Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 37: Fairview Islands (Part 2)

Following Chief Haruma, the dual monarchs were taken to the southern end of the island which held a small pier that had a large boat that was used to sail between the two islands. The boat was manned by a group of kitsune sailors already waiting for them as they approached. The dual monarchs shared a glance with one another and then to Chief Persephone and Lady Val who were walking behind them. 

"So, how were the negotiations without us?" Ophelia asked as she turned her face back to the front

"Well, they accepted everything we brought up, the new currency they will have to learn, the taxes they will soon have to pay, the loyalty to the empire and to the crown, especially the acceptance of the other races and the pluralist outlook that the empire subscribes to" Persephone replied to her, a smile on his face as he answered his monarch 

"Good, good. I am glad the negotiations went off without a hitch, did they ask anything in return?" Amelia added as she glanced at Lady Val 

"They only had one condition Your Majesty, and that was for them to retain some small autonomy for their cultural practices" The crimson-haired siren stated 

"Well of course, we will not impose a singular culture on them. It is the pluralist vision of the nation anyways" Amelia nodded 

"I believe that's what is so appealing to these clans Your Majesty" Lady Val added with a smile and a joyful tone in her voice 

"We are glad you think that Val, because that is the thing we wanted from the start" Ophelia chimed in as they continued behind the group of kitsunes 

"Cooperation between all is better than ironfisted rule and singling out others...we would know, we saw what happened to the last empire that did such a thing" Amelia stated as her small smile disappeared and was replaced by a disgusted look for a brief moment as a storm of dreadful memories resurfaced. 

"Hmmm...that is interesting Your Majesties. I hope I can ask what you had experienced before all of this" Chief Haruma joined in on the conversation as she stopped and turned to her

"Maybe one day we can divulge that information Chief Haruma, for now, shall we get going to the other island?" Ophelia answered her

"Of course, please hop on the boat Your Majesties" The kitsune chief stated with a small bow and gestured to the boat. 

The dual monarchs stepped onto the boat with Chief Haruma, her daughter Marra, and the rest of the kitsunes led by Sakamoto who still tried to distance themselves from the dual monarchs but found that increasingly difficult on the small boat they found themselves on. Chief Persophone and Lady Val however, just dived into the rough water with a laugh as the boat began to sail. The boat ride was silent as the dual monarchs heard the kitsunes whisper amongst themselves while the two stood in the middle of the boat. They saw Haruma and Marra spending time with one another. The young girl was sitting on the lap of the Chief and resting her head on her mother's shoulder while Haruma stroked her daughter's head. 

{We really should not have immediately went into the full bloodlust killing thing Ophie...I feel kinda bad now} Amelia said in her telepathy link to her beloved 

[Yeah....yeah I immensely regret that immediate decision we did....I don't think even I can justify our actions this time around] Ophelia replied to her, regret laced in her voice 

{Should we apologize?} 

[We should...follow my lead] 

The two monarchs then walked over to Marra and knelt to her height, with Marra flinching as she saw them and burying her head into the shoulder of her mother while the grip on the collar of her yukata tightened, with the dual monarchs seeing her shaking in fear. 

"Ahem...Marra was it? We are really sorry for scaring you earlier" Amelia began as she flashed a warm smile 

"Indeed we was not right for us to scare you and your people like that. I bet you only wanted to see how strong we were right?" Ophelia added in a gentle tone 

Marra turned around and there were tears in her eyes as she wiped some snot coming from her nose, she nodded at them but still had a scared look in her eyes as she was looking at them. 

"We are sorry, so here is something sweet for your troubles" Amelia stated as she flashed a reassuring smile while she pulled out a red sugary snack cube from her item box and handed it over to her

Marra was hesitant at first but after seeing Amelia's reassuring smile, the young child quickly snatched the snack and ate it, her eyes going wide as her fear was replaced by surprise and the enjoyment of the sweet flavors filling her tastebuds, she unconsciously looked at Amelia for more who smiled and handed her a small bag that Marra took quickly. 

"What will you say to them Marra?" Haruma asked as she looked down at her daughter 

"Umu...thank you Your Majesties....and I'm sowwy" She stated as she bowed her head, with Ophelia and Amelia smiling in return and patting the young girl on the head who giggled at the touch 

Standing back up, the dual monarchs turned to see Sakamoto and her group watching them, with the dual monarchs locking eyes with the kitsune who was to be their original guide. They watched as Sakamoto fell to her knees and bowed to them, with the rest of the kitsunes following her before they all stood back up and saw the dual monarchs give them a nod of approval. 

A few minutes later, they arrived at a small pier on the other island. Standing on the pier was a small welcoming party of sirens with silver scales and flowing silver hair, their dark blue robes contrasted their pale owners and the smiles upon their faces were that of genuine joy as they laid eyes upon the dual monarchs who stepped off the boat and onto the pier. 

"Hey there Haruma! And little Marra! Look at you! So grown up!" The leading figure of the party stated before she locked eyes with the dual monarchs

"It is great to finally meet you" The lead siren stated, she was different from the other silver-haired and silver-scaled sirens behind her

This siren was much taller and had a much more mature feminine voice, her body was much more voluptuous and curvaceous than the rest behind her as the more intricately designed dark blue robe with patterns of blue waves struggled to keep her large breasts under wraps while atop her head were a set of horns that were as large as the ones on Persephone's own head, needless to say for the dual monarchs, it was the head of the sirens standing before them. 

"It is a pleasure as well...Miss?" 

"I am Chief Amadine of the Azulite Clan. We have been joyfully awaiting your arrival Your Majesties" Amadine stated as she bowed deeply before returning to her standing posture and then looking at the dual monarchs with admiration in her eyes 

"The pleasure is ours Chief Amadine, I take it you know why we are here?" Ophelia replied to her 

"Of course! You are here to oversee the negotiations that will allow us into your mighty empire" Amadine replied with a confident tone as she looked at them 

"Mhmm, you are correct" Amelia replied with a smile of her own

{I like her already} Amelia told her beloved via telepathy 

[Right? She seems easy to be with] Ophelia replied with a subconscious nod 



"I know you are both here to see who or what is the 'Oracle' spoken of by our representatives!" Amadine added, the dual monarchs were impressed by her statement as they indeed wanted to know that 

A smile curved itself onto the lips of the siren chief before them as she channeled some azure-colored magic into her hands and raised them into the air and discharged a massive stream of lighting that shook the skies and let out a large crackling and booming of thunder.

"Well, you don't need to wonder anymore! Because I am that 'Oracle'!" 

"Huh, so it was a person" Ophelia remarked as all eyes were on Amadine, with slacked-jawed expressions of disbelief from the other Azulite clan members who were looking at their clan leader 


Amelia and Ophelia's passive <Appraisal> kicked in and the dual monarchs were greeted by the sight of her stats 

Name: Amadine Azulite

Race: Siren/Demonic Angel

Power Rank: SS

Status: Healthy 

Age: 1090 

STR: 58,000

DEF: 62,000

MP: 65,000

DEX: 65,000

SPD: 68,000


Dual Wield XX [Proficiency in using weapons with two hands]

Single Wield XIX [Proficiency in using weapons with one hand] 

Master Tracker [Able to pick up the scent and or tracks hidden or not of the desired target]

Flame Magic Mastery XX [All Flame Magic is Available] 

Lightning Magic Mastery XX [All Lightning Magic is Available]

Water Magic Mastery XX [All Water Magic is Available] 

Spell Casting XX [All spells are able to be silently casted through the mind]

Iron Mind {Passive} [All manipulation and suggestion magic is nullified and if wanted, reflected back / <Fear> based attacks are ineffective and give no effect on the user]

Iron Will {Passive} [All stats are increased to the max threshold and all skills and magic related to debuff are nullified and if wanted, reflected back / The user is able to use skill <Undeterred> granting a guaranteed first strike fatal blow on a target of it’s choosing] [Unable to be used against another with the same skill of Iron Will

Appraisal XX [Allows the wielder to see ANYONE’S status, activates passively or on commandl]

Detection XX [All living and non-living things and places are displayed to the wielder and immediately marked] 

Unarmed XX [All Martial Arts skills are Available] 


Water Magic [Allows the user to wield powerful water-based magic]

Fire Magic [Allows the user to wield powerful flame-based magic] 

Lightning Magic [Allows the user to wield powerful lightning-based magic]

Body Strengthening Magic [Boosts body ability to max for power level, Uses spells such as <Body Enhancement> (Strengthens the body to the maximum potential it has for power rank) ]

Future Sight [Allows the user to see into the future for a brief 5-minute window, usable 5 times a day] 


The Oracle [As an Oracle, stats are maintained at the maximum capacity that the body can handle, allows the use of the magic of Future Sight

Second Demon Lord [One of the 12 in the Demonic High Council around the world]


Amadine noticed the monarchs before her scanning her stats and all she did was smile as they finished and looked upon her with surprised faces 

"Did you like what you saw Your Majesties?" Amadine asked with a smile 

"Happy is one word for it...consider it more as surprised to see someone of such power on the continent" Ophelia told her

"Well, I am happy to have you surprised at my power. But that is beside the point Your Majesties! I am someone who is raring to go and serve you!" The siren leader added with a big smile on her face, making the dual monarchs cautious at the immense joy in her voice 

"Mhmm...shall we take this somewhere else?" Amelia told her

"Oh! Where are my manners? Of course! Come along! I shall take you to the clan's main hall where we can discuss this more in great detail!" The siren chief added as she then turned around and began skipping up the path leading to the clan village 

"Is she always this joyous?" Amelia asked Haruma 

"Mhmm! Amadine is a splendid woman, she has been the leader of the Azulite Clan for as far as I can remember. She loves to keep that childish side of her alive at all times as she believes it keeps one from becoming a heartless monster" Haruma replied with a nod, leading to the dual monarchs sharing a glance and a nod of understanding between one another

Reaching the main hall, it was an exact copy of the one that was built by the Hakushima Clan on the other island, with the dual monarchs sitting before Amadine herself without any of her guards in a separate room while the rest of the party was in another room adjacent to the one they were in. Chief Persephone and Lady Val were ordered to begin the negotiations with some representatives that Amadine herself picked out for that task while she 

"I hope you are both well Your Majesties. I also apologize if you were surprised by my stats" The siren leader stated as she looked at them with a happy smile 

"You seem pretty happy after meeting us, heck, you see too offense though" Amelia began as she looked at her 

"Oh I do not blame you, Your Majesty! In fact, I am actually quite nervous myself in the meeting with you now...I am unsure of how it will go despite me seeing the future of the continent multiple times" Amadine replied 

"Hmmm? Care to explain to us about this?" Ophelia asked as she crossed her arms and looked the siren leader up and down 

"I have spent a lot of my time every day for the past year looking into the future of this continent and the world....and I must say, that what you will build here will influence the world far beyond what you initially think it will" The siren chief replied 

"So you looked into the future? Care to tell us what you saw?" Amelia asked 

"Oh, I am afraid I am not at liberty to say Your Majesty..." 

"Because you do not wish for the future to change?" Ophelia quickly added, with the siren nodding her head 

"Hmmm fine....but at least answer the rest of the questions we have in store" 

"Of course Your Majesty! I will do my best to answer them" Amadine replied with a large smile like earlier 

"Hmmm...your second tag...the Second Demon Lord...for starts would be nice start for you to explain" Amelia stated, with the siren smiling as she nodded in agreement 

"Of course. As the name and description suggest, there are twelve of us Demon Lords scattered across the world, we were once former Demonic Angels assigned by our God Harcun to guide Demonkin kind into prosperity, we have done our duty and now we are all scattered doing our own thing....For the last 500 years, I have stayed here guiding the Azulite clan to prosperity and had done my best to conserve it, but now that you are both here, I no longer need to anymore since I know they will thrive under your reign" Amadine replied as that smile turned into a more heartfelt one as she looked at both of them, shifting her glance from time to time 

"Mhmm, and how can you say that?" Amelia asked, with the siren flashing a little confident smirk at her 

"Because right now as we speak, my representatives are agreeing to the incredibly gracious terms being given to them thanks to your siren representatives. The paper will be signed about 20 minutes from now after they finalize the last bits of important cultural and societal agreements" Amadine answered her 

"That is a bold you have another for us to hear?" 

"Of course, I was personally visited by my creator God Harcun himself and he instructed me that I will soon lay my eyes upon the dual monarchs who will shake up the world and bring about a change of regimes and the toppling of tyrants. I will admit I spent months trying to figure out who he was talking about but here you both are before me and I can see the markings that my God and the Goddess have left upon you that solidify that statement" The siren chieftain said as she gestured to the purple and golden marks on their hands which are usually invisible to everyone

"This is interesting...I was not expecting someone like you to be here" The raven-haired empress stated 

"I am pleased you think so Your Majesty...but I wish to make it clear to you both now that I will do my absolute best to serve you both without regard for my own life if need be" The siren chieftain stated with a bow 

"But you have no reason to Miss Amadine, so why make such a claim?" Amelia interrupted her 

"Because Your Majesty. I have seen the future this empire will bring, I have seen the smiling faces of children, adults, and the elderly who all benefit from what this nation is about to give to the world and I intend to do my best to ensure that vision becomes a reality. So please, use me, order me, and give me tasks that are befitting of someone like me to serve world shakers like you and I will assure you that the world you wish and more will come true, even if means through fire and lightning. I shall pledge my allegiance to you and to your descendants, so please, give me a chance to follow you" Amadine added as she deepened her bow

The dual monarchs exchanged glances with one another as they were both flabbergasted and speechless by the statement given by the person before them, a few minutes of silence followed as the dual monarchs stared at the unmoving siren who was still bowing at them without even a hint of complaining as they remained silent. The dual monarchs exchanged glances one more time and Ophelia nodded as she straightened up her posture and looked down at the siren, she had detected no lies from the siren before her and so, decided it was right to accept her pledge. 

"We accept your pledge of loyalty Amadine and as your first act, can you see into the future for us for the rest of the day?" Ophelia stated and asked as she looked at her, with the siren raising her head with a smile 

"Of course, let's see what will happen today, this is my last usage for the day so let's see what happens then!" 


As they were about to do just that, Ophelia's senses ticked off and she unconsciously turned her head to the left out to the direction of the sea. Just coming into the range of her sensory barrier that she set up moments ago after finding Amadine as she did not want any more surprises, she detected the presence of several massive objects and hundreds of thousands of small objects moving below the water and into the range of her sensory barrier, with the intrusion happening 17 kilometers away from the island (10 miles basically). 

"It seems that we have guests" Ophelia stated as she rose to her feet, with Amelia quickly following her and so too Amadine 

"What is it Ophie?" Amelia asked as she looked at her beloved's calculating face 

"Co...coral people?" Ophelia started with a confused expression, with Amelia's eyes widening 

"And wyrms....lots of them....oh shit!" Ophelia swore as she rushed outside of the building, followed closely behind by her beloved and Amadine 

Standing on a cliffside facing the western ocean, Ophelia could see the ships still on patrol and the mighty HNS Amelia in the distance, she took a deep breath as she let out a massive telepathic message to every single one of those ships and their crews 

[All ships! New orders! Form battle lines 4 miles west of the island! We have guests!] 

She saw the ships suddenly fire flares into the sky to indicate they had received the orders before they began sailing into formation. After seeing this display, she turned to Amelia and Amadine who were looking at her with slightly confused expressions. 

"What's happening Ophie?" Amelia asked 

"The former homeowners are back" 

A/N: And there we go! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and it seems that the dual monarchs are about to have a fight on their hands! If you got comments or reactions to the chapter, let me know in the comments below and as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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