American Comics: Killing The King Of Gods, Cutting Hu Wanda Gwen

Chapter 76

Chapter 75 Develop Black Widow’S New Ability, Hela Cannibalism? (Tears To Subscribe!)

With the appearance of Doctor Strange.

The Avengers also understand how terrible Dormammu is, and it turns out that the earth has always been in danger.

To fight against the ruler of the dark dimension.

They must unite the living forces of the earth to fight for a chance.

Thus, the Avengers launched their own actions.

Iron Man created a new element from the documents left by his father to replace the radioactive palladium element.

Captain America contacted Nick Fury, went to S.H.I.E.L.D and the military to find reinforcements.

Thor Thor returns to Asgard.

Doctor Strange went to Kamar-Taj.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

As everyone knows.

their every move.

All were truthfully reported to Shire by Black widow.

A coffee shop by the Brooklyn Bridge.

Natasha Romanoff wearing sunglasses elegantly sips coffee and speaks slowly.

“Mr. Shire, that’s all there is to know about Dormammu, and as for the mysterious necromancer named Steve Strange, all I know is that he was originally a neurosurgeon.

His hands were injured in a car accident and he disappeared afterwards. ”

“When he reappeared, he was already a disciple of Sorcerer Supreme.”

Completely correct.

Shire, who sat across from her, nodded slightly.

“You’re doing well, Natasha Romanoff.”

“I never questioned your ability.”

conversation room.

Shire has unconsciously held Black Widow’s little hand, making her mind flutter.

Black widow watched Shire affectionately.

I felt a commotion in my tender body.

Since joining the Avengers.

She and Shire haven’t seen each other in a long time.

Obviously when they were in the red house before, the two were so close, Black Widow and Yelena were always by his side.

And Shire is her only man.


Black widow is also clear.

She is not the only woman in Shire.

He’s just surrounded by Gwen and Wanda, not to mention the guys at Faith’s Mansion.

So, being able to get up close and personal with Shire again.

It made Black Widow’s heart that had been silent for a long time feel extremely excited, and his cheeks were already flushed.

If it weren’t for the fear of revealing your identity.

It is estimated that she has volunteered herself and kissed her.

“why not?”

Shire smiled faintly.

She has already obtained her desire through Mind Gem perception.

The screen changed.

The two had come to a presidential suite, which surprised Black widow extremely.

“Mr. Shire, when did you acquire this Ability?”

Black widow shyly put his arm around his shoulders.

She already had a hunch…

What’s next.

next moment.

Shire took out the Infinity Gauntlet, there is no need to hide from the Black widow who has seen big since childhood.

“What’s this?”

“Wait, could it be the Infinity Stone that Doctor Strange said!”

Black widow’s pupils narrowed, his face showing surprise.

turn out to be.

At the Avengers meeting.

Doctor Strange has told the mysteries of the Infinite Gems, and the Avengers now know…


Tesseract and Loki scepter.

The two most easily obtained Infinity Stones!

When Black Widow found out that Shire had three of them, he felt even more unbelievable.

“Yes, this is what you need most.”

Shire smiled faintly.

Three gems are mounted on the right hand Infinity Gauntlet.

Proclaiming the infinite power he possesses, only half of it is left to reach the multi-universe level.


Shire didn’t care a bit about Black Widow’s Dormammu, who was on the verge of an enemy.

Dormammu can’t even do anything to Doctor Strange with only one Time Gem.

For Shire.

Even if you can’t kill him, you don’t have too many worries.

It won’t be too late to target this guy after collecting all the gems in the future!

The only tricky thing is that Dormammu doesn’t have a physical body, although he looks like an eternal flame…

In fact, has integrated itself into the dark dimension.

Wants to actually kill Dormammu.

The entire dark dimension must be destroyed and all dark believers eliminated.

“Mr. Shire…”

“You are simply too powerful.”

And Black widow witnessed after the three gems were in hand.

And finally let go.

Only then did she understand how small human beings are in front of Shire.

However, this also made Black widow feel a certain inferiority complex, and the distance between her and Shire was getting farther and farther.

Shire perception to Black widow low mood.

Smile lightly.

He held her whole in his arms.

“You and Yelena will always be my good daughters.”

Black widow’s heart trembled.

It seems that in Shire’s body, I saw the back that rescued them from the red house.

Soon, Black widow was immersed in joy.

hours later.

Shire informed Black Widow of the purpose of his trip.

That was a gift for her.

Enough to make her a real superhero, not a normal S.H.I.E.L.D agent gift.

Looking at Black Widow’s tired face, he spoke lightly.

“Didn’t you find out that there are some wonderful changes in yourself?”

Black Widow was at a loss.

She just felt tired and happy.

“Wait, it seems like something is spinning in my hand?”

“There is an aura hovering…”

Black widow checked himself subconsciously.

She thought it was Shire who was tricking her, but the next moment, two spiral airflows appeared in the palms of her hands.

she found out.

I can actually feel the air moving!

Shire hooked Black widow’s nose: “From now on, you are already a supernatural being, use your ability well.

That is.

Shire transformed Black widow into an Inhuman race, no longer an agent who only knows how to fight and play with guns.

Black widow looked at the spiral air in surprise.


This is a gift from Shire to himself, and he has a new concept and understanding of his father’s Ability.

There is only true God.

To do this kind of thing.

At this moment, the image of Shire in Black Widow’s heart has already reached the realm that can only be looked up to.

And Black widow’s way of expressing gratitude.

It is a more loyal attitude that rewards Shire.


“I will use my new Ability to serve you well.

Shire smiled faintly.

He really loves Black Widow more and more.

the other side.

After Doctor Strange returns to Kamar-Taj.

Truthfully reported the matter of Avengers and Yemengard to Sorcerer Supreme.

“Strange, it seems that you have integrated into them.”

In the huge library.

Ancient One is suspended in the air, looking down at the magicians.

Without Strange telling, she had already foreseen the future of Doctor Strange.

The only deviation and uncertainty.

It is the appearance of Superman Shire · Odinsen.

“Strange, continue to practice.”

“You are not strong enough now.”

Strange stepped back, and the magician king embraced him.

“Sorcerer Supreme, what about us?”


The other magicians also sensed the Ancient One’s preference for Strange.

They can tell.

This newcomer may be the successor to Sorcerer Supreme.

“King, Kamar-Taj is not safe at this time.”

“You and others continue to maintain the defensive circle in case of emergency.”

Yes, the Supreme!

All the magicians retreated.

Among the crowd, Carl Modo, who was carrying the scepter of the Life Tribunal and stepped on Fodo’s boots, didn’t say a word.

He walked out of the library with resentment.

King Magician stayed, and he also noticed Modu’s emotions.

“Sorcerer Supreme, do you need to call him back?”


Ancient One shook his head.

“This is Modu’s own choice, and we have no way to interfere.

at the same time.

Modu also left Kamar-Taj.

Came to the colorful world under the mountain.

When he thought of Ancient One’s preferential treatment to Strange, jealousy and anger shone in his eyes.

“Obviously I am the best necromancer in Kamar-Taj!”


“Ancient One is going to choose him as his successor?”

Modu didn’t understand where he lost.

His inflated ambitions have already set the position of Sorcerer Supreme as his own.

Never thought it would end like this.

At this moment.

A low, hoarse voice that struck the soul echoed in Carl Mordo’s ears.

“Mo Du, the title of Sorcerer Supreme belongs to you.”

“It was Strange who robbed you, he is a shameless and despicable thief…”

“However, I can help you get it back.”

Mo Du was restless.

He quickly sensed the aura of black magic.

“Who are you?”

The next moment, the voice answered his question.

“I am the enemy you have been looking for.”

“Your teacher, the most feared existence of the Ancient One—the dark lord Dormammu.”

Mordo froze for a moment.

Immediately wanted to remove Dormammu’s consciousness.

Unexpectedly, what Dormammu said next made Jean suspicious.

……ask for flowers….

“Why are you resisting me?”

“Not all black magic is evil. I’m afraid you don’t know it. Even your teacher, Ancient One, has stolen dark energy and obtained endless life.”

As soon as these words came out, Yuandu stared blankly.

Ancient One is practicing black magic?

This runs counter to his philosophy of natural law!

Mordo doesn’t know yet…

I am gradually walking into Dormammu’s trap.

“So, you want to try my strength?”

“I’ll help you become the new Sorcerer Supreme.”

the other side.

Black widow and Shire also ended their long battle.

Sensing the energy Shire injected into her, Natasha Romanoff smiled contentedly.

She has been a long time……

There has never been such a hearty battle.

Black Widow smiled and took Shire’s hand, if not for going back to Avengers and continuing the mission.

I am afraid.

She followed her to the party at Faith’s Mansion.

Just as the two of you and I went downstairs.

On the river beside the Brooklyn Bridge, a speeding yacht was suddenly sucked into the water by something.

The people on the yacht were too late to save their lives.

fell into the bottom of the river forever.

Soon, a huge snake tail slapped on the shore, causing the entire Brooklyn Bridge to tremble.


“Stop the car quickly, don’t drive any further…”

“What’s that? An octopus’ tentacles?”

on the bridge.

A car couldn’t stop and hit the tail of the snake directly.


The result was obvious, the car and the people inside were caught by the tail of the snake and crushed to pieces.

The Black widow in the distance saw this scene.

Suddenly there was an ominous premonition.

“Mr. Shire, that seems to be…”


Shire listened to the cries of the crowd.

Also aware of something, he scanned the bridge with his perspective eyes, and soon found the basilisk making trouble in the water.

As expected.

That huge body spanning the entire water area, and two golden vertical pupils like a full moon.

It is the giant python that circles the world.

Shire’s good mood was ruined by this guy.

He originally wanted to bring Black Widow to enjoy the hard-won father-daughter relationship.


Yemengard also revealed himself.

It seems to perceive the breath of Asgard.

Obviously, they came for the Aesir protoss, Shire.

With the tail of the snake down.

Houses collapsed one by one.


Soon, Yemengard surfaced.

Looking down at the two people on the ground.

The golden vertical pupils produced all kinds of magical powers, which made everyone have a splitting headache, and Black Widow was also a little dizzy.

Shire smiled dismissively.

This guy is indeed a little smarter than Fenrir.

Knowing that hiding in Antarctica to cultivate health and rest, the strength is also much stronger.


Shire has no interest in messing with it.

Just as Shire slowly raised his hand.

Ready to take down Yemengard with one blow.

A familiar figure descended from the sky, holding a Night-sky sword and stopped in front of him.

“Shire, it looks like you need help.

“Need me to save you mercifully?”

Shire frowned slightly.

Looking at this beautiful woman in a dark green dress with a bumpy figure, I couldn’t turn my mind for a while.

Until I saw that Night-sky sword.

He just realized…

This guy is Hela, goddess of death!

“Hela, what are you doing here?”

Unexpectedly, Hela just smiled coldly and aimed the Night-sky sword at Yemengard.

She seems to be doing it this way…

Prove your resolve to Shire.

Yemengard saw Hela blocking himself, and spewed out flames at her without hesitation.

It would not be grateful to Hela for releasing it.

To Yemengard and Fenrir, it is the enemy who prevents them from destroying Asgard.

Definitely also includes Hela!

See Hela and Yemengard kill each other.

Black widow was extremely shocked.

“The Goddess of Death and the Serpent of the World… Aren’t they allies?”

“Why are they wrestling together?”

Shire also doesn’t know Hela’s purpose.

But he knows one thing.

“Allies? You think too kindly of these dark creatures.”

“Do you think how they have survived in the underworld for thousands of years, isn’t it by absorbing the souls of the same kind?”

Shire’s words subverted the three views of Black Widow.

Only then did she understand…

These monsters cannot be speculated by normal people’s thinking.


Why does Hela help Shire?

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