Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 18: Revenge. (Part 2)

As Kier was laughing his ass off as he patted himself on the back for finally settling things with Sharon, let’s go back to a few minutes before Sharon faced off against the dragonkin who had skewered her through the heart. 

“You want to what?!” Ilena and Pyotr shouted at the top of their lungs inside the stables, Were it not for the torrential rain outside and the soundproof barrier that Amelia had placed, Kier would most definitely have heard it thanks to his dragonkin senses. 

“I mean what I said. I want to face him without your blessings… initially” Sharon reiterated as she looked at her shocked parents. 

“Initially?” Amelia asked with arms crossed and an eyebrow raised

“Look, I want to see if I can beat him with my current power, I told you I was ready and I do believe I am. But I want to test him out first, see where our gaps in power lie” 

“You wouldn’t need to worry about that if you would just use my blessings though”

“I know! But like you said, you wanted me to be strong enough when you won’t be here anymore! What’s the use of me getting stronger if I have to rely on you more? If I do then I won’t be able to do anything to protect my family! I’ll be useless!” Sharon shouted as she revealed her true intentions, her cheeks were flushed with red and her eyes were watery, She quickly realized she had spoken what was on her mind and quickly tried to cover her mouth. 


“My daughter…” 

Ilena and Pyotr’s eyes widened and their expressions turned to sadness as they heard their daughter's words. 

“Sharon…my darling daughter, you are not useless” Ilena voiced as she ran over to her daughter and hugged her tightly, 

“We are blessed to have a daughter who cares so deeply for her family such as you” Pyotr added as he too had run over and joined in on the hug. 

“Big Sis is always there for us!” 


Yulen and Yulan, although not understanding what was going on, joined in on complementing their big sister, with both of them scurrying with their tiny feet to join in on the group hug in front of them. 

“You guys…” Sharon muttered under her breath as she wrapped her arms around them, tears streaking down her face accompanied by her slightly sobbing. 

Amelia, standing off to the side, watched with an unreadable expression on her face as she saw the loving family in front of her, 

‘I know how that feels, it’s been a while since I’ve seen them no?’ she thought as she watched them, her mind knowing what it felt like to have people who love and care for you, people you would risk your life for and become your reasons to get stronger and stronger, to protect them. 

Unlike Sharon however, Amelia was raised in an orphanage. Abandoned by her parents who had no interest in her and only saw them as a mistake from their broken marriage. Instead of loving parents, Amelia was raised by the ever-loving and kind-hearted Sister Mary and the stricter but still ever-loving and kind-hearted headmistress Mother Felice. Unlike the other territory orphanages that took in children who were either a year or two years of age, Amelia was the first child of the newly established Erstad Orphanage, thanks to the efforts of the previous Grand Duke and Grand Duchess, the number of homeless in the Duchy had been greatly reduced and were almost zero. 

When Amelia turned one, other newborn abandoned babies from the other orphanages were brought to the Erstad Orphanage under the orders of the Imperial Government, making Amelia the oldest at that time. As the years progressed, she became their elder sister, always making sure the younger ones listened and cared for them whenever Sister Mary and Mother Felice had to go out for extended periods of time. They had become her reason to go stronger, her reason to get better, that was until she met Ophelia and while they were placed on the back burner, she still held them close to her heart. 



“What was that?” Sharon asked as she looked up at Amelia, brushing off the tears in her eyes and doing her best to remove her sniveling. The rest of the family too had also turned their attention to Amelia, 

“I support your decision Sharon, didn’t you hear me?” Amelia answered as she walked towards them, 

“You do? I thought I had to fight you to prove it, like land a hit on you or something, I even had some words to say if I couldn't beat you” Sharon told her causing Amelia to raise an eyebrow at her

“Like a protagonist from one of those adventure novel series you read?” 

“Yeah” Sharon immediately answered leaving Amelia with a dumbfounded face but quickly shifted it back to normal 

“Pushing that aside, like I said. I support your decision to face him without my blessings. But what if he does land a fatal blow against you? What then? I know that <Paladin Perseverance> is a thing but what is the plan? Although it says it will negate the fatal blow, it doesn’t mean said fatal blow will heal on its own, so tell me, what is the plan? ” Amelia asked with crossed arms 

“Well…” Sharon began 


“Bwhahahahahaha! You really did yourself good on this one Kier, you devilish dragon!” Kier praised himself as he turned away from Sharon’s body, walking over to the overturned chair and table and began turning them back over. 

Meanwhile, Sharon's left eye, one that was not pressed on the ground darted around. She then got a notification 

Paladin Perseverance has been activated. Fatal attack at the [Heart] and surrounding areas have been negated.’ 

Alongside this notification, several others had popped up as well, 

Blessing of the Dragon Slayer [Damage against Dragons and Dragonkin are increased and are guaranteed to be fatal] has been activated’

‘Blessing of the Divine Weapon Maker [Weapons wielded by the user are given <Blessed> attribute, increasing their damage and making them <Indistructable>. Hits from these weapons nullify <Regeneration> and other passive healing abilities.] has been activated’

‘Blessing of the Damned [All fatal hits on the user are nullified. The user is able to use skill <Dead Man’s Present> is available for 12 Hours] has been activated’ 

‘Dead Man’s Present [A magic bomb is bound to the target chosen by the user, if the user is killed, it is activated. Can be remotely activated or set with a timer. The user can set rules that can set off the bomb] has been activated’

‘Blessing of the Saintess [When a fatality is ensured on the user, skills <Regeneration> and <Saintess Boost> are activated to keep the user alive until health arrives at a point where the user can survive. Can block <Appraisal> skill. Can be deactivated by the user if the user wishes] has been activated’

‘Saintess Boost [All stats of the user are increased a hundredfold] has been activated’

‘Blessing of the Chosen [All magic used by the user is increased a hundredfold]’ 

‘Right. Time to end this’ 

“Ahahahahahaaa. To think that my greatest rival would die so easily, it’s almost as if-”

“By the goddess shut up already”


Swiftly turning around, Kier’s eyes widened and his expression turned to shock as he saw Sharon slowly getting up, 

“No…it can’t be!”






As disbelief and rage boiled within him, Kier thrusted his tail forward, flying through the air at unbelievable speed. But to his shock, Sharon simply caught it as it neared her, and with a smile on her bloodied face, crushed the section of the tail she was holding onto, causing Kier to roar in pain as Sharon let go and he retracted his tail. 

Looking down at it, he saw that the tip had been reduced to nothing but a crumpled piece of metal, with the bones inside and in the tail section nearby shattered and causing severe pain. 


“What did you do to me?!” Kier roared as he could not sense his regeneration working, the stinging pain in his tail still persistent. 

“Heh. Simple really, but it’s a surprise you have to kill me to find out” Sharon replied as she wiped the blood from her face 

“Ha! Do you think that this small stunt will save you?!” Kier asked as his shocked and pained expression turned into a cocky smirk that tried to hide the immense pain. 

“I do actually, knowing that someone like you never pays attention to people you consider “lower” than yourself, I’ll give you some help. Why don’t you look at my stats?” Sharon replied with a smirk of her own, 

Kier, stunned by this answer, did his best not to reveal it on his face. Instead, he took her up on that offer, 



But instead of being met with a detailed menu detailing everything about Sharon’s power and abilities, he was met with this

[Blessing of the Saintess is active, unable to read stats]

The notification caused Kier’s smirk to turn into a scowl as he looked around in the dark, the rain slipping down his face

“Amelia!!” he roared into the night with visible and audible rage 

“Your beloved is here so no need to shout Kier. But what she has seen so far has not made her like you in the slightest” 


“Shut up! You whore! What would you know?!” Kier spat at her as he stared her down, his anger growing by the second

“Ha! What would I know? What would I know!? I know more than all of you dipshits combined what Amelia likes and dislikes, and the actions you did today, killing innocents and flaunting your power is something she very much dislikes. So much so that she gave me all this power to strike you down” Sharon fired back in a confident tone, a golden aura slowly enveloping her weapons and her body. 

“You and the other men who claim her are all deranged and delusional if you think Amelia is going to fall for you! A lunatic of a Crown Prince and his equally crazy twin brothers, a narcissistic wizard, a self-centered elf, a manipulative High Priest, and you a hard-headed and dense murderer of a dragonkin. None of you are her type and you are all the things she despises” Sharon continued with confidence as she could see Kier’s expression grow angrier and angrier. 

“Shut up!” 







Kier roared in anger as he dashed forward, furiously swiping away at Sharon with bloodshot eyes. His swipes were imbued with rage that guided them as he tried to land a single blow, all the while Sharon kept dodging slightly, shifting from right to left, ducking and leaping back, making sure his claws could barely touch her. In a surprise move as Sharon ducked under another failed claw swipe, she shoulder bashed Kier back and made him crash and make another hole in the large brick wall. 

Slowly rising from the pile of destroyed bricks, he angrily glared at Sharon, but instead of rethinking he charged at her once again, clawing out in rage. He tried to use his tail but the immense pain lingering kept him from doing so as the slightest movement spent moving the tip forward or in any direction caused pain to shoot up through the rest of the tail. 

‘Shit I am at a disadvantage’ he thought as Sharon ducked from another one of his swipes before quickly getting behind him





In a swift move, Sharon unleashed a horizontal slash that created a gash on his left arm near the shoulder, the sturdy scales and tough skin underneath torn apart with ease. 


Gripping his arm, Kier noticed that the bleeding had not stopped and the pain was persisting, anger in his eyes as he felt his anger boiling 

“What did you do to me?!” He hissed as he reoriented himself to face her

“Awww, little dragon bitch doesn’t like the pain?” Sharon mocked with a smug face 

“Just a little magic, it helps stopping you and your stupid regeneration” she continued to answer him with a smug look as she stuck her two halberds together and sent them back into her item box. 

“But I don’t need them to teach you a lesson” She confidently stated as she raised her fists at him, they had a soft golden aura surrounding them

“You will die for this humiliation!” Kier roared as he leaped forward 

“Come on then!” 






Ducking under a claw swipe, Sharon fired off a straight punch to her opponent's abdomen, sending a shock of pain reverberating across Kier’s body, before following it up with a straight uppercut that made his jaw crackle as her armored fist collided with his toughened skin and scales, with the armored fist breaking cracking and breaking apart both skin and scale. 






Reeling from the uppercut, Kier tried to hit her with a kick from his left leg, only for it to miss and for Sharon to grab it as it did. His eyes widened as he saw her malicious smile and cried in pain as he felt her elbow strike his knee, shattering the scales and skin and causing damage to his internal muscles, even cracking the bones that were supposed to be hardened thanks to his dragonkin physique. 






As Sharon let go and Kier was sent stumbling and limping back, she pushed forward, hitting him with a one-two combo to his abdomen and then to both sides of his face, the pain burning into him as he felt the full force of a vengeful woman seeking revenge for her family. Her armored fists cracking and breaking scales and skin and sending reverberating shockwaves of pain throughout his body. 

Still reeling from the second punch to the face, Sharon gave him no quarter as she sent him flying a few meters into the tables and chairs stacked up in the corner of the garden with a final punch to the face, this one having more a boom to it as her armored fist collided with the bridge of his nose, once again cracking scales and skin. 

“Auhgggg…you bitch” Kier wheezed out as he lay there on the broken pile of chairs and tables. 

“Hoh? Is that all you can do Kier? And here I was thinking that someone as powerful as yourself would put up more of a fight against an opponent of the same caliber” Sharon mocked with glee as she stared at the broken dragonkin. 

“Same caliber? Ha! Don’t make me laugh, you have blessings that allow you to beat me! If you had none of them you would have died already!” Kier angrily spat back as he rose from the shattered pile 

“You keep going on and on about how I use my strength to oppress those who are weaker than me, well look who is talking now huh! Your using your strength to suppress me who is weaker! Your family oppresses those who live here by being nobles! Who do you think the true bad guy here is huh?! Who?!” 

“It’s still you” Sharon calmly replied, 

“It will still be you, you delusion piece of garbage” She continued as she took a step forward

“Unlike you who uses his strength to kill those weaker than him just because he can and he feels like it, I use my strength to avenge those who get hurt and killed by people like you” 

“Don’t lecture me about who the bad guy is in this situation, you don’t have a fucking leg to stand on! Do you think we oppress the people who are under our rule here?! Have you seen the fucking duchy?! Have you?!” She asked him with anger in her eyes, but Kier remained silent

“No right? You haven’t. You're just spewing bullshit out of that mouth because that is all you can do” 

“What?” Kier asked with a confused expression 

“You heard me, that’s all people like you can do. People who don’t take in all the facts, people who don’t see the truth even if it’s right before their eyes. People who are ignorant and refuse to believe certain things because it doesn’t fit with them. You are one of those types of people. People who believe in things that are wildly different from the truth and refuse to see that what they believe in is total bullshit and the things they discard while being the actual truth, refuse to believe them” Sharon answered

“What proof do you have of that huh? What mak-”

“Proof?! Ha! I have tons of proof, I have so much proof that I can drown you in it you unreasonable piece of trash! For starters, you and the rest of those detestable fuckers keep forgetting the fact that Amelia, the girl you guys claim to be nothing but a precious little flower, is an actual fucking SS-Rank adventurer, she has told you people multiple times but you never ever believed her” Sharon cut him off, anger in her voice. 

“But that is a fucking lie! Sharon, didn’t you see her every day during the academy? How could a pretty fragile flower like her, be an actual SS-Rank?” Kier immediately answered

“You are the lowest of the low, actual fucking garbage and a hindrance to life”  Sharon told him as she sighed in annoyance

“What did you say…” Kier asked again, his anger flaring 

“You are unneeded, undeserving of life, and a waste of fucking space. I detest people like you and I hate it when you guys are given positions of power” Sharon finished as she looked him dead in the eyes, 

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” 

“You fucking whore! I will not stand these insults. Die!” Kier roared as he rose into the air, transfiguring his head into that of a proper dragon. 

“You will die screaming!” he continued as he stared her down, his gaze menacing 

“<Fire Breathe>”



‘<Flame Maniupulation>’ 







With his anger fueling him, Kier rained down a stream of fiery death aimed at the woman who had shattered his pride and ego. Hoping that his Dragonfire would melt her where she stood and reduce her to ashes, but, thanks to Sharon emotionally damaging him, he failed to remember that just like in the academy, Sharon’s mastery of fire magic allowed her the ability to manipulate his fire, shocked as he saw the stream be diverted from her and instead coat what remained of the brick wall in its intense flames, melting them down to molten liquid.  

Sharon then directed the stream back up to Kier and splashed him with the intense flames that sought to burn her to ash, causing immense pain as the unhealed and still bleeding and open wounds cauterized but were burned intensely due to the exposure, with some of his exposed insides melting internally. The pain was also so intense that it caused him to drop out of the sky and land on all fours, his strength slowly and very quickly draining. Were it not for the Draconic Rage still in action, he would have for sure died now. 

“Had enough yet?” Sharon asked him as she walked closer, re-equipping her halberds from her item box, their golden glow filling Kier’s vision as he looked up at her .

“Ghh! This isn’t over, I’ll be back and when I do, Not even her blessings will save you!” Kier shouted as he rose up back into the air and began his getaway 

“Oh no you don’t!” 





In a quick sequence of motion, Sharon cocked back her right arm and threw her halberd like a javelin, the weapon flew straight and true and thanks to where Sharon was aiming, had struck the connector between Kier’s right wing and the main body, severing it completely, causing the dragonkin to crash to the ground dazed and in a lot of pain. The halberd itself had come back to Sharon like a boomerang as she pressed the center button on the other halberd. 

“Ughhh…you…will…pay for that whore”


Slowly rising to his feet, Kier was about to give one last shot at clawing out Sharon’s insides when the Draconic Rage had finally ended and softlocked him into an unmoving state, his eyes widening in fear and terror. Sharon however was sporting a very big smile as she went into a ready stance. 

“Time’s up” 

‘<Lightning Step>’ 













In a frightening display, Sharon bolted forward and completely cleaved off Kier’s right arm hanging in the air thanks to the <softlock> state he was in. She then got behind him and followed up with a swing to the remaining wing attached to him, then swung down and severed his tail before kicking him at the back of both knees to force him to a kneeling position before standing in front of him. 

“Looks like I win you bastard” Sharon told him as she looked down on him, seeing the fear in his eyes. 

“Nicely done Sharon” A voice called out to them

Turning their heads, both of them saw Amelia appear before them as if she was coming out of an invisible waterfall. Kier’s eyes widened as he was surprised by the display, he had not even sensed her during the entire fight, ‘how did she?’ he thought, but the immense pain in his body at the moment made sure he had no chance to speak. 

“Thank you, Amelia” Sharon answered her as she smiled 

“Looks like you really beat his ass this time, I am amazed you didn’t outright kill him” Amelia joked as she patted Sharon on the shoulder, 

“A…Amelia…pleasee….help me…I love you” Kier’s painful voice filled the air as he called out to his beloved, the woman he was so desperate to win over. 

“Oh? You can still talk?” Amelia replied as she looked down on him, visible disgust and contempt on her face. 

“I still have that Dead Man’s Present Can I use it?” Sharon asked 

“Go ahead, remember, I gave you all of these blessings to enable what you wish to do, if you wish to kill him. Then kill him” Amelia finished as she locked eyes with Kier, cementing his fate. 

“I’ll tell everyone it’s finished, so make it quick” She added before walking away, Kier being so distraught that he could not utter a word. 

“Right. Since I have you here, I am going to do something” 

“Wha…what will you do?” Kier asked as he winced at the pain 


She then began to wail on him with her mailed fists for more than twenty minutes, all the while Kier could do nothing but scream and yell in pain and beg for mercy. After Sharon stopped, Kier was bloodied and bruised all over. His face had black and blue marks all over and blood was dripping from the gash on his cheek and his nose, the scales on his limbs were cracked and shattered even more and were all bleeding. 

“But we ain’t finished yet” She told him with a smirk on her face


Forcibly grabbing his damaged face, she looked at his trembling and fearful eyes, drinking in every single detail, 

‘<Dead Man’s Present>’ she casted in her mind before shoving his face away from her. 


Crashing to the ground, Kier winced as he tried to crawl away, his last good arm flailing around while the other arm was still dripping blood. He then looked back at Sharon who was holding up her left hand in a snapping position

“For everything you did, I paid back a hundredfold. That includes your life. Goodbye Kier” 






With a snap, a blinding flash of light filled her view and the voice of Kier’s final screams echoed around her, When the flash subsided all that was left was a large scorch mark. 

“I hope you rot in hell you damned dragonkin” Sharon muttered as she turned away and began making her way back to the stables. 


Arriving back at the stables, Sharon let out a huge sigh as she saw her family waiting for her, running at them at full speed while dismantling her armor along the way. 

“Father! Mother! Yulen! Yulan!” she cried as she leapt into her father's arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. 


“My darling daughter!” 

““Big Sis””

In response, her family members all hugged her and they too were crying tears of happiness upon seeing their beloved come back safe and sound. Even the employees of the manor and the knights were all smiling upon seeing the beloved lady come back to them after avenging the others. 

Amelia stood by a tree with Killian who had just arrived, sensing something was up and wanting to check on them. 

“Send me home please” Amelia requested 

Killian gave her a silent nod as he readied where she wanted to be sent, and as she took one last look at Sharon and her family, a faint smile on her lip appeared before she disappeared from where she stood. 


Sitting in the middle of a large private ballroom in the palace, Visnet sipped on some champagne as he and Jacon drank together. In between them was a table filled with several orbs of varying color, from blue to red to purple to green to white, etc. As they drank in the pale moonlight and candlelight, the purple orb suddenly fizzled out, Making Visnet smile as he looked at it

“Seems that the stupid dragonkin is dead. Splendid” Visnet let out a joyful hiss as he took another sip from his glass

“Indeed he has. This will make our plans so much easier” Jacon added as he also took a sip from his own glass 

“You were right in your assessment priest, but that does not mean I am giving Amelia over to you so easily” Visnet told him as he stared him down like a fierce lion looking at his prey 

“Oh I know your majesty, I was just hoping that we could help one another in our goals to give Amelia the partner she deserves, after all. Me being the upcoming pope and her being the Saintess, she deserves a partner who is of equal importance and status” Jacon replied, a con man's smile on his face as he returned the stare, looking like a viper eyeing their opponent. 

“Hmm, whatever you say priest, but I know that by the end of the day, she will choose me…she has no choice” he added as he looked out of the window and at the shining moon in the night sky, taking another sip

“We will see” Jacon replied, taking another sip as he stared at the rest of the orbs on the table.


A/N: Hello! and here we go, tbh, this is one the fights I have had the most fun writing for these two chapters. and oh me oh my is that Visnet and Jacon again? I wonder what they have been up to all this time. more of that further down the line! also, the next chapter after this one will focus on the world after this chapter. anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I had fun writing it. and as always stay safe and enjoy your day! 

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