Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 36: Fairview Islands (Part 1)

On the western coast of the continent is a small chain of islands known as the Fairview Islands by the people inhabiting them. This island chain had two large islands that each house a clan, the more southern of the islands is called Winaria by the Azulite Siren Clan that inhabits the island and the more northern island is Kakuro Island, inhabited by the Hakushima Clan of Kitsunes. Both clans have close relations with one another and they both sent envoys to the capital of the Halkare Empire, Olertin City, without even prior knowledge of its location by the looks of it when they arrived in the harbor of the majestic city with wide eyes and mouths agape. When questioned how they even knew where the capital was, all the envoys could answer the dual monarchs was that "The Oracle showed the way" which intrigued them. 

Now, onboard the HNS Amelia and sailing directly towards the islands, both monarchs were on the bridge and enjoying the view as the sun beamed down on them and the sea glistened beautifully. 

"What do you think this "Oracle" thing is?" Amelia asked her beloved as they stood by the railing on the starboard side of the ship, watching the ship cut through the waves at great speed 

"Honestly, I have several theories. Things like "Oracles" have a weird habit of being objects, people, or in some cases, spirits. My guess is up in the air as I am just going to wait and see what it is once we get there" Ophelia replied to her as she brought Amelia closer, resting her head atop hers 

"Hmmm, good point. Best keep our minds open to what it could be" The blonde empress nodded 

Below the HNS Amelia was To'rth, the clan head of the Leviathans who was asked by Amelia to personally escort them towards the island chain, something he was grateful for as he could finally serve his clan's princess. He moved silently directly below the ship, his senses on high alert and scanning the surroundings for anything that could endanger them. 

The dual monarchs set out earlier last night from a newly constructed port on the western side of the continent, and now, they were nearing the islands as the formations could be seen on the horizon. 

"Your Majesties" A familiar female voice called out to them as they watched the deep blue waves go by 

"Ah, what is it, Captain Dorchets?" Amelia asked as she and her beloved turned to see Dorchets, the female elf captain of the vessel dressed in her black captain's attire 

"We will be reaching the island chain within the hour, do you have any special orders for us once we arrive?" Dorchets asked with a small smile 

"Keep the Amelia and her fleet on patrol around the islands, we do not want anything to interrupt our negotiations with these people. Do not attack unless you are attacked first, understand captain?" Amelia answered her 

"Of course Your Majesty. We shall carry out these orders to the best of our abilities" Dorchets smiled as she bowed her head and then walked away 

"She's a good captain" Ophelia remarked as she watched the elven officer walk away 

"She is, which is a nice thing" Amelia added as her small smile was still on her face 

An hour later, the first island of the two, Kakuro Island, was finally in view and the fleet began moving to the western side of the island that was next to the open ocean as the eastern side was closer to the continent and was naturally a much tighter space. The screening vessels of the HNS Amelia, her Emerald Class Sloops of War, Enterprise Class Brigs, and the two Gaius Class Ships of The Line, moved out of the circular formation around the flagship and formed a forward-facing staggered line, with the Amelia in the middle. At the forefront of the formation were the sloops and the second line were the brigs and then behind them was the Amelia flanked by the HNS Mary and HNS Felice who were slightly behind the flagship. 

As the ships were closing in on the island, there were small canoes with sails and kitsunes aboard emerged from the rocks alongside the eastern side of the island. The small group of ships were fast as the wind was strong and moving alongside the canoes were sirens that jumped in and out of the water as they were moving alongside the fleet.

Sailors aboard the Halkare ships waved and greeted the tribals who were sailing alongside them, with some dragonkin sailors jumping and flying over them before returning to the ship with a hearty laugh. Even the dual monarchs were not immune to greeting the tribals sailing alongside them as they saw some of the canoes move closer to the flagship, yelling out hellos to the crew who greeted them back in kind, with the dual monarchs also waving at them and smiling as they passed them by. Nearing the western side of Kakuro Island, the dual monarchs saw a small pier with a waiting party standing at the edge waiting for them. 

"Dorchets! You have command of the ship, keep up the patrol around the island got it?" Ophelia commanded as she turned to the elf 

"Understood Your Majesty" Dorchets replied with a nod 

"Good, we will be off now" Ophelia told her as she and her beloved sprouted wings from their backs and jumped off the ship, flying over to the pier 

Landing on the pier, the dual monarchs saw a group of 8 kitsunes, all dressed in vibrant and colorful kimonos of teal, orange, and pink as they held up a basket of fruits for them. 

"Greetings Your Majesties. We have been expecting you" The lead kitsune stated as she bowed her head, her ginger fur and beautiful and tall stature complementing the vibrant kimono she wore 

"Greetings to you too, I take it you lot are the welcoming party?" Ophelia asked with a small smile as she bowed her head slightly 

"Indeed we are. Your representative, Chief Persephone, and Lady Val are waiting alongside our leaders in the main hall" The same kitsune answered 

"Hmm, alrighty then" The raven-haired empress nodded 

"I shall lead the way and you can call me Sakamoto, I am your assigned guide for the islands" Sakamoto stated as she bowed her head again 

"Then by all means please, lead the way" Amelia said as she smiled at her 

Following behind the ginger kitsune and her party, the dual monarchs entered Kakuro Town, the main settlement on the island. The town was small and there were small huts spread around the area, with stone pathways leading to each building. The center of the town was a large hall building that was practically a carbon copy of the Japanese Halls from Ophelia's old world. The hall had several heavily armed guards standing around the place, all of them being C-Rank in power in the <Appraisal> readings that the dual monarchs got back as they were walking closer to the building. 

"The elders and your representatives are inside the main hall, please follow me" Sakamoto stated as she turned to them

Doing as they were told, the dual monarchs followed Sakamoto and her party into the main hall, taking off their shoes as they entered and walked barefoot into the building. Walking through the building, the dual monarchs saw beautiful paintings depicting the history of the island, with a certain scroll showing a massive army of wyrms from the deep being repelled back into the sea after they tried to take the island. After a few moments of walking, they reached the main room where they found a young girl dressed in a shrine maiden outfit sitting in the far back of the room with several heavily armed and armored samurai sitting on either side of her. In front of the group of kitsunes were Chief Persephone and Lady Val but the dual monarchs immediately saw that the two of them were in a seiza position and their heads were down, looking like they were in deep slumber. 


Suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut and Sakamoto and her group fanned out to block the escape of the dual monarchs, drawing out naginatas and katanas, all aimed at them.  The dual monarchs looked back briefly before looking forward at the shrine maiden and her bodyguards, seeing the young shrine maiden rise and look at both of them, her black eyes turning purple 

{Yield} The young girl commanded 

But rather than submit to the weak attempt at mind control, Ophelia took in a small breath as she closed her eyes before opening it back up again, her purple eyes now crimson 

{Silence} Ophelia stated in a booming voice that reverberated across the room


The kitsunes all shuddered and collapsed onto their knees as they felt immense pressure, with Sakamoto and her party in particular were all on the floor, their knees giving out as they could feel even a stronger force crushing them. The dual monarchs' expressions were unmoving and unforgiving as Amelia turned to Sakamoto's group with her daggers drawn and ready 

"W...waait!" The shrine maiden called out as struggled to even raise her head 

 Both monarchs stopped in their tracks and turned to the shrine maiden who was struggling to even stay conscious, lifting up the pressure and hearing the sighs and gasps of the kitsunes on their knees and the ground. 

"Speak" Ophelia stated with narrowed eyes 

" was just a test...I...i...I'm sorry" The young kitsune girl stated as she raised her head, tears streaking down her face while she looked at them 


Suddenly, a sliding door to the right of the room swung open and stepping into the room was a beautiful older kitsune woman with flowing ginger hair and a teal-colored kimono with coral designs all over, her breathing ragged and sweat forming on her face as she looked at the dual monarchs and then turned to the young girl, rushing over and smacking her over the head and then holding her closer in her arms. 

"You foolish child! You almost got ourselves killed!" She shouted as she hugged the shrine maiden girl tightly 

"I...I'm sowwy mother" The young girl replied through her tears as she held onto her mother's kimono tightly 

The dual monarchs exchanged glances before Amelia moved over to wake up Persephone and Lady Val who quickly woke up and saw their dual monarchs and stood up at once, not even looking at the rest of the room 

"Ah! Your Majesties! It's great to finally see you, we....did we miss something?" Persephone asked as he finally heard the crying and looked over to the mother and the young shrine maiden 

"Oh....I see that you have acquainted yourself with Chief Haruma and her daughter...although I think it did not go the way we wanted" Lady Val added 

"Was this test your planning?" Ophelia asked as she looked at them 

"Test? What test? Young Lady Marra told us she was just going to see if you guys were strong...although I think you just gave her a terrifying answer" Persephone answered as he looked at the young shrine maiden with a bit of a guilty side-eye 

"Please excuse my daughter's antics Your Majesties. I will accept full responsibility" Chief Haruma stated as she stood up and then bowed to the dual monarchs 

"sigh....No need to apologize. We also apologize for our behavior, we did not assume it was a mere test, so do forgive us for our immediate hostile action. We don't really appreciate someone using mind control magic on us" Amelia stated as she and her beloved did a small bow of themselves before they and Chief Haruma stood back up 

"I'm sowwy Your Majesties" Young Lady Marra added as she bowed her head, unable to look the dual monarchs in the eyes 

"It's ok young one. Just ensure that you do not do that next time" Ophelia answered her with a gentler tone, kind of regretting that she and her beloved immediately switched to kill mode earlier 

After a few moments of recollecting one another, the dual monarchs sat alongside their representatives across from Chief Haruma and her daughter with their bodyguards while Sakamoto and her group were standing far off in a corner of the room, none of them even glancing at the dual monarchs as they all saw the killing intent in Amelia's eyes when she was looking down at them. 

"Moving past your earlier introduction with my daughter. I would like to properly introduce ourselves. I am Chief Haruma the current matriarch of the Hakushima Clan. I greatly apologize for my daughter's actions earlier and I would like to put forward our request to join the Halkare Empire. We will do anything to be part of your great nation" The kitsune chief stated as she had a resolute and determined expression filling her face 

"Hmmm....we accept then. Do know that you will have to abide by our laws, and your people will have to swear loyalty to the crown and the empire they are about to join" Ophelia told her as she looked her dead in the eyes 

"Of course Your Majesty. I was already informed by Chief Persephone here on what would happen once we are part of the empire, our culture would be respected and I would fall under the jurisdiction of Clan Representative Yamato as she is the head of the kitsune clans in the empire. I also know that I will have to fill out several citizen application forms and other documents in order for my clan to be properly integrated and then we will have our entire place rebuilt to your standards" The kitsune chief stated 

"Good that you do, now. With that out of the way, can you care to answer some questions for us?" Amelia chimed in 

"Hmm? Of course Your Majesty. Ask away" Haruma answered 

"Who or what is this "Oracle" that was mentioned by your envoys?" The blonde empress asked, with the kitsune's eyes widening 

"Ah....the "Oracle" Unfortunately Your Majesties. I am unable to answer that question" Haruma answered 

"Unable because you do not know? Or because you do not wish to tell us?" Ophelia chimed in, an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed 

"Ah! It's nothing like that Your Majesties. I am saying this because it is not my business to talk of the "Oracle" that falls under the Azulite Clan next door" The kitsune chief added 

"Hmmm...fine then, but you do know what it is?" Amelia asked 

"I do, but I cannot give you a proper explanation even if I wanted to. I believe it is best you ask them after finish up your talks here" 

"Alright you have any questions for us?" Amelia asked her 

"Oh! I do have one...Your Majesties" Haruma answered, although a small blush was on her face as she did so 

"Go on" Ophelia stated 

" it true that both of you are married to one another out of love?" The kitsune chief asked, with the dual monarchs sharing a smirk and a glance 

"Yes" They answered, with the kitsunes before them wide-eyed 

"Anything else?" Ophelia asked 

"Ummm...may me and my daughter ride upon those mighty vessels you arrived in?" 

"Sure, but after the talks with the Azulite Clan are finished" Amelia answered her, with Haruma and her daughter sharing a smile with one another 

"Oh, we have another question for you if you do not mind" Ophelia cut in 

"Hmm? Oh, sure Your Majesty. Ask away" 

"There was a painting we saw earlier depicting an army of kitsunes and sirens driving back what looked to be a massive army of wyrms and people made of coral, what was all of that about?" The raven-haired empress asked 

"Oh. That painting...that painting is the founding myth of our two clans. I do not fully remember the details but there is a book about it here somewhere. The gist of it is, is that long before us, the islands were home to a race of Coral People who had the innate ability to command massive sea serpents or wyrms from the ocean. They were a violent and aggressive race, with them raiding up and down the coast of the continent. One day, our clan's ancestors landed on the islands in order to inhabit them after being pushed out of the continent by forces unknown to us" Haruma began, before sipping on some tea on the table before them 

"The Coral People who had lived here had already found a new home on the seabed but they were not too happy when they found our people living on the island they once called home, despite it being entirely empty by the time our ancestors arrived. Negotiations between our ancestors and the Coral People failed and the Coral People struck first, murdering hundreds of our clan members on the final day of negotiations. Although the war between our peoples was long and we almost lost, the Coral People, buoyed by their success, decided to launch one final assault with everything they had to wipe us all out....they failed and our ancestors threw them back into the sea.... afterward, we haven't seen or heard from the Coral People since" She finished, with the dual monarchs showing interested expressions 

"Hmmm you think these Coral People and their armies of wyrms still exist?" Amelia asked 

"I do not know Your Majesties. I believe they are all gone by now as it happened all so long ago" Haruma answered her, with the dual monarchs exchanging nods as they stood up with Chief Persephone and Lady Val quickly following them 

"Right, thank you for your answers and I think it is time for us to go to the Azulite Clan for their negotiations" Ophelia stated 

"Oh of course! I will lead you there myself" Haruma stated as she and her group stood up, smiles on their faces 

"Very well then, lead the way" 


Deep in the Western Basin further west of the Fairview Islands, hundreds of thousands of Coral Soldiers marched along the seabed from their massive city inside the massive basin. These soldiers of pure coral, standing at 6ft in height, marched in unison, their bodies of blue and white were covered with rough and jagged edges, with their limbs all turned into spears or spiked coral maces that swung in unison as they moved along the seabed. Above the soldiers swam massive wyrms with black and blue scales along their long and plated bodies that pulsated with a soft blue light, their amber eyes shining with fury as they clamped their jaws together and let out little roars. Their destination...their Former Home.

A/N: And there we go! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and it seems that the dual monarchs are about to have a fight on their hands! If you got comments or reactions to the chapter, let me know in the comments below and as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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