American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Who Said This Is Cthulhu? (Please Subscribe And Customize)

Chapter 65: Who Says This Is Cthulhu? (Please Subscribe and Customize)

Parker felt that Xiao Wen was no longer facing his four eyes at this moment, but an existence, a terrifying existence beyond his cognition.

When this being looked at each other, Parker felt as if he had glimpsed the end of his destiny.

And because of the eye contact with Xiao Wen, Parker felt a little groggy at the moment.

A strong drowsiness welled up in his heart. He knew that he had to save Cavill and stop Xiao Wen and his ambitions, but Parker was powerless.

“Sleep, great maiden of Cthulhu.”

Xiao Wen looked at Parker who was drowsy under his gaze, and spoke in a particularly calm tone.

It’s like comforting a wounded animal.

And these words were like the last straw that broke the camel’s back for Parker, who was struggling to support him. Parker couldn’t hold on and fell down.

At this moment, he is about to enter the dreamland and see the great Cthulhu in the dreamland.

Although Spider-man is not a very strong superhero, his reputation is not low among superheroes.

After all, being a good neighbor to the residents of the Big Apple is no joke.

Walking on the road of fighting crime with high intensity every day, and unremittingly providing help to everyone, has always been the reason why Spider-man has become one of the most popular superheroes.

But now such a famous superhero couldn’t even get close to Xiao Wen, and under Xiao Wen’s gaze, he completely fainted.

All the audience watching this scene on the Internet were taken aback, feeling that all this is so unreal.

“Spider-man lost like this?”

“Is this the power of a god? I didn’t even see the leader Xiao Wen make a move, but Spider-man had already fallen.

“NO! Spider-man, stand up! You can’t just fall down like this!!”

“My God, Spider-man just saved me from a robber just two days before May 40th, you can’t do this to him!”

“Why does the Chaos secret church have to be hostile to superhero? You can actually live in peace!”

Spider-man’s popularity has always been relatively close among all superheroes.

Of course he also has his own supporters.

Seeing that Spider-man had fallen, they immediately started shouting.

Some people are trying to awaken the Spider-man, while others are attacking Xiao Wen and the Chaos secret church.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire network began to become polarized.

On the one hand, those who love superhero very much and think that superhero is the savior of their ordinary people, they began to question and criticize Xiao Wen and Chaos secret church, and accused them of being a cult.

On the other hand, people who have begun to believe in the Chaos secret church and who don’t like superheroes are all supporting Xiao Wen’s behavior, thinking that Xiao Wen is necessary justice, and now is an important moment to save the world, even if Superhero shouldn’t be an enemy of Xiao Wen either.

Two evaluations are also two views.

They can say whatever they want, but no matter how they look at it or comment on it.

Xiao Wen couldn’t see it either, let alone care about it.

His purpose has been achieved.

This battle was first provoked by superhero, not him Xiao Wen.

So it’s superhero’s fault, which has already left a bad impression on many viewers.

It’s just that they didn’t take this matter to heart because of the contributions the superhero made to ordinary citizens for so many years, and selectively forgot about it.

However, what if the actions of the latter superheroes have begun to endanger their lives?

Never trust human nature, because that thing cannot stand the test.

Now because of Spider-man’s behavior, some people have begun to dislike superhero’s behavior.

Next, as long as you use a little more force, the Chaos Secret Church may really replace S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Master, Senior Parker?”

Cavill is the Deep One, but he hasn’t lost his affections.

He is not a bad person, but he is still a very optimistic and positive person.

So when seeing Spider-man fall, a trace of worry immediately flashed in Cavill’s eyes.

Especially when Cavill already guessed that Spider-man is Parker, this kind of worry even more soared.

That’s why he asked Xiao Wen about Spider-man’s situation.

“Looking at his own good fortune, if he is lucky, he may not only come back alive, but even become stronger.

Now the Spider-man has entered the dreamland, and fell into a deep sleep under the gaze of Xiao Wen’s Cthulhu.

If there is no accident, the current Spider-man should have been invaded by Cthulhu in the dream.

If after seeing Cthulhu, he can come back alive, then Spider-man will definitely become stronger.

Definitely whether he can still be called Spider-man by then is not certain.

After all, seeing Cthulhu and coming back alive means that he has become Cthulhu’s family.

Hearing Xiao Wen’s answer, Carville’s face immediately revealed a look of worry and uneasiness.

But he also knew that now was not the time to care about these things, so he just stood there without saying a word, watching Spider-man quietly.

Instead of going for Spider-man, plead with Xiao Wen.

He can distinguish between priorities and know what should be done and what should not be done.

After solving Spider-man, Xiao Wen set his sights on Dr. Banner.

In the month after returning from the Middle East, I let Dr. Banner join the Avengers and became a pawn in the Avengers, or the entire superhero.

Xiao Wen intends to use Dr. Banner as the original body to spread the old beliefs to the entire superhero group.

Make these heroes followers of the Chaos mysteries.

But the appearance of Raliyah disrupted this plan.

Now Xiao Wen is thinking whether to let Dr. Banner come back directly? Or let him continue to complete his task?

After Zuo Si thought about it, Xiao Wen still decided to let Dr. Banner remain the same.

The trip to La’lye may really bring a lot of benefits to himself and the Chaos Secret Church, but this does not mean that Xiao Wen can ignore the group of superheroes.

Especially in the current situation, there may be a large number of ordinary people on his side, but there are definitely some superheroes who have noticed their purpose.

Although there are thousands of people, I will go.

This kind of operation is actually not uncommon in Happiness.

Whether it is Spider-man or some other superheroes, they have encountered the situation of being banned by all human beings, but in the end they can turn against the wind.

It can only be said that in this kind of world, only the superhero is the main body.

Xiao Wen’s operation, it is estimated that some superheroes have understood it by now, and are preparing a countermeasure.

“At least Ancient One and Odin, these two people should have been watching all the time, right?”

It is absolutely impossible to say that Shi Shi didn’t feel anything after Thor appeared in the Big Apple City last time after Seeg was taken out, and there is also the Sorcerer Supreme holy place in the Big Apple City.

It’s just that they didn’t make a move, but kept observing.

“Besides the two of them, there is Fury, the last trump card in his hand, which is probably about to be used.

Captain Marvel, Fury has a communicator to summon Captain Marvel.

Once he uses it, Captain Marvel will come to help.

As an existence that can fight against the purple sweet potato with a power gem, Captain Marvel should also be a Level God Father.

It is not a good thing to face the existence of three Level God Fathers.

This is still under the condition that Xiao Wen didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. If Xiao Wen messes around, maybe even Mo Faithto and Dormammu will come out to make enemies with him.

This is why Xiao Wen has always said that the water in American Comics is very deep, and you need to be more cautious.

“Banner, go help them.”

Although Thor and the others are now besieging the Star Family, they can become the Cthulhu Family [and Shen, who has a similar appearance to Cthulhu, is not so easy to deal with.

No matter how Thor and the others attacked the Star Family, they were still unable to completely defeat the Star Family.

The injuries they left to the Star Family will heal within a very short period of time, and with such a huge amounts of body, the Star Family can continue to fight for such a long time without any effort.

On the contrary, these people, under such a fierce battle, have already begun to be unable to do what they want.

Especially Thor, who was the fiercest in the battle at the beginning, was already out of breath, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

But Thor still gritted his teeth and continued to fight.

He wants to defeat the family of the stars, and he wants to be ashamed.

Such thoughts have always existed in his heart, stimulating him to exert 100% fighting power.


Once again, Tony slapped the arm of the Star Family, and then landed heavily on the ground. The Iron Man armor was shapeshifting on the spot. The powerful force has far exceeded the limit that this original armor can bear.

As a result, Tony was seriously injured and fell to the ground for a long time without getting up.

Seeing this, the Star Family immediately threw a punch at Tony, intending to kill an enemy first.

But the next moment, Captain America appeared in front of Tony again, raising his own shield to block the attack for Tony.

Immediately, Captain America felt his feet go limp, and a huge amount of power came from the shield, which almost didn’t make Captain America kneel down on the spot, but luckily he resisted.

Immediately, Thor held up Mjolnir and slammed a hammer on the forehead of the Star Family. Suddenly, a strong thunder light flashed constantly in the cave, and there was a “crackling” sound.

At this moment, it seems that all the superhero combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Even Namor also jumped up high, and threw the steel fork in his hand suddenly, and it sank into the heads of the Star Family on the spot.

“It exploded on the spot, right?”

Watching this scene, Xiao Wen couldn’t help but mocked contemptuously.

American Comics has a great feature, that is, the combat power is chaotic.

For example, Captain America who can split 50/50 with anyone, and the transcendent who is sometimes strong and sometimes weak…

Because these superheroes seem to have spiritual power to a certain extent.

The more critical it is, the more likely it is to explode and fight back.

This is how many super villains lost to superhero in the end.

But obviously even so, they are still close to defeating the Star Family.

The Star Family, who was injured by the fierce attack of several people, let out an angry roar, and then launched a more fierce counterattack against them.

Especially Captain America, because he stood in front of Tony with a shield, he was a complete target.

The fists of the Star Family were like a storm, constantly falling on the shield one after another.

one time

After that, it was as if he was treating Captain America as a sandbag to vent his emotions.

In the beginning, Captain America was able to withstand it, but gradually Captain America was a bit weak.

His whole body began to tremble, and his legs swayed uncontrollably, obviously reaching the limit.

But the attack of the Star Family still did not stop, on the contrary, it became more ferocious.

A series of constant attacks, like a violent storm, constantly landed on Captain America’s shield.

One after another, although Captain America’s shield hasn’t broken yet.

But Captain America itself can’t stand it anymore.


Accompanied by a muffled grunt, Captain America opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which seemed to contain some pieces of internal organs.

After spitting out this mouthful of blood, Captain America became more depressed.

The whole person seemed a little weak, as if he might fall down at any time.

At this time, the fists of the Star Family are still falling, and everyone’s attention is on the Star Family at this moment.

They can all see that the Star Family is now at the end of its strength and will soon be unable to hold on.

So now both Namor and Thor are all focused on killing the Star Familia, while ignoring Captain America who is being beaten by the Star Familia.

“Go to hell! Evil God!!”

Suddenly Thor let out a roar, and the endless thunder seemed to have turned into a battle armor attached to his body at this moment [Countless thunder roared and merged with Thor.

A more powerful thunder light was constantly flashing on Thor’s body, and a powerful force surged out of his body.

As an Asgard, at this moment Thor’s will is stimulating the potential in his body, and Mjolnir in his hand is even more radiant.

An even more powerful Thor appeared, and with Mjolnir in hand, dealt the final blow to the Starborne.

The thunder light all over the sky condensed on Mjolnir, and the incomparably pure power of thunder smashed heavily on the heads of the Star Family along with Thor’s swing.

In an instant, thunder broke out, as if a thunderstorm had set off in the entire passage.

Under this berserk force, the body of the Star Family has gradually begun to fail.

The recovery speed of his body was far inferior to the speed of Thor’s destruction, so his body began to collapse.

However, even so, the Star Family did not stop their attacks.

On the contrary, it was even more ferocious, and punched Captain America who had almost no resistance.

When the huge fist that seemed to be overwhelming the top of Mount Tai was about to hit Captain America, everyone realized that Captain America was already exhausted.

At this moment, it is impossible to resist this punch, and it is even impossible to avoid it.

“Steve, get out of the way!”

It is too late to help, so everyone can only shout Captain America’s name, hoping that Captain America can hear it, and then escape as soon as possible.

But Captain America, who struggles to even move his fingers, where does he get the strength to dodge?

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as the huge amounts of fists hit him.


A loud noise made everyone present frowned.

I just felt that my eardrums were about to be pierced by the loud noise.

But now they can’t take care of these, and they have set their sights on Captain America. They are all eager to know what is going on with Captain America now?

However, they saw Tony lying on the ground, Captain America lying on top of Tony, and Dr. Banner from Lvkang standing in front of the two who “caught the attack of the Star Familia”.

Suddenly everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sure enough, I knew that Dr. Banner would definitely stand on the human side in the end.”

Fury watched Dr. Banner finally stand up, and he was relieved.

He had actually been suspecting that Dr. Banner had been brainwashed as well.

Although there is no evidence, it is also known that Master Dr. Banner stayed with Xiao Wen for more than ten days.

But now Dr. Banner took the initiative to stand up and saved Captain America and Tony, and the doubts in Fury’s heart dissipated.

“Now that the evil god has been executed, we can…”

“What can it be? Who said he is Cthulhu?”

Seeing that Fury and the others had already dealt with the Star Family, Xiao Wen slowly came to them.

“This is just the family of the great Cthulhu, the family of the stars. It seems that you didn’t listen carefully to what I said just now in front of the gate?”

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