American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Captain America Thor Appears, The Rising Umbrella Company

Looking at the electromagnetic cannon that was rewarded this time, Lin Luo thought of the extremely aggrieved “Chasing”.

In the game world of Resident Evil, the poss and oppressive force in the battle when the tracker first appeared are unparalleled.

The scene when changing weapons several times is also violent, but Jill who looks like an “ordinary weak woman” just can’t be killed.

Fortunately, the Survival Ability of the Tracker is also top-notch, just like the Terminator, it can’t be killed no matter what, it can be resurrected at any time, and start all over again.

In the end, this stalker, whose vitality was like Xiaoqiang, died in the hands of the electromagnetic gun.

As soon as Jill fell into the soul, she directly shot the tracker with full regeneration ability to “cannon” and died.

The electromagnetic gun is powerful, and it can also create a strong electromagnetic force field. Once fired, it can destroy some electronic equipment and block the enemy’s communication.

It is a very convenient and powerful weapon, and it is effective against large creatures including various BOWs.

Lin Luo reckoned that although the Abomination wouldn’t be fatal if hit like this, it would lie there directly, completely losing its combat ability.

However, he doesn’t need to use this thing to deal with BOW.

In fact, as a traditional arms dealer, “Lin Luo has left something similar to a “backdoor program” in every BOW.

This ensures that their own BOW will never be rebellious, so naturally there is no need to use electromagnetic guns on BOW.

Having obtained such a cool weapon, Lin Luo also felt a little itchy, and couldn’t help thinking: “I don’t know if I can shoot it down, can I beat the green titan and Thor? If you have time, you can try it!”

At the moment, a big green guy on the far Arctic iceberg suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

Caught off guard, the green titan Hulk sneezed heavily and staggered.

The green titan who almost fell was suddenly raged, and the history became even more terrifying.

Thinking of the unprovoked attacks these days, he rounded his fist and punched the iceberg in front of him fiercely.

Half a day later, after venting, the green titan left contentedly, but he didn’t find that under the broken iceberg, a flight vehicle with a unique shape and the HYDRA logo was being revealed.

And this scene happened to be discovered by the umbrella satellite controlled by the Red Queen in the sky.

At the same time, in a hamburger restaurant in a small town in New Mexico, Thor “Thorso”, who has just been knocked down by his old father, is showing off hamburgers and fat house happy water.

After “17 tons, tons, tons” took a few sips of Coke in the cup, he shouted happily: “This stuff is so delicious! Have another cup!”

After speaking, Thor broke the cup in his hand with a “snap” according to the Asgard tradition.

The astrophysicist Jane Foster on the side looked at Thor who had turned into a mortal body with burning eyes.

The female assistants Darcy Louis and Dr. Eric Selvig looked at Thor, who was suspected of being a madman, with question marks on his face.

Thor of At the moment shuddered suddenly, and said doubtfully:

“Why did I suddenly have a bad feeling of gratitude, as if I was being targeted by someone? Could it be that the Frost Titan killed me?”

Jane looked puzzled, but her eyes didn’t change, and she thought to herself, “Although he looks silly, he’s so handsome.”

At the moment, in the luxuriously furnished president’s office of Umbrella Corporation, Tony Stark and Rhodes gradually recovered from the shock just now.

They fully realized the horror of cursing a tyrant.

Experts’ comments on Alice’s tyrant and abomination are basically unfathomable and difficult to evaluate.

The reason is that the duration of the battle was too short, and they were all newly-appeared combat units, without specific reference.

But the characteristics and combat data of the licker were well understood by the two present.

With the help of favorable terrain, the licker’s lethality is astonishing, and it is possible to fight off several well-armed elite soldiers.

Swatting a licker like a cursed tyrant like swat a fly, you can intuitively feel the powerful oppressive force.

“Well, I just said that this scene will be very lively, right?” The old god Lin Luo looked at the two stunned friends on the sofa.

He brought the two of them to watch the battle for two purposes.

The first one is to demonstrate strength to the military through Rhodes, paving the way for subsequent transactions;

The second is to give Tony a reassurance, showing that Umbrella has super high technical strength in the field of biotechnology, and will definitely be able to cure his disease.

Rhodes and Stark are smart people.

These two points don’t need to be explained directly by Lin Luo, the two can understand.

At the moment, Rhodes reacted with yearning and said:

“This BOW is too strong. I really hope to reach a deal with your protection company. I can’t wait to lead this BOW to perform missions.”

The two sides reached a transaction intention last time, but the high-level officials are still negotiating specific conditions.

When it comes to the issue of military armaments, we really need to be more cautious.

And Rhodes is really optimistic about the BOW in the video.

With such a powerful subordinate, don’t worry about it. It’s not a matter of minutes to build credit, and it’s very worry-free.

Compared with ordinary soldiers, BOW is very cost-effective, absolutely obeys orders, and has no PTSD, no troublesome moral dilemmas, no pensions, and even self-decomposition after death, even eliminating the need to clean the battlefield.

It really is the perfect soldier.

While thinking, Rhodes suddenly drank a glass of strong wine.

As an Air Force officer, he would not normally drink such spirits.

But the scene of cursing the tyrant’s wanton killing is really too cool, too violent and too happy.

What Rhodes, a soldier, saw was blood boiling, and he was really sorry for this wonderful battle if he didn’t drink a glass of such spirits.

Regarding Rhodes’ praise of BOW, Stark also nodded and agreed with this statement: “The prospect and role of BOW are indeed much better than I expected. In terms of influence alone

Umbrella Corporation is already pretty much Stark Industries. ”

Because of his experience of being kidnapped before, he was not interested in all kinds of arms, and he didn’t seriously consider the advantages and disadvantages of BOW before.

However, after being instructed by Lin Luo, coupled with today’s personal witness, the genius scientist Stark immediately realized that this BOW is of great significance.

The lethality of BOW can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but it has an important role that thermal weapons can never replace.

Because BOW can develop intelligence, in addition to being used in war and killing, it can also be used in other aspects.

Moreover, the cost is low, and there is no worry about using it.

These days, Tony Stark, as Iron Man, has been fighting for righteousness all over the world, mainly against the forces of the Atala armed organization.

During this period, he also saved many innocent people.

But the effect is average.

However, with the BOW, those militants who did many evils have restrained themselves.

This is because all major organizations have BOW. Conventional infantry do not have heavy firepower at night and in complex terrain. When encountering BOW, they will be massacred one-sidedly.

In addition, Licker’s sneak attack ability is very strong, making it impossible for troops to disperse their actions.

Therefore, the exchange of fire between various armed organizations is relatively low [Everyone is very afraid of each other.

It is precisely because of the strong deterrence of BOW that some militants and terrorist organizations dare not do evil so recklessly.

In fact, compared with other munitions and more terrifying people’s hearts, BOW is really relatively harmless.

Like the Jericho missile, it will kill a large area when it falls, while BOW can accurately kill the target without wasting energy for unnecessary killing and destruction.

To put it bluntly, if you choose between the righteous-looking American soldier and the unattractive T-103 Tyrant as a guard, most people will choose the T-103 Tyrant.

In fact, the former is more harmful than the latter.

So the human heart is the scariest thing.

Regarding the praise of the two, Lin Luo smiled slightly and said, “This is because BOW is a weapon that can define an era.”

As for the deal with the military, Lin Luo is still waiting for an opportunity.

Rhodes is not a person who can make decisions, so don’t worry for now.

To this statement, Stark totally agreed, he sighed:

“The history of human development is the history of conquest, the history of weapons.”

“Stirrups, bows and arrows created the famous kingdom on horseback, and the torrent of steel formed by aircraft, tanks, cannons and missiles has shaped the current world pattern.”

“After the era of cold weapons and hot weapons, now is the era of BOW.”

No way, compared with thermal weapons that can only kill and destroy, BOW has a broader prospect and huge potential.

As long as the umbrella can maintain this momentum, BOW may really define the era, just like hot weapons change the world.

Rhodes smiled and said: “Not to mention, even our suppliers are very optimistic about the umbrella.

Although Rhodes does not have the right to decide on the purchase plan of BOW, he has the right to investigate.

In order to reach a better cooperative relationship with the umbrella, Rhodes has been researching the BOW umbrella these days.

During the investigation, Rhodes found that Lin Luo had done a superb job of balancing interests.

Generally speaking, the rise of a new interest group will inevitably cause the loss of the Japanese interest group.

But Lin Luo cleverly passed on this part of the loss to the federation and the military.

Those arms dealers who originally competed with the umbrella sided with Lin Luo

Because of the emergence of BOW, the amount of ammunition and weapons used by various organizations has doubled.

At this stage, the production capacity of BOW is insufficient, and BOW can only be consumed with heavy firepower.

Those arms dealers are making a lot of money recently!

Now who wants to touch Lin Luo and the umbrella company, these arms dealers are the first to refuse.

Delay them from making money, even if it is a real father.

Some obsolete and outdated weapons can be sold at high prices, and the losses to America and the military are nothing at all.

Anyway, this country is very powerful and can afford to lose.

And as long as you have money, you have weapons and soldiers [and you can equip them with BOW.

If you are rich and powerful, you can be the boss here, and anyone who doesn’t try his best to make money is a fool.

After listening to Rhodes’ words, Stark took another deep look at Lin Luo, and said:

“BOW is very strong, but it also leaves the strong control and judgment of President Lin Luo.

“I really want to know, Lin Luo, how did you make the umbrella rise in a short period of time?”

The birth of a monopoly military-industrial complex is not so easy, it is like the birth of a country within a country.

Such forces and organizations will be watching.

Just like the current Stark industry, there was the military before and then S.H.I.E.L.D, and it is necessary to prevent the birth of another Obadiah.

Tony· Stark has been very busy these days.

This feeling of being the enemy of the world is not good.

He felt that he could only compromise in the end, and the pressure from all aspects was too great.

Because of this, when Lin Luo said that he was in a difficult situation, Stark would immediately believe it and feel very understanding.

He envied Lin Luo’s ability to control everything.

Possessing treasures such as BOW and T virus that make the world flock to him, Lin Luo is able to roam among various forces with ease, and even develop the umbrella to the limitless

degree of dominance.

This is simply too strong.

Lin Luo didn’t hide his secrets, and simply summed it up:

“In this interest-based country, as long as we grasp the distribution of interests, it will be fine.”

“All I have to do is to feed what can be smoothed out, and catch and pin down what is not. 17

Those big organizations have big appetites, so they can only buy time for themselves to develop by restraining or hanging their appetites.

That’s how Lin Luo handles the military and S.H.I.E.L.D.

And if the middle level doesn’t make trouble, the basic disk will not be lost, and they will not be afraid of breeding tigers, and by the way, they can contain large organizations.

To him, this trick is just a child’s play, and anyone who has watched the drama of the history of the Dragon Kingdom in 217 can figure it out.

But obviously for the vast majority of people here, this is an extremely clever strategy.

Definitely, if those people don’t obey the rules, Lin Luo is not afraid.

Lin Luo fought wits and courage with them like this, in fact, he had already given them face.

His hidden cards are reserved for those who do not follow the rules.

However, Lin Luo didn’t expect those high-ranking people to be so arrogant and short-sighted.

This umbrella has developed without too much hindrance.

Lin Luo felt a sense of absurdity of “I haven’t exerted my strength yet, why can’t you do it?”

At the moment, Rhodes suddenly realized, raised his wine glass and signaled to Lin Luo: “To President Lin Luo!”

Under Lin Luo’s guidance, Rhodes and Stark finally understood Lin Luo’s plan, which, to put it bluntly, was profit control.

On the premise of feeding the old interest groups, it can also develop new interest points. Who can not love such a company?

Under the combination of the interests of all parties, the umbrella company has grown into a behemoth and a complex community of interests.

Although the Federation and the military have suffered losses, there is nothing they can do about such a community of interests. Instead, they must actively release goodwill, “I hope the two sides can reach a cooperation.

Umbrella companies are not rising, they have risen.

With such a wrist and control over people’s hearts, even without BOW, Lin Luo can protect the development of the umbrella to an astonishing scale.

Rhodes was honored to witness the rise of a giant military-industrial complex first-hand.

Stark also drank a glass of bourbon like Fire and said: “I have already thought that tomorrow all the media headlines will be ‘Lin Luo changed the world’.

As the helm of a huge military-industrial complex, there will never be any lack of topics and enthusiasm.

Regarding this, Lin Luo smiled slightly and didn’t say much.

It’s not a big deal to develop the umbrella to the same level as Stark Industries.

The next thing is the key, and will soon enter the era of “boss chaos”.

At that time, it is the best opportunity for Umbrella and BOW to show their talents.

Early the next morning, the news was full of praise and publicity for the umbrella company.

Lin Luo did not spend any public relations expenses, and these people did a lot of publicity spontaneously.

This is the influence of the giant military-industrial complex.

The appearance of the cursed tyrant means that the umbrella has the right to “share the cake”.

This was all in his expectation, but Wanda was very excited. She had to read every newspaper, write down the wonderful passages in it, and read it to Lin Luo.

Listening to Scarlet Witch’s pleasant reading from the newspaper, Lin Luo leaned back and lay down comfortably, thinking in his heart:

“I don’t know how Wilhelm’s research is going?”

“The research value of abhorrence is still very great. I will go and see later, maybe there will be some good results.”


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