American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Great Cthulhu, Waiting For You To Dream! (Seeking Subscription, Full Order And Custom Order)

Chapter 64: The great Cthulhu, waiting for you to fall asleep! (Please subscribe and customize)


Looking at the huge creature coming out of the passage, Cavill muttered to himself dully.

He also learned some information about Cthulhu from Xiao Wen.

Therefore, when the creature appeared in front of him, Cavill immediately recognized it. This is the appearance of Cthulhu that Xiao Wen told him before.

The people of Avengers also heard what Cavill said, and immediately raised their heads and looked at this existence seriously.

This seems to be a mixture of marine life, human beings and even bats. It really looks like the god they believe in the Chaos secret church.

“This is Cthulhu? It seems that it is not as powerful as Dagon.”

Fury admitted that the monster in front of him was really strong, if Tony hadn’t made a move just now, he would have been slapped to death by this monster.

But even so, Fury still felt that the monster in front of him was not as powerful as the Dagon he saw in the Middle East.

When he saw Dagon for the first time, Fury’s heart was actually full of fear, even thinking that the existence of the Faceless God had already neutralized most of the indescribable and terrifying power zone.

But Fury was still full of fear of Dagon at that time, and even felt that he might collapse completely just because he saw Dagon at any time.

But at this moment, when he saw Cthulhu, whose status and strength were said to be still higher than Dagon, he felt nothing at all.

I even thought it was just an ordinary monster, and I didn’t feel that terrible power in him.

It was as if what I met was just an existence that looked like an evil god.

This filled Fury with doubts.

Even Parker and Tony, who were there at the time and saw Dagon, thought so.

This Cthulhu, who should be the master of Dagon, doesn’t seem as powerful as he imagined, at least they don’t see any meaning that he is stronger than Dagon.

But these are not important now.

Both Captain America and Namor had already rushed forward.

The two of them had never seen the horror of the Old Ones, and they didn’t feel any too terrifying pressure from this monster.

Although the enemy in front of him is still very powerful, it is not completely irresistible.

So they are even more convinced that what Fury and the others said about Cthulhu and other old rulers before is completely alarmist.

In fact, these guys are just some stronger monsters.

It’s not like I haven’t dealt with this kind of existence before, and it’s not something worth fearing.

“It seems that these years of peace have greatly sapped your fighting spirit, which makes you think that such monsters are some kind of invincible gods “existences that can destroy the world[”

Captain America taught Fury them a lesson with disdainful words, and then rushed up quickly.

He wanted to kill this monster with his own hands, so that Fury and the others could understand that the so-called god was just a slightly stronger monster.

How can Asgardians, who are all human beings, be intimidated by such a guy?

Their future is to protect the safety of the whole world!

And Namor is even simpler.

He needs to protect his people, and among all of them, his position should be the strongest one.

Because now he has stood in a position with no way out.

His people and his kingdom are threatened by his family.

If Cthulhu can’t be dealt with and everything can be restored, Namor will lose everything.

Whether it is his kingdom, his tribe, or his people, they will all be destroyed!

So whether it is Cthulhu in front of him or not, and whether it will lead to the destruction of the world after this, he doesn’t care anymore.

His goal is to protect his people, if he can’t even do this.

It doesn’t matter if the world is destroyed, anyway, they can’t escape this fate.

“Looking at a family of the stars, saying it’s Cthulhu, these people have to have a degree even if they don’t know much?”

Seeing that Xiao Wen didn’t yell at Cthulhu one by one, and rushed towards the Star Family with high fighting spirit, he couldn’t help showing a mocking expression.

When Cavill heard Xiao Wen’s words, he also looked at Xiao Wen in surprise, as if he wanted to say something.

But before he could open his mouth, Xiao Wen raised his hand and interrupted what he had already said.

“Let’s watch with peace of mind. Although this star family is not the great Cthulhu, it is not something that Captain America can deal with. Just wait and see.”

Xiao Wen didn’t let Cavill tell the story.

He also wants to take this opportunity to find out what level the Avengers are now?

Because these superheroes are familiar to me.

I even watched some of their movies before, but Xiao Wen really doesn’t know what kind of strength they are now.

After all, this is a living reality, not a movie picture.

So Xiao Wen felt that he had to take it seriously.


Hearing Xiao Wen’s words, Cavill couldn’t help showing hesitation.

But then he nodded again and followed Xiao Wen’s advice.

At this moment, both Captain America and Namor had rushed in front of the Star Family, raised their weapons and attacked the Star Family.

Compared with the three or four hundred meters of the Star Family, “Kamura and Namor are like a tiny speck of dust.

The Star Family raised its arms, and then suddenly landed towards Captain America and Namor.

Huge amounts of arms brought the whistling sound of wind, as if the entire space could be torn apart.

Namor didn’t choose to go head-to-head, and immediately jumped up and landed on the arm of the Star Family, and then continued to rush towards the octopus head of the Star Family.

But Captain America did not dodge, facing this attack, he chose to resist.

Because he believes in his shield, he also wants to establish an image for everyone, an image of omnipotence and invincibility.

So even if he was about to face the attack of the Star Family, he still put the shield in front of him, blocking the attack for himself.

This shield has the belief and honor of Captain America, which is a symbol for Captain America.

With the shield in hand, no matter who he is, he dares to fight.

Just like some viewers joked about Captain America, Marvel is 50-50, no matter who the opponent is, they dare to touch it.

The reason is because of the shield in his hand, as long as he can’t break his shield, he can’t defeat him.

But the problem is that his shield has an upper limit.

Captain America stood the shield in front of him, and the Star Family slapped the shield heavily, and the huge amounts of power immediately cracked the entire ground.

The hard rocky ground shattered under Captain America’s feet, and there was a loud noise, accompanied by strong wind pressure, rampaging through the passage.

Just like a tenth-level tornado, the strong wind pressure even made Fury unable to keep his eyes open.

And after everything calmed down, except for Namor who continued to charge, everyone else was looking at the huge amounts of the Star Family’s palm. Is Captain America still alive at this moment?

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a figure gradually appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

He was like Atlas, the titan god holding up the sky in Greek mythology. Captain America held up his own shield to block the attack of the Star Family.

Facing this attack like a tsunami, Captain America did not suffer even a little damage. He used his actions to prove that human beings can fight against gods!

Seeing this scene, Fury only felt that his body was trembling slightly, and something moist seemed to be pouring out of his eyes.

Since the emergence of the Chaos Secret Church, all Fury’s methods against the Chaos Secret Church will eventually end in failure.

Especially the most terrified gods of the Chaos Secret Church, when facing these gods, Fury couldn’t even give birth to the slightest bit of resistance.

He subconsciously felt that these gods were invincible existences, existences that human power could not contend with.

But now Captain America tells Fury with the facts that these so-called gods are not really invincible, and their humans still have a chance to defeat these so-called gods!

So this scene is understandably exciting for Fury, and for those who have seen Dagon appear in person.

Tony and Thor, who had some scruples and even apprehensions, immediately joined the battle.

Especially Thor, who also bears the name of a god, is full of fighting spirit, and there seems to be a flame burning in his eyes.

After all, when facing Dagon not long ago, he was crushed mercilessly.

He claimed to be the most powerful warrior in Asgard, but when he faced the gods of other gods, he couldn’t hold a single move and was knocked to the ground.

This is something that Thor will never let go of, so when he found out that the god in front of him, who came from the Cthulhu mythology like Dagon, and even had a higher status than Dagon, was actually not that powerful, Thor immediately Then he made a move.

He wants to use the other party’s blood to wash away the shame on himself.

The ferocious thunderbolt constantly fell on the body of the family of the stars. Although it couldn’t cause too much damage to him, it was faster than it was.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Thor had used his own Mjolnir to leave many traces of thunder on the bodies of the Star Family.

Facing his masterpiece, Tony expressed his satisfaction.

And followed by a more ferocious attack, and under his attack, Namor also had a cover, so he quickly killed in front of the Star Family, and raised the steel fork in his hand to stab at the Star Family. eyeball.

But he was wrapped around his waist by the beard-like tentacles of the Star Family, and then he was thrown out directly, and fell heavily on the ground.

This blow almost broke Namor’s lumbar spine, the intense pain stimulated Namor, and every part of his body was crying constantly, as if telling Namor that he had reached the limit.

But Namor didn’t care. Instead, he grabbed the steel fork with both hands, forced himself to stand up, and then continued to attack the Star Family.

This is a battle from which no one can back down.

…seeking flowers 00

For the Star Family, these people in front of them are all sinners who invaded the holy city, and they are all existences worthy of death.

But for Namor and the others, the monster in front of them is the evil god that may destroy the world. For themselves, for the things they must protect, and for their responsibilities, they must kill this monster!

Almost every superhero in Marvel has something that runs through their lives, making them move forward no matter what they face.

That is their responsibility!

This may also be the reason why these superheroes are so tough and brave.

But not all superheroes have taken action, for example

Dr. Parker and Dr. Banner did not join the fight at the moment.

It’s just that Dr. Banner is a chess piece arranged by Xiao Wen to enter the Avengers. Before he got Xiao Wen’s consent, it is naturally impossible for Dr. Banner to make any comments on the Cthulhu Mythos.

The presence of hands.

As for the other Parker, it was all because he wanted to shoot Xiao Wen.

Now is a great opportunity.

If I can seize this opportunity, subdue Xiao Wen and let him lift the curse on Cavill!

But Parker did not pass through, in fact, there is another possibility.

That is Xiao Wen did not lie to Cavill, all of this is true.

Cavill is the protagonist in Innsmouth Haze. In the original book, this person is a hybrid with the blood of deep divers. If not, he would not have the chance to survive from Innsmouth

out of town.

It’s just that the town of Innsmouth was completely destroyed later, so Cavill didn’t have the opportunity to investigate and understand these things in depth.

Later, when he was in the Middle East, after Xiao Wen settled the Dagon matter, he had already told Cavill these things.

And Parker was also on the scene at the time, but Parker has always insisted that all this is just Xiao Wen’s curse on Cavill, making Cavill transform into a deep diver.

As for what Xiao Wen said about family blood inheritance, Parker didn’t believe it at all.

In Parker’s view, all of these are lies fabricated by Xiao Wen for his own purposes.

The purpose is to make Cavill his pawn and assist him in accomplishing those shady things.

As a superhero, I watched my colleagues, and a junior who admired me, degenerate bit by bit, and finally became a horrible person.

scary monster.

This is simply the biggest insult and torture for Parker, so Parker is always thinking about how to restore Cavill to his original state, but he has never found a chance

And now the opportunity has finally come!

Parker didn’t think much, and pointed his wrist directly at Xiao Wen.

Immediately he said cobweb, and it turned into a white net, covering Xiao Wen’s head.

Seeing the spider web approaching him, Xiao Wen didn’t even have the thought of hiding.

With just a flick of the wrist, the remnant of La’lye’s text appeared in his hand, and then a big bone hand stretched out from the text, grabbing the spider web in his hand.

Parker was not surprised by his miss this time, but immediately launched a second round of offensive.

“Xiao Wen, lift Cavill’s curse immediately!”

The anger in my heart turned into endless motivation.

Parker roared and shot the cobweb again at Xiao Wen.

At the same time, the whole person was also quickly approaching Xiao Wen, and everything he said was as fast as lightning.

However, Xiao Wen just stood there, watching Parker quietly.

On the contrary, after hearing this, a trace of doubt flashed in Cavill’s eyes, and when he looked at Parker, he seemed to have understood something.

The eyes were wide open, filled with disbelief, but it was somewhat true.

Unexpected, but within reason.

Even Cavill subconsciously wanted to call out the words “Senior Parker” to Parker.

But then he held back again.

Spider-man has never revealed his identity, and Cavill does not want to expose Spider-man’s identity because of himself.

So he held back.

Xiao Wen is not so generous.

“Parker, do you really think I’m lying to Cavill?”

Parker didn’t listen to Xiao Wen’s words at all, instead he rushed towards Xiao Wen even more fiercely.

He must save Carvel, this is his responsibility!

However, just as he was about to rush in front of Xiao Wen, his heart suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

Then a chilling fear flooded into his mind almost instantly.

Parker inevitably met Xiao Wen’s eyes, and then he saw another existence in Xiao Wen’s eyes.

I saw another more terrifying and dangerous existence.

It was a huge and majestic existence like a lofty mountain.

Parker just saw his eyes, but just like that already made Parker tremble uncontrollably, with tears constantly flowing from his eyes.

That’s fear, that’s anxiety, that’s the prelude to death.

In the holy R’lyeh, the sleeping lord, the great Cthulhu awaits you in dream zero!.

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