Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Ophelia’s Side Story (Part 1): A New Place

Turning back the clock to exactly after Ophelia was sent into the portal. 

As Ophelia was thrown into the portal, she felt a feeling of rushing water and air around her as she traveled through it. 

‘Huh, this feels comforting actually’ she thought as she continued to travel through the portal for about thirty minutes before she saw a circle of light open up in front of her. She passed through the light and landed roughly on the grassy patch awaiting her on the other side, she grunted as she spat out some dirt that flew into her lips and tried to get up. 

Standing up slowly she looked down at the shackles linking her legs and wrist,  sighing as she easily ripped them apart and freed herself from their cold grasp. She looked around and noticed that the trees and the environment she was teleported to was a forest, and she was in a clearing.

She sighed to herself as she used her magic to see if the place, she was in was still somewhere in the empire or somewhere new.

"Let's see if they just banished me to a nearby forest...huh?"

To her surprise, her magic scan showed her that she was on a different continent and not somewhere in the empire as she thought. Her magical scan also showed that to her west was a small town near the coast and that it was inhabited. 

"Hoh. a town that is far away from those medaling men and that empire that is rotting from the inside. I am quite happy that I stuck with the vision then!"

Ophelia could not help but smile as she realized that the punishment that was for her actually gave her a way out to just enjoy her life with Amelia once she got here. 

“Although the vision was vague on where I ended up, I must say that this new continent is going to be fun” she said to herself 

Ophelia then fixed her glasses, dusted herself off, and began the walk towards the road based on the magic scan she performed. She also detected several monsters near her location but waved them off as nothing dangerous.

"They may be SS-rank monsters that are fearsome to others, but not me"

She said to herself with a confident smirk as she headed towards the road, she came out into another clearing, and standing before her was a large monster, its back had scales and spiked all over and its limbs had sharpened claws that were as long as broad swords. Its head had a large horn on it and its mouth had teeth that were jutting out. It laid eyes on Ophelia and roared as it charged forward, and Ophelia simply smirked as she walked towards the monster charging at her.

As the monster neared her, there was a loud crashing sound and a cloud of dust and dirt erupted from the clearing. The monster stopped moving and its breathing was heavy, it thought that it had crushed the lone human and ran into one of the sturdy trees behind her,  but when the dust cleared, it let out a confused roar as it saw the human still standing there, what's more, that the human was simply holding the palm of her hand up and it crashed into it. It was about to push forward but then it saw the human give off a smile that oozed with intense pressure toward it.

"A little beast tries to harm me? Hahaha. Pitful"

Ophelia let out a chuckle as she simply grabbed the rest of the scaley snout and crushed it without hesitation, sending splinters of the scales in all directions and coating her palm in blood. The sudden pain causing the monster to roar and backpedal, rearing itself up, Ophelia wasted no time and closed the gap in an instant and struck the armored underbelly of the monster with her fist, it dug deep and tore apart the skin, and the insides. The force of the blow sent the monster flying into the trees and it made a large crashing noise and one last cry of pain as it died.

She looked at her left hand and saw it was covered in blood up to the elbow. 

‘Huh, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten my arm dirty like this’ she thought as she used her magic to create a water sash and used it to wash away all the blood on her. She noticed that several other monsters were watching her from the shadows and all of them had begun to run in different directions after seeing her dispatch one so easily. 

Ophelia then began walking towards the downed monster, humming a pleasant tune in her head as a smile appeared on her face. She kicked it to the side so that it could roll onto its bloodied belly, she inspected the large scales and spikes dotting its hardened back.

‘Oooh, these will be useful down the line’ she thought as she broke several of the smaller spikes as well as the monster's long horn and stored them in her item box using magic. She then continued to walk towards the road, it had been about thirty minutes and as she cleared the forest and came out onto the road, she saw a group of eight people sitting on an open field across the road.

Three of them were wearing plated armor with a coat of arms that Ophelia never saw before, it was a black twin-headed dragon with crowns on each of the heads, the claws of the dragon were clutching swords and it was over a shield of gold. The rest of the group were people dressed in normal clothing, but their races were different, from dragonkin to siren to humans. The group was eating lunch and they seemed to be enjoying themselves while the guards were on alert.

One of them saw Ophelia approach and the group immediately went into a defensive position as the guards ran in front of the group to protect them while the other five retreated a few feet behind before unsheathing hidden swords and daggers and pointing them towards Ophelia.

One of the guards then said in a loud voice

<Who are you and what are you doing he-?>

But before he could finish, he saw that the dress of Ophelia was bloodied and a smile that gave off an aura of danger that was too much for him. This sight sent a shiver down his spine as he gripped his sword tighter and took a step back. The other two guards also took a moment to look at her properly and were similarly frightened, another one then shouted

<We heard the roar of a Danuga earlier. Was that caused by you?>

'Danuga?' Ophelia thought to herself as she used her translation magic to understand what they were speaking.

'Oh, they must be talking about the monster I killed earlier. So that's what it is called'

Ophelia nodded her head as she then brought out the horn of the Danuga from her item storage and placed it in front of her feet. The soldiers stood still in shock as they saw the horn just placed on the floor without any signs of it being on the person in front of them.

One of the guards with brow hair stepped forward, he was ok looking for Ophelia’s standards, he was the tallest of the group and had a more rounded figure and features. The guard looked down and slowly  picked up the horn, he emitted a blue glow from his forehead as he stared at the horn for a few moments with a curios look,

“Aa…AAAAHHH!” he shouted as a horrified expression filled his face as he suddenly dropped the horn and took a few steps back, hyperventilating as he did. The other two guards had confused looks on their faces as they approached their comrade and tried to calm him down

“Oleg! Oleg! Calm down man! What's wrong?!” the black-haired guard with a scar on his face asked, concern and worry filling his tone and expression

“It’s ok Oleg we’re here, so just calm down ok?” the other guard with purple hair and beautiful features added as she held the head of her comrade to calm him down. 

Oleg took a few minutes to calm down as he tried to reorient himself, darting his eyes between his friends. He slowly began to return to normal and was soon in a talking condition. 

But their commotion hadn’t gone unnoticed by the other group enjoying their meal on the plains just behind them, Ophelia recognized the species in the group that was approaching, one was a siren with purple hair and had beautiful features and a voluptuous body, another was a dragonkin with red hair and sharp features that made him handsome. Following behind him was an older-looking blonde man that had features that expressed his age like wrinkles on his face. And behind him was a beautiful elven lady with green hair, all of them had drawn out their weapons and were standing in front of the fifth member that was behind them all. He had a crude crown on his head that was fashioned with gold and several gemstones, his hair was grey and the face it rested upon looked older than everyone present. 

“Explain what’s happening here?!” the dragonkin asked the three guards as they all kept up their guard around Ophelia. 

Oleg regained a bit of himself as he was asked the question, turning to face the dragonkin and mustering enough of himself to speak

“That lady over there sir…She’s dangerous!” he said with a terrified tone as he glanced at her which made him involuntarily shiver 

“Show us Oleg” the dragonkin ordered him as all eyes were locked on Ophelia.

‘Did I do something wrong?’ she thought as she tilted her head and a confused expression appeared on her face

“Understood sir” Oleg responded as he emitted the blue light from his head again, this time everyone present except Ophelia saw the same thing he saw when he picked up the horn.


POV Monster 


<Hmm. Sound strange. Deep in trees>  the monster thought as a loud sound came from deep within the forests, 

<Might be food. Must find. hungry> it thought as it began to move towards the direction from where the sound came from

But as it was approaching the end of the clearing it was in, a woman stepped out from the forest, the woman looked weak and unassuming for the monster

<Weak. Prey. Must Eat> it thought as it roared at the lone human standing in front of it, it charged ahead with the intent to kill and feast on the lone weak human, kicking up a lot of dust as it charged ahead. 


A loud sound wrang throughout the clearing, it was as if the monster ran into one of the iron bark trees that dotted the forest, the monster waited for the dust to clear, 

<?!> the monster let out a confused roar as it saw that the human it thought it trampled was still standing and not only that, it had stopped the charge by simply stopping it with the palm of her hand. 

<!> the monster then locked eyes with the woman and began to feel immense pressure as its sense of danger began to override its thoughts

<Human dangerous. Must run!> it thought but as it tried to escape the human said something

“A little beast tries to harm me? Hahaha. Pitful” 

Before it could do anything, the human smashed the snout of the monster, sending surges of pain throughout the body of the monster

<Pain. Pain. Pain. Must Run!> it thought as it roared and backpedaled, exposing its underbelly which was also covered in armored scales. 

<!> before it could do anything however, the monster felt something pierce its underbelly, piercing deep and inflicting major internal damage before the force of the attack sent it flying and smashing into an iron bark tree. 

<Mistake. Human is not prey. Human is predator> where it’s last thoughts as it gave out one last cry of pain before fading to black. 


As soon as the vision ended, everyone turned to face Ophelia. Fear filling their expressions as they all grouped up together and pointed their weapons at her, all except the old man who had walked past them and faced Ophelia face to face. 

“May I know your name traveler?” the old man spoke, calmness in his voice

“I am Ophelia Erstad sir” Ophelia replied in the same calm manner

“It seems that you have given my entourage and guards a fright Miss Ophelia, you see that blue light earlier was a spell made by one of my guards, he can see the final moments of any living being if he wants and that Danuga you killed well slaughtered is the right term, has everyone on edge” he added calmly 

“I see, well. I am new here so please forgive me for frightening them” Ophelia said as she kept her calm tone

“What do you mean by that Miss Ophelia?” the old man asked

“It is a long story sir, but the shorter version is that I was thrown into a portal that transported me here” 

At her words, everyone had a surprised expression but still kept their guard up, the old man meanwhile had a smile on his face as he began to laugh making everyone confused

“Is something funny sir?” Ophelia asked

“Yes your majesty is something wrong?!” the elven woman exclaimed

‘Your majesty huh?’ Ophelia thought as her perception of the old man before her had changed 

“I am not laughing because I find something funny, I am quite happy. As you can tell Miss Ophelia since I was addressed as such, I am King Olertin. Welcome to the Kingdom of Halkare” Olertin said with a smile on his face, 

“It is a pleasure to be received by your majesty” Ophelia replied 

“And the first thing I am going to do for you is announcing you as my successor!” Olertin added. 

A dead silence came from everyone for a few minutes as all eyes were on Olertin, even Ophelia was confused and her face had shown it alongside the rest of the people present with all of them shouting


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