Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 22 – the fighting arena.

Warm water splashed over Liam’s legs as Kenyanire lowered him into the water. Together the two sat in the warm lake near where the battle on the beaches had taken place. A large group of amazons also bathed alongside them. Being in such a large group, they felt safer bathing out in the open. Still, though, Liam couldn’t help but keep virulent for any sign of Sun Sisters that could be lurking. Watching them. Waiting for the right time to strike and slaughter them like pigs. Or worse they could use the arrows they used on Yantraki and many other warriors. The poisoned arrows sent people into a comatose state. Liam had come to the conclusion they preferred to use these arrows as they could then capture more people to use as sacrifices.

Kenyanire noticed the stern look in Liam’s eyes as he scanned the shoreline of the Sun Sisters. It was a good 900 meters away. Yet she could tell he still had the understandable, paranoia to keep his eyes locked on the area. Sighing. Kenyanire could see that the battle and this war as a whole was taking more of a mental toll on Liam than any of the amazons. Some days she forgot he wasn’t an amazon and that despite his immortality he was just a human at heart.

“Calm yourself. We still have work to do today, and this bath is meant to calm you. So please just relax and let me care for you,” Kenyanire whispered to Liam. Liam shuddered at the Amazonians soft voice.

“Fuck, don’t do that,” Liam said, trying to move away from her.

“Why? Are you getting excited?” Kenyanire teased. A little excited herself. Liam glanced over her shoulder.

All amazons including a recently arrived Thorn were now staring at them. Kenyanire soon noticed the source of his embarrassment. Not wanting to look childish in front of her people. Kenyanire stopped her teasing, instead of shooting a warning in the form of a glance to the amazons. Their glances all turned away. Not wanting to question the fierce amazon. Serval of Thorn’s warriors even muttered to each other out of excitement at being able to bathe near the infamous Kenyanire. After hearing the exciting mutters and praises, Kenyanire’s ego was reassured.

Placing her hands onto Liam’s head. She started to use her vines to collect water from the freshwater lake before pouring it onto Liam’s head. Kenyanire loved to watch the relaxed face of Liam as the water, which was warmed by the scorching sun, pore down his back. His slightly parted lips and closed eyes making Kenyanire almost give into her Amazonian instincts to force him to submit to her will. But she, as well as the now-closed and still watching Thorn, relaxed and held off their instincts.

Wanting to tell Liam about how the tribe may still want to offer blood sacrifices now and then. As well as wanting to discuss the backgrounds between the Sisters of the Sun and the Daughters of the Moon. Pulling Liam back, Kenyanire began her talk.

“There are two things I wish to talk about Liam,” Kenyanire began.

“Sure, anything,” Liam said as he relaxed against the amazons.

“First I would like to give you a little warning,” Liam’s back tensed as Kenyanire said this. But none the less he continued to listen.

“As you know, we amazons have a natural blood lust. This can be mostly craved by the hunting of Chillcali and Tatnak, but not fully…” Liam took in a deep breath. Not knowing, but still dreading whatever she was to say next.

“I believe that when you open that place. The place where people will come to give complaints and suggestions. I strongly believe that one shall be that we have a monthly sacrifice of an enemy warrior,” Liam’s heart jumped into his throat as Kenyanire said this.

“W…what…. sacrifice…” Liam muttered. Kenyanire wrapped her strong arms around him. Trying to calm him in case he started to panic.

“It is our culture. Many amazons fear that we are abandoning our culture and if pushed far enough, they may turn against us,” Kenyanire explained.

“Still” Kenyanire cut off Liam.

“No, I’m sorry. But I fear this is what will probably happen. I shall not force you to take part in any of them. Nor will I make you watch. Just know that it will be an enemy warrior sacrificed,” Kenyanire said as she held him tightly.

“I see…so there is nothing I can do,” Liam said quietly.

“You can not save anyone. Nor should you. Some deserve to die and those who deaths are necessary. I understand this may upset you. But we must make these sacrifices for a society to start to form amongst the tribes,” Kenyanire said as she placed kisses onto his neck.

“What will happen to Thorn’s warriors?” Liam said, hoping this wasn’t a solution that Kenyanire thought may bind the tribes together.

“Don’t worry, they are not to be hurt. I mean only warriors who have been captured. We have about 30 Sun Sister captives. This will be enough to last us for at least a year.” Kenyanire jumped slightly as Liam sharply turned to look at her.

“I can’t accept that. I am going to find a way around this. There is nothing and no one who will stop me,” Liam’s eyes made Kenyanire pause for a few seconds as she stared into his fury filled eyes.

“I…see,” She muttered, realising that if she wanted to avoid an argument then she needed to change the subject and fast.

“Putting that aside. I wish to also talk about the Daughters of the Moon and the best cause of action around getting them onto our side.” Kenyanire said. Taking in a deep breath as she saw Liam start to relax.

“Talk quickly, there are things I need to do,” Liam said. Kenyanire could see telling him about the potential need for sacrifices had placed him into a sour mood. She couldn’t blame him. She would have been as well if what she was fighting to stop was bound to happen anyway.

“Many tens of hundreds of thousands of years ago. Before humans even arrived here on our planet. There were two tribes of Amazons. The Sun and the Mood tribe. They once were sworn enemies that fought constantly. They were doomed to forever battle, capture, and sacrifice each other. One day a small, silver-haired boy was born to the Mood tribe. Their queen fell deeply in love with him. Together they were happy. Each day they spent together. At the time it was common for amazons to take their partners to battle to show off their skill,” Kenyanire gently ran her fingers through Liam’s hair. Admiring his similar silver colour. Not many believed this story simply because it implied that humans came from another planet, an idea that was outrageous to the amazons.

“On that battlefield. The Queen of the Sun tribe saw the boy and as well fell for him. As you know, once an amazon falls in love with someone they do not fall out of love. Nor do they stop until they have that person. The Sun Queen rode on her might horse through the Moon tribe’s ranks. They couldn’t stop her as she stole away the silver-haired boy.” Kenyanire pulled Liam back against her chest. Placing her arms around him she looked forward towards the shore of the Daughter of the Sun’s tribe.

“Arriving back at her tribe. She knew that the vastly stronger Moon tribe were to attack them and take him back. Knowing this. She had her high priestess sacrifice the boy so that the Mood queen could never have him. Not too long after this. The Queen of the mood tribe caught wind of her lover’s death. She had her people sacrifice her so that she could be reunited with her husband. The Goddess of love saw this sacrifice from both amazons. She offered the two souls a deal. She will make the boy into the sun and the Queen of the Moon into the moon itself. There was a catch though. The boy became the second sun in the sky. Meaning the lovers could only meet once every couple hundred years. Outraged the Queen of the sun tribe had her high priestess sacrifice her. Entertained, the Goddess of love made her into the first Sun. Every few years the First Sun and the mood meet. The first lovers are then reunited. On that night, the Sun tribe offer many sacrifices so that the couple may meet once again. This new tribe that offered the sacrifices became the Daughters of the sun, also known as the Sisters of the Sun. The Moon tribe started to offer sacrifices as a counter so that when both suns and the moon meet in the sky, then their Queen may battle past the Sun Sisters and meet her husband once again,” Liam nodded, taking in everything she was saying.

“Let me guess, the second tribe became the Daughters of the moon/ Sisters of the moon?” Liam questioned. Kenyanire nodded.

“Indeed. At the moment my daughter Morgarina has been taken into the Daughters of the Moon. She is their current Queen and believed incarnation of their first Queen. Rhexdice on the other hand as you have probably already guessed is the Queen of the Sun Sisters. Also believed to be the incarnation of their Queen,” Kenyanire explained as she finally finished washing Liam.

“And they are bitter rivals, both once little weaklings. Now the second and third most powerful tribes on the island,” Thorn butted in from behind Kenyanire.

“Thank you, Thorn. But that aside, since you have similar hair to that of the boy the two queens battled over. Then maybe Morgarina would take our side so she could help us win what we could say is a holy battle.” Kenyanire theorised.

“That or they sacrifice me, so Rhexdice doesn’t get me.” Lim theorised. Kenyanire nodded. She agreed it was a little risky. But if they somehow were able to make it out as if Liam was the incarnation of the Moon goddess lover. Then they were bound to have their attention. Maybe even their friendship.

After Kenyanire had Liam wash her back. The two dried themselves using some large leaves from a nearby tree. Once they were dried, they got dressed and headed back to the village. Thorn was not too far behind them.

As they walked down the path. Liam glanced over his shoulder to see Thorn trailing behind. Doing her best to act as if she wasn’t following them. Amazons were good stalking. That Liam knew well. But for whatever reason, it seemed they were horrible at tailing others subtly. Stopping Liam gave out a sigh.

“You coming or what?” Liam yelled to Thorn. Thorn pretended not to hear at first. But it was obvious as she did jump slightly as he yelled to her.

“Hey, I’m not an idiot you fucking idiot!” Liam yelled. At being called an idiot. Thorn looked sternly at Liam. He couldn’t take her seriously though as she puffed out her cheeks like a stropping child.

“Please stop, you’re embarrassing me,” Kenyanire muttered as she rubbed the bridge of her nose at the sight of her daughter’s stubbornness.

“So, you can hear me?” Liam yelled. Thorn looked away from him. Trying in vain to look as if she couldn’t hear him. When she realised her little act wasn’t working. She charged towards them. Quickly placing Liam into a headlock and using her fist to roughly grind the top of his head.

“I AM NOT AN IDIOT!” Thorn yelled as Kenyanire used a vine to separate the two.

“Fucking touch me again and I will break your legs!” Liam yelled at the annoying amazon. Kenyanire sighed, seeing his bad mood was now starting to become a little too much. Wrapping another vine around Liam. She started to carry the two back towards the village. Deciding that she should only let them go once they had both relaxed. Glancing back over her shoulder at the two. She saw them yelling and biting into the vine gags she had placed on them. It was defiantly going to take some time until they were both relaxed.

An hour down the path…

“I’ll fucking stab you!” Liam yelled into his vine gag.

“I will skin you human!” Thorn said, for about the 100th time in the time it took them to get from the side of the lake to the entrance of the main village.

Seeing that the fighting wasn’t going to stop soon. Kenyanire summoned two smaller vines. Raising them above the heads of the two. She used the vines to give them both firm, but not harmful, smacks on the head. She continued to do this for a good five minutes until the two eventually quieted down.

“Now what do you two say to each other?" Kenyanire said sharply. Coming off as a parent telling off her two children.

“You should raise your daughter better” Liam smugly commented.

“You should make your slave shut up!” Thorn retorted back at Liam. Kenyanire sighed. Five, no ten, yeah that would be enough hits. Ten smacks on both the twos heads later and once again they were quiet.

“Sorry for saying mean (yet true) things about you” Liam muttered quietly.

“Sorry for saying I was going to bite your dick off…but I am not sorry for the rest!” Kenyanire sighed and squeezed her daughter tighter.

“SORRY!” She yelled, much to the amusement of Liam. Kenyanire let the two down. But kept a close eye on them in case they were to try and get at each other’s throats again.

They walked through silent until they reached the village centre. Again, Kenyanire wished to recruit some amazons to help Liam quickly throw together a hut where people can go to make compliments and offer ideas. It was almost like a village/town/city hall in how it was going to work. Thorn’s eyes soon fell on a group of her warriors who were all sat around one of the many wooden tables splayed around at the centre of the village. They were busy prodding and poking away at a few pieces of cooked Chillcali that Andreaka and the blue-haired girl had offered them as a sign of friendship. It was quite obvious that it was Andreaka and the blue-haired girl who were behind this as they sat smugly to the side. Waiting for the warriors to eat and enjoy the meat they had cooked for them.

Liam noticed this sight as well. Even though he didn’t understand Amazonian in the slightest. Simply from the obvious gloating that Andreaka and the blue-haired girl were doing. That they had probably done something that they deemed praiseworthy. Liam prodded Kenyanire in the side as he noticed an overly confident Thorn strolling towards the table.

“She is about to do something stupid,” Liam commented. Kenyanire gave him a light smack on the head before following after her daughter. Liam not too far behind.

The warriors looked up from their meals to Thorn. Immediately smiles spread over their faces as they saw their leader. Thorn announced something to them in Amazonian before turning back and strutting over to Kenyanire and Liam.

“I do not know what we are doing, but I and my warriors will gladly help,” Thorn said, placing her hands onto her wide hips. Looking down at Liam. Her smug grin somehow managed to become even smugger.

“So don’t you worry little weak human, big Amazonian will come to a fix all your problems for you,” Thorn said in a condescending tone, and she leaned down to look him in the eyes.

“If I didn’t need you, I would have left you to die on that beach,” Liam said with a blank face. Thorn giggled. She knew he was lying and the fact he was now trying to act tough entertained her. Kenyanire thought the same as her daughter as she grinned. He acted tough at times. But there were times where she saw raw attributes of bravery from him. He was still a little shy and nervous young man. But now he was just a little tougher.

“Cute little human,” Thorn said as she pinched Liam’s cheek.

“I’ll fucking kill you,” Liam said as he attempted to swipe away at her hand. Kenyanire hit them both on the head. No matter how tough Liam got, he as well as Thorn were still childish. Kenyanire greeted the warriors who Thorn had chosen to come with them. At first, they were a little hesitant. But after a few hits in the side from Thorn, they quickly greeted their new queen.

Kenyanire smiled at her daughter’s acceptance that she was now a member of Kenyanire’s tribe and no longer a queen. Well, maybe a queen still to her people. But when I came down to it Kenyanire was still unmatched in strength and still very much in charge. The newly formed group picked up a handful of Kenyanire’s people along the way. Wanting to get as many together as possible to get the hut building done.

Walking through the crowds. The group eventually made it to the outskirts of the village. Better yet they soon reached the area where they had built the fighting arena. Several groups of amazons were now surrounding the structure, unsure of what it was yet still curious enough to find out. Kenyanire had Thorn and Liam wait as she went forward to talk to the crowd.

As soon as the amazons saw their queen. They all straightened their backs and finished their conversations. Kenyanire smiled at the warriors. Many older amazons returned the smile while the younger ones didn’t dare to move in the case, they somehow managed to offend their queen. Not wanting to waste time. Kenyanire quickly introduced the amazons to the fighting arena and how it was meant to operate. As she did this, a firm hand fell onto Liam’s shoulder.

“What’s happening?” Thormoenia asked as she took her hand off Liam’s shoulder.

“To try and have the two tribes integrate. We made a rough fighting arena so that the people may speak out their differences in the ring rather than on the field of battle.” Liam explained as he watched Kenyanire lead the crowd into the arena.

“Are you free?” Thormoenia asked. Liam could see she was ready for action as she was already in her mud, dirt and red body paint layers.

“No, not really. My apologies,” Liam was cut off as Thormoenia wrapped an arm around his waist. Hoisting him into the air. She placed him over her shoulder as if she were carrying a sack of potatoes.

“Wait for a second,” Liam went to argue. Jumping slightly as a sharp pain hit his ass. Fucking hell. She bloody spanked him.

“Quiet, we are going to train,” Thormoenia explained as she trotted off with Liam slung over her shoulder.

“Thorn, tell your mother I will be boring Liam for the rest of the day,” Thormoenia said as she started to walk towards the village.

“If you don’t mind, can I ask where we are going?” Liam asked, now accepting his new seating arrangement over Thormoenia’s shoulder.

“We go to train in the mountains. First, though we go to my village so I can collect some equipment for you.” Thormoenia explained as they now reached the edge of the village.

He had to admit. Despite now being around the Amazons for so long. Liam still underestimated how quickly they moved. It had taken him a good 20 minutes to walk with the amazons to the arena. But now in a matter of only 4 minutes, Thormoenia had taken him to the outskirts of the village. He could see now how even the Legionaries that the nobles sent out now and then to monitor the outer villages on his part of the mainland had trouble taking on the fierce creatures. The Legionaries were powerful, almost as powerful as the knights of the order. They were humans who could…Liam readied something at that moment. The crystals gave amazons stronger, better, or new powers. So, what was to happen if a human ate one of the crystals. Liam knew that the knights of the order seemingly had supernatural powers. Almost as if they had eaten one of the crystals.

Liam placed the thought at the back of his mind. This was something of importance, but right now he was busy with Thormoenia. So, it was probably best he focused on her and her teachings (whatever that hell was going to be) if he had any hope of becoming stronger.

Yet again Liam was impressed with the speed of an amazon. As before he knew it. They were already walking out of the main village and towards the huntress forest. Shuddering, Liam thought of the many bodies he was bound to see when he entered the forest. He wondered if there were any new additions to their gory décor after the battle on the beach.

His suspicions were confirmed as they slowly moved closer to the forest. The intense scent of fresh blood filled the air with every step closer. Looking to the face of Thormoenia. Liam could see she was unchanged by the scent, Mabey even a little happy. Liam gulped. Thormoenia was defiantly a terrifying person. The training they had done the day before had been pretty basic. Well, it wasn’t even really training. More like a small hunting trip.

Liam gaged slightly as they entered the forest. Serval hundred new bodies were bound to the trees. Carefully Thormoenia placed Liam down onto his own feet.

“We are going to play a game, the same game we place those of our tribe through as a part of the initiation. The only difference is that if you get caught you won’t be eaten or made into a Boruma,” Thormoenia said. Reaching behind her back. Fear gripped Liam as Thormoenia pulled out a long stone knife.

“Wa…. What kind of game?” Liam questioned; his eyes fixed on the knife.

“First, tell me, Liam. How far are you willing to go to become strong?” Thormoenia raised the knife. Gently she ran it across his cheek. Trickles of warm blood ran down the side of his face.

“I…” Liam bit his bottom lip. He was scared. There was no denying it. After the battle, he thought he would have toughened up. But this amazon that stood Infront of him. She was far more powerful, and thousands of times more terrifying than any battle he could ever face.

“If I can be strong, then Yantraki and the others will no longer have to babysit me. If they saw I was strong then maybe they would finally accept me as more than a pet. Maybe, just maybe I can finally have some respect.” Liam announced. Straightening his back and he locked his gaze onto Thormoenia’s sharp eyes. Smirking Thormoenia leaned down to his level. Moving forward, she licked the blood from his cheek.

“Good, then here is the game. You have to run from here to the other side of the forest. If I catch you, then I will hurt you. But that won’t be the worst of it. I will drag you back to the beginning and you shall begin the run again from scratch. Now then, you better start running. I already have a taste for your blood, and I have to admit for such a little scrawny human, you sure taste good,” Thormoenia licked his cheek again. Adrenaline now flowed through Liam. Not wasting a second. He turned and began to sprint. Giggling sadistically. Thormoenia sniffed the air. It was ripe with the scent of the sacred human. Such a delicious smell.

“5,” Thormoenia muttered as she crouched down. Stretching her legs.

“4,” rising the stone knife to her lips. She licked off Liam’s blood.

“3,” She watched as Liam was now about halfway between herself and the forest. For a human, he was a surprisingly quick runner. Thormoenia paused, giving Liam only a couple more seconds to run.

“2,” she said after about 5 seconds. Liam was now just entering the jungle. Standing back up, Thormoenia sniffed the sky to get an idea of where Liam’s scent was coming from.

“1,” Charging forward. Only in a matter of seconds, she was already at the entrance to the forest. Scanning around. It took her only a moment to sniff out Liam.

Crouching down. She prowled from bush to bush like a wild animal hunting its prey. A wide grin spread over Thormoenia’s face. She could smell Liam’s scent coming from a bush. How pathetic, he thought he could hide from a huntress. Stopping for a second. Thormoenia placed a hand behind her head. Gripping tightly, she caught Liam’s fist. Spinning around she immediately saw the look of fear in his eyes as he realised his attack failed. Laughing, Thormoenia dragged him closer. He was hiding, he was setting up an ambush.

“Impressive,” Thormoenia said as she tightened her vice-like grip on Liam’s hand. Smiling, she watched as pain took over his face as she crushed the bones in his hands. Letting go of him, Liam crumpled to the ground, gripping his hand against his chest. Leaning down, Thormoenia grabbed Liam’s ankle. Raising him into the air. She threw him back out of the forest. Walking out after him. She stared down at his broken body. For a moment she thought she had killed him but taking a closer look she could see there was still a glimmer of life in his eyes.

Kneeling by his side. She placed her hand onto his chest. Greenlight flooded over his body. Healing him and any sign of an injury.

“What the fuck!” Liam yelled as he scrambled to his feet. Thormoenia only chuckled in response.

“Now what did I tell you? I said I was going to hurt you if I caught you. Now tell me human, are you still willing to train?” Thormoenia said, placing the knife yet again against Liam’s cheek. Liam looked down at his hands. They were still stained with his blood, even though Thormoenia had healed them. So, this is what the amazons at the trials had to go through? No wonder amazons had such little regard for life. If they all had to go through such harsh training, then no wonder a few of them died or became Boruma. Smirking, Liam looked back up to the amazon.

“I want to train, allow me to have a few more chances,” Liam asked, lowering his head to Thormoenia. Thormoenia smirked as she slid the stone knife once again across Liam’s face.

“Fine then, now run”

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