America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 407 I’m still a child

Texas, North Central.

Smith Farm, Tarrant County.

In Abel's huge room at Smith Manor in the heart of the farm.

The current richest man in the world, chairman of Smith Media and chairman of Smith Capital.

Mr. Abel Smith is the chairman, independent director and executive director of more than 300 other listed companies or unlisted companies.

There were some bandages wrapped around his head, and the same bandage was wrapped around his right hand, and hung around his neck with a white cloth strip. He was currently lying on the huge Simmons in his room.

In the room, there were several elderly people surrounding them.

Among these old people were two other male members of the Smith family and two female members.

There is also the current student of Datong University, and the father of the student of Datong University, and the former student of Datong University.

Are you OK?

George, who had just entered the door, saw Abel tied up like this. He was stunned for a moment and then spoke immediately.'s just that I can't die anyway.

Abel replied with a chuckle.

George then greeted Alex, Alexander and others.

Another nod to his father, Herbert.

After the greetings are over.

George came to Abel who was heavily bandaged.

A dignified American commander actually reached out and poked Abel's bandaged right hand.


After a few seconds, Abel woke up and suddenly said ah.

George! I'm hurt. You hurt me by doing this!!

Ha ha--

Listening to Abel's angry voice, there were also helpless expressions on several old people's faces.

George, who was somewhat worried along the way, finally couldn't help laughing.

It seems like it's nothing serious. It scared me... George said in a false alarm.

The leading student of T\u0026T sat directly on the edge of Simmons, with his arms folded, and George looked at everyone and Abel.

Now tell me what happened. Is it what I imagined?

George's eyes scanned the people in the room, and finally fell on Abel.

Abel spread out his unbandaged left hand and said softly:

Mr. T\u0026T, as you can see. I'm injured, badly injured. Those KBFZ who should go to hell, they attacked me!

George rolled his eyes childishly, stretched out his hand and hit Abel's right arm again.

This time Abel reacted very quickly and immediately let out a cry of pain.


Stop pretending. You're not an actor, and you don't have to compete for Oscars.

George complained and said: Tell me the truth right away. Then no matter what you want to do, I can cooperate.

Alex also spoke at the right time: There are no outsiders here. Child, tell me.

Okay, okay, okay...

Abel finally stopped joking and spoke softly.

As you can see, I was attacked.

But this attack is thanks to FBl and ClA, as well as some of my own information channels. I have received relevant intelligence a long time ago.

That female reporter, she is the real KBFZ. The attack she launched on me is also real.

George immediately said: But her bomb is fake. Her bomb has been tampered with.

Abel nodded, chuckled and said, Yes. Her bomb was planted by my people.

This poor American. She originally had a bright future. But she shouldn't have traveled to dangerous places last summer. In the end, she was controlled by some people, oppressed and brainwashed, and became what she is now. , and became their minions.”

That's just the way it is.

Abel looked at the people closest to him in his room.

He continued: I got word in advance that someone was trying to attack me at the Staples Center. In my character, I shouldn't have gone.

The only thing to blame is that George came to see me yesterday. When I was discussing with him, I thought of an idea. I told him at the time, and George said he would consider it.

I received the intelligence later and thought of taking advantage of it. Then this happened...

Fake oil. George couldn't help scolding him: It's my fault for saying that.

Haha...that's not true. Abel laughed.

The truth is just like what Abel said at this time.

Yesterday when Abel and George were talking.

Looking at George's face, Abel remembered the scene in a parallel time and space where a reporter in the audience took off his shoes and attacked George when George was holding a press conference.

That incident in parallel time and space gave George Bush the unpleasant nickname of The Commander of Flying Shoes.

When that incident occurred, George had served as commander-in-chief for nearly eight years.

There is less than a month left before his retirement.

It happened that Abel saw the white house along the way that day, and he attached great importance to George's security work.

He was so moved that he remembered this incident. Combining the two, he made a suggestion to George.

Abel suggested to George that he wanted the American people to continue to pay attention to the threat level of KBFZ.

Then why not use the hands or names of these KBFZs to do some tricks.

When George heard this, he was immediately moved.

George's most trusted confidant and current White House chief of staff Freddie Ford was also present.

After thinking about it, Freddie Ford believed that Abel's idea was highly feasible.

But now is not a good time for George to implement such a thing.

It's only January 2002, not long before September 11th.

After September 11, George, who brazenly launched a war to counterattack, was in the process of declining from its peak.

There is still some time before the trough.

There are still almost 10 months until this year's midterm elections.

Even if George is really attracted to Abel's idea.

Freddie Ford also believes that a good show should be concocted before the mid-term elections.

At that time, we can take advantage of this spring breeze to give the Elephant Party some advantages in the mid-term elections.

At that time, George's reputation should have dropped to a normal stage.

If you do this at that time, you can kill two birds with one stone.

George thinks Freddie Ford's judgment is very reasonable.

The T\u0026T students liked Abel's idea but agreed with Freddie Ford's suggestion.

George believed that even if this matter was to be done, it would have to be postponed for a while.

And some preliminary preparations must be made to avoid being exposed by the real enemy and it will become a super scandal.

The Donkey Party itself is better at this than the Elephant Party. The intelligence agencies in the United States are also more deeply controlled by the Donkey Party.

Since George came to power, he has fought for a lot of control.

But the power of the Donkey Party still exists.

After all, this is not like 9/11...

Even if 9/11 is indeed a scandal, there are too many people and forces involved.

Even if it is really a scandal or conspiracy, no one dares to expose it.

As a result, George's side didn't even have time to start planning.

On Abel's side, this happened the next day.

George, who was caught off guard, was startled. At first, he thought it was Abel who was messing around.

Later, FBl and ClA told him that the attack was indeed true.

At the same time, people on Abel's side also informed the White House that Abel had really been attacked.

Only then did George become worried.

While he was doing what he should do as the owner of the White House and the commander-in-chief of the United States.

Until the second night when it happened.

It was only now that George was finally free and made a special trip over.

In other words, before this incident happened, it had basically nothing to do with George.

In this great drama directed by Abel, Datong Shengsheng is just a passive and supporting supporting character.

From Abel's perspective, George's cooperation was very good.

After listening to these explanations from Abel.

George stood up and gave Abel's bandaged right hand a few more strokes.

Abel screamed in pain a few times in cooperation.

Ahhhh--be gentle!

Seeing Abel's childish look, George only felt a headache.

What are the benefits of doing such a trick? Is it just for fun? But if it is exposed by chance, the result will not be so wonderful!!


Abel smiled and looked at the helpless expressions of everyone in the room.

Of course there are some benefits. For example, commercially... Didn't you see that the shareholders of California Pacific Electric softened their attitude after they were sure that I was still alive after the attack? This is one of the benefits.

In addition, I regard this matter as a big test. The results of the test can help me make some correct judgments.

As for the risk of exposure...there is no airtight wall in the world, of course there is a possibility. But...

Abel said seriously: First of all, it is true that the enemy's al-Qaeda organization intends to attack influential Americans. The female reporter was the one who made the scandal, and this is also true. At that time, there was news from the Staples Center There was a huge explosion, and explosives exploded. At least hundreds of thousands of people in Los Angeles heard it, and this is true!

No matter who checks these things, the results will be the same. In this process, the only fake things are the female reporter's bomb and my injuries.

Looking at the elders, they still looked helpless.

Abel had no choice but to change his tone: Okay, okay... I admit, I was naive this time. I caused such a mess. But there is no way, who told me that I am not even 22 years old now! I still A child!

Abel's slightly rogue tone made everyone in the room feel helpless and reminded of his age.

Everyone who was in the dark under some lamps finally woke up——

No matter how powerful Abel was or what achievements he had created.

But in fact, his real age is really less than 22 years old.

At the age of twenty-two, 99.99999999% of Americans have not even achieved 0.0001% of Abel’s achievements at this age.

George thought about when he was 22 years old, less than a year out of college.

In order to avoid the recruitment of Yuezhange issued by the United States at that time, in order to avoid going to fight abroad.

Herbert also used up some connections and resources at the time to send George into the Texas National Guard, thus avoiding George's military service.

This is George's 22nd.

Alexander was about the same age as George. When he was 22 years old, he was a little better than George. At least he was not serving in the National Guard, but in the federal army.

But Alex also used some small tricks to prevent Alexander from going to Vietnam to fight even if he was serving.

In other words, the two fathers would be twenty-two years old, if not for the help of their families.

Then they may have been on the battlefield in Vietnam, and it may not necessarily have been that they gave their lives.

Compared with the two of them, Alex and Herbert's twenty-two years were undoubtedly much more exciting.

But compared with Abel, it was nothing.

Most Americans, or most of humanity.

At this age, many of them are still kids.

But Abel has already achieved this achievement.

So much so that everyone, even his relatives, subconsciously forgot his age.

Forget that he is actually very young, technically a child.

Alright alright……

George was reminded of the childishness he had felt at his age


The American commander sighed, then looked at Abel:

What are your plans next? If the play is to be performed, perform the whole set. I think you need my cooperation. If you want me to cooperate well, you'd better tell me your plans.

Don't be like this. Abel said with a smile:

This is also good for you. After today, at least within two months. You can speak the truth again in the United States.

George laughed.

It's not that simple. At most, it's only on some big things, especially external matters. Only then can my voice be louder.

I plan to give a public interview in a few days.

Abel expressed his plan: You do yours from now on, and I'll do mine. We all have a bright future, don't we?

Abel's few simple words had already made George understand his plan.

Okay. George could only say, That's all we can do for the time being.

The commander knew that he would need to ask ClA and FBl to help cover up the situation.

This is not difficult, thanks to 9/11.

Today, George has a very strong grasp of these intelligence agencies.

In addition, his father was also the boss of ClA back then and had many connections in the US intelligence agency.

Combining all these factors, George can be said to have the strongest control over various official U.S. intelligence agencies in history.

Moreover, the donkey party power and elephant party power in these institutions must be willing to cooperate with me on this kind of matter.

This is also the reason why George was able to know the essence of Abel's attack at the first time.

That's it. George looked at Abel and then at everyone. After being messed with by this guy, I will be very busy again in the next month. Dear Alex, Alexander, and dear Aria and Emily, I will leave first.

The members of the Smith family all smiled and nodded to Mr. T\u0026T.

George couldn't understand his hatred and patted Abel's bandaged right hand a few more times.

This time Abel didn't even bother to cooperate. His right hand was obviously not really injured.

George shook his head, nodded to his father Herbert, turned around and left the room.

After walking out of Abel's room, he went down to the first floor.

The originally cheerful expression on the face of the leading student of T\u0026T became serious.

Walking out of the house, facing the eyes gathered on him outside the house.

The owners of these sights include some local Texas giants.

Seeing the serious and solemn expression on George's face.

Coming over from Austin with Herbert, Rodriguez McKison of the Texas Consortium, this old guy was the first to speak.

George...oh, Mr. Bush, Mr. Smith. How is Mr. Smith doing?

Someone spoke, but others fell silent and looked at George.

George's face was heavy and his voice was not so light.

The situation is very bad. But it's still controllable... Just like the doctor said, it's not life-threatening. But I may have to rest for a month or two. Those damn KBFZ, they really deserve to go to hell!!

Seeing George's sad and angry reaction.

Many people present looked obviously relieved.

But there are also many people who sigh secretly in their hearts.

That's right. They are all a group of guys who deserve to go to hell and be tortured by Satan.

Davis Brown, who breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and said with a smile.

As the Texas consortium, Davis presided over the merger with the Smith consortium.

He is definitely the person in the Texas consortium who least wants anything to happen to Abel.

At least that's what Davis looked like before the merger was completed.

That's good, that's good...

Rodriguez McKison, who asked the question, also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

McKison is a centrist in the Texas syndicate.

But Rodriguez himself, like Davis, is very optimistic about Abel's personal abilities.

I don’t really hope anything happens to Abel.


George's voice became softer and he looked at everyone:

Everyone is caring about Abel. He was very touched. He asked me to tell everyone not to worry about him. Everyone should go back and rest. In two or three days, when Abel's condition gets better, he will be able to meet everyone in person. .”

After hearing George's relay, combined with George's identity and relationship with Abel.

Including Davis Brown and others, they also knew that they would not see Abel Smith in the near future.

It was impossible for George to lie to others about this kind of thing.

So the truth of the matter may be that Abel Smith was really attacked.

He was also injured, and the injury might be a bit serious.

But fortunately it was not life-threatening.

This can be regarded as the luck among misfortunes.

After George came forward and made such a pass.

The people outside also began to disperse gradually.

In the house, after George left.

Herbert and Abel spoke a few more words, scolded Abel a few more times, and then left.

Alex and Alexander shook their heads helplessly and followed Herbert.

Mom and grandma stayed here to take care of the injured Abel.

In the bedroom, only mother, son, and grandmother were left.

Abel heard his mother Emily's angry voice, and she complained:

What you did this time really scared us!

Yes. Grandma Aaliya came to Abel and touched Abel's bandaged forehead. You really scared us. Also, you are not injured, and you are not injured with these things. Are you uncomfortable? Do you want me to take it off for you?

Ha ha--

Abel chuckled, and then apologized to the two female elders:

I'm sorry, mom, and grandma. I promise... this kind of thing that worries you will never happen again. I have to admit, I was childish this time, very childish...

Just remember. You can't do this again next time. Emily said.

Abel nodded quickly. At the same time, he motioned to his grandmother and mother to come over and help him remove the bandages and deck.

He was not injured. He only did these things to take some photos and to better understand the situation.

There was indeed an explosion at the Staples Center.

But the explosion was not around him at all.

The sound of the explosion was after Abel left Staples Center.

The place he was sitting inside was exploded by some special personnel afterwards.

The bomb used the original bomb material from the female reporter.

This farce was led by him from beginning to end.

But now, Abel is actually a little scared.

What I'm afraid of is not that things will be difficult to end, but also the series of troubles that will follow.

But I am afraid that this incident will be a conspiracy. Or if someone takes advantage of something and turns it into a lie, it's over.

But his reason told Abel that his worries were unreasonable.

If someone could really hide it from Abel and control his security and intelligence system to this extent.

If you want to take your own life, it doesn't need to be so complicated at all.

It's just that Abel has this kind of character and is very taboo about anything that may affect his life safety.

Just when he was thinking wildly, his grandmother, who was helping him remove the bandages and splints, suddenly spoke softly:

What to do with your women? Most of them seem to have arrived. Laura, she really not going to be angry?

Yes. You caused such a farce. If they quarreled, it would be troublesome. Hey... I didn't expect that I would give birth to a Playboy like you! Emily removed the splint on her son's hand. Take it down and follow suit.

Speaking of this, Abel said a little carelessly:

This is a test for them. Whether it's other people or Laura, it's my test.

The result of this test will tell me how I will treat them next.

He did not say the latter words to his mother and grandmother.

But this is indeed one of Abel's purposes for leading such a trick.

To put it bluntly, I was somewhat full.

Life is like this sometimes.

An idea comes to you occasionally. If it is just an idea, then nothing will happen.

But if you are strong enough in action, you can turn your ideas into reality.

Whether it's good or bad, the ending will be complicated.

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