take some amazons to build a surprise for everyone for their hard work in the battle? Actually. No, no, it will be fine.” Liam said, quickly placing his worries to rest.

“What? Come on, you can’t leave me wondering what my little human was thinking how can you?” Kenyanire teased as she prodded Liam in the side.

“I just want to build a nice bathhouse. But you will be helping build the fighting arena so I wouldn’t want to bother you with another job,” Liam quickly explained. Signing, Kenyanire knocked Liam on the head.

“Idiot. I’ll help you, let’s just go and get the fighting arena done first.” Kenyanire said as they arrived in the village square.

Scanning around the crowd. Kenyanire’s eyes soon landed on a group of amazons loitering around a well-crafted wooden table. Liam waited while Kenyanire walked to the group of about thirty or so amazons. The women all sat up straight as they noticed the crowd parting for their queen. She spoke for a few seconds, which was all it took to throw them into action. Half split off to go and get some materials from the jungle, the others went to go and clear out an area near the village. Once done, Kenyanire nodded to Liam. Signalling for him to follow.

Now armed with the assistance of the amazons. They wasted no time in finding a good area of land and immediately set the amazons to work. Liam was taken back for a few seconds as he saw how quickly the amazons cut down and removed trees. He was even more amazed at the speed that they then turned the trees into a rough, circular arena.

“Fuck…” Liam muttered as he watched how quickly the Amazons built up rough walls and stands for crowds to sit and watch. The entire time they were working, Kenyanire barked orders to them on how to improve and what were the best causes of action. Glancing to her side. Kenyanire saw the amazed look on Liam’s face.

“Amazons are quick workers. This here may not be the best, but for now, it will do.” Kenyanire said as she sat down on the grass. Only getting up to go and assist her warriors in the building. Liam made hard work at checking the sturdiness of the wooden stands.

He was a little worried the stands could fall as they were only made out of quickly hollowed-out tree trunks and were tied together with Kenyanire’s vine. But much to his surprise, it was safe. After only a few hours. The rough arena was created. Standing at the centre of the round arena. Liam couldn’t help but get gladiatorial vibes from the tall rows of stands. He guessed they could probably fit a good few hundred people in here. Like Kenyanire had said, this was the best they had for now. If they were going to make this into a solution for the hostilities between the tribes. Then they were going to need to make this arena into a stadium down the line.

Liam had to admit he was impressed by how quickly the amazons threw together this rough arena. But he couldn’t help but think this wasn’t going to solve all problems. Scanning around him. His eyes soon landed on Kenyanire as she was busy congratulating her amazons on a job well done. Smiling, Liam couldn’t help but chuckle at the energetic faces of the usually calm and collected amazons as they got praise from Kenyanire. Her people loved her huh. Slowly the crowd trickled away. Once the last of the amazons left. Liam began to walk over to Kenyanire. It seemed that she was thinking the same as she also turned to walk to him.

“I have to admit. This is impressive,” Liam said, trying his best not to point out that some of the seats looked as if they were piles of splinters.

“I know, they are effective when they put their minds to work. But of course, you will probably think of something better down the line,” Kenyanire said as she gave him a slightly condescending pat on the head.

“Either way. There are two other things I think we should try to do. Well, I need your help with one, and the other will be a surprise. Lastly, I also want to try to up the dose of the aphrodisiac that we give to the birds so we can try to breed more of them. After all, it will take a long time to make the farm into something that will last the tribe for a long time, ” Kenyanire nodded. She liked the idea of getting the farm production up as at the moment there was just enough food each day to feed the tribe. So getting that going at full production would be good. One thing though still annoyed her.

“Oh, stop with the mystery. I’m going to help you if you like it or not. Now come one, I am energetic and want to make something else,” Kenyanire interrupted Liam. A starry-eyed enthusiasm in her eyes.

“Fine,” Liam said awkwardly “well the first thing is that I want to make a building where people can come to give complaints or request about the village and how it is being run,” Kenyanire smirked as she looked at the excited, yet focused look he had in his eyes when ever an idea popped into his brain. Adorable, was all Kenyanire could think as she watched the look in his eyes.

“The second thing is that I want to build a bathhouse for amazons to relax in. It will be fairly easy to make. Maintaining it will be the hard part.” Liam continued. Kenyanire placed a finger onto Liam’s lips. She could see he was about to go on a tirade of all the details.

“One thing at a time Liam. We need your little brain to think of ideas for us, so don’t break it or the only thing you will be good for is sex,” Kenyanire joked as she planted a kiss onto his cheek.

“Now let’s get you a bath, then we will start on the other ideas.” Kenyanire finished as she grabbed Liam’s hand. Leading him off to bathe and relax before they started their next piece of work.

She knew he had many ideas in his brain. Fresh ideas that usually helped the amazons in improving their quality of life. Despite this though, she knew he was going to have to adapt some of his ideas to fit their culture. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t take into account their culture. Well, it was but not in a malicious way. At the end of the day, he was still human. He was a different species whose mind worked in drastically different ways. What he saw as monstrous, they saw as beautiful. Because of these thoughts, Kenyanire had her worries that if she didn’t openly, fully back him. Then many amazons may see him as a threat to their culture. Due to this, she knew that they did need to preserve some of their cultures. How she planned to do this was to propose an idea to Liam. A weekly or monthly sacrifice of an enemy captive. This savage bloodletting ritual would probably be just enough to keep the natural blood lust the amazons had in check. Yes, they could hunt the Chillcali and Tatnak. But these things were only things that would be more like hobbies or sports for the amazons. They came nowhere near the excitement of sacrificing an enemy and then eating them… Kenyanire knew Liam was probably going to be against it. But if he was going to open up a building for amazons to come and give complaints or ideas on how to help the tribe move forward. The idea of blood sacrifice was defiantly going to come up. She merely wished to ready him for when that day arrived…






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