American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 75

075 Giant Venom! One Foot And One Rocket! (3 Begging To Subscribe!)

Seeing the new shock value, Li Xiu showed a smile.

Not bad not bad, very comfortable.

As soon as he came up, he was given 10,000 shock points.

in addition.

The next time you make it, you can enjoy the half-price discount for regular customers.

He has already figured out who to make things for.

At that time, the things produced will be strengthened by a wave of Gwen.

I don’t know what kind of good things will be made at half the price.

to be honest.

He is still looking forward to it.


That is, he obtained the Ability of Venom, and the Ability of Venom is the ability to copy other people’s genes, thereby copying their Ability.

However, the copied ability is actually weaker than the original owner.

For example, as mentioned in the comics and movies, Venom copied Spider-man’s Ability and also gained Spider-man induction, but its induction is not as strong as Spider-man.

In addition, it is to possess others and strengthen them.

For Li Xiu, the venom’s ability is actually not very useful.


It is to use artificial intelligence technology and a top-level testing equipment to reversely push out the nine-system six-flavor elixir.

But all of this requires money.

He earns more people now.

As for the method of making money, he has it in his mind, and he even has related ideas a long time ago, but he hasn’t acted on it yet.

Just like short videos.

There is no short video in this world.

In the previous life, a certain sound created a huge business empire in a very short period of time with the help of short videos.

For ordinary people, a certain sound is like an addictive poison, and it will be uncomfortable if you don’t use it a few times a day.

A certain sound has achieved the success of a superstar through the control of breaking humanity.

In addition, there is Pin Xixi who fights with one knife, and he can also copy it.

Copying these successful advanced cases will definitely help him grab a lot of wealth.

Advanced marketing models and advanced social platforms are a dimensionality reduction blow to the world.

These things can help him gain a lot of wealth in a very short period of time.

With these wealth, he will be able to vigorously develop science and technology, so as to realize the decipherment and reproduction of the similar and nine-system six-flavor elixir.

In the future, he will definitely get more pills, or some powerful potions, magic water and the like.

As long as he masters the powerful technological power of the Marvel world, he believes that these things should be turned into knowledge, and then reproduced to obtain greater value.

He just needs to find someone to help him build a business empire now.

As for who.

Naturally, it was the waterbell snake that had been subdued earlier.

During this period of time, the waterbell snake has used his money to achieve 203% of the profit, and it was achieved through purely commercial activities.

You know, it hasn’t been long in the past.

The profit is only 20 points, which shows the commercial ability of the water belly snake.

Most importantly, he is completely trustworthy in Cotton Snake.

Because he has already released another god to the other party once, and engraved the ideological stamp on the other party to be loyal to him forever.

Waterbellied Snake doesn’t have any magic resistance, so it’s very easy for other gods.

Definitely, Li Xiu generally will not use other gods on others, because it is not necessary, and he does not like to change other people’s will.

The reason why it is used on water belly snakes is where the benefits lie.

Think here.

Li Xiu felt the breath of the water belly snake, and then looked around, and found that the other party was sleeping.

Seeing this, he decided to go to the waterbell snake tomorrow to finalize the establishment of the business empire.

Now that the waterbellies are sleeping.

Then he should go to bed too.

Thinking of this, Li Xiu felt a little sleepy.

He yawned, washed up, and fell asleep.

It was still dark.

Several figures sneaked into Eddie’s ex-girlfriend’s house.

He directly kidnapped Eddie’s ex-girlfriend.

It was around nine o’clock in the morning.

Eddie’s cell phone rang.

Woke Eddie straight from his sleep.

Eddie answered the phone sleepily: “Who is it?”

“Help, help! Eddie!” A very familiar female voice sounded, directly sweeping away Eddie’s drowsiness.

Eddie sat up instantly, and quickly asked, “What’s wrong with you?! Where are you?”

The voice of venom also sounded in Eddie: “Who dares to attack her! I will kill him!”

Venom also has a good impression of Eddie’s ex-girlfriend, and she is one of the few humans it is willing to get close to.

At this time, a deep voice rang from the phone: “Bring the venom to the Life Foundation, or you will never see your little girlfriend again.”

Hearing the other party’s words, Venom immediately said: “This is a riot! This guy took people away! Damn it!”

It controlled Eddie’s voice and let out a roar: “You’d better not touch her! Or I’ll keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow!”

Hearing Venom’s words, there was a moment of silence over there, and then an incomparably cold voice sounded: “I didn’t expect, Venom, that you care so much about a human being and you actually develop feelings for a human being.”

From Riot’s point of view, human beings are inferior and inferior creatures, and having feelings for human beings is a sign of waste.

“I know you are a waste, but I didn’t expect you to be such a waste! Get out of here!”

As soon as the words were finished, the other party hung up the phone cleanly.

Venom just exploded with anger.

“Damn it! I’m going to eat it!”

Venom said angrily: “Eddie, it’s time for us to act!”


The venom came out and wrapped Eddie’s body, and the little diamond skirt that he carried with him was instantly tied inside his body.


Powerful force surged into Venom’s body.

next moment.

Venom becomes invisible.

Open the window and shoot towards the Life Foundation.

The Rocket Ship Control Center of the Life Foundation.

A group of people are working overtime.

They are going to send the outer spaceship into space to bring countless symbionts here.

And De Rake is monitoring and urging these people.

In his body, Riot couldn’t wait anymore, and wanted to bring his millions of compatriots back to Earth as soon as possible.

As for Venom, it probably has to come back and clean it up.

Definitely, it is not afraid of the venom running away, because he has already hidden the woman somewhere in the building, and it is impossible for the other party to find it.

That place, only it knows.

As long as that woman is in its hands, it believes that the venom and its host will be obedient.

Riot looked at the rocket ship outside, and murmured in his heart: When I bring back millions of compatriots, the venom will be completely worthless.

When the time comes, I will kill this trash who lost face to the symbiote.

at this time.

Some employees seemed to see something wrong with De Rake.

Start delaying rocket launches, delaying pressing the launch button.


The riot couldn’t bear it any longer, it roared angrily, turned into its original shape, opened its arms, and turned into a huge scythe!

Chop both sides!

It was done in an instant.

Riot started directly by himself, entered a series of instructions, and finally started the launch program.

After finishing this, Riot laughed loudly and ran towards the rocket ship.

Inside the Life Foundation building.

Dr. Pim is taking his apprentice Darren to visit the Life Foundation, and they are here to have an academic exchange with the Life Foundation.

Dr. Pym, who discovered the Pym particles and created the Ant-Man suit, is the father of the Wasp and the future father-in-law of Ant-Man.

After completing the academic exchange.

Dr. Pym and Darren discuss some research in low tones.

Darren said: “Mentor, you have basically developed a miniaturized suit. Is it really feasible to enlarge it?”

Dr. Pym grinned: “definitely, I’ve already achieved some success. I’ve already made a suit that can magnify a human being to five meters, and the power is amazing.

In the face of this power, ordinary superheroes are not enough to look at. ”

Having said that, Dr. Pim showed a smug expression on his face.

Darren quickly flattered: “That is, only you, teacher, can research such a great thing. Zoom in and out, you are the only one.”

Dr. Pim narrowed his eyes slightly: “Next, I will develop one-meter and thirty-meter equipment. Only then will the power truly amaze the world.”

Just at this time.

From the corner of their eyes through the window, they saw the spaceship being ignited outside.

Dr. Pim was stunned for a moment: “The Life Foundation launched another rocket so soon? Didn’t it just launch it not long ago?”

Outside the Life Foundation Building.

The invisible venom is running fast.

Eddie said, “We have to find that riot guy, and then ask him where Annie is.”

Venom said in a low voice: “No, I have already found her.”

Fluorescence flashed in Venom’s eyes, and it had already seen through the entire building.

On the top floor, the walls of certain two rooms are relatively wide and hollow, and Anne is locked inside.

Eddie was shocked when he saw (cfbb) this scene.

He didn’t expect that Venom had the ability to see through.

Eddie stammered a little: “This… is also the Ability that the treasure bestows on you?”

Venom Jie Jie smiled: “Not bad.”

Eddie was a little horrified: “How much Ability does it give you?!”

Venom chuckled, but didn’t reply.

In front of the building.

Venom jumped up and climbed upstairs.


It came to the top of the tall building.

It directly broke through the window and came to the front of the wall.

The hidden door was easily broken open.

At the same time, the siren began to sound rapidly.

Venom didn’t care about that at all.

Annie was sitting inside, her hands and feet were tied to the chair, and her mouth was sealed.

Venom went up, tore off the tape, and at the same time tore all the ropes.

On the road to the cockpit of the launch pad, Riot ran wildly, and a siren sounded from his body.

A mobile phone flowed out of the body, showing a picture of Venom rescuing Annie.

See here.

De Rake’s pupils in Riot’s body trembled slightly, and he was a little startled: “This guy, how could he find this woman?! Obviously only I know about that secret room.

Riot said: “Damn it, I didn’t expect this guy to be able to find this woman. We don’t have this handle, so it will be very difficult for Venom Boy to come out.”

Riot had a slight headache.

But immediately it looked at the rocket ignited in front: “It doesn’t matter anymore, the most important thing now is not to care about this waste, but to bring more symbionts to occupy this planet.

Thinking of this, it accelerated its speed, leaped forward, and rushed into the cockpit.

one in.

Riot was very excited: “Finally! I can finally bring my symbiote empire to Earth!”


The flame of the rocket was completely ignited.


Power begins to propel the rocket into space.

above tall buildings.

Venom picked Annie up and prepared to take her to a safe place first.

The result is at this time.

There was a bang.

The venom hurriedly looked, and the barrier-free disappeared in front of its eyes.

Then I saw not far away, a rocket was rising from the ground.

It took a closer look, penetrated the rocket, and saw the extremely excited riot inside.

See here.

Venom’s heart skipped a beat.

It instantly understood what the riot was going to do.

This is trying to bring back the millions of symbiotes in space.

Seeing this, Venom couldn’t sit still for an instant.

After all, it doesn’t want the earth to be filled with millions of symbionts, and the food will not be easy to divide by then.

Now, only its word, the bad guys all over the world are its, and it has almost constantly food.

If more symbionts come, it’s its food.

Most importantly, if millions of symbionts come back, the whole planet will suffer.

It promised to be a superhero! To protect the earth!

It picked up Annie and ran towards the direction of the rocket.


It smashed the glass and fell towards the earth.

It shouted angrily: “Riot! Don’t even think about leaving!”

Dr. Pym and his disciples saw a black monster flying out of the window and falling towards the ground.

Dr. Pym was taken aback: “I’ll go, what the hell?!”

next moment.

The scene where Dr. Pym was stunned and his apprentice appeared.


Venom’s body expanded rapidly, instantly turning into a ten-meter-high black titan!


It fell to the ground.

The ground is trembling, and the buildings next to it are also trembling.

Dr. Pym and Darren who were sitting in the building shook accordingly.

It’s just that at this moment, shaking can’t scare the two of them.

Because of looking at the ten-meter-high giant venom, Dr. Pim and Darren’s eyes were instantly dull, and their heads were blinded.

Dr. Pym stuttered a little: “This…is this gigantic?! And it’s still ten…meters?!”

Darren swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he looked at the teacher, and said in fear: “Teacher, your technology has been stolen

As a disciple of Dr. Pym, he is absolutely most afraid of his teacher’s technology being stolen by others.


The only one who can steal the teacher’s technology is him!

Teacher, how can you let others steal your technology!

Darren has already started to steal the teacher’s Pym particles and technology such as shrinking.

Definitely, in the future, he will kick Dr. Pym out of Pym Company, and take control of this top technology company created by the teacher himself.

Dr. Pym was stunned when he heard this, and then his face turned green: “How is it possible?! I haven’t researched a ten-meter device yet!”

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes: “There is no one who has mastered Pym particle technology! And it is even more powerful than me!”

Darren was stunned when he heard this, and then he looked at Venom with eager eyes.

Even better than the teacher’s technique “It would be great if I could get it.

This scene was seen by the Life Fund Building, surrounding buildings, and even passers-by on the road.

All were stunned.

“I’m going! Get…bigger!”

“This… Isn’t this venom?! Shet! The venom has become a giant venom!”

“Oh my god! It’s outrageous! Venom has failed to suppress a top superhero like Mann! Now it’s getting bigger! Do you want to live!”

“??? Failure Man?! You are insulting my idol, Spider-man, right? Isn’t he just being beaten all the time?! I believe he will become more and more courageous!”

On a spaceship in the distance.

Riot was very excited when suddenly there was a loud bang. It followed the sound and was almost scared to death.

“This…is this venom?! In the phone just now, isn’t it as big as an ordinary person?!”

When De Rake saw this, his eyes almost popped out.

“Fack?! Such a huge symbiont?! My God, Big Mac!”

Venom jumped to the ground and put Annie in his hand on the ground.

Immediately, he sprinted towards the rocket at an extremely fast speed.

Boom boom boom!

With every step it landed on, the ground was shaking.

Seeing the opponent keep approaching, Riot became a little flustered: “Damn it! Fly!”

As long as the rocket flies into the sky! No matter how big this guy is, there’s nothing he can do about it!

“Can you run away?!” Venom roared, the voice was earth-shattering!

It jumped up and turned into a giant shell and fired at the rocket.

Looking at the huge flying monster, infinite fear arose in his heart.

Its gigantic feet slammed into the rocket!

Today, it’s going to kick a rocket!.

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