American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Hybrid Deep Diver, Ancient History! (Please Subscribe And Receive Full Order)

Chapter 61: Hybrid deep divers, ancient history! (Please subscribe for full order)

end of the world

Since 2012, people have heard about the end of the world countless times.

But without exception, they are just rumors among the people. The official attitude towards this has always been to refute the rumors and firmly refuse to admit them.

But this time, the official actually admitted it.

And it was officially disseminated personally, although this is only a possibility.

But the stimulation for these people is already quite great.

At this moment, almost all the people in the beautiful country who watched this video turned their heads to look at the calendar. They were extremely looking forward to today being April Fool’s Day, and all this was just a small official joke for all of them.

But obviously it’s not.

Looking at the clear days on the calendar, everyone fell into a brief daze.

They tried their best to calm themselves down, but the next moment……

The entire beautiful country is completely messed up.

In this country where every household has one or even several firearms.

The greatest malice of human beings is vividly displayed.

Countless people took to the streets, attacking others indiscriminately, venting their panic and anxiety with the guns in their hands and the bullets spewed from the muzzles.

Fifty state-level servers with zero delay and no lag, a super-large map of 9,370,000 square kilometers, hundreds of millions of players online at the same time, real-life chicken-eating battle royale, waiting for you to fight!

A real mess.

All kinds of crimes and chaos were staged one after another in this prosperous country.

Every second there are people falling in a pool of blood, some of them are criminals, some are law and order, and some are ordinary passers-by.

“Now are you satisfied?”

“The entire country has fallen into complete chaos, God knows how many innocent people will die in this chaos, and all this is because of you Chaos Secret Church!”

After announcing all this, the congressmen looked at Master Illusion with ashen faces.

And he complained hoarsely about the actions of the master of illusion and the secret church of Chaos.

But in fact, what they are thinking in their hearts at this moment is how much loss they will suffer because of this chaos?

This time they were careless.

Originally thought that the Chaos secret church was O’Brien’s power, all 22 people didn’t care too much.

But they never imagined that O’Brien was actually a pawn of the Chaos secret church.

As a result, these people fell into the trap of the Chaos secret church unpreparedly, and now they can only bear with it for the time being.

After these things are over, the Chaos secret church must pay the price!

Almost all MPs think so.

Master Illusion looked at their expressions, and could actually guess what they were thinking in their hearts at the moment?

But none of this matters.

Anyway, for these people’s subsequent actions, the leader has already prepared for it.

Master Illusion thought about it for a while, and then said to these congressmen: “Don’t worry, the reason why our Chaos Secret Church allows you to release this information is that we have already made complete preparations.”

“What’s the meaning?”

These congressmen immediately understood when they heard the words.

The Chaos Tantric Church is not a terrorist organization, but a well-organized religion.

Since they would choose to do this, they must have their plans.

Maybe things have turned around?!

Thinking of this, all the councilors looked at Master Illusion expectantly.

It can be said that turning faces is faster than turning books.

Faced with the dog-like attitude of these councilors, Master Illusion is no stranger to it.

Dang Lian snorted coldly with disdain: “Just wait and see, the foresight and foresight of the leader is not something you stupid people can understand!”

These congressmen could not help but fell silent when they heard the words.

Is this man in front of me really the Master of Illusion?

Although the vast majority of them saw the Illusion Master for the first time, each of them had read the archives about the Illusion Master, one of the Mutant Brothers’ toughest opponents.

This is a cunning, wise, existence with its own strong purpose and independent values.

How could such a person worship a cult leader so much?

Even if the Chaos secret church is really mysterious, but in such a short period of time, it is a bit too outrageous for such a super villain with high IQ and evil for many years to become his loyal supporter ?

Is it possible that the Master of Illusion will also be brainwashed?

Master Illusion himself is an expert in manipulating memory, so he will be brainwashed one day?

No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible, right?

For a moment, the fear and guard against the Chaos Secret Church and Xiao Wen among the members of the House of Representatives present were almost at the peak.

“Hey, hello? Can you see it?”

While everyone was thinking, Master Illusion suddenly went to the camera equipment of the TV station and inserted a black card into it.

Then the whole picture suddenly changed, and what appeared in the camera was a man and a vast sea.

“What is this place?”

The sea is the same everywhere in their eyes, and they can’t recognize the difference at all?

And the man in the picture is also very weird.

It is clear that he should be a young man in his prime, but his appearance is a bit old, especially the sides of his neck are like a circle of loose skin [it looks quite weird.

“Let me introduce myself, I am a reporter from the Daily Bugle, and my name is Carville.”

“Now I am near Lalaiye, entrusted by Master Xiao Wen. Next, I will follow up and report how Master Xiao Wen solved this chaos and saved all mankind!”


Is it the reporter of the Daily Bugle that exposed the incident in Innsmouth, and then filmed the battle between Dagon and the Faceless God?

Isn’t he a young man in his early twenties? He looks at least forty years old now.

And judging from what he said just now, he should also be Xiao Wen’s pawn.

After all, they were all old foxes, and they soon figured out what was going on.

“Your Chaos secret church deliberately let the people fall into chaos, and then appeared on the stage, trying to portray yourself as the savior, so as to deceive the people?!”

After these councilors figured this out, they all looked at Master Illusion in surprise.

Isn’t the Chaos Secret Church too bold?

This matter can be described as desperate, once it fails, not only will the reputation of their Chaos secret church be discredited, but it is even more likely that the entire human race will be buried with them. They are simply crazy to do so!

“Understood now?” Master Illusion looked at these councilors with contempt: “You are deceiving the people almost every day, why is our Chaos secret church only deceiving once now, and you can’t stand it?”

“You madmen!”

Several councilors roared angrily at the master of illusion, but they were directly ignored by the master of illusion.

Then the screen changed, and a city with huge amounts of money appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

The grotesque architectural style, the huge amounts of green stones, and the weird appearance seem like things that shouldn’t exist in this world.

Just looking at it already makes people want to vomit.

Especially the asymmetry of those megalithic buildings, and the green, like some kind of oily color.

All of these made everyone who saw this scene feel a hysterical feeling of madness.

Because most of the creatures in the world are symmetrical.

No matter how strange the appearance is, there is always a place on the left and right, above and below, which are similar, or even exactly the same.

This is also symmetry.

In human architectural aesthetics, this is also one of the most basic requirements.

But the R’lyeh that appeared in their eyes now is full of weirdness and weirdness everywhere.

No place is the same, and no place is.

Asymmetry, even without rules and rules, is completely different from human aesthetics.

But it is also such a thing that gave a huge amount of shock to all human beings who saw this thing.

It was a kind of awe from the heart, for things that I didn’t understand at all, but things that clearly surpassed myself.

At this moment, all human beings saw La’lyeh, and they were all greatly shocked at the moment when they saw La’lyeh.

They don’t even care about what they are doing at the moment?

Instead, he just stared blankly at R’lyeh in the picture, and was obsessed with it.

“Thanks to the leader who gave me this thing, otherwise ordinary people like them would have passed out the moment they saw La’lye.”

R’lyeh is the place where Cthulhu lives. Although it is not originally the old ruler, it also has a strong curse.

This kind of curse may not have much impact on superheroes and Fury, who can calmly take out the surprise calling device when they see that half of their bodies have disappeared, but it is almost fatal to ordinary people .

After all, in Cthulhu’s worldview, the will is the strongest.

For example, in a certain article, a Nazi submarine once encountered a city on the seabed, but it was not Raliyah, but another underwater city.

And at this time, they saw the evil god.

But the officers in this submarine were able to look directly at the evil god without dying, and even their self-awareness was quite intact.

Although in the end he entered the underwater city, he never appeared again.

But judging from his performance, even if he was really eroded and corrupted by the evil god, the degree was not high, and he kept himself quite complete.

A human being who can do this can already be called an excellent, even legendary investigator.

So in fact, under the Cthulhu worldview, as long as you don’t directly target those old rulers, you just see them.

If the willpower is strong enough, you can still survive.

At this moment, the camera in Cavill’s hand is the product of Xiao Wen’s multiple magical blessings, technology and magic.

Being able to limitly reduce the reduction in the SAN value caused by looking directly at any existence under the world view of the restraint system, if you use the words of the running group, it means that you can throw at least one success every time.

Guaranteed to prevent you from having a face-to-face meeting with the evil god, and then g.

While talking, Cavill picked up the camera, found a suitable position and landed.

It’s just that Cavill just landed, and when he looked up, he saw a few deep divers strolling along the shore.

Cavill just bumped into them.

Seeing this scene, many people couldn’t help feeling tense.

Could it be that this war correspondent is about to die before he leaves the army?

Even if they don’t care about Cavill, they still have to care about their future

Can you still see these things?

Had Cavill died, there would have been no second war correspondent filming them.


However, Cavill didn’t seem to be worried about this at all. Instead, after seeing these deep divers, he waved at them and greeted them.

Several deep divers looked up at Cavill, and there seemed to be some doubts in their eyes, but they ignored Cavill immediately.

Instead, he lowered his head and stared at the sea surface, as if he was catching fish, right?

Although Cavill didn’t want to disturb them anymore, in order to find Xiao Wen’s whereabouts, he could only go up and communicate with these deep divers.

It wasn’t until one of the deep divers pointed out a path for him that Cavill turned around and left here, continuing his tracking and reporting to 883.

“Watt? Why didn’t they attack this Cavill?”

“They are deep divers, right? They are the kind of monsters that the people of the Chaos secret church turned into. Cavill was also arranged by Xiao Wen, so it is reasonable that they don’t know Cavill.

“But Cavill is still greeting them as if he saw an acquaintance. Is there something wrong?”

“The most important thing is that this Cavill seems to know the language of these deep divers? Isn’t this a bit too strange?!”

“That strange pronunciation is really something humans can learn?”

Seeing that Cavill didn’t encounter any danger at all, he walked past several deep divers safely.

They even asked about the way from the mouths of these deep divers, and immediately many people expressed their doubts and incomprehensions.

But it is only for online communication, and it is unlikely that they will go directly to ask Cavill.

But Cavill seemed to be able to see the questions of these people, and he took the initiative to explain.

“You must be wondering why I can communicate with these deep divers. In fact, the answer is very simple. The blood of deep divers is also flowing in my body.”

“A long time ago, before the birth of human beings, the deep divers had already begun to believe in and worship Cthulhu, and with some other existences on the earth at that time, named the ancients

The alien visitors are fighting. ”

“Although the technology of the ancients is far stronger than that of the deep divers, the deep divers who have the old rulers as their backup also make the ancients full of awe, even if Cthulhu did not

Participated in the war, but in the end the ancients negotiated peace with the deep ones, and the two sides ruled the earth together. ”

“But then the ancients perished. They completely disappeared on the earth because of their own problems, but the deep ones survived. After Cthulhu fell asleep, they went to the

Led by the father god Dagon and the mother god Xu Della, they came to Raliyah, serving Cthulhu and waiting for Cthulhu’s reawakening. ”

As Cavill walked, he told them stories about Deep Diver and Cthulhu.

Although Xiao Wen asked him to say these things, it has to be said that he does have some ability to tell stories.

Soon his stories attracted everyone’s attention.

“Some humans have found a way to believe in Dagon or even Cthulhu from ancient civilizations, and got in touch with the deep divers.”

“They began to live in peace with the deep divers, and even intermarried, giving birth to children with the blood of both humans and deep divers.

Having said that, in fact, everyone has already understood what Cavill wants to say.

And they are all looking forward to Cavill’s announcement of this answer.

But at this moment, Cavill suddenly looked up and looked not far away, then turned his head to the camera and said: “I think we have found something that shouldn’t appear in these

people. ”

“Like S.H.I.E.L.D and superheroes!”.

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