Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 7 – Sacrifice

The Amazonian boats landed hard on the shores of the sandy beach. Yantraki was still tightly holding Liam in her arms as he watched hoards of Amazonians run towards them.

“You know I can walk on my right?” Liam said, blushing slightly as one of Yantraki’s breasts poked him in the face. Yantraki only held him tighter though as she looked down into his eyes. Something was different about her. It felt like her entire mood had changed. She felt more strict, more hostile, more tyrannical.

“Quiet, once my mother makes her speech, I will quickly take you to our home,” Yantraki said sternly.

“From teaching assistant to soldier, forced to help save an island of people he hates,” Liam thought aloud to himself.

“You don’t have to help us” Yantraki commented.

“None of us here expect you to. We are only letting your little plans go into action, so you have something to do when you are not entertaining me or my mother.” Yantraki said as she narrowed her eyes slightly and looked unemotionally down at him.

“But your mother said…”

“Whatever my mother said she was probably her playing a trick on you” Yantraki snapped viciously. Liam narrowed his eyes at her. Something was wrong; he could feel it. Despite Yantraki’s words, Liam didn’t plan to listen to her.

She didn’t want to scare Liam. But she also didn’t want him to get hurt or bullied by other Amazons for trying to help the Boruma. She had no clue what her mother said to him, but she knew it was probably encouragement to help those filthy Boruma. She understood why her mother would do this. She could also see the potential that sat behind the small human’s eyes, it was one of the reasons she liked him. But unlike her mother Yantraki wished to keep him to herself, safe by her side, rather than out in the open, running wild across the island trying to save the Boruma.

“When we arrive be very careful. You will be the first human in many thousands of years to have lived on this island alongside Amazons.” Yantraki told him as her mother began her speech. Liam couldn’t understand what Kenyanire was preaching to the excited horde, but he felt shivers go down his spine every time she looked back and gestured towards him. As usual for Liam when he was around the Amazons, he felt a mixture of fear and confusion, then Yantraki walked forward with Liam still held in her arms like a child.

She stood next to her mother and then raised Liam high into the air. Kenyanire said a few things in their native tongue and the tribe cheered as Yantraki lowered Liam down for the crowd to gather around and gawk at. Many Amazons kept their distance, not sure how to treat the small, weak-looking human male, but many others did come forward to examine him and see what he was like. The woman Liam had seen watching him, (the woman with the silver hair) came forward. The crowd parted and stepped back to allow her space to look at him. The silver-haired woman put her hand out and gently felt the soft much darker, silver hair of Liam. She pulled forward a strand of her hair and compared it to his. She then looked past Liam to Kenyanire and asked something in Amazonian, Liam didn’t understand what she was saying, but whatever she said it got a reaction from the other Amazons as they all started to mutter and chatter to one another. Kenyanire leaned down patted Liam on the shoulder to get his attention.

“This is our head guard, Aosliope, she said your hair is like hers and that she likes it. She says she likes the soft and bushy texture.” Kenyanire said as Aosliope continued to play with his hair. Kenyanire put out a hand of her own and started to feel his hair, much to the annoyance of Yantraki who was trying her hardest to hide her true feelings.

“Liam,” Kenyanire said as she pointed to well Liam. The tribe all started to chat excitedly as more younger warriors moved forward to prod and poke at him.

“Sorry, you will have to endure this,” Sruna said.

“The war chief just told the tribe you will help find a new food source to replace the Boruma,” Takire added. Liam looked behind himself to where the two girls were standing, sympathetic smiles on their faces as they watched their fellow amazons touch, stroke and prod the young man.

“How long will this happen for?” Liam asked.

“Probably quite a while,” Sruna said. Yantraki as well as Liam simultaneously grimace at the very thought that this torment would have to go on for longer. After round maybe another 10 to 20 minutes of the amazons coming forward and prodding and poking at the small human, Yantraki eventually got fed up enough that she made up an excuse about him feeling seasick and that she needed to take him home so that he could rest. The amazons all seem to understand as Yantraki leapt off the boat and quickly started to run back to her house. Kenyanire laughed a little as she return to her speech about how it will be more profitable for them to not eat the Boruma.

Yantraki still had a small crowd of younger amazons following her as she reached her home. The brown-haired Boruma and the Boruma that had been following her were carrying his things, but as they followed Yantraki they were careful to keep their distance as they could tell she was visibly angered by the attention Liam was getting. Liam was too busy admiring the large stone and wood house that sat upon a micro hill. The house was two stories with a balcony and a large garden of all different kinds of plants and flowers. It was beautiful.

He didn't get much time to admire the site though as he's quickly carried off into the house by Yantraki. The brown-haired girl alongside her fellow Boruma was quickly after them men bring to shut the wooden door behind them as they entered the building.

“Uuuurrrr. My sisters will find out about you much sooner at this rate.” Yantraki complained as she let Liam get back onto his feet. Liam grasped his hand over his mouth, trying to hold back the sickness that was rising in his throat. He still wasn’t used to moving so fast. Yantraki noticed his greenish complexion and leant down slightly to take a good look at him.

“Are you alright human?” She questioned. Liam nodded and got onto his feet, wobbling slightly.

“Yeah, I’ll live… hopefully,” Liam said, muttering the last part under his breath. Yantraki giggled and put a hand onto his head, ruffling the annoyed-looking boy’s hair.

“Don’t treat me like a child. Also, don’t forget the only reason I am here and helping any of you is that I am too fucking kind for my good, that and your mother threatened to kill my village.” Liam said, shoving his hands into his pockets and taking a few steps away from Yantraki, keeping his eyes focused on her every movement. Liam was frustrated with himself. He had to think of these amazons as bears. So far, they had taken advantage of him because he was weak, now he was in their territory he needed to act tougher if he had any chance of survival.

Yantraki narrowed her eyes at him and licked her lips. She then jumped down onto the ground like a large wild cat looking to pounce onto a dear. Liam gulped and took a few steps back. Yantraki looked terrifying. Liam fox shivers run down his spine as he locked eyes with the feral Amazonian. Yantraki started to move slowly forward towards him on all fours her movements somehow graceful and seductive almost like she's trying to place him into some kind of trance. The Boruma didn't interrupt but instead watched as if they were taking notes examining her movements. Liam quickly jumped to the side as Yantraki pounced at him, but before he knew it she'd already landed and adjusted his self and pounced again this time hitting her target.

“You got to stop doing this. It is getting highly annoying” Liam said to her as she pinned him down answer the wooden but carpeted floor. Yantraki Only laughed in response. Liam didn’t even bother trying to struggle by this point as he was starting to think this was just how amazons showed they liked people and that if he said anything he may be insulting their culture. But then on the other hand their culture was around human sacrifice and the eating of their own, so maybe insulting them wasn’t all that bad.

“And you need to stop looking so helpless and vulnerable all the time, it just makes you more, more tempting to dominate and make into my little pet. I can't wait for the initiation ceremony” Yantraki said, whispering the last part under her breath, not wanting him to catch on to her and the tribe's plans for him just yet.

She wanted it to be a special and hopefully enjoyable surprise. She had learnt from Katlin he was a virgin and that from how he acted she gathered that as well. In Amazonian society, men had their virginity taken at 16-18 by a group of warriors in the tribe. So, let’s just say Yantraki wanted to give him an Amazonian welcome. After a little bit more of play fighting with her soft small human Yantraki regained her composure and stood up, helping him up in the process. She knew it wasn’t time to take him as her own just yet.

Liam glanced around the house. He had to admit he had underestimated the amazons. He thought that their houses were all just going to be mud huts and cloth huts like the one he stayed in back on the mainland. But this house reminded him much of his own that he used to live in with Katlin.

The bottom floor of the house looked to have three rooms. He looked at the well-crafted wooden table that sat in the main room of the house. The main room was the largest and was probably their version of a living room for everyone to hang out and relax in. the second room was the one he was standing in, this looked to be the entrance room. There were no doors that connected the rooms, meaning that people could freely walk between the three rooms. Liam looked to the large wooden staircase that led to the next floor of the house. He then looked to the third and final room. The room looked to have a larger table than the one in the main room. This looked to be a room for eating rather than relaxing. Liam wanted to make sure he knew the ins and outs of the house in the situation he ever found himself trying to escape and needed a quick and safe way out.

“Come, I’ll show you where we shall be sleeping from now on,” Yantraki said as she started to escort him through the room.

They entered the first room as the Brown-haired girl and her posse ran off upstairs with Liam’s things. Liam shiver as he noticed a large well-made tapestry handing on the wall depicting a story. The tapestry showed what looked to be a man being worshipped and treated well by women. The man was then taken up to a large Aztec like temple where he the lied down on a large stone altar. A woman then mounted the man while people below the temple as well as at the top of the temple around the altar danced in celebration, their dance looking to that of a mix of Tahitian, other kinds of Polynesian and maybe Hawaiian. The man on the altar was then surrounded by women who held him down while another woman mounted him. The woman then proceeded to ride the man. Liam shiver as he saw the last part of the ritual. The tribe below looked to be preparing a large cooking pot of some kind. Once the man on the altar had seemed to finish inside of the woman, the woman riding him, who Liam now realised to be a priestess of some kind, then took a knife and plunged it into the man’s chest. The man’s body was then taken down the altar and placed into a large pit while the priestess held his heart high into the air. A shiny red and orange light looked to be coming out of the man’s heart as the woman that held the man down then surrounded the priestess and escorted her down the steps of the temple and into the cooking pot.

Liam couldn’t see the rest of the story though as Yantraki noticed Liam staring at the tapestry. She shot to his side and started to take him out of the room and order him upstairs. She had completely forgotten about the tapestry, she needed to take it down quickly before his gaze fell onto the rest of it where it went into detail how the amazons sacrificed the priestess (who was a Boruma) and the male sacrifice to the Goddess of the hunt. The mating and then killing of the man was meant to make the Goddess see the devotion of the warriors and how they were still defiant against the filthy male amazons who once enslaved them. The eating of the sacrificial priestess was meant to show how the tribe were willing to sacrifice the week of their tribe so that the warriors could become strong from their deaths. The Amazonian society was based on power, defiance against the filthy male amazons who once ruled over the females with an iron fist, and the willingness for the amazons to sacrifice the week of their society (as you can guess the Boruma) to their Goddesses to show that there is only place for the strong amazons in their society. Yantraki didn’t wish Liam to see the tapestry as she thought it may scare him when it was time for the ritual, she wished to perform with him was to take place.

She dragged him outside into their backyard. Yantraki then quickly sat Liam down in a small field of flowers.

“Wait here, I will return for you little one,” Yantraki said as she hurried back into the house to dispose of the tapestry.

Liam watched as Yantraki hurried away. He glanced around the field, trying to think what the tapestry meant for his future. He tucked his knees into his chest. His heart started to beat faster with fear as he started to theorise about how this may all just be a ploy for the amazons to have a bit of entertainment before they sacrifice him in some bloody, painful, and gruesome ritual. Yantraki soon returned to his side. She noticed the petrified look on his face.

“You think we are going to hurt you, yes?” Yantraki said wrapping her arms around Liam. Liam jumped, terrified at the prospect that the woman currently holding him may try to sacrifice and eat him.

“Please, if you are going to kill me, just be honest and tell me,” Liam said, gathering the bravery he had as he turned and looked at her. Giving her the best stare, he could show he was not afraid of death. Yantraki giggled and hugged him tightly.

“How many times do I have to tell you I will only harm you if you ever try to leave me. I would never hurt you.” Yantraki said, burying her face into his soft bushy hair. Liam sighed.

“You are mine.” She said quietly as she held him, not wanting him to be scared. Liam calmed slightly and stared into her eyes.

“Let’s make this clear I am NOT YOURS I don’t owe you shit, you saved me, but I never once asked you. So don’t act like I am yours, I am not.” Liam said, getting up out of her arms. He crossed his arms and stared down at her.

“From now on we are partners, not friends and especially not lovers a” Liam was cut off as Yantraki leapt off the ground and dove at him. She loved this defiant nature of his, it only made her want him more.

“Whether you like it or not Liam, tonight you shall join my tribe and become my property,” Yantraki said grabbing him and quickly placing a kiss onto his lips, but not before muttering a quick spell that made the flowers around them strengthen in scent. Liam couldn’t help but feel slightly aroused as the Amazonian beauty planted more and more kisses onto his neck and lips.

“St…Stop.” Liam said, putting his hand in front of his face to shield himself from the kisses.

“Can you just show me where I will be sleeping so that I can just sit there for a while and read my books.” Liam said. Yantraki giggled as she looked at his blushing face. She reached down and felt his ever-growing erection. Liam jumped as he felt her curious hands grip around his privates.

“Are you not sure you don’t want to stay here and play?” Yantraki said, she could smell the arousal reeking off him, for amazon, the smell of any aroused human whether they be man or woman, was incredibly intoxicating. Yantraki could barely hold herself back from pinning him down and mating him that very second. She took in a deep breath, she would play his little equality game for now, but by the time the day was out, he would belong to her.

“Fine, you are your own person, go upstairs and find the room the Boruma in, I told them to put your books in our room. Go up there and I will let you read your books, just remember to get a good sleep for tonight’s party.” Yantraki said, slapping his ass and sending him off.

“Asshole. Fucking pervert…” Liam continued to mutter obscenities as he walked back and then entered the house. As Liam entered back into the main room, he scanned the room for anything he could steal and potential use as a weapon. But then he pushed the thought out of his head thinking he was just paranoid as he walked through the room into the staircase, taking note that the tapestry that once hung on the wall was now gone and replaced with a much more pleasant tapestry showing the tale of a young woman dancing in a tropical tribal style, her wild movements in shaking of the hips resembling that of a Tahitian dancer, she danced undoubtedly the same style as the dancers in the tapestry depicting the sacrifices.

Liam walked up the stairs and started to wander around the 3 rooms of the upstairs until he reached everywhere he could distinctly hear the sound of the playful and childish Boruma. He entered the room to see the Boruma on top of a large circular bed made out of furs. They were rifling through his bags and pulling out his clothes playing with them and throwing them at each other. They really well like giant children, he seemed that when they became Boruma there was a high chance that they were probably highly depressed, and this childish act was most likely a personality they all developed through coping together through the stress of having their friends cooked and eaten in front of them while they serve said friends on plates to the amazons. Or at least that is what he assumed, or that it could innocently be that once they were chosen to be Boruma they no longer scared about their lives and chose to act in a way which they saw fit. Either wait didn't matter much to him as he only wanted to get his books and carry-on reading.

Liam scanned around the room unnoticed the Boruma had placed a pile of his books in the corner. Not wanting to spend too much time around them he made a beeline for the books not even glancing at them as he walks stiffly and quickly through the room. As he reached the books. He then quickly dove down into the pile and started sifting through them until he found the book he was reading and wish to continue. As seeing as Liam had his hands on the book, can always hear a snap in the room as he turned to see all of the Boruma staring at him. The brown head girl took a running position looking like an Olympic athlete just about to take part in the 100 metres.

“Hey, come on now let's be civilised about this” Liam try to argue but it was no use as before he knew it the girls had descended upon him. They had grabbed him by all four limbs and hoisted him onto the bed. The rabble preceded to prop him up using some pillows so he's sitting upright, they then placed the book he had selected onto his lap as the eight of them sat around him instead of at him with admiration in their eyes. It seemed like they were almost setting him up so that he could read the book to them, that was ridiculous these people from the looks of them had to be the same age as him answer be selected as Boruma from what he could gather was that they need to at least be 20 to take part in the trial, so if anything, these girls were older than him you acted 10 times less mature.

They all stared at him intensely with wide eyes, but not knowing how to respond to them let alone what to do with them Liam chose the best solution he saw in front of him was to ignore them as he tried to read through his book. The girls continued to watch him chattering amongst themselves now and then and seemingly telling jokes as they lay on the bed. The brown head girl gently rested her head against his arm and stared at the pictures of the book still not understanding what they meant but liking the many colours and interesting patterns of the machines. Liam was probably upstairs reading for about maybe 7 hours, so entrance with his work he completely forgot but he hadn't had a bite to eat the entire day. He was reminded of his chronic hunger though as Kenyanire soon entered the room holding a platter of cooked fish and a bowl of berries.

“Hello Liam,” Kenyanire said, making Liam slightly concerned as she usually didn’t call him by his name. Liam couldn't get into word as Kenyanire quickly moved his side and started to feed him the cooked fish and fruit.

“Do you mind coming down a bit I could eat this on my own?” Liam said as Kenyanire quickly force-fed him a bit of fish.

“I heard he saw the tapestry earlier; take no mind of it I promise as nothing to do with the ritual we wish to perform with you tonight,” Kenyanire said smiling at him. Liam smiled back but knew deep down that there was a good chance of her lying, she had promised before that they wouldn't kill any more people and then they will give him a chance to find a sustainable food source, but the fact that they had said that night they planned to sacrifice a man-made he call their actions into question. Kenyanire grinned at him, she had purposely how to scout a few days before to go ahead to the island and tell some of her maids to put up the tapestry in their room so that when they returned Liam could see it. He needed to be at his most week one the ritual that night was to take place.

Liam started to think as he stared at Kenyanire’s devilish grin. Something about the food tasted off. Before he could put his finger on it though he felt his vision blurring as he slowly slipped to the side, and then it all started to click. Kenyanire had spoken about how that night they were going to sacrifice a man that combined with the tapestry, Liam quickly put together there was a high chance he was said to sacrifice. He wanted to run he wanted to fight back against these people who he believed to have tricked him into becoming a toy for their game.

Kenyanire laughed a little to herself as she watched Liam’s drug body slump to one side. Yantraki then entered the room alongside the woman with the silver hair Aosliope. Together with the help of the other young girls present closing the brown head go they carried Liam off to prepare him for the ritual.

It was dark when Liam awoke, the sun had set probably have just a few hours before though as he could still see a few glimmers of orange light on the horizon. In his dazed and intoxicated state, it was hard for him to tell where he was, but he soon remembered the knowledge he had learned prior and started to panic. He tried to move his body but couldn't as he found himself bound and tied to a large wooden throne being carried by a group of gorgeous Amazonian warriors dressed in war paint and large feathered headdresses.

He glanced around himself staring at the crowd of watching women. They dressed in the usual native attire of grasstops and skirts, but this time they had a few extra accessories that shook Liam to his core. They wore necklaces of severed male genitals that seemed to have been preserved and then stuffed to become ornaments. Many also wore necklaces, anklets, bracelets and other accessories made out of human bone, many other women also held human skulls in their hands as they raised them in celebration.

Liam’s body shook again though as he realised the red-painted native women were all staring at him and changing a strange song in their native tongue. He then looked from his sides and upwards towards what lay before him. His heart pounded as he saw a large temple glooming over the native tribe, for this was the temple where he was to be sacrificed. The temple was at least 100 or so feet high most likely more, the top of the temple was only lit by a singular large fire that illuminated the several figures and large stone altar I sat up on the top of its flat peak.

As the woman carrying the young sacrifices made their way to the bottom of the temple, Liam was grabbed and stripped of his clothing. He was then painted in red stripes. Liam started to breathe heavily, this is all way too surreal for him he couldn't believe that these people that had taken such good care of him were now going to sacrifice it in some bloody ritual and then eats his flesh.

The women carrying him on the throne came to a stop as they reached the bottom steps of the temple. They quickly placed him down and moved around for him and untied him and started to carry him up with stone steps of the macabre temple. As they carried him to the top of the temple, he looked back to see the chanting crowd that stretched into the tree lines that surrounds the Aztec like the temple and its grounds. He then glanced back to the top of the temple where he was now arriving. His heart dropped as he noticed who all the people around the sacrificial alter were. Sruna and Takire, Kenyanire, Yantraki, Aosliope all still around the altar waiting for him, and next to them were the brown-haired girls holding a large sacrificial dagger. They all look different in their attire but the one thing that was the same was this serious expression on their faces.

Yantraki stared Liam in the eyes as he was placed onto the altar. The girls that carried him up the temple quickly hurried back down as he heard the tribe shrieks and the beating of drums getting louder as well as the shaking of hip sounded through the motion of the grass skirts rustling. As Liam lay on the altar, he tried to move again but his arms and legs are quickly seized by the surrounding girls. Sruna and the brown-haired girl took his legs and help them down, while Aosliope and Takire held his arms, lastly, Kenyanire held his head in her arms as she propped him up enough so that he could watch as Yantraki climbed onto the altar.

Yantraki looks Liam in the eyes as she began to enticingly sway her hips to the beating of a new drum rhythm that sounded from the trial below. She took in a deep breath as the swing of the hips got more intense and she started to raise her arms gracefully high into the air and then down her body in a hypnotising movement. Ask her dance continued the shaking of her hips increased again like the Tahitian style dance depicted in the tapestry as she now shimmied her arms up and down her body still keeping her graceful and beautiful movements.

Still dancing to the monotonous yet heart-pounding beat of the drums she moved her hands behind her back. Liam’s eyes couldn't help but widen as he saw her top fall off answer his chest, revealing her large rounds of Amazonian breasts. The rhythm of the drums changed again to a more frantic and savage beat as she suddenly dropped down and started to quickly raise and then pound her hips into his abdomen then down his body onto his pelvis. As she did this more frantic dance, she quickly stripped off her grass skirt revealing her sex to the astonished Liam. This goddess-like woman and her hypnotic and arousing dance almost made him forget where he was as she suddenly wrapped her hands around his growing erection.

Liam shivered with ecstasy as she jumped down and started to suckle away at the tip of his cock. He couldn't help but let a small moan escaped his lips as she engulfed a full thing into her mouth. She continued to suckle away at him for an unknown amount of time as now at this point will presence of time had completely left Liam’s mind as he watched the beautiful woman have her way with him. Once seemingly happy with sucking away at her sacrifice’s member, Yantraki preceded to squat over him and slowly move his member in between her legs. Before Liam could even register what was happening in his mind Yantraki had already plunged him balls deep inside of herself was now riding him viciously.

Sruna passed Yantraki a bowl of what looked to be red paint. Yantraki smiled as she finished riding Liam for only a few seconds as painted a circle onto Liam’s chest. She then painted two stripes around either side of Liam’s face. She then passed the bowl back to Sruna. Yantraki then continued to stare into Liam’s terrified yet incredibly aroused eyes as she went back to riding him. She could tell he didn’t know what emotions to feel as he was now in the intoxicating embrace of the Amazon.


Kenyanire gently rubbed the side of Liam’s face as her daughter brought him to orgasm. She quickly moved off his member and allowed his spurts of cum to land onto his chest. Yantraki then dove down and started to lick up his juices. Once she had consumed his cum, she then cleaned his cock with her tongue before riding him again, now wanting to bring herself to orgasm. She repeated this cycle for a while until she came to orgasm several times, leaving Liam drained of both energy and seamen. Both subjects were drenched in sweat as Yantraki laid down on Liam’s chest. She then moved up his body and placed a few loving kisses onto his lips, taking her time to stare into his almost glazed over and dead eyes.

Liam looked lazily at Yantraki as she kissed him. Yantraki pulled her lips away and was happy to see he was still alive, expressing this through another kiss and a warm smile. She then sat back and placed his member into her soaking sex once again as she took up the knife the brown-haired girl had been holding for her. She examined the knife as she raised it into the air. Liam watched in silent terror as the tribe cheered her on as she stared blankly into his eyes, the firelight giving her and the shining knife a demonic look and colouring. Liam wanted to run, he wanted to cry and beg out for mercy, but he knew it was no use and wouldn't change his fate. He closed his eyes as he felt a burning feeling in his chest then around his arms. tears rolled down his cheeks as the burning fuel drilling felt to rip through his chest and increase in pain only as his vision faded to black knee drifted into asleep, exhausted from the pain.

He always thought many of these amazons seemed more human than most humans he had met, but with a heavy heart, he started to feel as if he was wrong.

Liam’s body was carried off by Sruna, Takire, Rhexdice and the brown-haired girl. They took the body down the steps, disappearing into the crowd. Yantraki took a seat next to the alter. Kenyanire then took the main stage as he lifted her arms into the air, in praise of their goddess and celebration of their offering of Liam.

Kenyanire licked her lips as she knew the ritual that came next. The Revival Ritual, another sacrificial ritual. Kenyanire took hold of a war spear they had hidden behind the altar and held it high into the air, signalling for the ritual to begin.

The tribe cheered as a large throne was carried forward, a young man who looked to be in his twenties was sitting tied upon it. The man was carried by the amazons up to the steps of the temple, where he was untied, and some strong looking Amazonian warriors began to carry him up the temple steps. Kenyanire licked her lips as she watched the plump young man being carried up the temple, she couldn’t wait to sink her teeth into him. The man was laid down on the altar. Kenyanire walked around the altar so that she was standing over him as well as facing the crowd. The warriors held him down as the tribe began to chant, some preparing a large cooking pit for the man to roast in.

As Kenyanire stood over the man, she couldn’t help but smile. This was the first time in tribal history that a Boruma wasn’t to be sacrificed in this ceremony. Kenyanire handed the spear to Yantraki, who then moved over to the boy’s head and placed the tip of the spear to his neck. The boy started to beg and plead as Kenyanire was handed a small grey crystal by one of the warriors who had followed the perception up the temple.

The woman that handed Kenyanire the crystal then mounted the naked man’s rigid member and began to ride the heavily drugged sacrificial male amazon. As she started to ride the man Kenyanire knelt by the man’s side. She placed the grey crystal onto a pre-painted red circle on the centre of his chest. Kenyanire then yelled something in their native tongue, and the tribe started to repeat, her words translated roughly to sacrifice. As the tribe chanted the girl riding the man’s cock started to increase in speed, and Kenyanire began to preach in her native tongue to the heavens.

“Oh, Goddess of war, we offer you this sacrifice as a sign of our love for you and resistance to our former oppressors! We have offered 99 human souls to you in our 9 weeklong campaign on the mainland, we now offer this final and most important sacrifice to you in exchange for a power that my daughter may harness so that we can offer more sacrifices to you in the future!” Kenyanire screamed, her voice shaking, as did the heavens. In the though Kenyanire was happy that Liam didn’t know off the human’s that they had brutally sacrificed in this bloody ritual when they were on the mainland.

The drums and the chants of the tribe roared as a red mist started to seep from the skin of the sacrificial man. The mist engulfed the stone on his chest. Kenyanire smiled, the sacrifice had been accepted and now they would finally have an incredibly powerful weapon, a Blood Goddess Stone.

The crystal on the man’s chest lifted high into the air, the red mist was absorbed into the stone. Now, this was the most delicate part of the ritual for them to succeed. They had to kill the man on the very second, he orgasmed. The woman riding the man started to shake and nod her head to say the sacrifice was orgasming. Without missing a heartbeat Yantraki stabbed the spear into the man’s neck, splattering his blood across the alter. The ground shook as the girls holding down the sacrifice reviled hidden knives of their own, including the girl riding the man. They then plunged the knives into the man, ripping his flesh apart. The blood started to hover into the air as both the blood and seamen of the man was sucked into the crystal, dying into a fresh blood red.

The crystal then dropped into the blood-stained hands of the waiting Kenyanire, who once she had her hands on the crystal, raised it high into the air. The warriors then grabbed the man’s body and started to rub the remaining blood over the alter, a show of their devotion to the Goddess of Chaos as well as the Goddess of Blood.

The body was then taken down to the crowd to be roasted for the feast. Yantraki and Kenyanire smiled at each other, the sacrifice was successful. Yantraki smiled, both the sacrifice of Liam and the male amazon had pleased the Goddesses that night.







hey, hope you enjoyed the story so far. If you did feel free to go and check it out on Royal Road. It would be great if you gave me a follow over there, but anyway I still hope you all enjoyed it!

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