Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 20: Whale Hunters (Part 2)


A/N: Keeping the map just for your convenience 

Turning back time a bit when Shippy and Boaty split off from the rest of the 1st Detachment which now comprised of 

  • HNS Gaius (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Olertin (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Chaser (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Enterprise (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Spring (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Opal (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Jade (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Soldier On (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 

The escorting ship formed into one cohesive battle line in front and behind the two Gaius Class Ships of the Line with the sloops in the front and the brigs at the back. The cloaking field was still up as they rushed forward at full speed to intercept the incoming demonkin fleet that they had spotted behind them earlier. The crew on all of the ships were scrambling to get everything ready, with crews going up and down the riggings to unfurl the rest of the sails while gun crews ran out their magi-cannons while others brought up shells from the storage holds below the waterline and the naval flag was raised behind the ships as well. Commodore Lecter stood right in front of the helm and watched as his ships were rapidly closing in on the enemy, the siren team below the fleet was still on standby but they had their orders to kill any survivors that fell into the water. 


A/N: A battle map for your Convenience

"Send a message to O'ngur, ask him to drop the cloaking field once we get along their broadside. I want them to see us before we open fire" the Commodore ordered as he turned to the first officer by the intercom 

"Yes Sir! Message sent!" The first officer replied after keying in the message 

As the fleet was nearing the unaware demonkin fleet, Lecter looked through his spyglass and could see the decks of the ships they were approaching, the demonkin sailors were scrambling to ready their weapons as the explosions in the distance caused by the rampage of the Shippy and Boaty sped their actions. The sights of demonkin crews loading up their javelin launchers and moving along the decks to get everything fastened and secured as well as unfurling any sails yet to be so, with the fleet of over 45 War Galleons sailing in a large formation, the fleet was an imposing sight to the sailors aboard the detachment, but they were confident in their skills and technological superiority to win the fight in front of them. 

As the battleline of the 1st Detachment was nearing their targets, the ships were slowed down to only a quarter wind power in order to now overshoot the enemy and keep in contact as much as possible, despite the abilities of the guns to traverse from left to right, it was still a small cone of range that needed to be compensated by keeping the enemy within the cone for as long as possible. 

"Gun crews sight pick your targets and ensure that each shot counts. I want that fleet sunk and the enemy destroyed. They dare attack our beloved Empresses, making them our enemies. Do not hate their race, my sailors, hate the government they serve, and the government they serve are our enemies. For we are all creations under the light of our beloved Goddess!" Commodore Lecter shouted to the crew and the rest of the ships via the intercom 

When the battleline of the 1st Detachment was about to be parallel to the enemy fleet, Commodore Lecter straightened up and turned to the first officer by the intercom station 

"Drop the cloak now!" He ordered, 


A few moments later, the battle line suddenly appeared on the starboard of the demonkin fleet. The demonkin sailors were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a fleet they had not seen before and were all left shocked at their surprise appearance, but before anyone could do anything, a loud "Huzzah!" was heard aboard the other vessels and then there was a singular voice shouting from one of the larger ships 


Before a sea of flashes followed. 

The first volley fired at the enemy was devastating to say the least, as 8-pounder, 16-pounder, and 32-pounder shells struck enemy ships and blew them apart. The 8-pounder guns destroyed ships in one to two shots while the 16-pounders did the same in one shot as both calibers were able to blow massive holes in the hulls of the ships they struck with huge holes or toppled masts being a common sight as the volley of fire came down, the 32-pounders however, blew the entire side facing them into oblivion and caused ships to collapse inward as they rapidly took on water and were now on fire from the explosions. The 1st Detachment was a mile away from the enemy fleet which still through them in retaliatory fire lance range, but the damage had been so severe and so surprising that the demonkin ships had no time to respond as they were blasted to hell. The opening volley had sunk the entire enemy fleet and while there were survivors that sank below the waves, their survival was ensured to not last as the siren team and O'ngur were waiting to kill anyone who was left. 

A resounding "Huzzah!" was heard from all of the ships as the sight of the sinking fleet before their eyes fully sank in. Commodore Lecter himself had a small smirk on his face as his ship was slowly passing the wreckage they had wrought. He ordered a moment of silence for the enemy in respect to them since they never got a chance to fight back, and once the moment was over, the wolf beastkin commodore turned to the first officer once more 

"Order the fleet to turn around and make haste back to Pattu, order the Black Guard to get ready for landfall" He ordered with a nod,

"Understood Commodore, it shall be done" The first officer replied 


Elsewhere, the 2nd Detachment comprising of 

  • HNS Felice (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Mary (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Anhalt (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Skipper (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Tranquil (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Jolly (Enterprise Class Brig)
  • HNS Bizmuth (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Quartz (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Siren Rider (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Vindicator (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 

Were sailing towards the island of Virt to strike at the naval base located there. The commander of the 2nd Detachment was Commodore Wilkins, unlike many of her peers and fellow officers, Wilkins was an oddity as her mother was a siren but her father was a dragonkin. Usually, mixed species couples have children that are either on one side of the genome or the other with the respective abilities for that side only but Wilkins was able to get both, giving her the ability to swim in the deep depths of the ocean or fly in the air, with her sporting a pair of wings and the ability to transform her legs into a tail when needed. 

The dragon-siren Commodore watched the horizon as they were nearing their target. They were still midway to their objective when they received the order from the HNS Amelia and Admiral Ushana on their new orders. They were given the green light to begin their mission in earnest and complete the objectives assigned to her fleet. A small sense of uncertainty in the heart of the Commodore who secretly hoped she did not have to use the weapons at their disposal but knew that orders were orders and she had a duty and oath to uphold them. That was her initial reaction however as when the reasons for why the objectives and mission were now a go, that small sense of uncertainty and regret turned to hatred for the enemy who dared raise their weapons against her monarchs, and she was determined to make them pay for it.

The fleet was currently unseen as they were moving under the cover of the 2nd Underwater Security Team of H.I.S.S and their assigned leviathan named Rolroth, and as the fleet was cruising at the max of 16 knots, they were going to reach their target in about twenty or so minutes as the island in the distance was getting closer and closer. 

"Commodore! Fleet spotted 50° on the Starboard Side!" The intercom shouted, with the Commodore turning her gaze and her spyglass to the location mentioned. 

The fleet in question came out from hiding behind a smaller island near the one they were currently sailing to and was currently cruising at a relaxing 10 knots and looked to be on an intercept course against her fleet and was proudly flying the flag of the Kingdom of Amma.


It comprised 55 or so War Galleons and the fleet was split into two groups, the first group consisting of 35 ships while the second group trailing behind them was 20 ships. The first group was on the intercept course while the second group was heading towards the island base. 

"Damn, are they already on high alert? Fuck" Wilkins cursed under her breath as she thought of the possibilities of their attack not achieving full surprise as intended

The demonkin were indeed on high alert after the main fleet in Pattu had failed to check in with them, the message was passed around the chain via demonkin messengers flying at their best speed, all except for messengers towards Nas as they were killed by H.I.S.S teams around the capital island to ensure that they the were kept in a blackout until ordered otherwise by their dual monarchs. The bases across the island chain were put on high alert and were to be expecting enemy forces and described the flag they were flying, unfortunately for them, the messages were not as clear since the messages did not describe the enemy appearing out of nowhere. 

Wilkins roped down from the crow's nest and landed safely on the main deck before heading down to the communications room on the 1st gundeck, passing by sailors and gun crews already at the ready for the action ahead and awaiting her orders, with the sailors saluting her as they passed by. She entered the communications room and looked at the young comms officer, a dwarf by the name of Horowitz who was looking up at her with nervous eyes. 

"Mr. Horowitz, send my orders to the fleet" She began, with the young dwarf keying open the comms channel on the panel connected to the communications crystal

"Ahem, too all ships. We will be engaging the first fleet before swinging in force towards the island base. I want the engagement to be hard and fast, make every shot count, and sink all in the first two volleys" She stated with a serious expression 

"Understood Commodore" The crystal replied, with various voices of the captains of the ships all joined together in one answer

"And for our Leviathan and friends, please drop the cloaking field once we get into a mile range of the enemy" She added 

"Understood Commodore" A much deeper voice replied to the order 

"Thank you all. And thank you as well, Mr. Horowitz, keep up the good work" Wilkins stated with a small nod as she patted him on the shoulder and made her way back up to the top deck

Arriving back on the bridge, she took the helm from her centaur helmsman and kept the course steady, her gaze fixed on the closing-in fleet on the horizon, a subtle nervousness filling her that was slightly trumped by her trust in her crews and ships. 

"Goddess Help Us" She mumbled under her breath as she steeled herself for the upcoming battle 


A/N: Display for convenience 

After ten minutes had passed, the fleet was now only 1.5 miles away from the enemy, the 2nd Detachment had formed into one single battle line with the sloops and brigs in front and in the rear and the Gaius Class Ships Of The Line in the center of it all. They had been going in their normal northern direction but when the battle line formed, the fleet slightly turned their course northwest to bring around the entire starboard broadside on the incoming fleet approaching them. The 1st Fleet they were up against was coming at them in three groups but the groups were not in line formation but rather spread out in a larger circular one but all of them still sailing in the same direction. 

The 2nd Fleet, however, the one sailing away from them and heading towards the island of Virt, they were in line formation. The reasons for these two differing formations was because of the commanders of the fleets, with the 1st Fleet under the command of the old and arrogant Admiral Drezas who was known for being a cocky sumbitch who believed he knew best and was at constant odds with the Fleet Admiral Narn, the 2nd Fleet was under the command of the young but inexperienced Admiral Skitt who was once a young sailor but rose through the ranks and became an Admiral after passing the officers exam, she has only seen action in hunting pirates with only a pair or a trio of ships but other than that, has no proper experience in fully fledged naval warfare with massive formations.

Looking through her spyglass after she handed over the helm back to her helmsman, Commodore Wilkins let out a large sigh before she fully steeled herself. In a few moments, the fleet approaching her was about to reach that 1 mile distance and the cloak would be dropped. She knew her fleet was ready and she was now too, it would be a massacre, but a massacre for them and not her forces. She looked to her right and took command of the nearest magi-cannon, she took the cord and aimed the gun at the closest War Galleon approaching, her breathing slowing down as she turned to the gundeck right below the stairs 

"Steady boys! Wait for the cloak to drop!" 


As if on good timing with her words, the veil dropped and the entire 2nd Detachment was in full view. The demonkin sailors lounging about on the ships of the 1st Fleet were all stunned as the enemy they were ordered to find was now right in front of them, even Admiral Drezas was stunned and unsure of what to do in those few moments, but they wouldn't have to think for long.

"FIRE!" Wilkins ordered as she pulled the firing cord and let the 32-pounder roar, the shell striking the nearest War Galleon and blowing off the foremast and most of the bow all the way down to the waterline. 

Without a second to spare, the rest of the fleet opened up on her orders, the magi-cannons roaring in concert with shells striking their targets. The War Galleons of the 1st Fleet were blown to bits one by one as shells struck their wooden hulls and sent chunks of wood and sailors not vaporized by the explosions, flying into the azure depths of the ocean. Masts came down as shells struck hulls and buckled under the explosions, Javelin launchers tried to launch their payloads and were manned by desperate sailors before being blown away by a shell landing on the ship, it was chaos everywhere across the fleet and it was only going to get worse. Aboard the ANS Mariner, Admiral Drezas had a mental breakdown as he saw several ships around him go down immediately after the first volley, but before even he could give orders a 32-pounder shell shot from the HNS Mary struck the Mariner right below the bow, tearing open a massive hole underneath the ship that allowed water to rush into the internal compartments and killing all of the sailors in the vicinity of the explosion. He was about to give the order to abandon ship and get the hell out but a shell from one of the brigs struck the bridge and knocked him unconscious and blasted him off the bridge and into the water. 

By the end of the second volley, the entire 1st Fleet had been sent under the waves. With floating driftwood and dead bodies littering the area, the unconscious survivors who were blasted into the water were quickly picked off by the sirens H.I.S.S team assigned to the 2nd Detachment and Rolroth who enjoyed the free kills. 

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the ANS Valmen, Admiral Skitt was left dumbfounded and stunned as her spyglass slipped from her grasp and dropped to the floor. She felt the urge to vomit as she held onto the shoulder of her first officer but thankfully got it back down and was able to muster some sort of control as she straightened her stance and rubbed her forehead to remove the sweat forming. 

"Get the fleet to the island base right fucking now!" She ordered as she turned to her crew 

"But admiral we-"

"Use your fucking handkerchiefs if you have to! It's either that or we die here"! She added as she took control of the helm

The crews aboard the ships of the 2nd Fleet scrambled as they tried to get as much wind as they could out of the unfurled sails, with some of the spare sails in the hold being brought up and tied to the masts and makeshift riggings to try and get it to add propulsion to the ship. The sounds and expressions of desperation were shared across the fleet as none of them wanted to share the same fate as their comrades of the 1st Fleet and hopefully make it to the island base for safety. 

But it was not to be, as the enemy fleet quickly and surprisingly caught up with them and stayed at a distance of 2 miles away, way over the effective range of the Javelin Launchers hastily prepared. Aboard the HNS Felice, Commodore Wilkins ordered the fleet to fire at will as they sailed parallel to their foes. The magi-cannons had an effective maximum range of about 5 to 6 miles but if the commanders wanted to, could get close to surprise the enemy. 

With the 2nd Detachment sailing parallel to their enemy, the guns aboard the ships roared as they belted out shells that struck their targets with great precision. In the opening shots, the entire first line was sent to the bottom in a torrent of fire and explosions that dragged everything under the dark azure waves, with War Galleons breaking into two as they were struck by 8 or 16-pounder shells or were completely annihilated as they were struck by 32-pounder shells. One such ship caught by a 32-pounder was the ANS Valmen which sank instantly when the entire top part of the ship was blown off and the crew and Admiral Skitt were vaporized in the process. 

With the destruction of their flagship and the rest second battle line being sunk as well, the destruction was complete. Both demonkin fleets had been sunk and the path to the island was now open. Arriving about ten minutes later, the fleet stopped 1.5 miles from the island base and opened fire, destroying the fortress and the base after several salvos. 

"Get the Black Guard ready to disembark to take the island" Commodore Wilkins ordered as she looked at her first officer by the intercom 

"Our mission is complete" She added with a small smirk, looking at the smoking ruins of the naval fortress and the burning harbor it watched over

A/N: Here we go! So this is the 2nd to the last chapter for the naval battles and then we switch back to our protagonists on Nas confronting Alfonsis and the finale of the arc. I hope you all enjoyed it so far and if you got questions or reactions you can leave em below for me to read or answer. As always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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