American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 733: Lost Guardians of the Galaxy

Hearing Xing-Lord's statement in the communicator, Nebula's demeanor became extremely frightened. She was extremely afraid of her vicious and cruel father Thanos, but now she learned that Thanos had blood-washed Xandar, which made her even more terrified. shivering.

" Thanos got the Infinity Stones... Thanos has more and more Infinity Stones... He's going to be very powerful, he's going to be invincible... We're done, we're all done..."

Nebula said tremblingly.

And Goofy's focus is on the Guardians of the Galaxy who paid a heavy price - the poor and heroic Groot finally gave his life to protect his teammates. Of course, he will return as a sapling next;

Gamora was captured by Thanos. She has important clues about the Soul Gem, so Thanos will definitely not let her go. Catching Gamora is equivalent to finding the Soul Gem;

Drax the Destroyer has always been a Tie Hanhan with brute strength. He often does things that cannot be measured by reason when he is hot on the battlefield. It is reasonable to disappear on the battlefield this time;

As for the injury on the raccoon, the price is relatively small...

Gao Fei raised his hand to shut up the chattering Nebula, and then said to Star-Lord: "Listen, Star-Lord, Thanos is very dangerous now, and it's not something you can stop the Guardians of the Galaxy, he has at least all of it in his hands. Three Infinity Stones, which will greatly increase his ability..."

"I know! I know!" Star-Lord said loudly, "I regret it too! I regret coming to support Xandar now. We are looking for Drax. After finding him, we will rescue Gamora, as long as we rescue Kamora. Mora, let's get out of here right now!"

"Don't go to save Gamora, you can't save Gamora, Star-Lord, you have to calm down, come to Earth and see us after you find Drax, and then we will go to rescue Gamora together. , Only by joining forces can we defeat Thanos, and you will anger him and cause serious consequences if you go by yourself." Gao Fei advised.

"But...but..." Star-Lord's mood picked up again, and this guy could easily lose his mind as soon as he got up.

"Star-Lord, do you remember what happened when you fought Egg on Earth? Do you remember that you ruined our plan and half of your hometown as soon as you got up?" Goofy Shen said.

It was really useful to mention this matter, Star-Lord forced two deep breaths, and then became calmer.

"I... I still remember." Star Lord said.

"Very good." Goofy said, "Last time you lost your mind and destroyed half a town, but this time, once you lose your mind, you are very likely to kill Gamora, you want to kill Gamora Is it? Star-Lord?"

"Of course I don't want to!" Star-Lord immediately said loudly.

"Then hurry back to Earth to join us, and then find a way to save Gamora." Goofy said.

"But..." Star-Lord hesitated, "But Goofy, are you sure you can save Gamora? Are you sure that as long as we join forces, you can save Gamora from Thanos?"

"Of course I'm not sure." Goofy said, "But what I can be sure of is that if you don't come to join us, but go straight to Thanos, you won't be able to rescue Gamora, and you'll even get on board. more lives."

Hearing this, Star-Lord pondered for a while, and finally made a rational decision.

"Well then, Goofy, we'll return to Earth to join you as soon as we find Drax...wait for us!"

"Okay, Star-Lord, we will be ready to wait for you." Goofy said.

After finishing speaking, Gao Fei signaled Nebula to hang up the call.

And after hanging up the phone, Nebula looked up at Gao Fei and asked, "Gao Fei, don't you really want to go to Thanos? You said it yourself just now that he now has at least three Infinity Gem, his strength is too strong to defeat, are you really going to find him?"

"Can't beat it?" Gao Fei shook his head and denied, "I don't think Thanos is too strong to be defeated now. Not only does he have Infinity Stones, but the Earth also holds two Infinity Stones, so it's hard to say the outcome..."

"If we give up now, then it is equivalent to handing over the six Infinity Stones to Thanos. When Thanos snaps his fingers, the universe will face catastrophe..."

"But if we fight now, there's still a silver lining in the universe."

Having said this, Gao Fei raised his hand to open Nebula's prison cell, and pointed out: "According to the agreement, I am giving you freedom now. I will not force you to follow us to fight against Thanos, you can find a safe Where to hide and avoid being an enemy of your father. If we fail in the future, you might have a chance to escape that fatal snap of your fingers and get away with it, no?"

Nebula couldn't wait to get out of her cell, she had been looking forward to freedom for a long time.

But after walking out of the cell, Nebula did not leave immediately, she hesitated at the door of the cell, and was also fighting fiercely in her heart.

She also wanted to save the universe and save her sister like a hero. Although she had always hated Gamora, after going through the previous events, she realized that there was an inseparable bond between herself and Gamora...

But she was afraid of Thanos, who had brought her huge fear and shadow since she was a child. Thinking of the burly purple-skinned giant, Nebula had goose bumps all over her body.

She looked at Gao Fei several times, but hesitated to speak, the entanglement in her heart was beyond words.

Gao Fei saw Nebula's hesitation, and immediately shook his head and said: "Forget it, Nebula, you don't need to worry about it, in fact, I don't need you that much. You can join us or choose to give up. For stopping Thanos will not have a decisive impact..."

"So I don't have time to spend here with you anymore, let me decide for you. Get out of here and find a safe place, a place where Thanos will never find you, hide, hide all the way here It's over."

Hearing this, Nebula hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, I can't hide from Thanos, if he wants to find me, he will find me no matter what... So instead of hiding, it's better to follow you, Goofy... Because maybe It's safest to be around you, isn't it?"

Gao Fei looked at Sister Lan helplessly, shrugged his shoulders and accepted: "Well, since you have decided so, then you can join us. But you can't just hang around with me and wait to die, you have to do your best. effect."

"Oh, of course." Nebula said, "Of course I will play a role, of course I will."

Goofy nodded, then pointed in the direction of Manhattan: "Okay, then let's go now, go home and wait for news from the Guardians of the Galaxy, and then figure out what to do next."

Nebula was obedient and followed Goofy out of Ravencraft Prison.

Her incarceration was finally over, and at least it was something to celebrate for her.


Go back and inform the others about the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Goofy waits for them to come to Earth to reunite.

Taking advantage of the traversers, Gao Fei predicted that the next step Thanos is likely to get an important clue of the soul gem from Gamora's hand, and go to Vormir to exchange for the soul gem, and once Thanos makes his trip, it also means that Gamora's death is approaching.

Goofy really wanted to stop Thanos and rescue Gamora, but it wasn't that simple, because even if Goofy knew the Soul Stone was on the planet Vormir, he only knew the name of the planet, not the name of the planet. the exact location of the planet.

There is no perfect cosmic map on the earth, and the coordinates of the destination cannot be obtained by entering the destination name. In addition, Thanos robbed the space gem, Reed lost the strategically powerful teleportation machine, and Goofy was in the It is impossible to cast space magic without being familiar with the destination environment, which means that it is difficult for them to go directly to the planet of Vormir to save Gamora.

If you want to save Gamora, maybe you really have to wait until the Guardians of the Galaxy come to Earth to reunite.

After waiting for more than nine hours, the spacecraft of the Guardians of the Galaxy finally appeared in the solar system. Heimdall reported their appearance for the first time, and then Ultron also got news.

The azure watcher in space put this little spaceship in, the Guardians of the Galaxy landed on the outskirts of New York, and Goofy took Tony, Reed, and Nebula to meet these tragic heroes, even though they lost Xandar A battle on the planet, but this does not affect their hero status in the slightest.

The tattered spaceship landed crookedly on the suburban clearing, and from the scars and bloodstains on it, you could see what a terrifying battle the Guardians of the Galaxy had just experienced.

Thanos' Temple II is by far the largest known battleship in the universe. Compared with Temple II, the Guardians of the Galaxy ship is like a small shrimp next to a blue whale.

After the spaceship landed, the existing members of the Guardians of the Galaxy came out one after another. The first one to emerge was the star-lord with a face full of decline. Goofy felt that he could cry in minutes;

The second one came out was two people, Mantis sister helped Destroyer Drax staggered out of the cabin, it seemed that the Guardians of the Galaxy had found Destroyer, but Destroyer was in a very bad state - his arms were hanging, It looked like it was broken, and his calf was dripping with blood, which should have been shot by some kind of destructive weapon. Mantis Girl is not bad, there are no obvious wounds on her body. As an auxiliary member, there are not many situations that require her to bear the damage;

The last one who came out was the Raccoon Rocket with bandages on his ears. He is in a very bad state now. Usually, he always looks cheap and quizzical, but today he is extremely depressed.

Of course, this depression has nothing to do with his injury. This little animal will not be easily defeated by pain. What really makes him depressed is that he is holding a pot of plants in his hands, a branch planted in a flowerpot.

That's Groot, or more accurately, a part of Groot, who was blown to pieces on Xandar to help them withstand an artillery fire from Templar II, leaving only a few pieces left. The branches are all over the place...

This is the most painful price the Guardians of the Galaxy have paid, and it also makes them have a deep hatred for Thanos.

"Flying high!!"

Rocket Raccoon held the flower pot with Groot, raised his head and roared at Goofy,

"Help us kill Thanos!! Avenge Groot!!"

Gao Fei took heavy steps to face the raccoon, the Guardians of the Galaxy who bravely fought against the invaders and paid a heavy price. He admired this team of fools, experimental animals, Tie Hanhan, and cute girls. And a motley crew consisting of a stupefying tree.

Because even if they knew that they were dying and that they would pay an extremely heavy price, they still did not hesitate to do the right thing. They dared to declare war on evil, dare to burn themselves, and ignite the light of justice...

"I promise you!" Goofy took the flower pot with Groot from Rocket Raccoon, and said solemnly and clearly, word for word, "I will definitely kill Thanos, stop his conspiracy, and give Groot to Groot. revenge!"

Rocket Raccoon's eyes showed a trace of relief after hearing this, but the hatred in his eyes did not weaken at all.

At this time, Star-Lord came over and asked anxiously: "Gao Fei, now we have come to Earth according to your request, we have merged, can we defeat Thanos with our current strength? Can we defeat him? ?"

Thor, the **** of thunder behind him, shook the warhammer in his hand, and said solemnly: "Of course, I promise that with our current combat power, we can beat Thanos to the brink of shit!"

Star-Lord did not trust this exaggerated big man at all, but looked at Gao Fei and asked, "Gao Fei, I want to hear from you, can we defeat Thanos?"

"Of course." Goofy said, "Even if Thanos has three Infinity Stones, our combat power should be able to defeat him. Don't forget, we still have Carrie."

Before he finished speaking, the Rocket Raccoon next to him was already crying: "Woooooo... If the boss follows us, Groot will not sacrifice, the boss will eat the bomb directly, no, she will directly kill the temple Eat number two!"

Star-Lord immediately became excited and said loudly, "Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and take Carrie to Thanos! Kill this guy and save Gamora! We'll do it now!"

However, Goofy asked a thought-provoking question: "Star-Lord, do you know where Thanos is now?"

"I..." Star-Lord was speechless, shook his head after a moment of stunned, "I don't know."

But at this time, he saw Blue Sister Nebula standing behind Gao Fei, and he immediately rekindled hope and said loudly: "Hey! Nebula is here! Blue Sister is here! She is Thanos' daughter and Kamo. La's sister, she must know where Thanos is, right? Sure, right?"

Nebula snorted coldly: "If I knew I said it long ago, why don't you wait until you come to ask me? Thanos is very cunning. He has always tracked us, and we don't want to track him back..."

"This..." Star-Lord's hope of rekindling was finally extinguished, which made him very depressed.

But Nebula is not completely useless, she gave an important clue.

"But I probably know Thanos' intention to take Gamora... A few years ago, Thanos sent Gamora to help him find the Soul Stone in the Infinity Stones, and Gamora seemed to have found the location of the Soul Stone. It was just that time. Gamora disapproved of Thanos' plan to destroy half of life in the universe, so she never said the location of the Soul Stone."

Star-Lord immediately understood what Nebula meant: "You mean! Thanos took Gamora to find the Soul Gem? So now Thanos must take Gamora to the location of the Soul Gem!"

"That's right, it seems that you're not a complete fool..." Nebula whispered.

Star-Lord said loudly: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's hurry up and find the soul gem!"

Nebula couldn't help rolling his eyes: "If I slapped myself in the face, you are still a fool. Gamora didn't tell me the location of the Soul Gem, because she said that the more people who knew the secret, the more likely Thanos would be. Find the soul gem, not to mention she didn't trust me at the time and wouldn't tell me such important information..."

"In other words, I don't know where the soul gem is at all."

After Nebula said this, Star-Lord's expression suddenly collapsed, like a child who went home hungry for dinner and found that his parents didn't cook dinner at all.

Destroyer Drax came over to comfort Star-Lord: "Don't worry, Star-Lord, we will definitely find the location of the Soul Gem, we will definitely find Gamora and rescue her."

"But how do we save it?! How do we find the Soul Stone?" Star-Lord shouted desperately, "Even Thanos doesn't know where the Soul Stone is, only Gamora knows it! And Gamora is certain Won't tell Thanos about the whereabouts of the Soul Stone... which means Gamora will be in danger! Thanos will definitely torture her to get a confession!"

Star-Lord became more and more pessimistic, and the whole person began to tremble nervously: " Thanos is so mad, if he hurts Gamora, I... I will definitely not let him go!"

At this time, Nebula shook his head and said, "Don't think too much about it. To be honest, Thanos has always been good to Gamora, and he may not have the heart to hurt Gamora."

"But look what Thanos did to you! He doesn't look like a good father who spoils his daughter!" Star-Lord said.

"Hmph..." Nebula sneered twice, "I'm just Thanos' most unloved daughter, that guy is a partial father... He takes great care of Gamora, he gave her his most valuable equipment, Passing on her best moves to her, Thanos has always preferred Gamora, since childhood."

"But... this does not guarantee that Gamora is safe and sound, we must find their whereabouts as soon as possible!" Star-Lord said.

"But how to find it? None of us know the location of the Soul Stone!" Rocket Raccoon said loudly.

At this time, Gao Fei stepped forward and shared the message: "Guys, I know the location of the Soul Gem."


This time, Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Nebula, Thor, and Tony Stark all looked at Goofy in shock, because no one expected that Goofy knew the location of the Soul Gem.

But on second thought, Goofy has always been the most powerful of superheroes. He inherited the divine power from Odin, took charge of the mysterious soul world-Hell, and read two great books "Darkness" that recorded all black and white magic. Divine Book" and "Book of Emperor Weishan"... If anyone can know the news that others don't know, then this person can only be Gao Fei.

So no one questioned Gao Fei, and no one asked unnecessarily: "How did you know?"

Everyone watched Gao Fei attentively, waiting for Gao Fei to announce the whereabouts of the Soul Gem.

At this time, Goofy said: "The soul gem is on a planet called Vormir, and it has always been preserved on this planet."

Star-Lord became energized as soon as he heard it, sorted out the firearms on his waist and said, "Then let's go to Vormir Star now!"

Thor, the **** of thunder, was as impatient as Star-Lord, waving Miao Ernil in his hand and said, "I'll help you!"

But Goofy stopped them just in time before the two reckless men could act.

"Wait a minute, two, I have a question before you go—do any of you know the location of Vormir?"

"What?" Star-Lord looked back at Gao Fei in shock and asked, "Goo Fei, do you only know that the Soul Gem is on Vormir, but you don't know where Vormir is?"

Gao Fei nodded and said, "Of course, I have only left Earth four times in my life, and three of them have not gone beyond the scope of the Nine Realms. The third time I went to Saka Star, how could I know where Vormir Star is?"

Star-Lord collapsed, then looked back at Thor and asked, "Then this noble prince..."

Thor quickly corrected: "I'm the king now."

Loki snorted beside him.

"Okay, whatever you want." Star-Lord said, "This noble king, do you know the location of Vormir?"

"Sounds familiar..." Thor said, "but I've probably never been there."

Star-Lord was a little more disappointed, and turned back and asked the raccoon: "Rocket, you have been to so many places, you should know how to get to Vormir, right?"

"..." The raccoon was silent, answering Star-Lord's question.

This time Star-Lord was completely desperate, holding his head and said: "How can this be! We clearly know the whereabouts of Gamora and the location of the Soul Gem, but no one knows the exact coordinates of Vormir Star! We Died on the last step! Why is it so broken?!"

Nebula glared at Xing-Lord in disgust: "You are screaming! It was I who told you where Gamora and Thanos were, and it was Goofy who told you the location of the Soul Gem... I didn't contribute at all from beginning to end. It's obviously you, but now it's where you are making a fuss, you are such a waste!"

"That's right! I'm a waste! I can't even protect Gamora! I'm really a waste!!" Star-Lord was so desperate that he began to give up on shouted, "What kind of man am I? I can't even protect the woman I love! I can't even protect my comrades! I'm a waste!"

Star-Lord became more and more excited as he spoke, his entire face flushed red.

Tony Stark was so irritated by this guy that he desperately gave Goofy a wink. Goofy immediately understood, walked over and punched Star-Lord lightly on the head.


The all-out punch was successfully triggered for the first time, causing Star-Lord to faint on the ground.

"Huh..." Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, "This silly boy is finally quiet."

Drax said loudly: "I almost couldn't resist hacking him to death..."

Nebula rolled her eyes: "How could Gamora fall in love with such a man? If it were me, then I would be willing to be single for the rest of my life."

Goofy shrugged, then turned to Rocket Raccoon: "Hey, little raccoon, do you have any hope of finding Vormir?"

The rocket thought for a while: "I have some previous voyage diaries of interstellar bounty hunters on my spaceship. I can go back and check it out, maybe I can find the records of Vormir..."

Tony said: "I can go back and find the database of the Kree people, maybe the Kree Empire has a description of the Vormir star."

Nebula followed suit: "I can try to track down some old friends from before. They are all of Thanos' cronies. Maybe they follow Thanos to Vormir."

"That's great." Goofy said, "It's up to you to find Thanos in time and rescue Gamora."

At the same time, a middle-aged Asian man in a black robe with ten rings on his hands suddenly appeared in Manhattan, New York.

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