American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 732: In pursuit of the Infinity Stones

At present, the two infinity gems, the space gem and the mind gem, have fallen into the hands of the tyrant, but there are still two infinity gems on the earth that have not been taken away by the tyrant.

"The Reality Gem is the ether particle, which is currently fused with Carrie," Thor said. "Will Thanos go to Carrie?"

Goofy sneered: "You mean... Thanos will go to die? If he really went to find Carrie, then Carrie should have come to us with Thanos' body and two other Infinity Stones by now."

Heimdall immediately glanced at the Superpower Academy, then shook his head and said, "As expected, Thanos didn't go to Carrie, and Carrie is still in the classroom... Wait, the father of the gods, Peter Parker seems to have just given Carrie A note was passed on, do you need me to look at the contents of the note?"

"What?" Gao Fei's face suddenly became ugly, "What does this little bug want to do?"

But he still suppressed the anger in his heart, shook his head and said, "Cough, let's not invade other people's privacy."

At this time, Loki breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, although the guardians of space gems and mind gems are not very reliable, but fortunately we have Carrie. Thanos can't beat Carrie, so he definitely can't. Get the Reality Gem, just make sure he can't get the Reality Gem, and he won't be able to snap that **** finger, right?"

After hearing this, Susan Storm, the guardian of the space gem, and Tony Stark, the guardian of the mind gem, gave Loki a fierce look, and Loki was so frightened that he hurriedly hid behind Thor. .

And Gao Fei said seriously: "We can't be too optimistic, the current Thanos is indeed not Carrie's opponent, but every time Thanos gets an Infinity Stone, his strength will increase by one point, so the strength of Thanos is In the ascendant, we have to stop him before he gets more Infinity Stones."

Now that Carrie and her Reality Stone are safe and sound, the last remaining gem on Earth is the Time Stone.

Goofy didn't bother Heimdaller to take another look, and directly turned on the space magic to connect the Baxter Building and the New York Temple.

Whether or not Thanos went to arrest people, just go to Strange and see.

The aperture opened, and at the other end was the library of the New York Temple. Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange, was sitting at the coffee table eating a salad, while Wang next to him was nibbling on a hot dog.

Goofy and other superheroes felt a little bit broken when they saw these two mages wearing gorgeous and retro magician robes and mysterious and precious magic implements eating these ordinary foods like ordinary people...

Especially Wang, he gnawed the hot dog too hard, and directly squeezed the mustard in the hot dog and landed on the mage's robe. It looked so sloppy and sloppy, it was unbearable.

Loki sneered after seeing this scene: "It looks like Thanos has never been here."

The invisible female Susan couldn't bear to look down on Wang's sloppyness, and handed over a napkin: "Your stained with mustard sauce."

Tony Stark's focus is on Strange's lunch, he actually only eats a simple green salad.

"Oh my friend, what are you eating? Isn't this supposed to be a grown man's lunch? Are you broke? Or are you suffering from some gastrointestinal disease? Why not eat something serious?"

Strange, who was disturbed by lunch, threw down the fork in his hand depressedly, looked up at the people who were either unfamiliar or familiar, and said angrily: "I used to be a doctor, I Advocating healthy eating, in addition, what I want to eat at noon has nothing to do with you!"

"And...what the **** are you doing? Why am I being surrounded by people even at lunch? What the **** is going on? that what you did? Why did you bring a bunch of weird people with you? Are you watching me and Wang having lunch?"

Wang Ye, who had just finished rubbing the mustard sauce, asked with an embarrassed expression, "Yes! So we are now... food anchors?"

Tony glanced at the hot dog with sauce on both sides in disgust, and said contemptuously, "Oh, shut up, you call this delicious food?"

Tony's attitude immediately caused Strange's dissatisfaction. He pointed to Tony and said to Goofy: "Goofy, I don't like your rude friend in iron. I hope you invite him out."

Tony confronted Strange: "Oh, Goofy, I don't like your rude friend with a face longer than a hot dog. I think knowing him has lowered the level of your circle of friends."

Hearing this, Strange raised his finger angrily, he was going to do something, the dignified Supreme Mage is not someone who can be insulted casually.

Tony Stark is not to be outdone, and the energy beams in his hands have begun to converge.

Gao Fei was simply depressed, and made a timely speech to stop the quarrel between these two naive ghosts.

"Stop! You two! Now that the universe is under an unprecedented threat, you two are still in the mood?"

Tony hurriedly dumped the blame: "You heard it too, he was the one who made a rude remark to me first."

Strange argued, "It's obviously you who mocked our food rudely first! Is it your turn to meddle with what I want to eat?"

Tony snorted coldly: "I don't care what you eat, I'm here to save your dog's life!"

"Haha." Strange smiled disdainfully, "I doubt that a person hiding in an iron shell is capable of saving my life?"

"Stop, stop..." Gao Fei knew that as long as these two were still talking, they would quarrel endlessly. After all, both of them were pretentious narcissists. It would be very tricky to have one in this personality team. When people touch one another, there must be a chemical reaction.

He hurried over to tell Strange about the current situation to help him divert his attention.

"It's like this, a crazy alien has just attacked New York, and his purpose is to capture the Infinity Stones..." Gao Fei said, explaining Thanos' plan and his purpose.

Strange glanced down at the Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest, where the Time Stone was left intact.

"In other words, might Thanos come to take my gem?"

"That's it." Goofy nodded, "but I think he might have given up on capturing this gem because he was running out of time."

Reed agreed: "That's right, Thanos used the Chitarians to deceive Goofy first, and then used a second blind method to attack Ravencraft Prison... But when Goofy mastered space magic, The combination of these two tricks won't buy him much time. The time is only enough for him to get the space gem and the mind gem. If he takes the time gem again, then he is likely to be caught by everyone. "

"So Thanos has left?" Strange asked again.

Heimdall answered this question: "At present, he has left the scope of the Nine Realms. I have been searching for a long time, but I have never found any trace of him."

Strange expressed shock at Heimdall's super vision, stared at his golden eyes and said, "You mean... can you see everything in the Nine Realms by standing here?"

"Most cases, not all cases." Heimdall humbly said, "Some special techniques and means can escape my watch."

"This is an amazing ability..." Strange said sincerely.

At this time, Reed walked over and said: "Since Thanos has left the earth, and even left the Nine Realms, does that mean that he is looking for the other two Infinity Stones that are not on the earth? Carrie, the fighting power of these two is higher than that of Thanos. Thanos can use the double-blind method to race against time to grab space gems and mind gems is his limit. If he wants to get other gems, he may have to first. Just improve your strength..."

"I agree with Reed." Tony nodded and said, " Thanos must first look for the two remaining Infinity Stones, and then come back to grab the Reality Stone and Time Stone after his ability improves. Wait, the rest What are the two Infinity Stones?"

Thor said: "One is the power gem, and the other is the soul gem."

"Oh...these gems sound very powerful." Tony said, "Then I think Thanos must have done this. He must have gone looking for those two gems."

"So what do we do now?" Thor asked. "Should we get ahead of Thanos and get those two gems? If we get those two gems early, Thanos won't be able to defeat us. yes, right?"

"Especially the power gem. This gem sounds like a battle-type gem. If Thanos gets the power gem, we will be finished." Loki added quickly.

"Goofy, do you know where the Power Stone is?" Strange looked up at Goofy and asked.

Gao Fei thought for a while: "I don't necessarily know the exact location of the Power Stone, but I probably know where to find out its whereabouts..." The fastest update on the mobile terminal: :

Guardians of the Galaxy.

Friends of the earth floating in space.

Although the timelines of the Guardians of the Galaxy have been tampered with many times since Goofy's crossing, Goofy believes that there is always a magical bond between them and the Power Stone that will lead them to the Power Stone.

"Tony, can I contact the Guardians of the Galaxy?" Goofy asked Tony back.

"Guardians of the Galaxy? You mean... that interstellar biological garden? That team with little raccoons, walking trees, mantises, and ordinary humans?" Tony said sarcastically.

"That's right, that's them." Goofy nodded. "We may be a little far apart, but can you try to reach them? Like... send them a signal or something?"

"It's a bit difficult." Tony frowned, "but I can give it a try. You're trying to get clues to the power gems from them, right?"

"Of course." Goofy nodded, "I think they have been wandering in the universe all the year round. They must know the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones better than we do."

"Well...that's a good idea, I'll try it now," Tony said.

And now that Thanos has left New York and Earth, of course Goofy doesn't need to stay in the New York Temple anymore.

He nodded back to Strange, then pointed to the salad on his coffee table.

"Go ahead and eat, sorry for disturbing your lunch."

Strange pouted: "It doesn't matter, I don't have any appetite these days anyway."

Wang Ze had already swallowed the hot dog, wiped his mouth and said with a smile, "It's okay, you must have seen it, you didn't disturb me for lunch."

Gao Fei laughed: "That's good, that's good..."

After withdrawing from the New York Temple, Tony Stark returned to the Stark Building to count the casualties.

As Thanos himself said, he does not have too much obsession with killing, and he is not willing to rashly make killings, so the employees of Stark Tower were not injured, but the two security guards suffered minor injuries.

Of course, the Mind Stone was indeed stolen by Thanos. There is no doubt about it. The surveillance video shows that Thanos appeared in a blue light, then injured two security guards, dismantled four steel robots, and broke into the secret room directly. Open the safe and take the Mind Stone.

And after getting the Mind Stone, Thanos didn't stay, opening the Space Stone and teleporting himself to another place.

Of course, the location of this teleportation should be outside the Nine Realms, because Heimdall can no longer see his location.

The next thing to do is to wait until Tony gets in touch with the Guardians of the Galaxy before Goofy can move on, which is obviously not something that can be done right away, which means that Thanos bought himself some time.

Leaving Stark Building, Goofy went to Ravencraft Prison, which was invaded by Obsidian.

The scene was a mess, the two walls of the prison were directly blown up, and more unfortunately, thirteen jailers who had been injected with the Green Goblin reagent died tragically under the hands of the third general of Obsidian. This is already one of the few injections in New York. The enhanced person who has passed the Green Goblin Reagent.

They are the first batch of employees who were recruited by Gao Fei to Ravencraft Prison. They also have a complicated and profound relationship with Gao Fei. Seeing these people die tragically under the hands of the Obsidian General, Gao Fei is inevitably saddened. .

But fortunately, Ole didn't have an accident. This guy was lucky to escape, but even if he saved his life, the scythe of the dead blade general scared him to a nervous breakdown. After get off work, he made an appointment for himself as soon as possible. a psychiatrist.

It was already night after dealing with the deceased, and Gao Fei called the families of the deceased one by one.

Hanging up the last call, Goofy was just about to leave the prison and go home. When he looked back and saw the lights in the prison, he suddenly realized that there was an important person in Ravencraft prison.

It's not the ebony throat of the five obsidian generals, that guy is already like a corpse, the important person is Thanos' adopted daughter Nebula, and the blue sister that Gamora, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, is very concerned about.

"Sister Blue and Gamora are both cyborgs who have been transformed by Thanos, and their bodies have certain robot attributes. Maybe they can be connected? That way I don't need Tony to search for a needle in a haystack. Guardians of the Galaxy?"

Goofy made up his mind, turned and walked towards Nebula's cell.

But after he detained Nebula for so long, he was not sure that Nebula would sincerely cooperate with him, so Gao Fei did not take it lightly, but raised a hundred vigilance.

Walking to the door of Nebula's imprisonment unit, Gao Fei took the lead to remove the mute system of the imprisonment unit, and then lifted the shielding cover. Gao Fei saw Blue Sister Nebula sitting calmly inside.

"Hello, Nebula." Gao Fei greeted.

Nebula was quite indifferent to Gao Fei, neither raising his head nor responding.

Gao Fei smiled awkwardly, and then said: "I know that there is no relationship between us, and even you regard me as an enemy, but now I can give you a chance to cooperate with me, if the cooperation is pleasant, I can put Get out of here."

Hearing this sentence, Nebula's eyes lit up.

No one wants to be a prisoner forever. Only those who have lost their freedom know how happy it is to regain their freedom.

Although she doesn't like Gao Fei, and even hates Gao Fei for keeping her in this dark prison, but if there is a chance to escape, she will choose to cooperate with Gao Fei without hesitation.

"How to cooperate, don't you think?" Nebula immediately opened his mouth and asked in a low voice.

Perhaps because she hadn't spoken for a long time, she seemed a little stumbling when she spoke.

Gao Fei went straight to the point: "Today, Obsidian is coming to Earth, and they are trying to rob Ebony Maw. Of course, Thanos is coming too."

" Thanos came to Earth?" Nebula's eyes widened suddenly, and she asked Gao Fei carefully, and she could see that the depths of her pupils showed fear of Thanos.

But after a while, Nebula gently shook his head again.

"No... If Thanos came to the earth, then the earth would not be what it is now... Thanos is a disaster, a destruction... If he really comes to the earth, then half of the life on the earth will be destroyed!"

Gao Fei couldn't help but smile, shook his head and said, "No, Nebula, you look down on Thanos too much..."

"If Thanos came to the earth three years ago, then the earth may really experience an unprecedented catastrophe as you said, maybe Thanos can do whatever he wants here, wantonly slaughtering half of the lives..."

"But now, the earth has become powerful. The earth is sheltered by powerful cosmic-class warships. The earth is guarded by a group of superheroes who have received formal training. Of course, the most important thing is the earth and me."

"If Thanos dared to appear in front of me now, I would reach out and squeeze his purple potato head without hesitation. Oh, by the way, you don't seem to know what a purple potato is. It is a vegetable that looks like a Thanos' head is exactly the same."

Nebula was stunned by Gao Fei's arrogant words. Could it be that Gao Fei's ability has really changed by leaps and bounds during this period of time, so strong that even Thanos can tear it apart?

She thought it was unlikely, Goofy must be bragging.

But when she looked into Gao Fei's eyes, she found that Gao Fei didn't seem to be bragging.

But soon she no longer tangled, because entangled with these things is useless, the most important thing for Nebula now is to get out of here, get out of this **** Ravencraft prison.

"In any case, I suggest you not to underestimate Thanos. He is brewing a plan, a plan to destroy half of the universe..." Nebula said.

"I know." Goofy smiled. "Gather all six Infinity Stones and snap your fingers, right?"

"Huh?" Nebula was a little surprised. She didn't expect Thanos' plot to be known to Gao Fei, but she quickly regained her composure and nodded, "Yes, so you must stop him as soon as possible. By the way, you What do you want to work with me on?"

Goofy said: "Now Thanos is collecting the Infinity Stones, and I need to get in touch with the Guardians of the Galaxy so that I can stop him better. You and Gamora are sisters, do you have any contact information between the sisters? ?"

"Gamora? Sisters?" Nebula sneered, "We are not related by blood at all. It would be more correct to say that we are competitors who grew up together... We are not sisters at all."

Goofy said: "I don't care if you are sisters or not. What I care about is whether you have Gamora's contact information. If you can contact Gamora now, then I can give you back your freedom immediately."

Nebula: "I really have it."

Gao Fei: "Then contact her immediately."

"Understood." Nebula nodded, then pressed a small button behind her ear, and then the back of her head was automatically opened, and an antenna-like thing stuck out.

Drop drop…

The weird electronic sound went on for a while, and then a loud noise came from a certain part of Nebula's head.

"Blah blah blah blah blah..."

"Gamora? Gamora?" Nebula asked quickly.

However, what came from the other side was not Gamora's voice, but a man's voice.

"Gamora was taken! Gamora was taken!!"

Gao Fei hardly needed to distinguish it to hear the voice of Star Lord, and the guy's tone seemed to be very flustered now.

"Star Lord, is that you, Star Lord?"

Without waiting for Nebula to answer, Gao Fei had a direct conversation with Star-Lord.

As soon as the opposite side heard Gao Fei's voice, he immediately became more excited: "Goo Fei! Gao Fei! Is that you? Goofy! I am Star Lord! I am Star Lord!"

"Tell me your location, tell me your current situation." Goofy said.

"We are on Xandar! We are on Xandar! Gamora's father, the evil cosmic warlord Thanos invaded Xandar, we came to support them, but Thanos' military power is too powerful~www. We are no match for him at all..."

"The Xandar star was lost, it was bloodbathed, there were wrecks of spaceships, battleships, and corpses everywhere, and it became a death star... We were also hit hard..."

"Groot sacrificed to protect us! He sacrificed! The raccoon had an ear blown off! Drax the Destroyer went to Thanos all by himself! Gamora was captured by Thanos... "

"It's all over... it's all over..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei's heart suddenly became half cold.

It seems that Thanos is a real multi-threaded battle this time, and the battles he manipulates are not the only ones that Goofy has seen before.

The Chitauri of Temple No. 1 attacked the dwarves of Nidavi, this is only the first line of Thanos, the purpose is to attract the guardian of the Nine Realms to fly high;

Obsidian's attack on New York's Ravencraft Prison is Thanos' second line to grab the attention of Earth's superheroes;

The third line of Thanos is the space gem and the mind gem on the earth. He used the time difference to grab the two most weakly defended infinite gems, the space gem and the mind gem, and then used the mobility of the space gem to teleport quickly. to Xandar;

The Xandar star is the fourth line of the Thanos battle. It should be his other cosmic-class battleship Temple II (that is, the one at the beginning of Thor 3 Easter Egg and Avengers 3) and the one who launched the invasion here. His other army of Vanguard, after Thanos got two Infinity Stones, he will be invincible on the battlefield of Xandar...

As for the reason why Thanos attacked Xandar, of course, there is a very important power gem among the Infinity Stones kept there.

Now that Xandar has fallen, there is no doubt that Thanos has obtained his third Infinity Stone Power Stone.

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