American Comics: Killing The King Of Gods, Cutting Hu Wanda Gwen

Chapter 77

Chapter 76 Hela, I Am Your Real Brother! (Tears To Subscribe!)

On the Brooklyn Bridge.


Yemengard constantly sprays high-temperature flames, and everything that touches the flames—is melted by it.

And after seeing Hela.

Not only did Yemengard not stop the momentum.

Instead, he became even more excited and opened his golden vertical pupils wide.

As long as you absorb the soul of Hela, the goddess of death, its divine power will be improved to a higher level.

Monsters like Fenrir and Yemengard.

I have long forgotten what morality and laws are. They were originally revived with resentment and hatred.

In a place like the underworld.

Drain the souls of your kind…

Nothing could be more normal.

“Not bad, little one.”

“The last time I saw you, you were a small loach the size of a palm. It’s only been a while since you’ve grown so big.”

Hela smiled coldly.

He grabbed the Night-sky sword in his hand.

She seems to have forgotten that it was she who released the wolf and the giant snake.

Hela now.

I just want to use this monster as a gift.

Give it to someone she’s thinking of day and night as a way to prove her love for him.

next moment.

Follow Hela’s thoughts.

The Night-sky sword in his hand quickly split into countless pieces.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they flew into the sky in unison.

When those blades reappeared, they pierced Yemengard’s huge body at a speed that “Ninety-two Seven” could not be caught by the naked eye.


The golden vertical pupil shrinks rapidly.

Countless black wounds were torn apart by the blade.

Although both Fenrir and Yemengard are immune to physical damage, they have biased two people who do not play their cards according to the routine.

One is Shire that shreds wolf meat by hand.

One is Hela with its own black magic.

The gap between this worldly python and Hela, the lord of the underworld…

Still too big.


Yemengard still wanted to struggle.

The next moment, Hela’s high heels stepped on its snake’s head.

Swipe down heavily.

Just heard a puff.

A head about the size of an oil tanker fell on the road, smashing huge amounts of deep pits.

Soon, the remaining soul of Yemengard.

It was absorbed by Hela in one gulp, and she immediately showed a satisfied smile and licked her chapped lips.

“It’s still more delicious.”

Those fleeing citizens saw this scene.

They were also dumbfounded.

They don’t know the Goddess of Death, but Hela killed Yemengard and saved the city.

“Another beautiful female superhero!”

“I like her so much, I have to upload it on the Internet quickly…”

“My Lady Queen, can you also step on me with your high heels?”

A group of people waved flags and shouted at Hela.

Completely treat her as a new superhero.

Hela frowned slightly, she didn’t want to deal with this group of flies.

in an instant.

Hela aimed the Night-sky sword at everyone.

“Shut up.”

Feeling the murderous aura released by her, there was no sound at all.

Hela smiled coldly.

He walked quickly to Shire.

She glanced at the Black widow beside Shire, seeing that the two were still arm in arm, she couldn’t help frowning.

“Shire Odinsen.”

“Now you know who can help you?”

“I am much stronger than these fragile humans.

Hela’s dark eyes.

Walking continuously on Black Widow’s body, seeing her back shiver for a while.

Black widow: “Shire, what is she talking about?”

Shire: “I don’t know, maybe last time I shot too hard and broke her mind.”

Black widow: “I see, I thought she fell in love with you.

I saw the two whispering, talking and laughing.

Hela’s face was pale.

She killed Yemengard for Shire, how could this guy ignore himself?

in an instant.

The Night-sky sword was hanging on Black widow’s neck.

Feeling Hela’s undisguised killing intent, Black widow’s heart skipped a beat, and his body trembled.

Although Shire transformed her into an Inhuman.


Facing the goddess of death still has a kind of suppression from the soul.

Shire gave Hela a questioning look.

He also didn’t know what this guy’s purpose was.

“Hela, what exactly do you want to do?”

“Do you still want to destroy Asgard and avenge Odin?”


Hela actually shook her head.

Her eyes fell on Shire, eyes full of desire.

“That matter is no longer interesting to me.”

“Shire Odinson, I said we are the same people, and I can help you realize your ambition to rule the universe.”

rule the universe

when did i say that

Although you are not ordinary, you can’t be so confident!

“Hela, I already told you.”

“I collect gems just to enjoy life and not to make everyone think as darkly as you.”

“Rather than roll in, it’s better to put it in pieces!”

A trace of doubt flashed across Hela’s icy face.

Soon, she convinced herself again.

“Then do you mind if I become a part of your life? The product of the combination of the two of us will definitely be the most powerful existence in this universe…

“I’m also curious about how powerful the Superman bloodline is.”

Hela was talking.

One index finger draws on Shire’s chest, showing a provocative gesture.

“At that time, I can let our children conquer the Nine Realms and devour other planets…

Black Widow rolled his eyes.

It’s like saying to Shire: I guessed it a long time ago, you still don’t believe it!


Shire was really intimidated by her.

He admitted that after Hela showered and took off her makeup, she was no longer that old hag with smoky makeup.

Two slender and beautiful legs like jade stood there.

It attracted countless pairs of fiery eyes, almost a 100% return rate.

It can be said.

She is top-notch in both figure and appearance.

However, there is a key problem.

“Hela, are you out of your mind?”

“We are both children of Odin, although we are half-brothers, but you are my real sister!”

Tucao for Shire.

Hela, the goddess of death, didn’t care at all.

She continued with her provocative behavior, and the stoneman had climbed up to Shire’s neck.

“so what?”

“To be with a powerful man like you is the pursuit and honor of all women.”

Hela looked directly into Shire’s eyes.

Smile lightly.

“As for the sibling relationship…”

“Haven’t you heard that there was a god named Zeus who married all his sisters and aunts?”

Shire was speechless.

He definitely knew how happy Zeus was, almost a human piledriver seeing one another.

At the worst time, even the one-eyed titan and the cow will not be spared.


Shire doesn’t want to be that guy.

Not to mention doing that with my own sister Hela….

If Odin finds out, Asgard will be messed up?


Shire knocked down the Night-sky sword casually.

He didn’t want to be pestered by Hela anymore, this woman’s face was going to stick to him.

“Let’s go, Natasha Romanoff.”

“Don’t you still have a mission to return to the Avengers alliance building?”

Black Widow froze for a moment.

Have it?

“Yes, I am in a hurry.”

Before Hela could react.

Shire has escaped with the Space gem.

If it drags on, Xiaer is really afraid that Hela will do something rebellious.

after all.

Hela, a creature of the underworld, doesn’t care much about other people’s eyes.

The goddess of death saw the two leave.

Not only was he not angry, but he narrowed his eyes slightly,


“My dear brother still has such a side, Shire is even shy, I seem to be more curious about him.”

Black widow’s attire flashed through Hela’s mind.

Thinking he knew the type Shire liked, his eyes drifted to the surrounding glass windows.


“I’ll have to dress up to attract him.”


No one dared to strike up a conversation with this witch again.

They don’t want to have their heads cut off like Yemengard.

the other side.

News of Hela beheading Yemengard.

It soon reached the ears of the Avengers.

They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Yemengard dead.

We are all glad that there is less trouble.

Thor Thor recognizes another person, Hela, the goddess of death that Loki said, is also his own sister.

“How can it be?”

“Why are these guys killing each other? Aren’t they a gang?”

Thor looks at the bound someone.

“Don’t, don’t ask me…”

“How do I know what this old hag is thinking!”

Loki shook his head like a rattle.

He didn’t want to have anything to do with Hela.

At this moment.

Tony, who watched the video, found something suspicious.

“Wait, there seems to be something wrong…”

After he saw Hela kill Yemengard with his own eyes, he walked towards someone as if taking credit, with a flattering smile on his face. 3.3

This scene simply stunned the Avengers.

At the same time, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Could it be that this guy is the master of Hela, the real mastermind behind the scenes———— Dormammu?

Tony frowned.

I always feel like I’ve seen this figure somewhere.

Silver hair, black battle suit.

“Seems to be……”

Tony’s mouth twitched.

A possibility quickly came to mind.

Could it be that Shire gave Hela to…

“This guy, why did he even set his mind on his own sister?”

Tony glanced at Loki.

It seems to be saying: Your Asgard noble circle is really chaotic!

“Cough cough.”

Captain America interrupted their conversation.

“Anyway, the matter of Yemengard is settled, let us consider the crisis of Dormammu.

“Well, the captain is right.”

The Avengers don’t want to say goodbye to Shire.

Last time in Wakanda.

The scene of the Decepticons firing at them with all their strength is still vivid in my memory, almost dying on the spot.


A key question was before them.

“Can any of you get in touch with Strange?”

Tony turned around curiously.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then what’s the point of discussing it!.

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