America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 447 Different people have the same plan

...Slade Wilson declined to comment. He did not expressly respond to my inquiry, but he did not deny the possibility of cooperation between him and Abel Smith.

at the same time.

When Abel rushed to No. 26 Garden Road, Hong Kong Island.

John Chris Morgan had just gotten out of the car.

The head of the Morgen family appeared in Rockefeller's new Kikwit Manor.

The old Kikwit Manor, located in upstate New York, covers an area of ​​more than 400 acres. It is very beautiful and contains a large number of art and antiques collected by the Rockefellers.

Decades ago, the Rockefeller family gave it to the U.S. government as a museum park.

However, the property rights are still in the hands of the Rockefeller family. The US government only has the right to use it and must also ensure its integrity and safety.

We still have to pay for maintenance and repairs...

In other words, the Rockefellers saved tens of millions of dollars a year, but the old Kikwit estate still belonged to them.

The Rockefeller members moved to a new manor in upstate New York, not far from the old Kikwit Manor.

The name of the new manor is still Kikwit, but it is no longer made public, and its name is not even on the map.

A true secret place where the Rockefeller family now gathers.

In the new Kikwit estate, in a beautiful little garden.

The contemporary head of the Morgan family whispered to David Rockefeller:

It's already obvious. Even if Slade Wilson didn't agree, this guy obviously had such an idea. Maybe even Abe Smith, under his instigation, came forward to make such a request. After all... ... In the past 30 years, Slade Wilson is the first guy to make such a request. Abe Smith is only the second.

David Rockefeller did not immediately respond to John Cleese.

In any case, the head of the Rockefeller family is really old.

With full experience and wisdom accumulated over time, I have become enough to cope with most things.

This is the gift of time to David.

But time also took away David's physical functions.

The degradation of brain thinking in the elderly is inevitable for the human body.

David, who is in his eighties, has nothing but experience and sufficient experience.

In terms of reaction ability and reaction speed, he is no longer comparable to most young people.

In terms of coping, David needs more time to respond to the outside world.

No, John. Even if he didn't think so originally. But now Abe Smith has launched a challenge. As long as Slade Wilson still has this idea, he will not let go of this opportunity. Anyway, he is not needed this time Charging forward, he is safer in comparison. How could he let it go?

More than a minute later, David Rockefeller responded to the head of Morgan in a relatively clear manner.

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for John to speak.

As if to make himself look less responsive.

Chief Rockefeller continued:

I also contacted Bai Lang's group through my channels...the feedback was not very friendly.

David's cloudy eyes looked at John, These guys, they now have very deep expectations for Abel Smith. They are eager for this young man to provide them with strong financial help, even far beyond them. Profits in traditional areas.”


John sighed, Honestly. Don't talk about them. If possible, I actually want this guy to make money for me. Look at the gambling agreement between him and those people, 400 billion US dollars in a few years, still a profit. David , we all know that it is very difficult even for us to do it.”

Young people are bold, smart, and extremely talented.

It's crazy to sign such a gambling agreement, but it's also understandable, said David Rockefeller.


The head of the Rockefeller family changed the subject, but his expression remained calm:

The young lion has begun to challenge the Lion King Alliance. Before defeating him and making him realize the gap. The Lion will not be willing to bow to the Lion King Alliance. He will only think about replacing him.

You mean... John looked at David.

We have to defeat him once. said the head of Rockefeller.

Everything he has now is almost entirely based on the financial field where he has never failed. If someone can make this young man suffer a big loss in this regard, it will be no less than Napoleon's Waterloo for him.

John nodded.

In fact, most American elites know this.

Why do those Texans trust Abe Smith so much?

Because he's a Texan too, because he's the son-in-law of a Bush family?

No, it's just because he, a Texan, has achieved undefeated results and earned astonishing profits in areas that Texans have never been good at.

Those traditional old rednecks saw that their little fellow villagers actually had this ability.

The Texans, who were forced to stick together by the old wealthy families in the East, were very united.

After meeting him, I suddenly thought they had found a weapon to fight against the financial invasion of the eastern giants.

After the temptation, even though this weapon has a strong self-idea.

The people of Texas still chose him.

Because compared to being slowly invaded by the Eastern giants.

Texas Weapon, who is more compatible with them, only wants to be their leader at best.

Unlike here, if they can't hold on, Texas will become the second DuPont, the second Citigroup...

What those old Texans couldn't tolerate was this ending.

So they embraced Abel Smith and gave him very strong support.

This is a decision based on reality, but also based on sufficient historical factors.

The Texans are like that, and the Oilers are pretty much the same way.

The Oilers have been masters of the money game since time immemorial.

If they were allowed to play, even Morgan and Rockefeller might not be able to defeat these Oilmen.

Angsa people are really not good at finance and lending.

They are more like the ancient Viking style, but they just happened to hitch a ride on the Age of Discovery.

The Oilers are best at long bets.

Even the mustache that had the most oil removed back then. During his rise to power, he also had the support of a large amount of Oilers capital.

Now these Oilers see strong potential and future development in the Texas boy.

Same choice as the Texans, but for a different purpose.

Some Oilers, with support from within the Oilers, also chose to defect to the Texas Kid.

In addition, there are those traditional Midwesterners who also need a barrier, or weapon, to resist the invasion from the east.

These three forces are currently the three biggest sources of support for the young Texas boy.

This is also the reason why he has such a high position in the United States, is so young, and has such great influence.

But both David and John knew.

All of this is based on Abel's financial talent and his achievements in the financial field.

Once you fail in this area, even just once.

Then his indestructible golden body will also be destroyed.

These three major forces may still support him.

The strength of support, as well as Abel's own words within them, must have been severely weakened.

He has now established a large yen foreign exchange position, as well as international spot gold contracts.

After thinking about it, John Cleese said softly:

If we want to defeat him, even just once. It seems we can only do it in these two areas at the moment.

Choose the yen. David Rockefeller said directly.

In the two battlefields, as long as you are not a fool, you only need to have a certain strategic vision.

would choose the yen over gold.

Because most bankers and investors can see it.

After the new century, gold may experience short-term fluctuations and declines in the future.

But in the long run, it will definitely keep going up.

Because in the first two years of the 21st century, most countries, including the United States, began to inject a large amount of water into their currencies.

Coupled with the war, oil also began to fluctuate.

These situations all have good for gold written all over them.

If Abel chooses to hold gold futures for a long time.

Then it would be difficult for anyone to snipe him in terms of gold.

Unless a new gold mine is discovered on the earth, this new mine will directly increase the reserves of precious metals such as gold by an order of magnitude.

It seems that at present, this is indeed the only way.

John Chris Morgan also made up his mind.

When these two people synchronize, the world's largest, perhaps even one of the largest, financial machines begins to rotate slowly.

Coincidentally, not only in upstate New York, but two people here in New Kikwit Manor were discussing Abel Smith.

Separated by a continent and an ocean.

A small island in southern Asia.

The specific address is No. 79, Deep Water Bay Road, Southern District, Xiangjiang Island.

Here, someone is also discussing Abe Smith, a father and son.


Li Kai, the youngest son of Hua Gua, looked at the elegant and calm old father in front of him. He had just lost his temper with his father not long ago and said:

I tried my best, but neither Hao Yu nor Huo Wen disclosed it. In other words, what they revealed was no different from what Huo Yiguan announced to the public. It was the one where Hao Yiguan went to the ghost guy and didn't talk about anything.

After hearing what his younger son said, Cucumber nodded slightly and looked at his eldest son.

Compared to my younger son who is very similar to me in terms of doing things and has the most similar abilities to me, but he is eccentric in doing things and has a personality that I don't like.

His abilities are average, but his personality is very much like his eldest son, and he is even more loved by Cucumber.

Facing his father's gaze, Li Ju shook his head gently:

What I found is similar to my brother...Daddy, maybe that's the truth.

Cucumber frowned. Being cunning by nature, he didn't believe that Huo Yiguan spent almost an hour at Lu Yu Teahouse yesterday morning, and ended up only talking about the opinions of the north.

If that was the case, then he felt that Huo Yiguan was too unlike a businessman.

Old Officer Huo is very strict this time. No one can ask questions.

Cucumber finally spoke.

I can't find anything, so I can't blame you. But I called you back this time, especially Akai, and I called you back from Po County because I want to take you to a banquet at No. 26 Garden Road tonight. . I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

Facing his father's words, Li Ju nodded calmly and gently.

But Li Kai said: Ha - I want to see after tonight. How can that street boy Zheng Chun still show off... the mother-baby boy only attended a London banquet and has been showing off for almost a year!

The Li family is from Chaozhou origin, and they occasionally speak Chaozhou dialect internally.

Seeing his youngest son like this, Cucumber shook his head helplessly.

When he was about to say something to ask Li Kai to pay attention at night.

Cucumber heard his youngest son say again:

By the way, Daddy. In fact, I don't have any interactions with the world's richest man.

Huh? Cucumber looked at his youngest son.

Daddy, you gave me a call in 1999. You asked me to help a Chaozhou fellow and inject capital into his son's company. Do you still remember?

After hearing what his youngest son said, Cucumber thought for a moment.

Although he was old, he took good care of himself, and he might be really talented in this area, so he immediately thought of it.

There is indeed such a thing.

At the turn of the old century, Cucumber wanted to negotiate for a piece of land in Pengcheng in the north.

This piece of land is in a very good location and many people from Hong Kong are grabbing it.

But in the end it was snatched by Cucumber.

In the process of fighting.

A Chaozhou native who works locally in Pengcheng and can barely be regarded as a fellow Cucumber fellow was very helpful.

Cucumber is a smart man, and she reciprocates the favor by keeping in touch with him frequently, forming a good relationship.

The company run by the son of a fellow countryman later encountered difficulties and needed financial help.

Thinking of returning the favor, Cucumber asked his youngest son to invest a sum of money in the other's son's company.

It seems to be more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

Yes, I remember. It seems to be named Ma. How do you say it? After thinking about it, Cucumber asked softly.

Yes. His surname is Ma. Li Kai said with a smile: I invested 16 million Hong Kong dollars at that time, which was almost worth 2.2 million US dollars.

Last year, because I wanted to engage in electrical engineering and wanted to raise funds, I started selling the shares. At that time, there were two buyers, one was a South African and the other was an American.

Did you sell to Americans? Are Americans related to Abel Smith? Cucumber immediately asked keenly.

Daddy is amazing, he guessed it all at once.

Li Kai proudly said: I made more than 5 times! It was 2.2 million U.S. dollars and sold for 13 million U.S. dollars! At that time, the South Africans offered 12.6 million U.S. dollars, and the Americans were a little more generous and offered 13 million U.S. dollars.

Although the company that bought my shares was registered in the mainland, it was the inland branch of Smith Capital, registered in Shanghai. So I said, in fact, I have some intersection with the world's richest man. I He earned more than 10 million US dollars!

Li Kai didn't feel that he had earned more than 10 million U.S. dollars as the world's richest man, but now that he mentioned it in front of his father, he felt quite proud.

After listening to my son for two years, I made more than 5 times the profit.

For some reason, Cucumber didn't feel happy or proud.

It's about the world's richest man, who has always been invincible when it comes to investments.

Even if the son was sold at a very high price, he made more than 10 million US dollars.

For some reason, Cucumber felt as if he had suffered a loss.

Tell me about Smith Capital, I'm talking about the branch in the Mainland. Does anyone of you know it better?

Cucumber faced his two sons and asked his question.

Li Ju shook his head and said that he was not very clear in this regard.

It’s just a branch of an American company in the Mainland.

The key is that when it was first established, Abel was far from as famous as it is now.

Therefore, the establishment of China Smith Capital has seen little movement, whether in the United States or Asia.

Besides, it has always been very low-key and has never seen any big movements.

Cucumber and Li Ju didn't pay attention, which was normal.

Even if it hadn't been for Abel, they might not have known there was such a branch.

I know, Daddy, I know! Li Kai raised his voice and said, Because I want to sell stocks to them. I have some understanding of it!

Cucumber can't say how disappointed he is with his eldest son, because he has always been disappointed with Li Ju.

It's just that the eldest son's personality is like his own, and Huagua believes in the Confucian eldest son inheritance.

Therefore, even if Li Ju's ability is slightly worse than that of his younger brother, he is still regarded as his first heir by Huagua.

Tell me about it. Cucumber said calmly.

This branch of Smith Capital was actually established the year before last. The people in charge are two women, one is an overseas student from mainland China in the United States, and the other is an American girl.

Since its establishment at the end of last year, this company has kept a low profile. It mainly invests in angel investment and venture capital in the mainland.

I asked someone to check and found that most of the investments it invested in were Internet companies that had just been established in the mainland. As I know, there is Penguin Company from Chaozhou fellows, and the more famous Wangyi Company, etc. .”

Daddy, if you need a specific investment list, I can make one for you, but you need to ask my secretary to prepare it.

Cucumber frowned, Only angel investment and venture capital?

This is the type of investment he hates the most.

Cucumber is a person who always likes companies that are already listed, or have sufficient fixed assets, or have sufficient cash flow.

Those new companies with unclear future prospects are just new forces and companies that seem to have good potential.

I have never liked cucumbers.

In this regard, he is imitating the stock god Buffett, and even his investment direction is very similar.

Buffett has never liked new forces, especially the Internet.

Make a list for me and send it over immediately.

However, Cucumber still takes into account Abel Smith's all-time invincibility.

Cucumber plans to take a look.


In the evening, before attending a banquet at No. 26 Garden Road.

The cucumber is in the carriage.

I got the investment list of China Smith Capital for more than a year from my son’s secretary.

On the list, Cucumber saw a bunch of companies whose names he had never seen before.

Things like, Eighteen Thieves, Xinglang, and Penguin, which he knew was the son of a fellow Chaozhou native, and Wangyi, which he had heard of.

At a glance, most of them are new power companies related to the Internet and IT.

In addition to the investment list, there are also photos of the two female heads of China Smith Capital.

Looking at the photo, there are two obviously good-looking women.

Frowning, Cucumber directly kneaded the document paper and threw it aside.

It turns out that businessman habits have broken out, and Cucumber wanted to follow Smith Capital and invest in these companies.

But he found that in all companies like this, the company leaders were still two beauties.

Cucumber feels that this investment list will most likely not be written by the world's richest man.

He felt that this might be the work of the two female managers.

And these two female managers are most likely the mistresses of playboy Americans in China.

Then this investment list has no value.

Just like that, Cucumber didn't know what he missed.

He took his two sons and set off for No. 26 Garden Road, which was extremely congested today.

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