American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 756: tree of life in the forest

The mutated new generation of sea clan gradually moved away from their hometown of the sea, they came to the inland, and lived in the inland.

As they became more familiar with their environment, they gradually discovered that their body structure was more suited to land than sea.

"Maybe it wasn't the devil who changed us, but the gods?" One of the wise sea clan had such an idea in his heart, "The gods pity us that the sea clan could not survive on land, and this changed our appearance."

But immediately a sea clan refuted him: "God brings only destruction and disaster, and his essence is no different from the devil!"

Because his ancestors once told them that the daughter of the gods appeared from the southernmost point of the sea with a trident, and death followed her wherever she went. Thousands of sea people died tragically under her trident.

If it weren't for this so-called "god", they wouldn't have to leave their hometowns and leave the fertile seas, and they wouldn't have to work so hard to leave the ocean, set foot on land, and almost die on the shore...

For the "sea clan" on land, gods are the most dangerous and evil things. They can only believe in themselves, and only themselves will not hurt themselves.

After a few more generations, these sea tribes have completely taken root on land, and they look back on their history and feel that they should no longer call themselves "sea tribes".

"When we are separated from the ocean, we can no longer call ourselves the sea clan. What's more, we have mutated. The original sea clan regarded us as the descendants of demons, and regarded us as an ominous omen... The sea clan will never recognize us, we are still Change your name." An elder suggested.

"Yes, we are out of the ocean, we are no longer a sea clan."

"We don't need the recognition of the sea clan, we are a brand new race."

"Why bother with the sea clan? The daughter of the gods came to the ocean, I think the sea clan must have been slaughtered by her..."

Many people followed the second, and the proposal to change the name was officially passed.

After everyone's discussion, it was finally decided that the new name of this group should be called "Children of the Earth".

They feel that the earth has given them new life and the ability to walk on two legs. Their new life is a gift from the land, so they should call themselves "children of the earth".

At the same time, Gao Fei, who was standing in the corner of the universe watching all this, just smiled lightly, and did not intervene any more.

The sea clan on the land... no, now they are the children of the earth.

The land children of the earth lived in forests and grasslands, and they gradually mastered more complex tools and were able to build houses with high busts.

Living in these houses, they were sheltered from the wind and rain and protected from wild beasts, which gave them a sense of security and allowed them to form tribes stronger than ever before.

The more and more powerful sons of the earth became more ambitious, they spread their hunting grounds from forests and grasslands to the distance, they conquered more and more beasts, and picked more and more fruits.

Until one day, when their tribe was over a mountain, the best hunters of the tribe encountered a strange beast that made them fear in the bottom of their hearts.

The beast in front of him has a huge body, rough skin, strong limbs, and a huge head.

This beast opened its mouth wide, and it was estimated that it could swallow the heads of two hunters in one bite.

But the brave sons of the earth were not timid. They waved the long swords in their hands and attacked the fierce monsters in front of them.

They have hunted even bigger monsters, because the Earthborn are smarter than these monsters, they can work in teams, and they can use complex weapons.

They firmly believe that the monster in front of them is just huge, and it has no other advantages.

But at this moment, the terrifying monster made a strange sound, and then the foul smell gradually spread out. The next second, all hunters did not expect that the monster's mouth actually spewed out a flaming mass of burning. of fire.

That is something that only the children of the earth can witness when the thunder strikes. It is a very dangerous thing that can make people die instantly!

But the monster in front of him just spewed out, and the raging fire swept over the body of every hunter.

And the monster obviously didn't mean to let them go. It opened its mouth wide, and the fire struck again.

One after another, the fire swept towards the hunters, burning and killing the best hunters of the Son of Earth on the spot. Only the hunters standing in the distance escaped in time and were lucky enough to get their lives back. None of the hunters in the front row survived.

Soon this bad news spread among the tribe of the Son of Earth. It is said that there is a huge fire-breathing monster on the mountain side, which can wipe out a team of the best hunters in an instant.

Surprisingly, this news did not bring fear among the tribe of the Son of the Earth, but instead made countless hunters rush towards the mountain one after another.

After sweeping forests and grasslands one after another, the children of the earth have become more and more proud. Now they just want to prove their bravery and strength, and those so-called fire-breathing monsters are obviously the best to prove their bravery. The way.

But soon they found that they were too arrogant, these fire-breathing monsters were more powerful than they thought, and the flames they spewed could easily kill an entire team of hunters.

Team after team was wiped out in front of the fire-breathing monster, and the number of children of the earth was getting smaller and smaller. The painful lesson calmed these arrogant guys, and they finally realized that they have not defeated these fire-breathing monsters. The strength of the fire monster.

At this time, the children of the earth finally decided to slow down the pace of attacking the fire-breathing monsters and carefully think about the way to defeat them, because it was obvious that their weapons could not defeat those terrifying monsters at all.

Under the confusing behavior of the Son of Earth's frequent death, the salamanders instead received an important message - these guys with weapons and chatter seem to be good food.

At the beginning, the children of the earth would go to the salamander's territory to die in groups every three to five years, which made the salamanders have enough food to eat without taking the initiative to hunt. Later, the children of the earth finally stopped seeking death, and the salamanders could only take the initiative to attack Go for these stupid but tasty guys.

So the first salamander invasion began. They descended from the ridge and sneaked into the village of the sons of the earth. They sprayed flames and burned the houses made of wood by the sons of earth to ashes with ease.

The previous children of the earth may have realized that salamanders are invincible monsters to them, but that was only when the salamanders did not take the initiative to attack. Now when the salamanders come to the village, they realize that the salamanders are more than invincible. Monsters, they are simply the embodiment of death, the end of the children of the earth.

Under the ravages of salamanders, more than half of the children of the earth died in the raging fire. They could only quickly escape from the village and flee to a more distant place, so as to avoid the fate of being killed...

Seeing this, Gao Fei couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"These salamanders are a bit strong... I didn't expect that natural mutation can create such a balance-breaking species..."

"They are comparable to the dinosaurs on the earth. They are completely rulers in the food chain. Other species have no ability to compete with them. Only asteroids hit the earth to wipe out those terrifying behemoths..."

Thinking of this, Gao Fei suddenly became suspicious.

"Is the disaster of the asteroid hitting the earth really an accident? Or is there some mysterious force that wants to readjust the balance of the earth's natural world, which forcibly deleted the bug-level species like dinosaurs?"

Then Gao Fei was amused by his own thoughts, maybe it was just a baseless brain hole of his.

Looking down at Blue Star, time has moved back a hundred years.

The provocation of the earth child not only made the salamander realize that the earth child is a stupid, weak, but delicious food, but also made the salamander realize its own strength.

The original salamanders only lived in their habitats in the deep mountains. They had no intention of expanding their territories. Later, in order to hunt down those sons of the earth who were provocative, they walked out of the deep mountains and came to forests and grasslands.

Later, these big guys with limited IQ found that forests and grasslands had more abundant material resources and more prey, and this became their paradise, and they moved their habitats out of the mountains.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and soon these big guys realized that they were not in harmony with nature. Although their ability to shoot flames was very useful in hunting, they were very unfriendly to forests and grasslands. By igniting forests and grasslands and causing unstoppable fires, these massive monsters became arsonists wandering around, and the damage to nature was enormous.

In the hundred years since the salamanders walked out of the mountains, the vegetation on the Blue Star land has been severely damaged. If these monsters continue to be ravaged, then the Blue Star's ecological circle will completely collapse.

At that time, everything that Gao Fei had worked so hard to build would be thrown into flames. This was the scene he least wanted to see.

"What should I do? How can I limit these arson monsters?"

Gao Fei asked himself and thought about countermeasures.

"Strengthen the children of the earth again, let them have more powerful power, and slaughter the salamanders?"

Gao Fei shook his head. He didn't like the pride and conceit of the children of the earth. He thought that if they were given the same divine power as the sea clan, these arrogant children of the earth could only cause greater disasters.

Looking at the forest that was about to be burnt down, Gao Fei had a bold idea.

"Why can't the forest save itself? Why can't the trees have the ability to resist? Everything has animism, and plants should also have souls."

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Gao Fei's face. He clenched his fists and used the space gem to come to the oldest and densest tropical rainforest in the depths of the Blue Star Continent.

Although the footsteps of salamanders have not yet come here, they have moved towards this tropical rainforest. Once they ignite the first plants here, the damage they cause will be immeasurable.

Goofy has to stop this.

Walking all the way to the depths of the tropical rainforest, there are hardly any smooth roads underfoot, the plants below the knees are covered with damp dew, and the deep grass is lurking insects and reptiles with deadly venom.

But Gao Fei is not afraid of these. He has Asgard's divine power to protect his body, not to mention that his divine power has become stronger after receiving the continuous admiration of the Sea Clan.

He seems to be just an illusion floating in the forest. Any creatures that try to attack him will honestly retreat after touching his divine power. Even if these creatures have no intelligence, they can feel offend Goofy. will bring them annihilation and death.

After fifteen minutes or so of searching, Goofy finally saw the target he was going to visit on this journey.

It was a towering tree with a lifespan of thousands of years.

When the sea was still ruled by the Immortal Empire, before the sea clan death **** Amisha had obtained the power of Akado, or even was born, this towering tree had already stood here, rooted in the earth, Looking up at the sky.

After thousands of years of wind and rain, it has not only shown no signs of aging, but has become more and more prosperous.

"Plants are more tenacious than animals, they are the darlings of nature..."

"It would be the greatest tragedy in the world if such a magnificent treasure was burnt to the ground..."

Goofy shook his head slightly, then used magic.

That is from the ancient spell recorded in the "Book of Emperor Weishan" and "Book of the Dark God", and it is a mysterious contract that endows the soul.

Gao Fei closed his eyes and chanted in a low voice, forming a mysterious and powerful barrier around the entire space.

The air seems to be boiling, and the rays of light from the distant stars are projected, but they reflect colorful colors, like a huge kaleidoscope, and like a delicate crystal coffin!

As the mantra in Gao Fei's mouth was recited, the branches of the towering ancient tree in front of Gao Fei suddenly danced. Not only were there thousands of branches that spread like a canopy, but there were even twenty people in the ancient tree. The sturdy tree trunks that surround it also seem to have life, struggling and twisting gently in the soil...

At this moment, the God of Creation Gao Fei endowed the ancient tree with a soul, which is another element besides life that can completely change the ancient tree. At the same time as obtaining the soul, the branches of this towering ancient tree are endlessly far away again. extend.

Outside the barrier, the entire dense tropical rainforest seemed to have been reborn, the ups and downs of insects were endless, and the beasts lurking in the depths of the jungle left their nests one after another.

On the grasslands farther away, the salamanders who have just burned their previous habitat are walking here with heavy steps. They thought that they were waiting for another habitat that they were allowed to wreak havoc, but they didn't know...


After chanting the incantation, Gao Fei silently admired the masterpiece in front of him.

This behemoth with a height of several hundred meters was completely endowed with a soul by Gao Fei. It was shaking its branches gently at this time, as if expressing gratitude to its creator.

And above the canopy towering into the clouds, some green rays of light are forming, they are like the brilliance of fireflies, flickering and elegant.

"All I have to do has been completed, and the fate of the forest will be controlled by you."

Goofy smiled lightly, clenched his fists and used the space gem to leave the rainforest and returned to the universe again.

He continues to play his role as an observer, not a participant in this universe, and proper intervention is his limit, knowing that he is the creator god, not part of this world.

After Gao Fei left, this ancient tree that was already towering began her second growth. She stretched the top of the tree toward the sky, and the complicated roots under her feet reached the soil again. Her leaves became denser, making a rustling sound as the night wind blew, and the most spectacular thing was on her canopy, where the leaves on the canopy were giving birth to one fruit after another that shimmered with green light. .

Those fruits are like small lanterns and fireflies, they are flashing bright colors, from the insignificant and small to become bigger and bigger.

With the passage of time, these little green lanterns finally matured in a quiet late night. When they are ripe, they are the size of ordinary fruits. Under the blowing of a night wind, the canopy of the trees they left, through the breeze The help flew towards the depths of the forest.

They fly up the branches, sink into the soil, or follow the stream down the river...

Some of them are integrated with plants, integrated into the branches and flowers of plants, and some are swallowed by greedy animals and become their food.

And the towering tree that gave birth to them in the distance is like a kind elder, quietly watching all this happen. Although she already has a soul, she has not interfered with the fate of her people.

One of the small green lanterns fluttered in the wind and finally fell into the stream, and a few fishes played under him, lifting these small lanterns again and again.

Finally, the small lantern followed the stream to the lower reaches of the forest, was swallowed by a deer-like animal, turned into feces, and excreted under a fruit tree the next morning.

The small lantern gradually turned into a green light, and as the water penetrated into the soil, it was absorbed by this lucky fruit tree and became part of the fruit tree.

And a developing fruit on the fruit tree suddenly became plump under the nourishment of this green light. In just one day, the fruit grew from the size of an egg to the size of a watermelon.

Another two days and two nights passed, and the original watermelon-sized fruit swelled four times. It finally could no longer hang on the branches. Instead, it fell to the top of the tree under the action of Blue Star's gravity and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the shell of the fruit shattered, revealing the bright juice inside, and inside the fruit, curled up a baby glowing with green light.

The child of the tree of life, the child of the forest, the first spirit of nature, was born in this way.

She is a delicate and lovely little girl with wisdom from birth.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up from the ground. She didn't cry or make trouble, and flexibly climbed up the tree to pick the fruit on the tree to satisfy her hunger.

"Gods have given us souls to protect this forest that we depend on for survival. This is my duty."

"I am the daughter of the gods, the daughter of the forest, I am the elf, the most noble soul on this continent."

The little girl shuttled through the forest. She grew up much faster than the Sea Clan and the Son of the Earth. In just half a month, she had already grown into a slim figure.

At this time, more elves were born in the forest, and they were born with different fruits, but they all had a similar appearance.

Similar in appearance to humans, but taller and more symmetrical, with crystal clear skin and big watery eyes.

Their fur is soft and shimmering green, their voices are as sweet as the wind and the woods, they have agility and great strength, they love nature and know how to control it.

Another few years have passed, and there are more and more elves in the forest. They thrive in this vibrant rainforest and establish their own kingdoms.

The first born elf was elected as the queen of all elves. She was called "the eldest daughter of the tree of life" by the elves, and she was called Shalan in the language of the elves.

Under the leadership of the elf queen Sharan, the elves lived a carefree life. They relied on the tree of life to build small wooden houses one after another. They used branches and stones to make bows and arrows, and the beasts in the trunk tried to threaten them. .

Suddenly one day, a raging fire ignited at the southeastern end of the forest, and the bright fire lit up half of the sky. The elves who witnessed all of this panicked and ran to the tree of life and reported the bad news to the elves Queen Sharan.

Shalan looked up to the southeast, and looked at the billowing black smoke with a calm expression. She knew that this was the reason why the gods created them - to protect the incomparably magnificent forest in front of her.

"let's go."

Sharan said calmly and dignifiedly, and led her compatriots towards the southeast corner of the forest.

The elves set off one after another with their weapons, and walked along the stream and across the grass in the direction of the thick smoke. In the depths of the raging fire, they saw the arsonists.

Although they had never seen them before, they knew at first sight that these terrifying giant beasts were natural enemies, as if the elves' rejection and hatred of these giant beasts were written in their bones.

"Sharan, our elven queen, it's these wicked creatures that set fire to our forest..."

One of the elves who had already arrived at the scene said in a low voice,

"Please punish these brutal guys on behalf of nature."

Shalan nodded gently towards the elf: "Don't worry, I will."

She raised her hand, and the elven archers behind her immediately bent their bows and arrows, aiming at the ferocious beasts staring at the forest with big blood-red eyes in the distance.

She waved out her hand, and the bow and arrow of the elves immediately fell towards these beasts like raindrops.

swoosh swish...

swoosh swish...

Arrows polished with sharp rocks hit these brutal salamanders in the air, but these stony arrow clusters were unable to penetrate the salamanders' rock-hard skin.

The ancestors of salamanders once relied on electric discharge to hunt their prey in the ocean, which means that they themselves cannot be injured by high-voltage electricity. As early as millions of years ago, the ancestors of salamanders have evolved skin that can cut off the current. .

Later, on land salamanders acquired the ability to breathe fire, which further promoted their skin to continue to be superior. Only salamanders with skin that can resist ordinary flames can survive.

The skin, which is both non-conductive and fire-resistant, is extremely hard. Not to mention the ordinary bows and arrows of the elves, even the complex weapons specially used by the children of the earth to hunt wild beasts are difficult to penetrate their bodies. Therefore, in the arrow rain of the elves, These monsters were not harmed in the slightest.

After the ferocious monsters suffered a batch of attacks, their violent emotions were instantly aroused. They raised their heads and roared loudly at the elves in the forest, and continued to spray flaming flames.

Seeing this scene, Elf Queen Shalan stepped forward, not only did she not have surprise and fear, but a confident smile on her face.

She raised her hand again and ordered her people to shoot arrows at the salamanders, only after this shot she chanted a spell softly.

The white fingers pointed to the air, and the overwhelming rain of arrows suddenly enveloped a green light.

Just like the light when the elves were born in the forest, this bright light even overshadowed the red light of the flame!

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