Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 17: Revenge. (Part 1)
















As the two of them charged one another, Kier, once again let loose a flurry of claw swipes with his dragonified hands, but each attack only impacted the large invisible bubble barrier that had surrounded Sharon, only appearing every time his attacks were blocked. In a rage, he thrusted his tail at the barrier hoping it would shatter it, but was only met with disappointment as it too had no effect. 

Sharon however, didn’t give him any chance to breathe, as after every attack, she would counter with her own, swinging both of her halberds down or across at him, always swinging in different patterns as to confuse him. This worked as she was able to land a swing and leave a large gash on his left arm, the blow cleaving through the hard scales and reinforced skin. Sending immense pain through Kier as his body slowly began to regenerate.

The next few minutes were then spent by Sharon trying to finish him off, going on the attack and once again swinging her halberds, but Kier, had been so far successful in dodging and running away from the woman who was very much deadset on taking his head, and he would be damned to allow her another the chance to take it. Swinging his own claws and tail in an attempt to try and find a weak spot in the barrier, but so far being unsuccessful, leaping back away from Sharon as her halberd came down and smashed the blocks where he previously stood.

“Haah….Haah…You’re one slippery fucker aren’t you, you oversized lizard” Sharon stated as she stared down Kier, sweat forming on her brows 

“You aren’t fighting fair you bitch” Kier snarled as he gripped his left arm, the regeneration process almost complete. 

“Hah? Your mad that I’m not fighting fair?! That’s rich coming from you, you came into my home, an S-Rank, and you begin to attack everyone here who is of lesser strength. You call that fair?” Sharon snapped back as she tightened the grips on her weapons. Anger flowing through her

“Yeah. I do, but you, your fighting with a fucking barrier that I can’t penetrate! That is cheating and dishonorable!” The dragonkin shouted in anger 

‘Lower it so I can finally kill you’ he thought 

“Psh, If you think me having a barrier that you can’t break is cheating. Then I guess you will have to just deal with it. Because I am coming for that head” Sharon finished 

‘Lightning Step’














As Sharon casted ‘Lightning Step’ she closed the gap pretty quickly, and although he had seen it before, Kier was still caught off guard by the sheer speed of the move, as he dodged to the right, but groaned in pain as he felt the tip of Sharon’s halberd rip through the scales on his left side, looking down, he saw a large gash, and in an attempt to at least land a move, he let out a claw swipe which was once again blocked by the barrier, which Sharon capitalized on by shoulder bashing him into a pillar of the bodega. The bodega itself could not withstand the impact of a fully grown dragonkin smashing into it and it toppled over him, forcing Kier to his knees and making him cough up blood. 

“You whore! I will kill you for this!” Kier roared as he got to his feet, 

“Come and try it bitch!” 


“<Draconic Rage>” 








Kier activated his skill <Draconic Rage> and in doing so an ominous red aura surrounded him as he felt his power surge within him. Dashing forward he clawed away at Sharon, but although it hit the barrier, the attacks were strong enough to move Sharon despite her protective piece. The force of his attacks sent Sharon slamming into the charred bricks of the garden wall, breaking it and bringing the entire thing down. 

“Hahahahahaha! Not so tough now are you?!” Kier laughed as he slowly walked towards Sharon who was getting up 

“Shut up, I ain’t finished yet” Sharon spat back as she readied herself again

“Oh but you should be” 

‘Lightning Step’ 











Once again, Sharon bolted forward, swinging down with her halberds, Kier sidestepped to dodge, and the place where he stood cracked under the impact of the halberd. But the attacks didn't stop, at the corner of his eye he saw the second halberd incoming, Sharon had twisted her body as the first halberd impacted the ground, using the momentum to help her swing the second halberd in a horizontal fashion. This forced Kier to bend backward, using his tail as a stand as he saw the halberd barely miss his nose, but the tip of his forehead was not as lucky as it was grazed as it flew over him, causing him to grunt in pain. But before he could even relax, he saw that Sharon had already pulled out the first halberd and was swinging it down on him again, prompting him to push off the ground and reposition himself through a backflip with the help of his tail to a better position. Landing a few meters away from where the halberd cracked the floor. 

“Nice try, my turn” Kier stated with a grin








Bolting forward again, Kier let loose his attacks yet again, his blows shoving Sharon from side to side regardless of the barrier surrounding her. He had turned her best protection against her, and that was something Sharon knew. 



“Hahahahaha~ is that really all you have got to fight me with?” Kier mocked as he looked down at Sharon as she lay sprawled out on the ground, slowly walking up to her. 

“Ghh, you will have to do more than that” Sharon spat back as she rose to her feet. Her hands shaking slightly as she gripped her halberds tighter. 

The sight of this made Kier smile with a disgusting grin as he licked his lips, 

“I can smell your fear Sharon. It is, delectable” he uttered with delight as he continued to step closer

“Shut the fuck up you sick bastard” Sharon replied, her eyes narrowing as she tried to use <Appraisal> on him, seeing this pop up into her view 

Name: Kier Götterdämmerung 

Race: Dragonkin

Power Rank: S

Status: Healthy 

Age: 20 

STR: 2200

DEF: 2800

MP: 2100

DEX: 2300

SPD: 2900


Draconic Body [Scales that blend in seamlessly with the skin allow the body to be much more rigorous while not impeding the user’s speed] 

Draconic Transformation [(Available for all dragonkin, must be learned by non-dragonkin) Allows the dragonkin user to turn into a dragon their clan is from, allows non-dragonkin to turn into a dragon of their choosing] 

Unarmed XIII [Martial Arts skills from tier 4 - 6 are available] 

Appraisal X [Allows the holder to read the skills and status of the target. Higher Appraisal better read, lower power level unable to read higher level]

Fire Magic Mastery XII [All Fire magic from tier 4-6 is available]

Resilience [Negates poison damage] 

Draconic Rage [Boosts all stats by +2000 for a short period of time. Will ‘softlock’ the user afterwards] 


Fire Magic [Able to wield magic involving fire] 

Draconic Magic [Unique magic to Dragonkin, ability to transform parts of human or dragon form to one another and vise versa] 

Body Strengthening Magic [Boosts body ability to max for power level, Uses spells such as <Body Enhancement> (Strengthens the body to the maximum potential it has for power rank) ]


Draconic Robes 

  • The standard robes of dragonkin members belonging to a tribe, made of a sturdy and fire-resistant fiber that is just as tough as a thick tree trunk. 
  • Special Effect 
  • None 


‘<Softlock> huh. That’s my only shot of beating him at the moment’ she thought as she took a step back as he approached ever closer, 

“You may think you can beat me Sharon. Believing that this form I am using will drain out faster than I can land a killing blow on you. But the truth is, I have been merely playing for time” 


“What do you mean by that…” Sharon asked, a very small hint of worry in her tone, something Kier was able to spot

“Hehehe. You will find out soon enough” 





Once again, Sharon found herself on the defensive as she did her best to block Kier’s attacks, trying to stop the claws from impacting the barrier that would surely send her off balance. But from time to time, the claws strikes would slip through and Sharon would stagger back or to the sides as she tried her best to keep balance.

"Don't think I will let you have your way you disgusting lizard!" Sharon roared as she went on the offensive,




Sharon let loose a flurry of swings as she regained the initiative, dodging one of the claws and then following up with a horizontal slash that cut deep into Kier's left arm, nearly severing it, causing Kier to roar in pain,

"I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!" He shouted at her




She then tried to land two more swings but Kier was quick and smart enough to use his wings to help him shift from side to side or leap into the air for a moment as he dodged the attacks.









'<Lightning Step>'



But Sharon refused to let up as she once again swung at him, causing Kier's eyes to widen as he felt two slashes strike his chest, forming an X, before feeling the sensation of a metal boot kicking him in the chest and sending him crashing into a charred brick wall, sending up a cloud of dust. But that did not stop Sharon as she lunged forward, hoping to finally end him but was surprised when he suddenly flew into the air. 

"Hahh...I must say, that surprised me" Kier told her as he hovered above her, the moonlight highlighting his draconic body

"But, now. I will kill you" he said with a sadistic smile as he flew straight at her, claws raised. 




When the strikes came down, Sharon gritted her teeth as her halberd’s shaft missed and the claw struck the barrier again. Much to Sharon’s horror, she saw the barrier crack slightly, something Kier had also noticed. 

“Hahahaha! Your little bubble won’t be saving you from this!” 






Sharon’s eyes widened as she saw Kier’s tail smash through the crack in the barrier, it’s sharply angled knife-head gliding through the air with two smaller sharper ends sticking out from either side. The tail continued unabated as it punched right through Sharon’s thick plate armor and plunged deep into her chest, impaling her through the heart and out the other side. Blood dripping from the tip of the tail. 

Sharon coughed up blood as she looked down and saw the spiny tail go through her, slightly shifting her head to the left and seeing from the corner of her eye, the other end. 

“Hahahaha~ to think you would die so easily” Kier let out with satisfaction as he stared at his dying opponent 





As he pulled out his tail, he let it swing side to side destroying and ripping apart Sharon’s insides, and as it exited out the way it came, he quickly used it to slit her throat. A large gush of blood sprayed out that was quickly followed by a waterfall of crimson, Sharon then fell to her knees as she looked up at Kier, unable to speak but her mind filled with nothing but anger and hatred for him, with his grin being the last thing she saw before she collapsed onto the ground, into the pool of her own blood. 

“Hahahaha~ told you I would kill you for that…bitch” Kier finished as he gripped his shattered horns.


A/N: Hello! although a smaller chapter than usual, I plan to stretch this fight out for like two or three chapters since this is one of the fights I have had the most fun to create. I hope you enjoy the chapter and as always Stay Safe! 

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