American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 755: civilization on land

Amisha didn't expect that she would die in this way in the end. She thought a long time ago that other sea clans no longer had the ability to kill her.

After all, her body is indestructible, and she has the power of the gods endowed by Akado within her.

But in the end, she still died in the hands of an ordinary sea clan, and the weapon that killed her was also given by Akado - that extremely sharp trident, only the weapon created by the gods can kill the sea clan created by the gods. .

Amisha didn't breathe right away, she struggled in pain for a while after her chest was pierced.

And while she was dying, she seemed to see Akado again.

That mysterious, great **** with supreme power, the master who can completely change her life and completely change the trajectory of the entire sea clan with a wave of her hand.

"Arcado... great Arcador... can I see you again? After I die, can I meet you again somewhere?"

Amisha asked in a low voice, she hoped that Akado would come again like in the past, but this time she failed to do so, and Akado never showed up again.

But at this moment, Akado's question suddenly rang in her ears.

"Amisha, you should think carefully, what do you hate? What exactly do you want to destroy, and what exactly is killing your father and your clan?"

"The immortal empire killed your father and clansmen, and you killed the fathers and clansmen of other sea clans in the immortal empire, so what's the difference between you and the evil immortal empire in your eyes?"

These two sentences kept reverberating in Amisha's mind, making Amisha's thoughts sometimes confused and sometimes clear. She struggled to look at the two children who were still in dreamland, and looked up at herself once deeply. Her beloved and deeply trusted husband, she suddenly had an epiphany, and her whole body twitched!

"It turned out that Akado had reminded me back then! It turned out that Akado had pointed me in the right direction back then!"

"However, I completely ignored Akado's guidance, and did the wrong thing on my own accord. I failed the power of God! I failed Akado!"

After the epiphany, Amisha was finally relieved, she accepted her results, because it was all her own fault.

Looking at the sleeping child who inherited her divine power in the distance, Amisha slowly closed her eyes.

"Children, don't be like your mother, let down the power of God, let down Akado..."

"The road ahead is up to you to go by yourself."

Forty years later.

Bandar and Deco did as their father wished, ending the "hundred-year war" of the sea clan.

As the heirs of the power of God, Bandar and Deco became the two most powerful heroes in the sea clan.

Bandar inherited Amisha's strength and bravery, and Deco inherited Amisha's agility and wisdom. The two brothers started from the "fish chaser" tribe and unified dozens of communities in the central waters. They headed towards the northern seas again and completely unified the sea clan.

Although the number of the sea clan at this time has been reduced by a full nine-tenths compared to a hundred years ago, the heyday of the immortal empire, the new kingdom established by Bandar and Deco brothers is also prosperous and powerful.

They divided the territories in the sea to the lords of the tribes who first came to them, allowing them to continue their lives in communities, and then combined these communities to form a whole, and called this united new empire "" Peace Coalition".

Bandar and Deco, who have the most powerful strength in the sea clan, are believed to be gods!

The elder brother Bandar is called the **** of war, while the younger brother Deco is called the **** of wisdom. The two are both the spiritual leader of the sea tribe and the supreme ruler of the Peace Alliance.

After the war and turmoil, the brothers lived a leisurely life. The older brother Bandar took his clan to hunt at sea every day, while the younger brother began to think about other things.

On this day, when Bandar returned from hunting, Deco suddenly came to his room. He brought two excellent warrior fruits to celebrate his brother who returned with a full reward.

The two brothers were eating and chatting, and Deco suddenly asked.

"Dear brother, do you still remember the story of our mother?"

"Shut up! Deco!" Bandar suddenly changed color, "If my father hears it, he will be furious! Mother's affairs are taboo, don't talk about it!"

"Wake up, brother, my father has long been old and doesn't care about world affairs." Deco smiled, "This matter is no longer a secret, our mother is a sinner, the death **** who killed most of the sea clan—Ah Misha."

"What on earth are you trying to do? Deco! I don't think it's right to discuss this matter! Our brothers tried their best to win the trust and respect of the sea clan, and we managed to make them gradually forget that our mother is God of Death... Once you wake up the memory of the Sea Clan, our prestige will continue to decline!" Bandar said in a deep voice.

"It's just that we say it ourselves, what can the sea clan know?" Deco laughed, he took a bite of the warrior fruit, his face became brighter, and he continued, "Our strength comes from our mother, and according to the elders Said that the combined strength of the two of us is not as good as one-tenth of the mother's..."

"Because our father was mortal, he defiled the power of the gods of our mother..."

"And mother's divine power comes from infinite power. Akado, who created the sea clan, is just like mother's trident..."

Hearing this, Bandar was already a little impatient: "What are you trying to say? Deco!"

"I want to say, if we have the opportunity to see Akado again, can we become stronger? Akado is the source of the power of the Sea Race God, and he can give us everything we want!"

Hearing this suggestion, Bandar's expression immediately turned serious.

Although he did not inherit extraordinary wisdom from Amisha, it does not mean that he is a fool.

He knew that Deco was right. Akado was indeed the source of divine power. As long as there was Akado's help, the Sea Clan would definitely be able to prosper.

If you can see Akado again, then this is a major event that will change the fate of the entire sea clan!

"You're right, Deco, you're right."

Bandar agreed with his brother and said,

"I will issue an order tomorrow to summon the most powerful warriors and most beautiful women of our sea tribe to go to the extreme southern seas, build temples and altars there, and pray to the gods..."

"We are more devout than our mother, and we shall call upon Akado day and night..."

"Until Akado comes again, granting happiness and prosperity to our Sea Clan and our Peaceful Alliance!"


Goofy, who was sitting in the living room eating pizza with Carrie, suddenly gained a lot of faith, which made him realize that the new empire of the Sea Clan was finally taking shape.

After he gave Amisha his divine power, he left the pocket universe and went out to eat, and he had not had time to see the next plot.

"Empowering gods seems to work."

Gao Fei was very satisfied in his heart, but he didn't dare to expose it too much. Otherwise, if the girl sitting across from him threw a mind-reading technique, the secret of Gao Fei's nurturing pocket universe would have to be revealed.

After eating the pizza, Carrie wiped her hands and went out to go shopping with Skye. Manhattan is far more prosperous than Brooklyn's Canarsie, and it is simply a shopping paradise for two girls.

After Carrie left, Goofy packed up the scraps and returned to the pocket universe.

After a long period of evolution, the blue star at this time has changed again.

The sea level continued to drop, the atmospheric circulation and water circulation system gradually stabilized, the blue ocean area changed from almost 100% to 80%, and more land surfaced.

Gao Fei looked at the deep sea and found that the original immortal empire no longer existed. At this time, a federal state unified the sea area, and various communities, large and small, combined into a huge alliance empire.

The funny thing is that the most prosperous city of this alliance empire is not in the central sea area with extremely rich material resources, nor in the northern sea area with a very pleasant climate, but in the extreme southern sea area with harsh environment and cold sea water.

In the far-flung southern seas, there are the largest number of sea clans, who build cities, build nests, and even make sculptures here.

At the southernmost tip of the extreme south, two sculptures stand next to a patch of withered coral.

These two sculptures have been processed here for hundreds of years, they are called Bandar and Deco respectively.

According to legend, these two people are the founders of the current alliance kingdom. One of them is the **** of war of the sea clan, and the other is the **** of wisdom of the sea clan.

Their mother is Amisha, the **** of death of the sea tribe, but because Amisha has a very bad reputation among the people of the sea tribe, she was not enshrined in a statue.

In the upper position of the two sculptures, there is a taller and grander sculpture. This sculpture carves a creature that is completely different from the sea creatures. He has the head and torso of the sea tribe, and the huge claws like a giant shrimp. , and the tentacles of a deep-sea troll.

He is Akado, the most powerful **** in the myth of the sea clan, the controller of life and death, the omniscient and almighty creator.

But among the sea clan, the only person who was fortunate enough to have seen Akado was Amisha, the **** of death. Amisha, the **** of death, once called herself Akado's daughter, but she did not leave any description of Akado's appearance. So much so that the sea clan can only piece together the various organs of the most powerful creatures in the ocean to form the current Akado.

When Goofy saw this strange and inexplicable sculpture of Akado, he burst into laughter on the spot.

"Damn it, this is too abstract...Is this what I look like in your Sea Clan's heart?"

But no matter what the sculpture itself looks like, it is enough to give Gao Fei a steady stream of beliefs. At least the current alliance kingdom is stronger and more open than the previous immortal empire.

And Gao Fei's divine power has also been passed down among the children of Bandar and Deke brothers. After hundreds of years of reproduction, there are now thousands of royal descendants and illegitimate sons of the royal family in the sea clan. God's power.

It's just that the power of the gods is constantly diluted by the blood of ordinary sea clan, and there is no energy that destroys the world like Amisha.

As for the indestructible Amisha's halberd, it changed its name and became the symbol of the king of the alliance kingdom with the title of "Trident of Kings", which was governed by the kings of all dynasties.

After walking around in the sea, Gao Fei decided to go to the land to have a look.

After all, as sea levels fall, the land area on the Blue Star is getting bigger and bigger.

It has been a long time since the birth of life, and life in the ocean should indeed develop on land.

Gao Fei's judgment was correct, there was indeed life on land at this time.

The first thing he saw was a gigantic reptile that was currently at the top of the terrestrial food chain.

Using the time gem to trace back its evolutionary history, Gao Fei discovered that these reptiles actually share a common ancestor with the sea clan - the ancestors of the sea clan were eels similar to water snakes, and the ancestors of this reptile were also eels.

Some eels were transformed by Goofy and gradually evolved into creatures with advanced intelligence.

But another part of the eels failed to get the gift of the creator, and could only evolve slowly according to the laws of nature.

By a very accidental chance, they evolved muscle tissue that can discharge electricity, which is very similar to the electric eel on Earth, except that the electric eel on the Blue Star appeared earlier.

With the ability to discharge, these eels can kill all directions in the water, and any prey they meet will be directly electrocuted by them, and there is no way to fight back.

With this terrifying ability, these electric eels could have become the strongest killers in the ocean. Even the sea clan who have gradually gained wisdom would be helpless in the face of these terrifying killers who are good at releasing electricity remotely.

Fortunately, the sea area where the sea clan lives is deeper deep-sea waters, and the food resources in the shallow-sea waters are more abundant. In order to catch more prey, the electric eels gradually develop from the deep-sea waters to the shallow-sea waters. Desperate prey Being forced to the shore by these big guys who can discharge electricity, the electric eel also followed the prey to the shore.

After landing, electric eels changed from fish to amphibians and then to reptiles.

They evolved lungs for breathing, strong quads and sharp claws.

The electric eel turned into a large lizard, and the **** of the land gradually changed from the ocean to the land, but until it completely evolved into a reptile, these big men who were originally electric eels did not realize an embarrassing problem.

Although it still retains the ability to discharge, the ability to discharge can only have a greater effect in water, because water can be used to conduct electricity, but air cannot.

As a result, the electric eel bosses who were killing all directions in the ocean turned into lizards, but became weak chickens, and their hunting ability plummeted, which led to changes in their status, and they were even on the verge of extinction.

Until one day, by chance, a group of lizards came to a brand new habitat.

In these habitats there are some unique fruits that exude an intoxicating aroma.

The hunting ability has declined, and the lizard bosses who have not had prey for a long time can't care about their picky eaters, so they began to feast on them. They devoured a lot of this wonderful fruit and filled their stomachs.

Soon the food breaks down in their belly, and a chemical reaction occurs, which produces a magical gas with a strong odor.

The gas-filled lizards in their abdominal cavity began to burp continuously. At first, they only burped passively, but they gradually mastered this way of expelling gas, and over time, they were able to spit out the gas in their abdominal cavity proficiently.

And at a certain moment, a certain bored lizard had a whim when it spewed gas, and used the energy of its own discharge.

When the foul-smelling gas sprayed from its mouth left its mouth, it happened to encounter a small spark formed by the electric current released by its cheeks, and at this moment, a fiery flame rolled forward and sprayed out!

The lizard boss was startled, and instinctively stepped back. It had never seen this hot, brightly colored thing, but its intuition told it that this strange thing was more dangerous than the electric current it was good at releasing. !

As time goes on, more and more lizard bosses have discovered this magical thing - when they release an electric current when they exhale gas, a fiery flame will be ejected out of their mouths.

At first they didn't know it was their own power, but after a while they finally understood - it was the second power that nature gave them, a power stronger than electrical discharge.

On land, the lethality of this divine power is incomparably huge.

So a group of huge, sharp-toothed, fire-breathing lizards capable of spitting fire from their mouths was born!


Contrary to the group of electric eels that hang all the way, the descendants of the sea tribe who fled to the land seem much unlucky.

They were all lucky people who lived in the Immortal Empire without worrying about food and drink. Who would have thought that one day they would be hunted down by a terrifying woman who was single-handedly and armed with a trident, and fled to the shallow sea and the shore.

Because the process of these sea tribes leaving the sea is too short, it makes it difficult for them to quickly adapt to the environment on land. Even if the body structure of the sea tribe can be suitable for life on land, their landing career is still full of ups and downs.

When Gao Fei discovered the traces of these sea tribe descendants on land, they were all on the verge of extinction. The lower body with huge tail fins could gallop freely in the ocean, but it became a huge burden once it arrived on land.

Seeing these sea clan struggling desperately, Gao Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, I originally planned to build a higher civilization on land, so I'll help these unfortunate sea clan and let them live on land..."

Thinking of this, Gao Fei turned on the ability to manipulate the microstructure. He buried the mutated genes directly into the bodies of these sea clans so that their next generation could better adapt to the terrestrial environment.

After ten years, the next generation of sea clans on land were born one after another, and to their parents' shock, the children of these sea clans looked very different from their parents.

Although their upper bodies are similar, their lower bodies have undergone strange changes - the huge tail and tail fins that were originally iconic of the sea clan disappeared, replaced by two slender legs.

The first mutated child born was regarded as an evil spirit. Before the child's mother could take a good look at him, he was taken out by the terrified clansmen and dropped off the cliff and fell to his death.

The second mutated child could not escape the same fate, and this strange mutation was seen as an ominous symbol.

The fear of mutation shrouded the entire community in shadows, and the elders even speculated whether the entire community was being targeted by demons.

For the conservative and timid sea tribe, the mutated baby is a symbol of bad luck, and they will never realize that the mutated legs are actually the key to help the sea conquer the continent.

When the third child was still in the womb, his mother and father began to worry about whether he was also a mutant. After all, two children in the community had already been executed as demons, and they did not want their own children to end up in the same way— Even if he really is a mutant "demon".

In a twinkling of an eye, it was time for the baby to be born. The child's father was nervously put away from the tent, and the mother bit a dead tree tightly, trying not to make any noise.

After three hours of torment, the baby was born.

As they expected - this newborn baby is still a mutant.

"Let's escape!" the child's father whispered, looking at the child's mother anxiously, "I can't let them kill our child."

The baby's mother nodded weakly, but how could she escape in her current state?

The persistent husband took his wife and baby to the forest outside the colony, but was soon discovered by the rest of the colony. After a chase, the baby's mother fell heavily into the grass.

"Let's go and live with the child."

"I'm here to hold back the clansmen..."

That's when the baby's mother said the last word to their father and son, after which she was caught by the clan, tortured, and finally tortured to death.

The father of the child fled the community with the baby and lived alone in the forest, and their behavior gave hope to the other tribes, because there was no pair of parents who did not want their children to live.

Over the next few decades, more and more imitators, every pregnant couple will find a way to escape the village.

They don't believe in the elders in the village who call mutated babies "devils". They firmly believe that those children are a gift from God, and they have learned to be smart. They no longer wait for the children to be born before fleeing. Once they find out that their wife is pregnant, their husbands take them with them. She escapes this horrific community...

As a result, in the surrounding woods, more and more exiled sea clans who acted alone appeared. They lived in family units. At first, they only worked independently, but as these independent sea clans increased, they gradually gathered together.

At this time, the first generation of "mutated" children have grown They have become strong and intelligent, and the grown-up "mutated sea clan" found that the body structure of two legs is very suitable for Living on land, they can not only move fast on the ground, but even climb trees.

As these "mutated" sea clans became more and more, they formed a new community, and because they were able to move more quickly on land, they hunted almost all the nearby forests.

The unmutated sea clan in the original community completely lost their food source under the fierce competition. Their clansmen starved to death one after another, or were chased and killed by other hungry beasts in the forest.

When the brand-new and mutated sea clans marched inland in groups, those who originally regarded them as evil, conservative and ignorant sea clans were completely forgotten in this barren land. , they could have nurtured a new generation to grow up, and rely on these god-given children to live a happier and more stable life, but unfortunately they have never overcome their inherent prejudice and fear of the unknown.

When the new sea clan established their homes in the far inland, these elders died silently in the long-abandoned villages. As the wind and rain washed away, they rotted into dry bones...

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