Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 8 – A slave

His eyes opened slowly as he pulled himself out of bed. He was tired and every last inch of his body ached as if every bone in him was broken yet somehow, he could still move. Looking around the room the boy realised where he was, he was in the home and pacifically the bedroom of his capturer. He looked to his side and notice something warm pressing against him. His eyes opened slightly more as he saw the nude body of a beautiful Amazonian woman lying beside him, he smiled a little to himself this is the first time he had seen her out of her paint. That's when it struck him though and he remembered the night before, this woman that lay beside him had her friends and family hold him on an altar while she fucked him and then sacrificed him to one of her dark Gods or Goddesses.


He placed his hands onto his chest, but he remembers the pain from the night before ripping through his body. But his surprise he was intact, he was alive. Liam laugh to himself, it had all just been a dream, there is no way they were just going to kill him like that out of the blue, they were sadistic savage and backwards people, but they weren’t liars. Or well they were but he didn't think they would lie to him about whether or not they were going to keep him or kill him.


Liam started to panic again though as he realised something was wrong. There was a large round black circle with jagged lines like that of a burning sun coming off it painted onto his chest. He quickly placed his index finger into his mouth, wetting his finger and then started to rub it on his chest. But the attempt at cleansing the pattern off his chest was to no avail as he realised soon this mark was a tattoo. He started to theorise how he could have gotten it and that he was a light sleeper so there's no way they could have done it to him in his sleep as something like a tattoo would have seriously hurt. So, was it some kind of permanent paint then or simply just a kind of waterproof and he would need something else to get it off? Or better yet it was just because he was tired and he was seeing things after having a nightmare. Liam mocked himself slightly he's such a child.


However, Liam did notice something new that puts this theory as merely just being a hallucination to rest as he quickly noticed a black band around either of his arms. He tried removing the seemingly painted bands again but to no profit as they didn't even smear when he tried rubbing them off his now stained skin. He heard a small groan behind him and turned to see Yantraki slowly pulling herself from under the covers of the bed. She rubbed her eyes and sat herself up slightly as she gazed around the room, her eyes then fell onto her Liam as he was sitting on the edge of the bed.


“Come back to bed darling, I want to cuddle, you don't need to start your work for a long time as this week I should dedicate to our eyes I believe you humans call it a honeymoon.” Yantraki set tiredly with a loving smile on her face as she patted a small indent in the bed next to her from where she had been holding him the night before. Liam looked at her and started to blush heavily with embarrassment as he stared at her round naked breasts only adding to the embarrassment realised, he was naked.


“Oh, urrr hay,” Liam said awkwardly as he slid off the bed to try and hide his growing erection. Yantraki laughed at his blushing face which she couldn't help but find so adorable.


“Come back to bed darling,” she said in her thick Amazonian accent. She pattered the space next to her again an arrow to rise at him as she can you slightly closer.


“Can I ask you something?” Liam said. He wanted to quickly escape, but before he did, he also wanted to find out about the pattern on his chest and around the tops of his arms.


“Anything my love,” she said seductively as she moved even closer towards him, moving on all fours like a cat. Liam looked away from the nude beauty as a way to try and put down his erection before she saw it.


“What’s with the mark on my chest and arms? And how do I get it off, and why are you talking about a honeymoon? We aren’t even married? And how did you find out what a honeymoon is, to begin with? And didn’t you sacrifice me? I saw the knife, I felt the pain.” Liam quickly asked in his embarrassed and shy state. Yantraki gave out her signature laugh again as she leapt at him, meaning she was now only a few inches away from his face. She quickly moved in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips sending him flying back as he tried to avoid another one of the attacks of her affection.


“The marks are to show that you are mine, they also make it so that I can sense you wherever you are, I can sense if you're talking to someone or not, with those marks I'll be able to tell wherever you are and whatever you are doing. As for getting it off, I am afraid that that is something only I can do, and I refuse to do so.” Yantraki said, as she pounced onto him and threw him, pinning him against the wall of the room. Liam quickly jumped from underneath her and stared at her as she turned to look at him.


“And for the honeymoon thing, is this something that I learned from the high priestess last night, and for a matter of fact yes we are married, last nights in the ritual I made you mine. I suggest that she don't go near the temple for a few days as after I was finished with you and our rough copulation, we then chose to sacrifice a young Amazonian man to the goddess of fertility to celebrate our marriage. We painted the alter in the pig’s blood after one of our warriors fucked the life out of him. There was so much gorgeous blood as we ripped his heart from his chest then dismembered him and handed his bits of meets the cooks for them to roast for us, if only you were awake then to join in my dearest.” Yantraki didn’t inform Liam of the other sacrifices as she didn’t wish to get him too involved with tribal matters. Liam couldn't believe what he was hearing and quickly moved to the door to try and find where his clothes may be.


“And the thing about the sacrifice. Well, I did sacrifice you, I sacrificed your virginity to the goddess of fertility. The plan was that both me and my mother as well as others of the tribe were to share you, but I knew you would pass out early meaning you would only have my seal. Now you are all mine, and there is nothing anyone can do about it, isn’t that fantastic?” Yantraki said, beaming a large smile at the petrified Liam.


“Get back into bed” Yantraki commanded to him. The entirety of Liam’s body froze as a cramping in his chest and arms started sending him crumbling to the floor. He couldn't control his body as the only way the pain lessened was when he moved closer towards the bed. It was as if the marks on him refused to allow him to disobey her orders. Liam stopped and stared at her, he grimaced as he never tests the sadistic grin on Yantraki’s face. Liam’s body moved without thinking as he couldn't control himself and climbed into the bed. Yantraki then moved off the floor and into the bed making sure to pull the blankets over the both of them as she pulled him into her arms.


“I love this time of the day, are you and I can be together. We are unlucky that last night you don't have enough energy to go for any more rounds of sex as by the time you passed out and I had cut my hands with the knife (which by the way I could see in your eyes you thought I was going to use it on you which was absolutely adorable) and perform the ritual of binding you were already passed out, which meant my mother couldn't have made her slave pact with you as she also wished to make one that night.” Yantraki explained as she forced Liam to cuddle into her soft chest. Yantraki stared down into Liam’s dismal and terrified face. She pulled him closer and plated a soft kiss onto his lips.


“I am so sorry honey, I really don’t want to hurt you, so please just do what I say ok?” Yantraki said, giving Liam another kiss. Liam couldn’t speak as the dread and realisation that he was no longer a free man and was now the slave out a monster started to register with him.


“W…Why did you do this; I wasn’t going to…to try to leave.” Liam said in a trembling voice as a few tears started to pour down his cheeks. Yantraki wiped away his tears and gave him a sympathetic look. She then jumped up and pinned him face down onto the bed.


“I love you; I don’t know how many times I have told you, and I don’t know how many times I will have to say it,” Yantraki quickly moved onto his back and straddled his waist.


“But I will keep telling you I love you until you release everything I do is because I love you and want to keep you safe.” Yantraki continued as she started to run her hands across his back.


“Now just relax and enjoy a week to ourselves, just you and me bonding and become a better couple,” Yantraki said as she began to massage his back. Liam groaned, this was her first time as she kept accidentally going too hard and hurting him or going too soft and not doing anything at all. Yantraki noticed his annoyed, angered and scared expression. She gave out an annoyed moan and collapsed onto his back. Liam jumped slightly as he felt her breast press against him.


“Be honest, you don’t like it do you,” Yantraki said as she buried her face into his neck.


“No” Liam replied groaning from his body now hurting more than it has already.


“Sorry, I know this isn’t a good way to start our marriage,” Yantraki said. She couldn’t understand why he was so scared and upset that he was now the property of such a beautiful woman.


“You look tired, sit here and read your books; I will be back in a bit,” Yantraki said jumping up and walking over to a large wooden box where she had stored his books. She got out his books and returned to his side offering him the books.


“Thanks” The now slightly more confident Liam said as Yantraki placed his books onto the bed.


“I…I am sorry about hurting you. I am sorry about being mean to you, but I need you to behave. And for the slave contract I have formed with you, well it is in case you ever try to run away I can find you and bring you home. It is also so that if any women in the tribe tried to rape you or have their way with you, I want to have a way of finding out.” Yantraki said as she got off the bed and walked to the door. Hoping he wouldn’t fear her for long. She left the room and went down the stairs, wanting to get some advice from the high priestess on how to get Liam to like her. She prayed that Liam would understand the slave pact was for his welfare.


Liam had a small amount of confidence now that he had seen she was a little bit more like how she was back on the mainland. She wasn’t as childish or happy as she was back on the mainland, and he found her thousands of times more terrifying now, but he could still see a slight glimmer of kindness in her eyes. But still, he held a level of hatred and distrust towards her and her mother. These were dangerous people. He needed to keep his wits about him if he were to survive. Liam brought his books over to himself and picked out a book to start to read.


Yantraki got to the bottom of the stairs where she noticed the 8 Borumas all sitting around preparing a fish that they had caught that morning and had already cooked, alongside some berries. Yantraki walked past them and pointed up the stairs ordering them to go once give breakfast to Liam and that if her mother asked where she was, she was meeting with the high priestess. The girls all smiled at each other as they hurried off to the bedroom to hang out as well as give Liam his food.


Yantraki stretched her arms as she got outside. This usually helped her relax slightly. She then started her slow but steady jog to the hut of the high priestess. Yantraki ran for about an hour or so passing the temple where she had claimed Liam last night. She smiled as she remembered the magic, she felt that night. She also felt herself salivating as she remembered the taste of the cooked flesh of the Amazonian man they had roasted, she would miss the taste if Liam did ever find a way to have a sustainable food source, but then again they never said anything about stopping the sacrifices, they only said they wouldn’t eat humans or Boruma and male amazons of cause are not human nor Boruma.


She stopped for a few seconds to look at the blood caped alter that sat at the top of the temple. She also looked at the Borumas and amazons who were still at the bottom of the temple cuddling. Many amazons and Borumas had a large orgy that night in celebration. Yantraki licked her lips, as much as she hated the little brown-haired slut Boruma that kept trying to seduce her husband, she would have loved her to join in as a little fuck toy while she focused on her husband. After taking one last look at the blood-stained alter and romancing over the night once again Yantraki happily carried on her jog, making sure to use the slave contract to check on Liam to make sure he wasn’t cheating on her. She closed her eyes for a second and after muttering a soft spell she saw the, best way to describe, a live video of where he was. She looked at him as he argued with the Boruma as they tried to get his attention as he tried to just simply read his book. Yantraki scowled slightly though as she saw the brown-haired girl cuddling into his side. Yantraki wished that the Borumas had slave contracts but sadly for religious purposes they weren’t allowed to. She watched a little bit more happily though as Liam smacked her softly on the head with his hand as he angrily tried to go back to reading.


She decided to stop watching him, happy that he wasn’t going to try to cheat on her. After a while longer of jogging Yantraki soon arrived at the hut of the high priestess. She happily ran over to the small wooden huts that sat hidden away under some trees. The high priestess was an amazing woman, she was outstanding with magic and her knowledge of humans was far beyond that of any Amazon, she was the perfect person to ask for any information on both humans or architecture as she was the one that helped them build and design the house that Yantraki and her mother live in. Yantraki got to the door and quickly started to knock on it asks if anybody was home. The door creaked open a very beautiful, yet tired-looking woman stepped outside dressed in very little clothing as it was too early in the morning for her to get dressed.


“Hay,” the high priestess said as she patted Yantraki on the head. Compared to the usual 7-foot height of the amazons the high priestess was a shorter 6 foot which means she would have usually been mocked if it wasn't for her great strength and knowledge.


“Is it alright if I come in and ask some questions about humans?” Yantraki said. The high priestess is the very font of the young girl, she reminded her much of herself when she was younger.


“What’s the problem?” the high priestess asked as she welcomed Yantraki inside her home. Yantraki walked inside and moved over to a large pile of pillows and took a seat.


“I want to know how to make a human happy. You see I have recently found my perfect husband, but alongside tried a house broker him and tame him I'm also trying to figure out how to make him happy, he's also made lots of jokes about how he hates me and hates all amazons which I don't see as being true but, I know they are just jokes but they still bother me” Yantraki explained, not understanding that Liam had a genuine hatred towards amazons due to his upbringing in the main city. The high priestess smirked as she took a seat next to Yantraki.


“For you of all people to be praising a male of any race means that this young one is quite impressive,” the high priestess said as she made herself comfortable next to Yantraki.


“Indeed, his body is soft, and he makes good for cuddling. As I said though he still needs to be housebroken and learn his place, I have already done the slave contract as well as giving him some of my blood so that he lives for the same span of life as I” Yantraki said quite proudly as she placed their hands until I hips thinking she'd done a good job. The high priestess sighed angrily and smacked Yantraki on the top of the head.


“You are trying to seduce a man and make a man fall in love with you yet you enslave him? it isn't like us amazons a show of strength doesn't mean much to them besides a reason to fear you, you need to be more gentle you need to show the human that you mean him no harm.” the high priestess tried to explain, knowing that like the majority of amazons Yantraki liked to act first and think about the consequences later.


“I have done that. I got him purposely ill so that I could then nursing back to health, but sadly mother stole that chance for me. But ever since then I have stayed around him as much as I can to care for him and make sure he is happy; I even went back to his home village to learn about him but got side-tracked with trying to learn how to make food that he may like and didn't get to ask all the questions I wished for.” Yantraki wined to the high priestess. The high priestess walked to her side, Yantraki was a good and kind person when she needed to be and wanted to be, she was an amazing warrior who only her mother and sisters could ever match, but one thing she wasn't good at was planning or tactics.


“Treat the boy with a level of respect then, show him you understand and respect his opinion and way of thinking even if you don't. If you really want to try and play some mind games with him, try and trick him into thinking something is his idea but it's really yours, an example of this is try to suggest something but then quickly say it is a bad idea especially if the idea itself is actually very good. being rebellious the human will naturally say it is their idea and try and do it anyway to prove you wrong, may end up being a worthwhile tactic for the long run.” The high priestess said, quickly getting up to go and pour some wine for them. Yantraki nodded, liking the sound of the idea.


“I only have one problem with the plan,” Yantraki said. The high priestess sighed, knowing what she was about to say next.


“Yes?” The high priestess entertained.


“What is the parts where I pinned him down and forced him to you have sex with me so you understand that I am the dominant one in our relationship? and where is the part where I bite him to show that I could kill him, but I choose not to so that he feels like he has to keep me happy for him to be happy?” Yantraki asked innocently not understanding what she had just said goes against everything the high Princess had just instructed her to do. The high priests aside have knocked her head against the wall gently, it seemed that no matter how many times she told her the right way to do things she wasn't going to listen.


“Please just try my ideas and see how they go? Let the human have some level of freedom so that he doesn't get bored, let him roam free on the island but of course with you or some warriors to watch over him to make sure he doesn't escape or get harmed” The high priestess said slightly giving up on trying to teach Yantraki some ethics.


“Ok, I will try your greatness,” Yantraki said happily. The high priestess smiled, she had to admire Yantraki’s confidence when it came down to doing something she usually would never be caught doing.


“If you really want to get a good relationship with the boy, bring him here and I could probably try to learn some things about how he acts, thinks, feels etc.” the high priestess offered as she walked back to Yantraki with two freshly poured cups of wine.


“I could try and bring him over at some point, I'm just afraid that he may be scared by your… décor” Yantraki said gesturing to the mountains of skulls and severed parts of the human body that were hung from the rafters as well as piled up in corners of the room, all these parts were used to make potions and poisons as well as spells for her rituals.


“You have decided to bring over your male I shall put them away, for the time being, so he doesn't get scared.” The high priestess said smiling towards her.


“Now let me show you some old scriptures I have on humans, maybe you can learn something,” the high priestess said as she walked over tour a large pile of bones and started her rifle through them until she pulled out a chest. Yantraki killed slightly thinking her room was untidy but compared to the high priestess hers seems spotless.


“And just so you know, as for the human saying he hates you. That is probably true, he doesn’t know you well, let alone what every side of you is like, you have also dragged him to a strange land where he is seen as food by many amazons. But I think you can win him over.” The high priestess said. Yantraki nodded. She was deeply saddened to think Liam may hate her, but she planned to turn that around.


“Here is an idea, for now, find a nice activity you two can do together to tighten your relationship, also think of a nice pet name for him so he feels special.” The high priestess suggested. Yantraki nodded and she started to brainstorm ideas.


“Thank you,” Yantraki said as she quickly jumped up and sprinted out the door. The high priestess watched happily as Yantraki sprinted down the pathway away from the house and in the direction of her home. She always liked this happy joyous side of the young warrior, if the small Liam could bring out the side of her rather than her usual cold and calculating side that had to be something special.


Kenyanire walked into the house, sweat glistening on her skin. She had just finished her morning exercise with the warriors. She looked into the main room where she last saw the Boruma. They weren’t there, surprising her slightly. She then listened carefully and heard the sound of the chattering girls talking upstairs, which probably meant that Liam and Yantraki were awake. She smiled happily as she ran up the stairs to congratulate them on their marriage. But much to her surprise as Kenyanire reached the top of the stairs and entered the bedroom, only Liam and the Boruma remained. She thought this to be quite odd, but she knew there was probably a good reason. Kenyanire frowned slightly though as she entered the room. She could tell Liam wasn’t in a good mood, and she knew it was probably to do with the slave seal on his chest.


Liam looked up from his book as she tried to shove the brown-haired girl off his lap again for the about 50th time that morning. He narrowed his eyes cautiously as he watched the tall amazon walk slowly and seductively over to the bed, her sharp eyes staring at him. The Boruma noticed Kenyanire and moved to the side to let her sit next to Liam on the bed. Once Kenyanire had taken her place next to Liam she put a hand onto his leg, trying to show she wasn’t going to hurt him.


“Sorry about drugging you last night, but it is an important part of the ceremony,” Kenyanire said, smiling apologetically. Liam sighed and nodded.


“So, what do you want?” Liam asked, not caring much about Kenyanire, he didn’t trust her, he only just wanted to read his book.


“I understand your anger, but remember I promised that my tribe won’t eat humans or Boruma, but I didn’t say anything about the Amazon male pigs. You are a member of my family now, remember that. My daughter and I love you deeply Liam, we want to keep you safe.” Kenyanire explained as she moved closer to him. Liam scoffed; he hated their ideologies. Liam quietly swore to himself to put a stop to the deaths of the amazon’s males as well.


“Again, what do you want,” Liam said bluntly.


“I want to give you a warning. Two actually. The first is that you need to understand we love you, and we WILL do anything to keep you by our sides. Second thing is that in 10 days we shall have to sacrifice a Boruma unless you come up with an idea for a sustainable food source. I don’t expect you to do much, but you can if you want.” Kenyanire said, moving in and kissing Liam. Liam moved back and stared Kenyanire dead in the eyes.


“Let’s get my plan into action now. I only need to ask a few questions beforehand.” Liam said, sounding more serious than he ever had before. Kenyanire was slightly taken back by his sudden brashness, but she liked it. Kenyanire dove towards Liam and forced a kiss onto his lips.


“I see why my daughter likes you,” Kenyanire said, kissing him again.


“Now let’s get you dressed,” Kenyanire said, ordering the Boruma to prepare his clothes. Liam smiled as he put his book down.


“So does that mean I can start putting my plan into action?” Liam said, hoping he could start trying to help the Boruma. Kenyanire smiled and kissed Liam again, he allowed her to do this, thinking it might mean he got some leeway with the amazon. Kenyanire licked her lips as she pulled him closer, like her daughter she also found touching him to be very entertaining.


“First, you smell of fear. Which don’t get me wrong is very cute and I would love to pin you and play with you for a long period of time, but I also want to keep you healthy and clean, so we will wash first.” Kenyanire informed him. Liam nodded, hoping this time you'll get an area to bathe by himself, but considering the wandering hands of the amazons, he doubted he could have even a moment alone. The Boruma soon came over to Liam and gave him his clothes. As Liam was trying his best to get dressed underneath the bed sheet so that the girls in the room wouldn't see his nude body Kenyanire couldn't help but sneak a peek. The night before when she held his head, she only got to see a small amount of him as her daughter hoarded the majority of his body for herself. Kenyanire was also slightly annoyed that she didn't have a chance to put a slave seal of her own on him since he passed out, and this bath she wished to give him that morning in her mind would make up for it.


Once dressed Kenyanire escorted Liam down the stairs and out of the house, but first allowing him to quickly slip his socks and shoes on. She didn't understand the point of the bits of leather and other materials that he always put on his feet, but she didn't doubt him, it didn't affect anything, so she didn't mind him doing it. Liam looked at the long path that led out of the front door to the house and down to the village. He couldn’t help but be slightly scared, he had heard rumours when he was in the army about amazon hanging castrated men outside of their huts as decorations, and human women were bound to poles and tortured for the entertainment of passers-by.


Kenyanire put a gentle hand onto the head of the shivering Liam. Liam looked at the 7f tall amazon woman. He couldn’t even decide if he could trust her or not. On one hand, she was very kind, gentle, and loving, but she also lied to him often. He took notice as well that this was, he believed to be, the second time he had ever seen Kenyanire without any warpaint on. The amazons tended to wear war paints like a second skin so seeing Kenyanire and Yantraki without any on was a weird sight for Liam.


“Don’t look so scared my little human, your big, strong, beautiful and friendly owner will keep you safe,” Kenyanire said reassuringly, but also a slight hint of a joke in her voice. Liam laughed a little and together the two started down the path towards the village. As they walked down the path Kenyanire couldn't help but stare at the nervous and fidgety Liam. She giggled maniacally slightly to herself as she put out a hand and pulled him closer to her, once he was near enough she then quickly wrapped her arm around him to keep him close to her side, the side of his face was now pressing against her right breast. Liam struggled to push away from the amazon’s clutch's as she laughed and joked about him being scared to touch such a beautiful woman. Out of protest, Liam stopped struggling allowed the side of his face to press against her breast as they walked. Kenyanire laughed, he was such an interesting little creature yet so easy to manipulate. Now that Kenyanire had Liam in her clutches she wanted to try and push her luck. She lent down and pinched his chin with her thumb and index finger. Then before Liam could resist, she planted a long, warm, kiss onto his lips. Liam stopped in his tracks and looked her in the eyes, a look of confusion on his blushing face. Kenyanire laughed, as she looked at his shocked expression, she found him adorable. She still couldn’t help but think she wanted to take him for herself.


“Idiot” Liam said as he tried to distance himself slightly from the clutches of the amazon. Kenyanire only laughed at his attempts though as she always let him get a little distance before she tugged him back to her side. Despite suggesting she was going to let him start his plan that day, she just wanted to help him forget that he was now a slave to their family. She wanted to try and make his new life with them as happy as possible, mostly because she found enjoyment in a happy Liam, for reasons she couldn’t ever quite put her finger on.


Kenyanire made the quick decision to go to the village first to collect some items from the blacksmith before they went to bathe. Soon the two entered the village, Liam, constantly trying to think of ways to brace himself for what he might see. Kenyanire made sure Liam kept close to her side. She knew her warriors could be a bit too handsy with humans, she understood the interest as she could barely keep her hands off Liam. As they began their walk through the village, Liam could feel all the curious eyes of the Amazonian women following him.


“Don’t worry too much, they won't dare to touch you now that you are property of my family” Kenyanire reassured. They stopped for a few seconds as a small group of around 7 young amazon women who looked to be the same age as Liam quickly ran to Kenyanire. They spoke excitedly in their native tongue to her before turning their attention to Liam. Kenyanire said something in the native language that he didn’t understand. The native girls proceeded to giggle and runoff, waving happily to them as they left.


“What was all that about?” Liam asked, confused about what had just happened at the last minute. Kenyanire grinned smugly.


“I am chief of our tribe, the amazon worship and look up to me. Those girls came over to ask for your name, so I gave it to them.” Kenyanire said as she continued through the village with Liam close by her side. As they walked, he could still feel the gaze of the amazons on him.


It was like he was some kind of exotic animal at the zoo. Soon they reached a large clay held with a large stone brick chimney. Together they walked towards the old wooden door of the house. Kenyanire gave the door a few good knocks and called out to whoever was inside. There was the sound of rustling around and things falling over as the door then slowly opened. Hey, about 5-foot 11 Amazonian woman pizza head out from behind the door how long brown hair and deep brown eyes quickly drawing the attention of Liam. They looked at the human for a few seconds before turning her attention to Kenyanire. Without saying a word, the girl realised what they were there for and quickly dove back inside her hut. She then re-emerged with a cloth bag which she threw to the feet of Liam, and once again she disappeared back into a Hut but this time shutting the door behind her going back to whatever business she had been doing. Kenyanire picked up the bag from Liam’s feet and smiled awkwardly.


“Sorry about her, she doesn't like to talk much nor interact with people she doesn't know,” Kenyanire said, slightly apologetically. Liam nodded and laughed a little, despite the barbaric nature of the amazons, he had to admit they were amusing. Kenyanire And Liam then moved quickly down the path and onward to their next destination.


Yantraki sprinted towards the door of her house and swung it open without thinking. On her run home had thought up the perfect way to tighten her bonds with her beloved Liam. She was going to go out and catch something delicious for them to eat together. She ran into the main room where she had left her paints and warrior attire. she quickly took some of the bowels of paint and painted herself in the ceremonial patterns for hunting. She then quickly dressed in her war attire and not even a second after she was fully dressed did, she then dived out of the house’s door once again and sprint towards the jungle to hunt for food.


She scoured through the jungle floor searching for any small animals that she could clobber and kill. Several colourful birds caught her eye as they sat in the trees, but she decided in the end despite their colourful feathers the meat wouldn't be enough for them. Deciding that just running through the jungle looking for food wasn't going to work, Yantraki decided to set a trap and wait. She walked for a while longer until she found a place, she deemed good enough to set a trap. She had noticed that there was an unusual pile of sticks and mud at the centre of a wide opening of the forest floor. This had to be the home of an animal named Chillcali, a large, feathered bird that stood around 8ft tall, the perfect prey to impress her husband. She climbed quickly into one of the nearby trees and sat there looking out over the large jungle floor that laid before her.


She gripped her war bow tightly as she started to wait for passing prey. Yantraki sat in the tree for about an hour or so patiently listening to every noise that surrounded her. It was time to let the hunt begin.


Another hour or so passed of Yantraki sitting in the tree and watching diligently for any prey that may show itself. She thought at least she had to have been up there for at least two hours now, but it must have been longer as she saw the sun reaching the centre of the sky. Luckily for her Amazon’s had great eyesight and were almost cat-like in their ability to see in the dark, so if she was tough to stay out there all night to catch something the night wouldn't cause much of an issue. The only problem was she was slightly saddened to know that if she didn't catch something soon she wouldn't be able to get a good meal for herself and Liam to share.


Yantraki was about to give up and move to a new spot when she heard the distinct noise of crunching leaves. She turned to the noise, an excited grin on her face as she loaded an arrow into her war bow. Yantraki grinned as a Chillcali soon came into sight. She aimed her war bow towards the creature, aiming for its head so she could give it a quick death. The bowstring twanged, and the arrow was let loose. The arrow screamed through the sky until it smacked the Chillcali into the side of the face. There was a squirt of blood and soon the creature fell dead on the ground. Without thinking Yantraki leapt out of the tree and rushed over to the dead Chillcali. Yantraki leaned down and yanked her arrow out the side of the bird. She licked her lips, hungry to taste its meat.


Yantraki quickly jumped away from the creature as an arrow shot into its chest. She narrowed her eyes towards the direction the arrow came from. A tall Amazonian woman dressed in a leopard skin skirt, tanned corded grass top and tall feather headdress. The woman was holding a large bow and leather pack of arrows. Serval more women with large bows, arrows and spears exited the jungle behind her.


“Princess Yantraki,” the headwoman said, her long blond hair and dark skin shining in the sunlight.


“This isn’t your territory sister,” Yantraki said. She knew the woman that stood before him well, she was her sister and leader of the Sun Eagle tribe. Rhexdice, one of her 8 blood sisters.


“You and mother are weak. What is and isn’t your territory means nothing.” Rhexdice said.


“I need the meat sister,” Yantraki said walking over to the corps. Rhexdice smiled, entertained by her sisters plead.


“Why do you wish to have this Chillcali? I heard you just went on a raid to the mainland; you should have lots of food.” Rhexdice said, walking closer to her sister, her hands on her hips.


“I need the food for my…” Yantraki hesitated, not wanting her sister to find out about her husband. But another warrior piped up.


“I heard she now has a husband.” The warrior yelled. Yantraki froze as her sister turned to look at her, a blank look on her face.


“You have a husband?” Rhexdice said, a devilish smile coming across her face. She knew about how it was hard for Amazon to fall in love, and she knew that once an amazon fell in love they didn’t fall out of love. She also knew that if one amazon from a family fell in love with a man, there was a high chance the other women amazons would as well. She wanted to see the man that had seemingly stolen her cold sister’s heart.


“Sister…” Rhexdice said.


“No…” Yantraki said, quickly picking up the large Chillcali and slinging it over her shoulder.


“Come on at least let me have a good look at him, I promise I won't try and steal him,” Rhexdice said.


“Ha, like you weren’t going to steal my prey?” Yantraki retorted, Rhexdice wasn’t the worst of her sisters, but she was very mysterious and untrustworthy. Rhexdice drew her knife and pointed it towards her sister. She threw the knife into the air and caught it by its blade. Yantraki stared at her sister as she offered the knife to Yantraki.


“Take this, you will need it to cut up the Chillcali,” Rhexdice said smiling menacingly.


“Why?” Yantraki questioned, taking the knife from her sister’s hand.


“You are going to feed the meat of the Chillcali to your husband, right? Well, I want to contribute to the wellbeing of my future toy.” Rhexdice said, keeping her macabre smile.


Yantraki snarled slightly as she threw the knife into the ground. She knew this would happen. As soon as one of her sisters had found out about Liam, they were bound to try to break him as well as play with him until he was no longer of use. Before her sister could say another word Yantraki sprinted off into the jungle with the Chillcali on her back. She gritted her teeth, she needed to get home as soon as possible.


Rhexdice smiled and waved her hand, signally too young Boruma to her side. Each girl had a small leather bag which contained some charcoal pens and yellowish paper, a very expensive luxury for the amazons. Rhexdice pointed to her sister as she disappeared into the jungle.


“Follow her, I want you to find her husband and draw him for me so I can decide if he is worth my time,” Rhexdice ordered. The two girls sprinted off after Yantraki. Rhexdice smiled, she would return home from now, but she could wait for the report.










Hey there, if you enjoyed the story always feel free to go and check out the chapter on Royal Road for images to go along with the story:

If you ever have a question about the story, feel free to comment and ask. Anyway, hope you have enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter! 




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