American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 The Final Mission Of Nemesis, The Road To Genetic Ascension!

In the morning, Lin Luo came to the Umbrella First Research Institute.

At the moment’s Wilhelm Birken’s face was a little pale, but his eyes were bright, and he looked very energetic. He excitedly introduced to Lin Luo:

“Boss, I did some experiments, and the results are great. This time the sample is perfect, and it is really suitable for the G virus.”

While speaking, the two of them came to a giant culture tank, which contained nutrient solution and high-concentration sedatives.

After a few trials, Wilhelm has already mastered the amount of sedative well, which can not only keep the abomination awake and convenient for research, but also reduce the opponent’s strength to the minimum.

At the moment’s abomination has fallen into autistic mode.

He feels that life is really meaningless.

Braunsky felt ashamed of his helplessness and fear when he was recruited by Ross to face Hulk for the first time, such a weak self.

So, he accepted the injection of the replica super soldier serum without any hesitation.

Braunski just wants to beat the Hulk, wash the shame on himself, no matter the consequences, no matter what the cost.

After taking the serum, he has indeed become stronger, running like flying, with infinite strength, and his whole body has inexhaustible strength and energy.

Braunski thought he had done it again, and challenged the Hulk again.

As a result, he just kicked him casually, and he was kicked out, and his bones seemed to be rotten.

That scene deeply stimulated him, so Braunsky chose to inject a large number of replica super soldier serums, and even in the end he would rather become what he is now, and gain the power to defeat the green titan Hulk.

Then, he came here.

Now his mind is full of the scene of being beaten by two women.

The extremely humiliating scene kept flashing back in his mind.

Braunsky gave everything, abandoning his human body and family and friends, but only got this result.

At this moment, his heart was ashamed.

Looking at the silent and disgusted Braunski, Lin Luo didn’t care what the other person thought, and the mouse didn’t need a psychiatrist.

However, according to the original trajectory, this Braunsky will be washed in the future. Not only will he be free, but he will also become good friends with Wang.

Sure enough, in terms of forgiveness and gratitude, America has a unique experience.

Anyway, just forget the hatred and ignore the previous suspicions.

Even those “black uncles” who were thrown to the bottom of the sea to become “water ghosts” did not dare to do anything to America on the mainland, they only dared to attack their own race, Wakanda.

This is very democratic and free!

However, this has nothing to do with Lin Luo, and he is temporarily not interested in Wakanda, the “number one power in the mouth”.

Heart Grass and Vibranium are both good things, but the Marvel world is full of good things, so take your time.

So Lin Luo didn’t say much to Abomination, but asked Wilhelm next to him: “Minister Wilhelm, how is the research on Abomination’s mutated cells going?”

Wilhelm shook his head first and said:

“The mutated cells are very complex and are the result of the interaction between serum and gamma rays.

“It’s just that this mutation is a bit similar to the non-stop non-directional change characteristics of the G virus, so the two should be able to have a good integration effect.”

“However, I have tried everything, but I still have no clue about the infinitely stronger ability of the green titan.”

Wilhelm knew about the green titan Hulk’s Ability.

He knows that the green titan can become stronger as long as it gets angry, and it can strengthen all aspects of strength, speed, defense, and regeneration ability.

The report even mentions that a green titan that has been enhanced to a certain extent can even survive the center of a nuclear bomb explosion.

Such a perfect Ability, Wilhelm was definitely intrigued.

It’s just that no matter how he analyzes the hate cells, he can’t see the possibility of infinitely becoming stronger.

The upper limit of the abomination’s strength is certain. Even after being beaten up by the tyrant Alice, the abomination who was burning with anger still showed no signs of becoming stronger.

Lin Luo didn’t take it seriously at all: “Hulk is a miracle, an accident, you don’t need to work hard on it…

From his experience, this unique miracle that cannot be replicated is either due to his special physique, or there is a master plan behind him.

This kind of ability that cannot be replicated in mass production has no meaning for Lin Luo.

Therefore, he ignored the green titan Hulk, just to prevent this from being the main universe of the film and television version.

And Hulk’s Ability is indeed not easy to replicate.

Looking at it at this stage, hatred is the most suitable test object.

Definitely, Lin Luo also wants to see if Dr. Wilhelm can study some mysteries of gamma rays.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of ray is the father of superhero.

The reason is that Erskina’s original super soldier serum formula is actually closely related to gamma rays.

Therefore, Captain America, the first superhero in the Marvel world, can actually be regarded as a product of gamma rays.

Wilhelm Birken went on to report with some regret:

“I tried to use the T virus to invade the mutated cells that I hate, but it failed.”

“Although the T virus has unlimited potential and infinite possibilities, it is still just a virus after all.

“Viruses need to absorb powerful hosts to become stronger.”

“The hateful cells contain a lot of gamma radiation, and today’s T virus can’t modify it, only the stronger G virus can.”

The ability of T virus to rewrite DNA is not omnipotent or its infection ability is not omnipotent.

There have been such cases before.

The T-virus parasite carefully developed by the Nemesis Project Group was killed by the immune system of the infected person when it was injected into Lisa.

Afterwards, a new type of virus appeared on Li’s body, the G virus.

Therefore, the T virus is not invincible, or its invincibility is conditional, that is, it needs to integrate stronger DNA.

Only in this way can the T virus become invincible.

“But the instability of the G virus is also a problem. You continue to experiment and decide based on the results.” Lin Luo pondered for a while.

He didn’t give up on the idea of ​​T virus.

You must know that the G virus is just a mutation of the T virus.

The T virus can be said to be the key to the path of genetic evolution, and it must find ways to continuously increase its strength.

In fact, when watching the BOW battle between S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA yesterday, Lin Luo realized that the limitations of the T virus are too great.

Although Dr. Wilhelm has developed a controllable perfect T virus, the requirements for the host of the T virus are still too high.

Even the perfect T virus is very selective about its adaptors, or it can reach the sky in one step like Alice, but if it is replaced by an ordinary person with poor adaptability, the “strengthening effect will be greatly weakened.

The strongest ability of the T virus lies in the rapid evolution and infinite possibilities, which is the so-called biodiversity.

As long as there are enough samples, it might be possible to obtain a perfect evolution path like “War God Alice”.

But the current T virus obviously has no way to carry out this kind of diversified evolution.

Because using clones to make BOW is simply repeated replication, there is no way to exert the most terrifying ability of infinite evolution of the T virus.

So in the past, Lin Luofei had already started to collect various biotechnology products with extraordinary power, such as super soldier serum and abomination, etc., in order to enhance the ability of the virus.

These forces are an indispensable part of the future genetic ascension route.

Finding various evolutionary things to enhance the Ability of the T virus is the direction that Lin Luo will work on in the next step.

Just then, the system sent a prompt:

[The final stage of the goddess of nemesis is open————gene collection! 】

【Ding, after a long experiment, you realized that the T-virus has limitations, even a perfect T-virus cannot bring about real genetic ascension! You need to collect more genetic samples and evolutionary objects!】

[Now the mission of the final stage of Nemesis begins, collect a certain number of genetic samples to start the road to genetic ascension!】

Seeing that the long-awaited Nemesis mission finally reached its final stage, Lin Luo was very excited and gave Wilhelm an order:

“You continue to integrate the strengthening of the hate and the G virus, and I will handle the strengthening of the T virus.”

Isn’t it the cells of powerful life, with the script in hand, even the cells of ancient gods, he can get them.

“Yes, Bossi! Wilhelm gladly accepts.

This kind of research and development work is his favorite thing to do.

Moreover, Wilhelm believes in the ability of his boss.

He is also looking forward to what kind of powerful biological cells Lin Luo can obtain, and what kind of enhancements he can bring to the T virus.

Lin Luo returned to his office, preparing to plan the evolutionary things needed by the T virus.

According to the information provided by the Red Queen, the plot of Thor has now started, but Lin Luo does not plan to plot the hammer.

That’s not to say Mjolnir isn’t strong.

Mjolnir, also known as Mjolnir, is built from the core of the dying Hengxin.

What kind of concept is this? Even the smallest Fixed Star is hundreds of times the weight of Blue Star.

The sun occupies 99.8% of the mass of the entire solar system, and the blue star is only an insignificant part, worse than dandruff.

In terms of energy intensity, the dying Fixed Star is the so-called giant star, and the energy released per second has reached an unimaginable level.

Even if nuclear weapons all over the world were detonated together, it would not be of the same order of magnitude as the energy released by a superstar in one second.

When using Mjolnir, it can not only produce powerful destructive power, but also control lightning and give the user Flight Ability.

And Mjolnir, with the spell cast by the King of God Odin, most people can’t pick it up, even if they pick it up, Odin will notice it.

For the time being, Lin Luo will continue to develop in a low-key manner, and does not want to be noticed by people like Odin.

So Lin Luo is more interested in Thor’s blood and divine power than Mjolnir, who is not easy to get at the moment.

Although in the early stage, Thor basically relied on “.” “Meow Meow Hammer” in C.

But in fact, Thor’s Thor is worthy of the name, and his blood and divine power are stronger than Mjolnir.

It’s just that Thor can’t exert the true power of his own power.

Thor’s blood is undoubtedly an extremely powerful gene sample with great potential.

In fact, in the MCU world view, Thor’s potential is still higher than Zeus.

When creating a new weapon, the Storm Axe, Thor was even able to hold the power of the entire Fixed Star.

At this moment, the Red Queen reported the latest discovery:

“Master, yesterday I found the plane of Steve Rogers on the list in the North Pole, and carried out emergency treatment according to the plan, blocking all other detection signals

“Also, Jane Foster Thor, whom you brought my attention to, has a new trend.”

After speaking, the Red Queen sent two videos.

In the first video, the iceberg breaks, and a flying wing aircraft with the HYDRA logo appears.

“Hibernation” Captain America and Tesseract should be there.

This can be used.

Then, Lin Luo watched the second video.

In the video, Thor already tries to lift Mjolnir, and fails.

Because now he is no longer the number one God of War in Asgard, he is just a mortal who has lost his divine power, at most he has a stronger body and can fight a little bit.

In desperation, the burly Thor could only accept the reality, and began to flirt with Jane.

Just like in the plot, the two should have gotten together.

Watching the somewhat naive Brother Hammer in the video, Lin Luo began to recall the information in his memory.

Thor Odinson, the son of God King Odin, also known as Thor (the king’s) and Thor.

Astonishingly powerful since childhood, he is the strongest warrior among the gods of Asgard.

To be honest, Thor in this period is really not good, and his mind is not mature.

Probably because of his strength, smooth sailing and having a good father, Thor of At the moment is quite defiant and very reckless and impulsive.

He already thought he was the king of Asgard, but he didn’t really understand what the word king needs to carry.

However, Lin Luo originally didn’t have any idea of ​​transforming Thor, that was Odin’s job.

He’s not Thor’s father.

Lin Luo only wants to get Thor’s blood to complete the task.

But Lin Luo didn’t want to contact Thor rashly.

The main reason is that the King of God is not a good person.

Although the one-eyed old man was old and had to suppress Hela who kept trying to break free from the seal, his strength had declined a lot and his body was not working well.

But Odin is a figure who has lived for thousands of years, and his ability and wisdom cannot be underestimated.

In other words, I don’t know who the simple character of “Sledgehammer” is like. Both father Odin and mother Fury are very intelligent people.

When Thor comes here, he is just like a berserker, with only muscles but no brains.

In contrast, Loki, the adopted son who can use magic and likes to plot evil, is more like the two biological sons.

Regardless of the surface, Odin has fallen into “hibernation” and seems to know nothing about the outside world.

But in fact, Odin is now overcast, and it is very likely that everything is in Odin’s calculations.

Odin is Thor1’s behind-the-scenes BOSS, manipulating everything in the dark.

If Lin Luo makes a rash move, the umbrella and himself will definitely be noticed by the King of God Odin.

So Lin Luo decided to make a roundabout operation.

So where to start?.

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