Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 19: Whale Hunters (Part 1)

Here is a more detailed Kingdom of Amma picture


A few miles south of the capital island, the 1st Detachment comprising of the 

  • HNS Gaius (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Olertin (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Chaser (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Enterprise (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Spring (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Shippy McShipface (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Boaty McBoatface (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Opal (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Jade (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Soldier On (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 

Such a large detachment would have been spotted approaching a long while ago but to ensure their stealth on the seas, the 1st Underwater Security Team of H.I.S.S, comprising a team of siren operatives and a leviathan by the name of O'ngur was directly below the fleet, with O'ngur using his magic and his Leviathan abilities to dispense a cloaking dome around the fleet as they sailed to their position, unseen and undetected by some of the small demonkin fishing boats who were out at sea, with a few close calls here and there, the fleet was able to make it to its holding position about 5 miles south of the island of Pattu where the largest naval base was located on the map.

The commander of the detachment was an eager wolf beastkin named Lecter Fang and he was given the rank of Commodore. He used to be a fisherman before the whole rapid industrialization and expansion of the empire, with good knowledge on how to sail, with him being one of the first to be lectured by Her Majesty Ophelia on naval warfare during the 4-month period of expansion, although he was a beastkin in his forties, Lecter participated in the naval drills being held ever since the ships had been built and had a good feel for them. He listened over the magic crystal communication from the flagship discussing on what to expect of the enemy, but he knew he would have to see if to fully understand it. 

Standing on the crow's nest of the HNS Gaius, with sails furled and everyone itching to get things going, Commodore Lecter was busy looking through his spyglass, although he had an older one from when he was a young fisherman, this newer one had a monster crystal in it which allows him to zoom in and out of focus. He could clearly see the port and could just barely make out the numerous War Galleons anchored side by side in the base, with signs showing they were still in the process of getting ready to set sail. 

"Seems we caught them unawares" Lecter chuckled as he stroked his well-groomed black colored beard, a smile on his face as he was formulating his plan 

"Incoming! Urgent orders from the admiral!" The intercom in the crow's nest barked, with Lecter having a surprised look before switching to a much more serious one

"Report! What are the orders?" He asked as he keyed the intercom 

"Admiral has reported the delegation and our Empressess have been attacked. Orders are to begin retaliatory operations. All Royal Navy ships are to be sunk without warning and with no survivors" The comms officer replied 

"Send word to the admiral that the 1st Detachment has received and will carry out the orders, and order all ships to battle stations" 

"Understood Commodore" 

After letting go of the button, Lecter glanced behind the ship before quickly double-taking and seeing something that should not have been there, his eyes wide as he brought the spyglass back up to his eye. 

"What the fuck" He cursed as he let out a growl 

He was looking at a fleet of twenty War Galleons sailing in formation directly 8 miles south of them, and they were coming straight at them. Although he knew they could not see his fleet currently getting underway, by the looks of things, this new fleet was going to rendevous with the one currently getting ready in Pattu and then head to Nas altogether, he was not going to let this happen. 

He quickly jumped off the crow's nest and grabbed a spare rope hanging around and used it to help swing his way down, landing on the deck in the midst of the crew running about and getting the ship properly underway. He ran past them and went to the intercom station on the bridge, keying the correction station while the officers awaited his orders. 

"Comms, order the Shippy and Boaty to sail forward first and attack the War Galleons still getting ready in port. The rest of the fleet is to swing starboard and turn about and make at full speed in an interception course straight for the fleet behind us" Lecter ordered with a determined expression on his face

"Comms receives and understands Commodore, orders have been sent" The comms officer replied a few moments later 

"Good, and ask O'ngur to stick with our fleet turning about to keep the cloaking field up until the last moment when we are amidships them with a mile in between, the sudden sight of the Boaty and Shippy will distract them from us long enough to sink them all in one go" The wolf beastkin Commodore added with a small smirk on his face 

"Understood Commodore, orders have been relayed" 

"Good, All hands! I want full sail and full speed! quit your bellyaching and get to work!" Lecter shouted, his inner kid chuckling as he always wanted to do something like this 


With the fleet maneuvers underway, the Shippy and Boaty were the first to punch it, with all sails unfurled and all wind magic crystals operating at full capacity, with both the Brig and the Sloop cruising at 15 knots as they rapidly closed in on the port. The duo were immediately spotted by the fleet behind them and by the coastal look outs on the island as they magically appeared into view as they exited the cloaking field provided by the Leviathan below the waves. 

"All hands to battle stations! Run up the guns! Hoist the colors! And get ready for a fight!" The captain of the Shippy, one kitsune by the name of Kintaka who was a former fisherman turned naval captain and had undergone similar training, she shouted as she personally took control of the helm and was trailing the sloop that was currently in front of her ship 

The crew aboard the Shippy and the Boaty rushed to their stations, the crews quickly loading the 8-pounder and 16-pounder magi-cannons and running them out from their retracted positions. Dragonkin sailors quickly checked the wing magic crystals on the masts while other sailors checked the riggings to ensure they were all secured tightly, other sailors also began getting shells ready by bringing them up from the ammo storage below the waterline, setting them up in the empty shell racks behind the guns for quick and easy reloads. At the rear of the ship, the naval flag of the empire was raised followed by a resounding "Hurrah!" from the crew as they saw the colors rise. 


They had closed in on the shore, closing in on the nearest naval fortress guarding the port about 2 miles off it and they could clearly see the stone walls protecting the fort and the many demonkin sailors and soldiers running up and down trying to get the javelin launchers on the ramparts ready and firing on the intruders. 

"Larboard battery! Fire at will!" Captain Kintaka ordered, 


The first salvo fired from both ships came forth like a great volcanic eruption as the magi-cannons roared with a loud bang quickly followed by the sighs and sounds of explosions blossoming across the fortress walls. The crew of both ships let out a "Hurrah" as the first volley brought forth results, with the magi-cannons then firing on their own and continuing to pound the fortress wall that stretched on. 

"Mr Harper the helm is yours!" Kintaka stated as she looked at the centaur helmsman behind her,  

Quickly making her way to the port side railing, she brought out her spyglass and began scanning the fortress walls, seeing large gaps in them made by the salvo, with most of the javelin launchers on the ramparts gone either by being blown away from the shockwaves of the explosions or just vaporized from a direct hit itself. 


Her eyes widened as she saw a few of the javelin launchers still standing, aiming up and firing their projectiles, with the javelins lighting up in the air and turning into fire lances that closed in with an arc on the two ships. 

"Incoming fire lances!" She shouted as she turned to the helm and the officer standing by the intercom 

"Incoming enemy fire!" The officer relayed into the intercom

"Understood! Barrier going up!" The defense crystal officer replied 

A low hum then came from the bowels of the ship, and when the fiery javelins were about to close in on the topsails of the Shippy and Boaty, the javelins exploded into pieces as they struck the invisible defensive barrier activated. The pieces of the javelin not even raining on the decks of the ships but instead fell into the sea. 


The already injured demonkin sailors manning the javelin launchers were left speechless but before they could do anything else, a retaliatory salvo from the rear most guns from Shippy blew them all away, with those who didn't die from the explosions and shockwaves being rendered unconscious and in critical condition. 

Meanwhile on Boaty, the crew continued their rapid-fire bombardment of the fortress walls, the 8-pounder magi-cannons aboard the Sloop Of War being faster than the 16-pounders aboard their larger sister. Boaty was captained by one Captain Kaetii, a young 7ft tall elven fisherman turned captain who had quickly earned the rank of captain due to his sailing experience and undergoing the lessons of Her Highness Ophelia. 

Standing in front of the helm and leading on the railings, Kaetii was watching the bombardment going on through his spyglass, scanning for any signs of retaliatory fire. 


Suddenly, through the smoke, several fire lances appeared and were coming down on them.

"Incoming!" He bellowed as he turned to his officer standing by the intercom 

A few moments later, the defensive barrier was activated and the fire lances smashed and dissipated harmlessly before they could land on the ship, giving the elven captain a reason to smile as he then turned his gaze forward. That smile grew a bit wider as a lone War Galleon sauntered in front of them, with the starboard side of the ship facing the sloop currently sailing towards them at greater speed than expected. 

"Tch, trying to get a broadside on us huh? I won't stand for it! Bow cannons! Rip them to shreds!" The elven captain ordered with a growl 

At the front of Boaty, a pair of 8-pounder chaser guns appeared from their hatches and were sighting their target about a mile in front of them. But before the magi-cannons let loose, the broadside of the demonkin War Galleon opened up first, the 16 Javelin Launchers opening up and sending their payloads into the sky and in an arc directly at Boaty. The fire lances failed to connect however as the barrier was still up and easily blocked and destroyed the projectiles. 

A moment later, the bow chasers opened up with a BOOOM, sending out a pair of shells that struck the War Galleon amidships. The shells exploded and due to the War Galleons being purely made of wood, the hulls did not stand a chance as the explosions from the shells ripped the ship apart with terrifying ease and split the galleon in two, with many of the demonkin sailors being flung from the ship in the blast and into the water or knocked out and laying somewhere on the ship as it quickly sank below the waves. 

"Great shot!" Kaetii cheered as Boaty continued on sailing, with both ships quickly reaching the mouth of the harbor. 


On the ANS Kingmaker, Fleet Admiral Narn was currently trying to get his fleet out of the naval base and out of the harbor and into open waters. The attack on the fort in the south had raised the alarm and his fleet had been caught with their pants down, although he had no idea of who the hell the attackers were, he knew that if they were going to stay here, the base was going to turn into a fucking shooting gallery, and he was not about to let that happen. 

"Get all of the ships underway now! If we stay here we are going to be fish in a barrel for them!" He barked as his ship began moving slowly

The Kingmaker was the first to pull out of its moorings and began making its way to the center of the harbor, with several other ships from other parts of the port doing the same, all of them hoping to form up with the flagship and get the hell out of there. On the decks of all of these ships underway, the demonkin sailors worked tirelessly to get the javelin launchers loaded and ready while also securing riggings and letting loose all of the sails. 

Narn's focus was on the ANS Gaspar which had been able to be the first ship underway and had exited the harbor a few minutes ago, the spotter in the crow's nest had reported to him that it was a pair of enemy ships that were attacking them, but those ship designs had never been seen before and the flag described to him was also something he had never seen on the high seas. 

'Who the fuck are they?' Narn thought as the fleet was now in the middle of the harbor 


Suddenly, the sounds of explosions caught his attention and he turned to see the Gaspar quickly sinking, with the ship being split into two and slipping below the waves in seconds. His mouth agape and his eyes wide as the loss of a vessel in such a quick time had never been seen before. 

"wHAT the fuck just happened?!" He asked his officers who were also similarly in shock 

"The Gaspar opened fire sir, we saw them fire off their fire lances, but they did not hit the target" One of the young officers replied, the shock in his voice evident 

"Then the ship was struck by two explosions sir, big explosions. That's what ripped her apart" One of the older officers added, his face going pale 

"What explosions?! I only saw smoke subsiding!" Narn roared as his confusion was mounting, his eyebrows furrowing and then followed by him facepalming with both hands 

"Sir! Enemy ships directly ahead!" The spotter from the crow's nest called out

"Already!?" Narn shouted in disbelief as he turned his gaze back up, his eyes going wide 

Directly in front of the ships that made it to the middle of the harbor, were a pair of vessels slowly gliding by outside the exit, one slightly larger than the other, the flags flying from the stern of the ships were one he had never seen before, a white flag with a red cross that had a double-headed dragon and a crown. The old admiral's mental state wavered as a million questions ran through his mind 

'Who were these people?'

'Why did they attack?' 

'Why couldn't they fight back?'

The world around him suddenly went quiet as he lost focus on what was in front of him, a small flash in the distance was all he saw before the roar of a cannon filled the air and then the ship next to the Kingmaker exploded, pulling him back into reality. His eyes shifted to the right and he saw the ANS Mattah going down quickly, before the other three ships beside it, the ANS Crow, ANS Mithos and the ANS Spillow also exploded violently. 

He then turned to the other side and saw the other ships, the ANS Berserk, Fisher, Majestic and Ponderer also explode in quick succession. The sight of all of this destruction at a rapid pace had broken the old admiral as Narn's lips trembled and a shocked state filled his being, he could only look around the deck of his ship as chaos ensued, not hearing the officers calling out to him shouting "Orders sir!". But before he could do anything else, he saw a flash from the larger ship and then felt something erupt from below the bridge before a torrent of flames and an explosion broke forth from below and engulfed him and his officers with their fiery touch before rocketing them into the waters beside the ship as it quickly began to go down. 

The ships still in their moorings around the port were not spared destruction as well, when the ships in the middle of the harbor had gone down, they no longer had cover from whatever was shooting at them. The two ships now stopped at the entrance did not hesitate as they quickly seized the opportunity and opened fire once more, the magi-cannons aboard the Shippy and Boaty firing in rapid succession and striking multiple targets along the port. Sending ships to the bottom of the facility, or setting alight the various military installations around the place, there was nothing and nowhere that was safe as shells landed and exploded with fury. All except one area of the naval base that was in the southernmost corner on the left side, it was a massive hospital area that had been spared the fury of the bombardment, the many priests in the hospital were busy treating demonkin sailors and survivors that had made it or had been brought by medical patrols, all of them either scarred with burns or were missing limbs. Although the shells fired from the 8 and 16-pounder guns could not kill them, they still hurt like hell and could still kill if a demonkin was struck by multiple explosions at once or in rapid succession that the healing factor mattered little. 

The area was jam-packed with sailors groaning or dying on stretchers left outside the main building and being baked under the bright sun above, it was a terrible sight to behold, especially for the priests manning the hospital as they had access to Holy Magic which had a much more potent strength than normal healing magic and potions. The sights of numerous sailors with burns that had never been seen before made a few priests vomit and faint, while others struggled to keep their chanting as they delivered aid. 

Meanwhile, after a few more minutes of bombarding the crap out of everything in sight, the magi-cannons aboard Shippy and Boaty had gone silent. The sight of the burning naval base and the entire fleet sunk in the harbor was a joyous sight for the sailors who had been training for this very moment, a moment of silence was followed to give respect for the dead, but after the moment had passed a resounding "Huzzah!" from both ships were heard before they began to go move and regroup with the main fleet. 

A/N: Hello! And here we go! First chapter of naval combat is here and boy oh boy is it one I had so much fun making. Some of you may notice that the captain of Boaty is the same commenter who had christened it, I had several names in mind but felt that it was much better to have the one who suggested it, command it, I may also do this for others down the line for their help hehe, small minor characters as a way of saying thank you. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter as well and if you got comments or reactions, leave em below for me to read and answer or react to. And as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

P.S: I had to change Pattu from North to South of Nas to make it more smoother location wise

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