American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Kill Cthulhu? Whimsical! (Please Subscribe And Receive Full Order)

Chapter 62: Killing Cthulhu? Fantastic! (Please subscribe for full order)

People from Fury and Avengers are searching aimlessly on this island.

They don’t know what to do?

But at the same time, without exception, they all felt that they should do something.

Just like many superheroes, they are heroes in their hearts, and they must do something to be worthy of this hero status.

In this regard, it is the same whether it is Spider-man- Parker, Captain America-Steve, or Iron Man Tony.

Personal thought is always personal heroism above anything else.

“Hey! Dude, you have been in contact with Xiao Wen for a while, what do you think of him?”

If you want to say who has the best relationship with Tony among the Avengers, it must be Dr. Banner.

Even the two have reached the point of calling each other buddies.

It’s already a pretty close call.

After hearing Tony’s inquiry, Dr. Banner was silent for a while, and then said: “He is a very charismatic person, I feel very safe by his side, as if all nightmares and monsters will surround him He walks the same way.”

Dr. Banner immediately expressed his most honest opinion on Xiao Wen.

This was also the most intuitive feeling he had when facing the faceless god.

Everyone is terrified and afraid of the faceless god, but Xiao Wen is the only one who doesn’t have to be afraid of anything.

Even the faceless Shendu will not take the initiative to provoke Xiao Wen, which is why the green-eyed man feels safe in Xiao Wen.

“Is it safe?” Tony nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words: “Actually, I also feel very safe, definitely only for beauties.”

It’s still the same old Tony, the playboy who only has all kinds of beauties in his eyes.

Even after becoming Iron Man, that hasn’t changed a bit.

Even Dr. Banner wonders if this guy is going to use his Iron Man status to go out and pick up girls?

After all, among them, only Spider-man is an absolute concealer, and he hasn’t revealed his identity until now.

“Baby in pajamas, what do you think of Xiao Wen?”

After questioning Dr. Banner, Tony immediately asked Parker again.

“Huh? Pajama baby? Are you talking about me?”

Although Parker’s face was covered by the spider mask, I believe that his face must be full of doubts and incomprehensions at this moment.

Because he didn’t understand why he suddenly became a baby in pajamas?

“A young man who always wears a jumpsuit like pajamas, and also wears a hood, isn’t it a pajama baby?”

“Hahaha! It’s really good, baby in pajamas, it’s really pretty!”

Hearing Tony call Parker that, Thor immediately laughed.

But at the same time, he also recognized Tony’s title.

In addition, although Captain America and Hawkeye didn’t say anything, it is not difficult to see from their smothered smiles that they actually recognize the title of Tomiao at this moment.

Parker’s eyes swept across these guys viciously, especially when he saw Tony, he really wanted to go up and tear Tony’s mouth.

But soon this impulse was suppressed by Tony.

Because he knew very well that he couldn’t beat this guy who was talking about running trains.

It feels like there should be no guy in this world who is more annoying than him talking?

Just one hell of a headache!

Parker complained feebly in his heart, but he didn’t expect at all that in this world, there really is an exasperating little expert who is more eloquent than Tony.

And it also exists like a Regenerative Healing Factor.

Definitely none of this has anything to do with the current situation.

“My impression of Xiao Wen?”

Parker thought about it carefully, and then a pair of eyes full of enthusiasm for the news suddenly flashed in his mind.

“He is a scumbag who will do anything to achieve his goals!”

Parker almost gritted his teeth and growled, which immediately caught Tony’s eyes.

From Parker’s tone, it’s not difficult for him to hear that Parker seems to have had some festivities with Xiao Wen?

Ever since Fury learned about the Chaos secret church, Tony has actually been investigating them.

And it is logical to investigate Xiao Wen, but it is limited to this.

He asked many people related to Xiao Wen, but these people’s evaluation of Xiao Wen was surprisingly consistent.

Xiao Wen is a very nice person, no matter what aspects are good, but the comments are definitely positive.

And now Parker, obviously gave a negative evaluation.

This is the first time Tony has encountered it.

“Why do you think that? Have you met.”?”

“Almost none.”

Parker shook his head. When he and Cavill faced Dagon in the Middle East, he only saw Xiao Wen from a distance, but Xiao Wen didn’t notice him.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, he is just a little accident in the process of achieving his goal?

But it is precisely because of this that I want to expose Xiao Wen’s true face even more.

Absolutely not let more people be deceived and poisoned like Cavill!

“But I know what kind of man he is.”

Parker said in a cold tone: “He is a dirty bastard who can take advantage of other people’s dreams and trample on their dignity in order to achieve his own goals!”

“A junior of mine was ruined because of him!”

Parker’s tone became colder as he spoke, but he could hear how angry he was in this cold place.

“You failed to save him?”

At this moment, Captain America, who had been quietly listening from the sidelines, suddenly came in front of Parker.


Hearing Captain America’s question, Parker nodded silently after hesitating for a moment.

“Then remember the fear and anger in your heart well, because this will be the source of your strength!”

Similar things have happened to Captain America, so Captain America knows what to say now, at least in his opinion.

“I will!”

Parker looked up at Captain America, what was he thinking?

But then he nodded, his tone very serious.

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent, because this topic made the atmosphere dignified.

But Fury was quite satisfied with that.

One of the reasons why he values ​​Captain America so much is the spirit of Captain America.

No, definitely one of the superheroes who is most compatible with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Serious and responsible, responsible, obey orders, courageous and resourceful.

The key is that he has participated in many wars and has extremely rich experience.

“Are you guys from S.H.I.E.L.D?”

Suddenly a question came, and everyone present immediately became alert, and turned their heads to look at the place where the voice came from.

But they saw a man with a somewhat ugly appearance, walking quickly in front of them.

“Hello, I’m Carvel, a reporter from the Daily Horn. This time, I was invited by Xiao Wen, the leader of the Chaos Secret Church, to come to La’layeh for a follow-up report.”

Cavill came to everyone with a warm smile on his face, completely ignoring everyone’s surprised eyes, and was about to shake hands with Captain America a few days ago.

“Captain America, it’s great to meet you. I grew up listening to your heroic stories.”

“Spider-man? You’re actually here too? You’re an old friend of our newspaper office, I didn’t expect to meet you here? But you may not be familiar with me, but you must know the senior Parker of our newspaper office, he has filmed Lots of your exclusive photos and news!”

Cavill came up to greet Parker kindly, but Parker just stared at Keweill, his expression became a little ugly.

Serious again!

It was just a little bit of hair loss before, and now he has started to look like a toad, and his tongue seems to be longer than before. “If this continues, he will soon become a real deep dive.

Damn Xiao Wen! He is the one who gave Cavill such a curse, and lied to him that it is a family blood inheritance!!

At this moment, Parker, who was hiding under the mask, had already creaked all his teeth.

But Cavill didn’t feel anything at all, and was still warmly greeting the others.

“Isn’t this Mr. Tony? Since you became Iron Man, we haven’t photographed you in the reception for a long time. I wonder if you have started to pay attention to your personal image after becoming Iron Man?”

“Is this… Mr. Hawkeye? I’m really sorry, I don’t know enough about superheroes, so there may be some…”

“That Cavill, we are now in a mysterious city full of dangers, not doing news interviews!”

Just when Cavill’s chatter might continue, Fury, who finally couldn’t stand it, interrupted him.

This also caused a lot of people to feel funny for a while.

“Don’t tell me, this Cavill is really a natural reporter, and he is full of journalist-related words.”

“It’s really embarrassing for him to talk so much at once.”

“But that’s pretty good, after all, this Cavill has the blood of deep divers, if he leads the way, I think superheroes should be much more relaxed.

In the discussion of many audience members, Fury also opened his mouth to question Cavill.

“How did you come here? You said Xiao Wen asked you to come here?!”

Fury’s hostility towards Xiao Wen should be the highest among all.

Even stronger than Parker.

After all, Parker’s hostility is mainly due to Cavill, but Fury is purely due to his personal knowledge of the Chaos occult.

He knew very well what a horrible religion the Chaos Secret Church would become in the end.

Therefore, they must be killed in the cradle before the Chaos Secret Church develops completely!

“I definitely came by boat.”

Cavill looked at Fury like a fool, and then continued: “I originally made a cruise ship, but then the cruise ship was overturned by huge waves,” so I had to row a small boat by myself. ”

Hearing this, Fury didn’t wrinkle immediately.

These words obviously sounded like nonsense, but this Cavill said it so sincerely, but it made Fury suddenly wonder whether he should believe Cavill?

But Cavill didn’t care about these, instead he continued to answer Fury’s questions.

“…I have been cooperating with the leader Xiao Wen before, and it was he who asked me to come here. It is said that R’lyeh, that is, the great old ruler Cthulhu is sleeping in this giant city under our feet, If he wakes up the whole world will be destroyed, so he’s going to appease Cthulhu.”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

No matter how they belittle and question Xiao Wen, there is one thing that has to be admitted.

That is Xiao Wen’s understanding of the Cthulhu mythology, and the

The prediction of some things is really quite powerful.

It has even reached the point of being a prophet.

Therefore, when Xiao Wen said that the world of Cthulhu’s awakening would be destroyed, no one questioned it.

“So, Xiao Wen wants you to take a picture of his heroic figure of saving the world, and then take it out for the world to worship?”

Tony raised his eyebrows, and then said with some disdain.

“To be precise, it is already shooting now, and I am using live broadcast.”


As soon as Tony heard this, he looked at the camera again and immediately moved aside to arrange his clothes.

We can’t let those beauties see the lover of their dreams with such a slovenly appearance.

But when Tony finished tidying up and came back, everyone paid no attention to it.

Instead, they were discussing another more important matter, which was how to solve this trouble before Xiao Wen made a move.

“Letting him continue to sleep is just the most stupid way. Once this evil god wakes up, the world will face crisis again, so our best choice is to kill this

Evil God!”

Captain America deserves to be a master of human supremacy and individual heroism.

When you open your mouth, you need to be straight-on, this kind of strong operation.

But I just don’t know how useful his forced 50-50 split is when facing Cthulhu?

The shield in his hand alone might not be enough!

“The best option is definitely to kill this evil god, but can we really succeed?”

Fury, who had witnessed the existence of evil gods, immediately rejected this idea.

“I have also learned some of the Cthulhu mythology of their Chaos secret church. From the words of their believers, I can probably analyze that Cthulhu was the first to appear in

The God of Cthulhu mythology in front of people, he is a very powerful evil god, even Dagon and Xu Della are just his servants. ”

Tony, Thor, and Parker were also the ones who had seen the powerful power of Dagon.

Hearing Fury’s words at this moment, his face turned ugly.

But the battle between Dagon and the faceless god is like the end of the world.

To this day, every time they think about it, they can’t help but break out in cold sweat.

“Then just leave it alone?”

Captain America has never seen how powerful Dagon is, let alone how great this evil god is.

“He has the power to destroy the world, and he may destroy the world, which is enough for us to make up our minds to kill him!”

“The most important will is determination!”

“If everything was like yours, and you were timid, the beautiful country would have been destroyed in the war long ago!”

Captain America is a person who has experienced war and led the war to victory.

In his eyes, there is no absolutely invincible opponent.

If there is, it means that the opponent’s weakness has not been found!

“Steve is right, we have to kill this guy!”

Namor, who has never been very gregarious, also stood up at this moment and chose to support the Captain America group.

After all, his Atlantis is in the ocean. If Cthulhu is eliminated and Ling wakes up, Atlantis will be the first to be destroyed.


For a time, the entire Avengers was divided into two opinions.

One is Captain America and Namor, who think Cthulhu should be killed.

And the other is Fury, who thinks that they should find a way to keep Cthulhu sleeping until they find a way or props that can kill Cthulhu.

However, when they couldn’t stop arguing, a figure suddenly appeared among them.

“So why don’t you ask me, the leader’s opinion?”.

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