America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 406 War on Another Battlefield

The Wall Street Journal has used its banner headlines four times in the past 60 years.

The first three incidents were the Pearl Incident, the Gulf Sea Incident, and the recent September 11 Incident.

This is the elite newspaper with the largest daily sales and the largest audience in the United States.

This is the fourth time it has used a banner title, which is not far behind the third time.

On the front page of January 21, 2002, the Wall Street Journal used the banner headline for the fourth time.

On this day, the banner headline of the Wall Street Journal was——

【What happened to this world? After the World Trade Center, one of the symbols of America is under attack again]

In the content below the banner title, 6 stories are stated.

Among them are 2 summaries that cover a lot of detail, another one is an analysis of Staples Center security inspections, and one is an analysis of stock market recession panic sentiment.

The sixth story is written in the first person by foreign editor John Bossey.

On January 21, nearly 14% of the more than 2 million Wall Street Journal readers around the world had obtained this edition of the newspaper, which is rare in the American daily newspaper industry.

In the past 10 years, only the reporting of the September 11th incident three months ago has exceeded this data in this regard.

West Coast of the United States, Santa Barbara, California.

In the seaside villa, when I got today's newspaper. Ikana, who had received the notice last night, packed her bags and had a big belly, just glanced at the Wall Street Journal briefly before throwing it and a series of other newspapers on the table.

If you pick up these newspapers and read them, you will find that they all have the same headlines today.

And compared with the usual front-page headlines, today's front-page headlines are more eye-catching, using larger fonts than newspapers, and large pictures that are relatively large for newspapers.

This is a situation that newspapers only appear when big news breaks.

In the villa, after leaving the Wall Street Journal on the table.

Ikana turned her head and said to Paris Hilton, whose face was equally serious and whose belly was not as flat as before:

Things are taking a turn for the worse. Paris, I think we really should go to Texas! Otherwise we'll be the ones at the disadvantage.

Paris's expression wasn't very good either, but she still whispered:

But... Ikana, your belly is already very big. Is it okay to fly with such a big belly?

The doctors have checked it out. My children are perfectly healthy. The occasional long-haul flight won't do them any harm.

Ikana said: Not to mention this time. I must be by my man's side.

Paris was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly: Then let's go.

Let's go. Let's go to Tarrant County!

Ikana said directly.

One has a big belly and the other has a small belly.

Two famous New York socialites who have disappeared from the media for several months.

They walked out of the villa in a bad mood.

At the entrance of the villa, a motorcade was already waiting for them.

Soon, the two left Santa Barbara and their destination was Tarrant County, Texas.

There are many people who have made the same choice as Ikana and Paris.

Anne Hathaway, who had never been to Texas, Jessica Alba, who had only been with Abel a few days ago, and even Li Fuzhen, the head of the Han Dynasty, wanted to leave.

Amidst the turmoil at the top level of the United States, a group of women also started their actions in private.

On the other side, at noon on January 21, 2002.

The owner of the White House once again delivered a nationally televised address from the Oval Office of the White House at 12 noon.

In a televised speech, George Bush, the leader of the group, severely condemned the enemy groups and those KBFZ who carried out the attack.

...Abe Smith was targeted in this attack because he is the brightest, most dazzling beacon of freedom and opportunity in our United States of America.

They want to obliterate our brightest light. But the truth is, no one can stop the light of freedom. Today, we once again saw the filthiest soul in human nature, and we will fight back forcefully.

...The investigation into the culprit of this evil incident is ongoing. I have ordered all intelligence agencies and police agencies in the United States to make every effort to find the culprit and bring him to justice. Those who dare to cover up KBFZ will also Will be considered KBFZ by us.

I would like to express my gratitude to those members in Cabinet and in Congress who joined me in strongly condemning this incident.

God bless America, God bless Abe Smith.


His reputation was booming, but he had not yet turned into George, who was an eternal shoemaker due to the quagmire of war and economic crisis.

His nationally televised speech set a defining tone for the incident.

He claimed that this attack was no less a threat and coercion to Americans than the September 11th incident.

If the United States cannot protect even the most generous philanthropist in the world.

How can ordinary Americans protect their personal safety and property safety?

White House insists this was definitely not a personal attack.

It is a renewed threat to all of America, to all of the free world.

Seriously, compared to the collapse of the Twin Towers.

The attack on Abel Smith was far inferior to the former in terms of the excitement of the scene and his importance to the Americans.

Many Americans felt the same way as Dr. George Bush's televised speech.

But there are also many Americans who disagree with this.

They thought it was just a super-rich guy being attacked.

What does it matter to all Americans?

In the hearts of those Americans who hate the rich, they even feel gloating about their misfortune.

If things were like this, then George's speech might have the opposite effect.

Because no matter how you look at it, you just need to be a little more rational.

It can be seen that this attack cannot compare to 9/11.

Since the person who was attacked was a super rich man, there were even numerous conspiracy theories.


It was more than two hours after the T\u0026T leader's nationally televised speech.

A somewhat blurry video has appeared on the global Internet.

In the video, the face that Americans are familiar with and hate reappeared in the blurry video.

He's a little blurry in the video.

But that iconic beard, iconic clothing, and the surrounding environment.

Anyone who sees the video will immediately think of him.

A hot-tempered man, he admitted that the attack on Abel Smith was a retaliation and threat to launch war against the United States.

He also said that if the United States does not stop its military operations.

Then their actions will never stop.

What happened to Abel Smith was just the beginning, not the end.

This blurry video, which lasted only 1 minute and 56 seconds, was reported by media from all over the world in a very short period of time.

It also succeeded, once again provoking the anger of all Americans.

Its appearance made George's originally weak televised speech suddenly become majestic and powerful.

No one dared to stand up and raise any questions.

The two months after September 11th. The White House's unprecedented and terrifying influence and voice finally appeared again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the White House announced that night that it would increase investment in the war.

Use actions against hot men to make the best and most powerful counterattack.

At this time, Ikana and Paris also arrived in Tarrant County, Texas in a simple manner.

Leaving Dallas Fort Worth Airport, the motorcade is in motion.

In the middle of the convoy, in a protected compartment.

Paris said with some worry: We are here like this. What will Abel's family think of us? And... most importantly, what will the wife of the Bush family think of us.

Are you scared? Paris. Hearing this, Ikana looked at Paris with serious eyes:

Although he is her husband, he is also our man! He is the father of the child in our belly. Due to emotions and reasons, we are all qualified to appear by his side. No matter if he... is alive or dead!!

That's right.

Paris was a little hesitant, But I'm still worried.

There's nothing to worry about. Ikana said softly:

At worst, it's all about fighting and robbing. The Bush family is very powerful, or just very powerful. We are not bad either, as long as we unite. At least we have an advantage over those in Hollywood.

Paris was silent for a moment, and she looked down at her slightly bulging belly.

Okay. Hilton's eldest lady gritted her teeth and whispered: I understand.

After the convoy was bumpy for more than an hour.

Finally arrived at the outskirts of Smith Farm.

Paris looked through the car window toward the farm in the distance. She found a huge farm in the distance, brightly lit.

Overhead of the farm, visible to the naked eye, were many helicopters with searchlights on, flying over it.

Outside the farm, a large number of vehicles drove in and out of the many avenues and paths leading to the farm.

Although I have never been here before, this is my first time to visit Smith Farm.

But Paris knew that it was abnormal for the Smith Farm to be so lively tonight.

Paris looked back at Smith Farm and looked at Ikana.

In the car, the tall and plump Ikana was sitting by the car window. Her beautiful, dignified face was half illuminated by the lights outside and half covered by the shadow of the car window.

Paris felt that Ikana was a bit strange tonight.

But the lady of the Hilton family also knows that this is actually Ikana's true face.

The sexy and gentle Ikana who wanted everything in front of Abel Smith only appeared to please him.

Stop talking about Ikana.

Even myself, why isn't this the case?

But in Paris's heart, she has a strong nostalgia for her previous peaceful and comfortable life.

Paris didn't want any changes to her previous life.

[If you can... Omnipotent Lord who exists in any time and space. I hope you can keep my man, the father of my child, alive and healthy and safe. 】

In the carriage, Paris prayed silently in her heart.

More than ten minutes later.

The convoy of Ikana and Paris arrived at the huge entrance parking lot of Smith Farm.

The square was brightly lit and cars were parked everywhere.

There were many people walking around in the middle of the square and it looked very busy.

Judging by their clothing, Paris, who got out of the car, recognized that some of those people were police officers and rock security staff.

There were also some other people in suits and leather shoes, who looked very elite, and they should be many employees of some organization.

The arrival of their convoy naturally attracted the attention of these people.

Someone has already come up to check.

In the parking lot square, Ikana and Paris stayed for several minutes.

Finally their caravan stopped at a distance, and they themselves gained admission to Smith's farm.

When being led to the farm.

Paris was suddenly poked by Ikana.


Look over there.

Ikana pointed to the far left side of the two people.

When Paris heard this, she looked over and saw two young women not far away who were being led inside like them.

Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba...

Ikana said softly, Those women who were mentioned in the media as the first to be with our men!

Paris also recognized it.

After all, Smith Farm is now brightly lit.

There is only a distance of more than ten meters, and there is no obstruction in the middle.

Anne and Jessica's gorgeous looks also make them far more eye-catching than the people around them.

It seems we are not the only ones here. Paris whispered:

Maybe this time, we can see our king's entire harem, maybe!

Haha... Ikana sneered and said nothing more.

The two New York socialites also noticed Anne's side and probably noticed it on their own side.

Because of the two Hollywood beauties, they are also looking at Ikana.

The sights of both parties collided silently in the lights in the dark night.

In the end, they even discovered that although they were not walking on the same path, they all ended up in the same place.

What's even more coincidental is that the two sides arrived at the door of a corridor almost at the same time.

The four women stood at the door, looking at each other carefully.

But it was obvious that Ikana, with the largest belly, attracted more attention from both Anne and Jessica.

Haha... this is not a Los Angeles Oscars party. Paris was the first to speak, It's really strange that irrelevant people would show up here.

Hearing Paris fire so quickly, Ikana smiled.

Paris has become less and less aggressive in front of Ikana.

Fortunately, when facing other outsiders.

Paris immediately showed off her old aggression.

Ikana felt that she didn't have to take the first shot, and Paris could charge first, which was great.

Anne and Jessica here.

Although they have Abel's protection, they are not like parallel time and space, or unlike other Hollywood actresses, who need to personally experience the quagmire of Hollywood darkness.

The lack of this part of experience makes them much worse than ordinary Hollywood actresses in terms of experience, tact and aggressiveness.

But no matter how bad they are, they are still actresses. There are many more deeds than Ikana and Paris heard through hearsay and gossip.

They have never eaten pork, but they have seen and heard of too many pigs running away!

After hearing Paris’s harsh words, Jessica immediately fought back:

Ha~ Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the eldest daughter of Hilton and the daughter of a wealthy family in New York. I wonder what you are doing here? We are here to visit our lover, or in other words, mistress.

Two rich young ladies, where are you? You won't come here like us... If it's like I think, tsk tsk, this should really be considered news.

Paris got angry when she heard this.

Jessica's counterattack hit the place where rich girls like her and Ikana least expected to be mentioned.

That is, they are from a superior family and can even be called wealthy, but they are willing to be other people's mistresses.

No matter how eloquent they are, this is not a glorious thing for the education they have received since childhood.

If it weren't for someone, he would actually be an existence beyond the standard in every aspect.

Moreover, there are some coincidences involved in their development.

Unknowingly, there are too many sunk costs involved.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to be willing to be with other women and be other people's mistresses.

Now that things have happened, the mistress has become a mistress.

This aspect has become something that they are relatively taboo about.

Jessica used this aspect to attack, and the effect was outstanding.

Paris was very angry and wanted to choke back loudly.

The female bodyguard who led them suddenly spoke softly:

Ladies...can you walk faster? Mr. George is here, and he will pass by here in three minutes.

Paris, who still wanted to scold Jessica, was stunned.

Ikana reacted quickly, Is Mr. George Bush coming?

Yes. The female bodyguard with the walkie-talkie nodded softly.

Let's go. Ikana took Paris' hand and walked in first.

Jessica and Annie glanced at each other, not wanting to lag behind, and then chased after them.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a group of people headed by George Bush were waiting.

Accompanied by many people, he soon appeared here and walked through the corridor to the room in the other direction of Smith Farm.

Ikana and the others, led by the female bodyguard, came to a large room.

The room was brightly lit and there were many other people present.

As soon as Ikana and Paris walked in, they saw a beautiful girl they were familiar with and greeted them with a smile.

Hi, good evening to both of you. It's Miss D. Ikana Turner, and Miss Paris Hilton, right? Oh, Jessica and Anne are here too. Please come in, please come in...

Charlize Theron, like a hostess, welcomed the four women in with a smile.

Ikana entered the room, her beautiful eyebrows already wrinkled.

When she was about to speak, a beautiful young woman with slender figure, young age, blond hair and blue eyes walked out from behind Charlize Theron.

Hello, welcome to Smith Farm...

The girl smiled and said: I am Laura Bush Smith, good evening everyone.

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