Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 5: Preperation for the Plan (Part: 3)

“Hmm…it seems they are from the Kingdom of June, specifically to one Duke  Kallex” Amelia said as she let go of the assassin’s head, the assassin had collapsed in fright. 

“I see” Sharon responded before looking at her mother

“Mother, do you know of this Duke Kallex?” 

“Yes I do, the Kallex family is one of the more powerful families who are trying to claim the throne, but if he sent assassins then that means someone has leaked my existence” Ilena replied, concern and worry in her voice

Amelia sighed as she stood up and walked back to the mother and daughter, she took a deep breath as she locked eyes with Sharon and placed a hand on her shoulder

“Originally I was going to use the entire four-month period to train you. But considering this event, I am going to do it in two. Meaning I will drill everything there is to become stronger into you in that time frame”  her serious expression was met with a firm and resolute nod by Sharon. 

“I will do whatever it takes to get stronger and protect my family” she replied with confidence, earning a warm smile from her mother at her words. 

Amelia nodded as well, turning her back on them and staring at the assassin who was just regaining her consciousness. A smile flashed on her face as she walked towards her helpless foe, she knelt down in front of her and took out the book that was shoved into her mouth. 

“May I ask what you intend to do with this assassin Lady Halfriva?” she asked as she inspected the assassin, she casted a mini silencing barrier on her vocals and checked her for any suicide pills or hidden equipment that would allow her to escape or commit suicide. 

“As much as I want to kill her, I need her as evidence against Duke Kallex when we go to the Kingdom of June. Is there any way you can help me in that predicament, Miss Amelia?” Ilena replied, a genuine question being asked. 

Amelia thought for a moment as she finished checking on the assassin, she then recalled her training when she tried to master her Holy Magic. Her eyes and brain lit up as she recalled a memory and a smile flashed on her face as she stood up and turned back to Lady Halfriva, 

“I do have a way but it is going to cost you” Amelia said, a playful smile on her face

“So be it, if it is within my power as a duchess” Ilena replied with a serious expression 

“We can discuss it later then, for now. Sharon can you help me with her?” Amelia asked as she turned to Sharon, gesturing towards the now awake assassin who showed no sign of resistance or struggle, mouthing off words that failed to make sound thanks to the silencing barrier. 

They approached her and as Amelia stretched out her arm, the assassin flinched in response. Sharon saw this and sighed inwardly 

‘I know why you’re scared’ she thought to herself as she felt pity towards the now shivering assassin. 

 Amelia then slowly pulled out both of the daggers that had stuck her to the bedstands. Sharon helped the assassin stand on her own two feet and watched as Amelia grabbed the bloodied wounded hands and showered them in a warm golden light that restored them to what they were before getting impaled. She did the same to the stab wound on the assassin's stomach and continued to lock eyes with her afterward. 

A small silence filled the room as Amelia looked at the assassin for a few moments, slightly hoping that the assassin would do something, anything to try and escape at the moment. The assassin quickly glanced at Amelia then towards the mother and daughter duo and finally the dead body of her comrade that was propped up in a corner of the room. She quickly kept changing her gaze as the information was finally processed, the assassin sighed as she began to remove her cloak and mask, revealing a large gash on the right side of her face that stretched horizontally toward the back of her neck. Her black hair flowed down and stopped right at the end of her back, her blue eyes filled with acceptance of the situation and a slight fear whenever she glanced at Amelia. 

“Name?” Amelia said as the assassin looked away from her

“I am Gilly, a hired assassin working for Duke Kallex. Unwillingly if I may add” her soft and gentle voice answered, surprising everyone in the room

“What do you mean unwillingly?” Ilena asked as she took a step toward the still-scared Gilly. 

“Duke Kallex had forced me into this job by binding me with a loyalty spell” Gilly then exposed the bottom half of her neck that was hidden by her shirt and revealed a red-colored trident symbol.

“And that person over there in the corner was the one holding the leash on me” Gilly added as she pointed at the corpse in the corner of the room. 

Ilena looked surprised as the assassin just gave everything without hesitation, 

‘She’s giving this without hesitation…something isn’t right’ she thought as she reflected on what was happening. 

Amelia sensed the surprise in Lady Halfriva and took a few steps toward her, 

“I’ll hand you this assassin Lady Halfriva,  since there are many things I think you would like to ask her” a smile appearing on her face 

“Yes, that would be lovely Miss Amelia, thank you” Ilena replied with a nod as she took a step forward and was face to face with Gilly. 

But as they were about to speak, Amelia interrupted them as she casted a spell that restored the window to it’s fixed state before Gily busted through it. She then turned to them and said

“A few people are coming, I suggest you continue your conversation later. For now let’s get out of here and head somewhere no one can hear us”  she suggested as she then walked towards the body in the corner, stripping him of everything, leaving only his underwear before placing her hand on his head and muttered


The corpse then shone a bright golden light as it began falling apart into smaller golden particles, quickly disappearing. The display left the remaining three in the room speechless as they had never seen Holy Magic used like that before. Gilly as well gave a small yelp as she saw that the person who was her accomplice just disappear. 

‘Holy magic is something else’ they all thought as they saw Amelia whip back around to face them. 

‘What’s going on?’ Amelia thought as she was wondering why they were all giving her uneasy and surprised looks as she dusted off her hands with a towel she picked up from the nearby drawer. 

“Something wrong?” she asked them 

“No, nothing’s wrong” Sharon quickly replied, making Amelia raise her eyebrow

“Right…anyways, you guys can discuss your things later. For now, we will go our separate ways, Sharon I will meet you in your family estate a few days from now is that ok?” Amelia asked as she began loading up the clothes and items she owned around the room into her item box, which was basically a neverending pit for her to place what she needed. 

“R..right” Sharon stammered as she looked at he mother and Gilly 

“We should get going mother, if we hang around here for much longer then the staff will find us here. Everyone should be in the afterparty meaning we can leave without anyone seeing us.” she added as she began to pack her sling bag and her item box, which was the same as Amelia’s but had a definite limit. 

Ilena nodded and looked at Gilly, who too nodded at her as she understood the situation, but as they walked out, Amelia suddenly said as she was still packing 

“Make an attempt to escape assassin, and you will be dead. I placed magic on you that will help me keep track of you and kill you on my command, just so you know” 

The three people in the room all turned to her with shocked looks on their faces, Sharon knew that Amelia could be ruthless at times, but this was the first time she had ever seen it in person. A shiver ran down her spine as she quickly glanced at her mother and Gilly who had the same expressions. 

‘This girl is scary’ 

‘Amelia really is ruthless’ 

Were the thoughts running through their minds as they continued on with what they were doing. 


In the halls of the gymnasium, all of the graduating students were celebrating alongside their friends and family in hearty games with one another, as they all enjoyed the afterparty. Many nobles and the few commoners and beastkin all shared laughs and moments with one another as they recalled their previous student years, and the many highs and lows they experienced. The staff as well were celebrating as they congratulated one another for a job well done in making sure this batch had graduated with the knowledge they knew would help them down the line while also making bonds with their students that could help them in the future. 

Meanwhile in a corner of the gymnasium, seated in a round table guarded by several royal guards and protected by a soundproof barrier made by one of the guards were a group of boys, all but one of them was wearing dazzling suits that accented their good looks which made many girls who had approached them and saw them from a distant swoon. The only one not wearing a suit was a boy wearing a priest robe with a golden and red stole. All of them were in the midst of a conversation regarding a certain girl they all fancied and competed over one another for. 


“So Jacon, how is MY Amelia?” Visnet asked, running his hand through his hair as he stared at the successor of the pope from across the table

“Yeah, Jacon! How is brother Visnet’s future wife!” piped Marwick

“Yeah! Where is she?!” added Narwick

“What do you mean YOUR Amelia? You arrogant bastard, I believe you meant MY mate Amelia!” roared the dragonkin Kier as he had a disgusted and angered expression on his face

“Please, if she was with you Kier, your people would misuse her magic and abilities, unlike you. Me being the future successor for the magic tower makes me the best candidate for her, her magic is amazing and so am I which makes sense for both of us to be together” stated the blue-haired mage Emilio as he had a disgusted expression towards the dragonkin

“You are all obviously wrong, she is MY Amelia! If she was with either of you, you would just use her! I on the other hand would treat her right!” spoke the up-and-coming knight Lance, his comment earning him snickers from everyone at the table. 

“Gentlemen please, why can’t we all agree that she deserves to be mine, since she is now the Saintess. Thereby making her a person of the Church” Jacon piped up as he gave each of the boys an unreadable expression with a smile. 

Everyone at the table gave him a disgusted look as he said this, all of them thinking various things inside their heads about one another as well. A silence then followed as each of them eyed one another,

“Anyways” Jacon said as he broke the silence, conjuring in his palm a golden cross which he placed in the middle of the table, 

The cross then projected a map of the academy with a golden circle that slowly pulsed located in the girls dorm of the academy

“Seems that she is in her dorm” Jacon said, a hint of disappointment in his voice

“Shame really” Visnet said as he saw it

“Can’t we just bring her out?” Kier asked, an annoyed expression on his face

“You idiot, have you forgotten that if you do the staff will not hesitate to teach you a lesson, they do not care about your status, if you break the rules they will break you, you stupid dragonkin” Emilio said as he rolled his eyes at him. 

“We can let her be for now” Visnet said as he stood up from the table, 

“If she doesn’t want to be here then its her loss. Sooner or later she will come around to one of us, but I know she will choose me” Visnet added as he shrugged and left the table and went back into the party, earning a disgusted look from all of them except Marwick and Narwick. 


In the Erstad estate, many people were going about during this evening, servants and maids, guards and knights all ran around carrying boxes from inside the manor and placing it out in the backyard, everyone was frantically trying to finish their jobs as they were instructed by a Kitsune with black ears and a black tail wearing a head maid outfit. Her expression was unreadable as she continued flipping through a list she had in her hand and a letter that was placed behind it. 

Suddenly, one of the young knights rushed over to her and said

“Head Maid Percy, a pair of people have arrived, it’s the head of the orphanage and her second” the young knight said as he was out of breathe

“I see, bring them inside. I will meet them in the dining hall” Percy answered as she saw him run off and turned her own way towards the manor

“Time to go to work” she muttered as she closed the doors behind her.

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