Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 38: Fairview Islands (Part 3)

"So what are we going to do Ophie?" 

"Well, we are going to fight. I don't think they are going to negotiate after they slaughtered the last group that tried such a thing" Ophelia told her beloved as they looked into each other's eyes 

"I see, so...what shall we do then?" Amelia asked 

"Simple, one of us will be leading the defense up front while the other will be here coordinating everything. The sailors need to see their empress fighting alongside them" The raven-haired empress stated with a smirk that Amelia caught onto immediately 

"I see, well. If that is the case, then I am going to need an extra power source for all the blessings I am about to do" The blonde empress replied as she pulled her beloved in for a deep kiss that Ophelia reciprocated 

"Damn" Amadine remarked as she turned away from the sight before her 

Pulling away from the kiss, Amelia felt her inner magic reserves skyrocket and her entire body loosen up with more power as she felt it coursing through her veins. 

"Let's go put on a show then" She stated as she looked at her beloved 

"Off you go then" Ophelia replied as she snapped her fingers and teleported her beloved away

"Ummm...what do I get to do Your Majesty?" Amadine asked with a slightly raised hand 

"You will be defending these islands we are on Miss Amadine, welcome into the empire by the way. I hope you don't disappoint" Ophelia told her with a small smile that made Amadine smirk 

"Thank you for the assignment, Your Majesty. None shall harm the people on these islands, I swear it" The siren chief replied with a determined expression 

"Good, now let's get to work" Ophelia said with a smile as she extended her hands and a massive holographic circle of blue with green and red dots appeared before her while a dozen large sleek and sharp spears made of light blue magical energy that gave off a low hum arranged into a circle behind her and began to rotate

"Hehehe, I always wanted to use this spell" Ophelia stated as a psychotic smile appeared on her face


[A/N: Gonna Italicize the HNS Amelia  while leaving Amelia's name as normal for less confusion] 

On the bridge of the HNS Amelia, Amelia materialized right next to Dorchets who was surprised to see her monarch suddenly appear before her, with the rest of the crew who were already scrambling to their stations stopping briefly as they saw her come aboard. The fleet was already in battle positions, with all of the ships positioned in a staggered line formation that extended to the right, with the Emerald Class Sloops of War on the outermost line, the Enterprise Class Brigs in the middle and the two Gaius Class Ships Of The Line in front of the  HNS Amelia herself. 

The fleet's composition was  

  • HNS Amelia (Empress Class Man O War) 
  • HNS Mary (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Felice (Gaius Class Ship Of The Line) 
  • HNS Chaser (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Enterprise (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Spring (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Shippy McShipface (Enterprise Class Brig) 
  • HNS Boaty McBoatface (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Opal (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Jade (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 
  • HNS Soldier On (Emerald Class Sloop Of War) 

"Your Majesty! What do you command?" Dorchets asked her as she rushed to her side, all the while the rest of the crew rushed to their station, running out the magic-cannons and readying them for a fight 

"Simple order is to repel the attackers, they are coral people with wyrms and they will be heading straight for the island so we must stop that, I will leave the naval aspect to you Captain, I am just here to give you all blessings and ensure that the fleet is still intact by the end of this, so please, bear with me" Amelia answered her as she stood by the mizen mast and clasped her hands together in a prayer formation. 


Suddenly, all of the ships of the fleet, and the crews aboard these ships, saw themselves have a golden glow as Amelia began infusing them with <Blessings>, the Holy Magic energy coursing through their veins made them feel light, stronger, and even a tad bit faster than before, the hulls of the ships also suddenly became stronger and the magic monster crystals inside them, the monster crystals inside the magi-cannons, the one's responsible for the propulsion of air and the defensive crystal, all turned into a bright and shimmering gold instead of the clear white and blue as before. 

The blessings that Amelia infused into them were 

Wrath Of The Saintess [All damage done by those armed with this blessing nullifies the opponent's <Invulnerability> to certain attacks]

Bulwark Of The Goddess [Increased resistance to non-magical and magical attacks for living beings, non-living items gain <Invulnerability> from physical and magical attacks] 

Tuning Of The Maker [Turns all magic crystals to the highest form depending on the strength of magical energy of the blessing giver {SSS-Rank charge detected} For a limited time] 

Blessing of the Saintess (Temp) [When a fatality is ensured on the user, skills <Regeneration> and <Saintess Boost> are activated to keep the user alive until health arrives at a point where the user can survive. Available until original caster deactivates blessing]

These blessings, while powerful, were very strenuous on Amelia, hence why she needed to link herself with Ophelia who had a seemingly limitless magical energy pool. With the sails no alive with more wind than before and the sailors feeling like they could take on anything that was going to be thrown at them, Amelia turned to Dorchets who nodded at her, the elven captain herself brought out the naval flag of the empire and handed it to one of her sailors 

"Alright lads! Let's send these coral cretins back into the sea! Hoist the colors!" She commanded 

"HUZZZAH!" The crew shouted as they raised the flag of the empire and the naval flag along with it, something the rest of the fleet did once they saw the HNS Amelia fly hers. 


Suddenly, there were loud and continuous thumping noises coming from Winaria Island, all eyes turned to the island and they saw lances of light being fired off into the air that soared for a few moments before immediately diving down into the ocean with small splashes far away from the battle lines of the ships. Amelia swore to herself that she could hear her beloved cackling like a madwoman as she fired away those lances of light. 


Then, the sea erupted as gigantic explosions came from where the lances landed in the water, with the loud groaning and roaring of the large wyrms beneath the waves shortly after. A few moments later, bursting forth from the sea were hundreds of wyrms who roared in agony, their scaley bodies having signs of some of their thick flesh and scales being blown off by the lances that entered the water. 

"Now! All ships! Fire at will!" Dorchets shouted into the communications crystal and to her crew 


With the enemy in full view and at the maximum range to the magi-cannons (2.4 kilometers/1.5 miles), the entire fleet opened up, the roars of the cannons filling the air before the sounds of their explosions and the screams of the wyrms followed. Thanks to the Tuning Of The Maker blessing, even the lowliest magi-cannon which was an 8-pounder that usually had a B or C class of magic monster crystal was now turned into an SSS-Class crystal due to Ophelia being the primary power source of the blessing that Amelia had enacted. Allowing the Sloops Of War to effectively use their quick-firing 8-pounder guns to send the wyrms before them back into the sea. As the barrage unfolded, dozens of wyrms were blown away by the salvo, with shells tearing apart their thick hides with ease and the scales that were supposed to grant them Invulnerability to physical attacks were nullified due to Wrath Of The Saintess. The massive scaly beasts screamed and cried as they felt every single excruciating hit in great detail, with some of them being silenced due to a shell smashing into their face and blowing it apart and then the rest of the body disappearing into the sea. 

With the initial salvo finished, there was a brief silence as the crews saw the carnage brought on by the barrage. 

"All ships! Move at flank speed and keep up patrol, move with your battle lines, and prepare to repel boarders!" Captain Dorchets shouted from the helm, with her orders being relayed quickly to the rest of the fleet 

At her orders, the ships all lurched forward and quickly began picking up speed, reaching higher speeds than they once did with their previous propulsion crystals. The Sloops of War and the Brigs turned to starboard and port respectively while the ships of the line continued sailing straight forward. 

[To'rth?] Amelia called out while she held onto the railings of the ship of her namesake 

{Here and awaiting your orders Princess} The leviathan clan leader replied 

[We are being attacked by some Coral People and about a hundred or more wyrms. We need some assistance] She told him 

{Over a hundred! Princess, be careful. If there are over a hundred of those wyrms, then that means there are two parent wyrms in the area. Most likely an Emperor and Empress wymr} To'rth replied 

[How far are you out and how long will it take you to get here?] Amelia asked him 

{I will be there within the minute, I began swimming once you called to me Princess} To'rth replied

[Thank you To'rth, I will leave those parent wyrms to you] The Leviathan Princess stated with a small smile on her face 

{Undestood Princess, I shall not fail you} The leviathan stated as the telepathic conversation ended. 


The moment that the call ended, two massive wyrms, much larger than before and with more rugged and scaley features than the ones that were blown away suddenly burst forth from the water and let out an ear-piercing screech as they looked around for the ships that had blown away the rest of the wyrms. The crews were initially stunned by the screeches and were about to try and open fire but then, another, more deeper and booming roar came from the depths and suddenly, To'rth burst for from the water with another Leviathan named A'rtuk and the two of them tackled the massive wyrms and brought them back into the water, creating massive plumes of water and some waves that rocked the ship lines. 

[Amelia...] Ophelia's telepathic voice called out to her from the shore 

{Called in some help to finish the job} Amelia responded to her, turning to the island and smiling at her beloved 

[Nice. But there are more wyrms on their way, so we have a large fight ahead of us. I will use my magic to force them to surface and the fleet will do the rest. Also, be prepared, some of those Coral soldiers have begun swimming upward to try and board the ships, the defensive shields are designed to protect from projectiles, so be prepared for them to try and board the ships] Ophelia added 

{I know that Ophie, thankfully I have strengthened the hulls of the ships with my blessing, meaning that they will have to board us to stop us} Amelia replied 

[Nicely done. I will continue the barrage on the wyrms and the Coral People still marching towards the islands, stay safe and keep your wits about you, it's about to get hectic] The raven-haired empress told her beloved with a smile as she looked them from the cliffside 


Beneath the waves, To'rth and A'rtuk had brought the two massive wyrms from earlier down to the seabed, crushing and clearing away some few thousand coral people along the way before the wyrms broke free of their grasps and then swam a bit away to gain some distance between the Leviathans who had dragged them back down here. 

[Orders my lord?] A'rtuk asked as she glanced at her clan leader

{The orders are for us to kill them. Disregard the rest} To'rth replied to him 

[Understood. All for the Princess] A'rtuk stated

{All for the Princess} To'rth added 

Both of the leviathans, with their massive grey upper bodies with overlapping scales that resembled plate armor, had six arms, with four of these arms ending in massive claws while the other two were just gigantic tendrils. The six eyes on their V-shaped head narrowed at the enemy before them, their massive jaws bearing teeth as they let out a low growl, the massive tentacles below the upper bodies of the leviathans moved around to keep them swimming and moving. Meanwhile, the two massive wyrms they were facing clicked their tongues as they stared down the leviathans that had dragged them down into the water. Both of these wyrms were longer than any of the smaller ones swimming above and past them, with both of them having unique colors that complemented their dark grey skin and scales. The one facing To'rth had a sort of pink light terminating from the cracks and corners of the massive beast, indicating it was the Empress Wyrm, its jaws clamping down violently, revealing rows upon rows of teeth that glowed with the same pink color. Along the spine of the Empress Wyrm was a massive fin with razor-sharp edges that could puff out poison that could stun targets below the SS-Class of power it had. The Wyrm on the right of the Empress Wyrm, facing A'rtuk was the Emperor Wyrm, distinguishable due to the blue light terminating from the cracks and corners of the beast, it looked identical to the Empress Wyrm it was alongside and both of them were ready to fight. 


Both sides fired off spells first, with the Wyrms firing jets of high-powered water and acid that were countered by beams of ice fired in return by the Leviathans. After a few minutes of both sides trying to overpower the other's magical attack with water and ice elements fired between both sides and seeing nothing was working, the two sides got ready for a good and rough brawl to the death. 

The two leviathans then charged at the wyrms who let out high-pitched shrieks before they charged the leviathans in return. To'rth was first to strike as he dodged the Empress Wyrm's opening bite, grabbing the open jaws and wrapping around them with his tendrils before impaling the sides of her head and body with his 4 claws. The Empress Wyrm screamed in pain as it tried to wriggle out of the tight hold it found itself in, firing a blast of poisonous liquid that To'rth countered by shutting the jaws on one another just in the nick of time, causing the Empress Wyrm to then whip its massive scaly tail around that struck To'rth on the left side and struck with enough force to send him floating off to the side, releasing her from his grip before she charged him again. To'rth was able to grab the jaws one more and this time, used his claws to rapidly rip and tear away skin and scales before throwing the Empress Wyrm onto the seabed, but it soon got back up and growled as it locked eyes with the Levithan. 

{Your a persistent little shit} To'rth cursed as he charged back at the Empress Wyrm

Meanwhile, A'rtuk was having some trouble against the Emperor Wyrm as the damn thing used its longer body to snake around A'rtuk and tried clamping down on the Leviathan's thick neck with its rows upon rows of teeth. A'rtuk groaned as she was able to free one of her left arms with a claw and then clamped down on the body of the Emperor Wyrm, tearing through the thick hide and scales before ripping out a chunk of flesh that caused the Emperor Wyrm to shriek as it untangled itself from A'rtuk and tried to gain some distance. But the Leviathan was not having it and A'rtuk chased after the Emperor Wyrm, with her tendrils wrapping around the tail of the thing and then pulling it back into range of her massive claws which she used to begin ripping apart the lower half of the massive beast. It then let out a poisonous screen that it ejected from its body, making a small cloud that blinded A'rtuk and forced her out of it, allowing the Emperor Wyrm to strike back, clamping its jaw on the left side of A'rtuk's body. The Leviathan roared in pain and brought down its other arms upon the wyrm that refused to let go. 

While A'rtuk was busy, the Empress Wyrm had charged To'rth and was able to wrap itself around his body and a few of his limbs in order to get an opening to try and bite his face. The Empress Wyrm stretched and contracted its body in differing patterns as its jaw tried to clamp down on To'rth with each missed bite causing the wyrm to get angrier and more frantic in its attempts to kill the Leviathan, with the jagged spikes along the body trying to implant more poison into the Leviathan but struggling to dent the thick scales and hide of To'rth. 


When the Empress Wyrm tried another time, To'rth was able to time it perfectly and grabbed the head with all six of his restrained limbs, his eyes narrowed as he bared his teeth at the massive serpent 

{You die now!} He roared as he put all of his strength into ripping the jaws open, to the point of breaking it and then summoning enough magical energy that emitted from his V-shaped head that fired off a beam of ice that was shot down the throat of the Empress Wyrm, freezing and puncturing the insides of the might beast into solid ice before he wrapped his mass of tentacles around the damn thing and crushed it, killing the Empress Wyrm. 

As soon as the Empress Wrym died, A'rtuk was able to rip away the Emperor Wyrm from his left side, albeit at the cost of one of her own limbs that the Emepror Wyrm chowed down on in a show of arrogance. A'rtuk did not take that kindly as she rushed forward, her form cutting through the waters as she closed in on the Emperor Wyrm who then tried to whip her with its tail, missing and leaving itself exposed for the charging leviathan to grab onto with her remaining limbs. 

[Let's see how you like it!] A'rtuk cried as she wrapped her tendrils and tentacles around the body of the Emperor Wrym and her claws dug deep into its scales and flesh. 

The Emperor Wyrm struggled and squirmed as it felt A'rtuk tearing it apart, trying to clamp down with its jaws on the tentacles that snaked around its mouth but was unable to due to the tentacles having more power than it. After a few moments, A'rtuk's claws were deep enough for her liking and she let out a roar as she then tore the Emperor Wyrm in half, with the massive beast letting out a muffled shriek of pain as it died. 

A/N: And there we go! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the next to come. I hope you enjoyed the show of the Leviathans for the first time since they were introduced, let me know in the comments below and as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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