America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 448 The finale

In the evening, there will be a dinner party at No. 26 Garden Road.

In the evening, it will be dark.

A large number of reporters appeared outside No. 26 Garden Road.

On the surface, these reporters look very different from the entertainment reporters and paparazzi.

Most of them were well-dressed, and they did not crowd and push each other. They stood on both sides in a very orderly manner and took photos.

But in fact, there are indeed a large number of Hong Kong and Hong Kong entertainment reporters here.

In fact, in Hong Kong Island, among the reporter groups, the most numerous and most profitable ones are really the entertainment paparazzi type of reporters.

Moreover, the paparazzi on Hong Kong Island initially learned from British and Hollywood reporters.

Later, he was even better than his predecessor. In terms of shamelessness and clickbait, he far surpassed Hearst, the founder of clickbait.

This is because in Long Island’s local entertainment media, many of their behind-the-scenes bosses or employees are simply those in the gray area.

The transformation of a young and Dangerous kid into a newspaper owner was nothing new after the 1990s.

And this group of people can even do truly illegal business with great success.

The profits of pornographic entertainment news are very high, and it is just a side job of the law. Naturally, they are more ruthless than anyone else.

Anyway, as long as they don't offend the real big shots in the city, they will dare to take any title.

For example, in 2008, Xiong Dailin spent the night at Liangzaicheng's house. They wrote the title like this: [Xiong Dailin massacred the city for 33 hours...]

When Lin Yun was filming Mermaid, she lost weight like crazy and caused menopause: [Lin Yun stopped menstruating for 4 months to satisfy the star...]

There is also Angel Baby and Brother Xiao Ming, when they were first photographed as a couple: [Entering and leaving the Huang (Emperor) Palace...]

In this regard, the Hong Kong paparazzi, who have experienced the golden age of Hong Kong movies in the 1980s and 1990s, are far more courageous and shameless than those in the European and American world.

The reports in Europe and the United States are too excessive. If you accept the lawyer's letter, you will really have to pay compensation and apologize or even go bankrupt.

Here in Hong Kong, facing these shameless paparazzi and media, most of the celebrities being photographed dare not speak out.

Because behind these paparazzi, most of the people standing are those guys in the gray area.

The celebrities and actors who were reported naturally did not dare to mess around.

The entire Hong Kong Island entertainment news trend is like this.

Therefore, entertainment paparazzi make up the vast majority of the reporter team on Hong Kong Island.

Because citizens love to read this kind of content, even financial and humanities journalists are crazy about entertainment, and they especially like to be clickbait when reporting news.

Like tonight, at least half of the many reporters outside No. 26 Garden Road were paparazzi entertainment reporters.

It's just different from when facing local artists who dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

Among the Hong Kong reporters tonight, even the most arrogant paparazzi queen Cha Xiaoxin.

She was used to being unscrupulous, but she had to become more obedient, not daring to go too far.

Because no matter what, this is still No. 26 Garden Road.

If it is really a random report, not to mention the paparazzi, even the backers behind them will not be able to withstand the revenge from here.

In fact, some of the smart people among these reporters would not be willing to come tonight if possible.

Because of what happened tonight, it is obvious that we cannot make random headlines.

If they mess around, something will really happen and their master won't be able to protect them.

The reason why they still came was because their master had received hints tonight.

The paparazzi had no choice but to come at the request of their masters, including Cha Xiaoxin and other well-known paparazzi reporters.

In the press corps.

Cha Xiaoxin and another media person, Lu Mixue, have become famous paparazzi queens.

Since arriving tonight, my face has not looked good.

Together, the two are known as the Mothers of Paparazzi on Hong Kong Island. It was these two sisters who brought paparazzi culture to Hong Kong Island.

Many times, two people are competitors. In some cases, two people can also be collaborators.

Like tonight, it was obvious that they were collaborators.

Axue, do you think so too?

Otherwise? If this were not the case, why would the two of us come? The purpose of calling us paparazzi here is not simple in the first place!

What should we do?

Axin, don't tell me you don't know what to do. Lu Mixue laughed at Cha Xiaoxin, Take a few photos, say a few words tomorrow, and just complete the task. When gods fight, we are A small shrimp in a mud pond, as long as it can save its life.

It's easy to say. I can only take a few photos and say a few words to get the job done? People named Li are very demanding! Zha Xiaoxin said.

Anyway, I don't dare to mess around. At worst, I will be fired, and my life will be at stake. Lu Mixue said simply.

There were several big paparazzi nearby who had a good relationship with the two queens, and they were a little confused listening to the conversation between the two.

I don’t know what these two mothers of paparazzi are communicating with each other.

Someone asked: Two eldest ladies, what are you talking about? What about gods, about life-saving, what about business affairs?

Zha Xiaoxin was too lazy to care, so Lu Mixue was kinder and said, Remember to take less pictures and talk less!

Some people wanted to continue asking, but at this time, a paparazzi screamed.

Here it comes, here it comes. The first car is here, the first guest is here!

I saw a Mercedes-Benz limousine with a temporary traffic pass coming up ahead of the Garden Road that was under temporary traffic control.

The license plate number is AARON. Hey, this is the license plate number of Pretty City! I didn't expect that Pretty City has also received an invitation? No wonder we entertainment reporters are invited to come. It seems that there will be many big-name celebrities here tonight!

A paparazzi shouted excitedly.

It turns out that the first car that came had a license plate number owned by Guo Xiaocheng, one of the most glorious four kings in Hong Kong in the 1990s.

The person sitting in the car was obviously King Guo himself.

The entertainment reporter and other reporters were all excited and curious.

Many people are curious as to why a place like No. 26 Garden Road invites celebrities like Guo Xiaocheng to come.

Aren't the people who come to places like this usually big bosses like Cucumber?

Some people suspected that it was because of Chengcheng's appearance that he fell in love with some super rich woman and was brought here by the rich woman?

Don't wait for the paparazzi to guess the result.

Guo Tianwang's car stopped at the gate of No. 26 Garden Road.

The king himself got out of the car and waved to reporters with a smile.

Many people roared and wanted to ask some questions.

But King Guo Tianwang didn't answer anything. Under the guidance of the military attaché of the consulate, he walked in very respectfully and humbly.

Before waiting for reporters, they were dissatisfied with Guo Tianwang's refusal to accept an interview.

The second car and the third car came one after another.

The license plate number of the second car is JC1. The owner of this license plate number is Brother Long from Hong Kong Island.

The license plate number of the third car is AL917, which is the license plate of another Four Heavenly Kings, whose surname is Liu.

Behind them, a dozen or so cars arrived one after another, almost all of them were local superstars and kings from Hong Kong Island.

Everyone has a very high status in the Hong Kong entertainment circle.

It can be said that they have almost captured all the top stars in Hong Kong in the 1980s and 1990s.

At this time, apart from Zha Xiaoxin and Lu Mixue, other smart entertainment reporters had already noticed that something was wrong.

It is possible for a banquet held at a place like 26 Garden Road to invite one or two Hong Kong superstars to attend.

In order to show that it is close to the people and pro-Hong Kong, it is possible to invite ordinary people to participate.

But the number can never be too much.

But now, we have invited so many important figures in Hong Kong's entertainment industry to attend this event all at once.

It’s not like we’re here to do anything like the Academy Awards.

This is too abnormal.

Many people are a little confused and don't know why so many Hong Kong entertainment superstars would appear in a place like 26 Garden Road that is very inconsistent with their style.

Cha Xiaoxin and Lu Mixue, the two mothers of paparazzi, looked at each other.

They both confirmed the correctness of their guesses in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, after these big stars. The new guests at No. 26 Garden Road gradually became normal.

The normality here does not mean that these guests have low status.

But it is a relatively normal situation for these people to come to No. 26 Garden Road.

Compared with the celebrities and entertainment industry tycoons in the front, the status of these guests is much higher.

In addition to the celebrity guests, the first guest to appear was Hong Kong Island entertainment tycoon and billionaire Yang Shoucheng.

The next time they appear, they will all be these extremely wealthy people.

What about the new big four, the son-in-law of the chartering king, the fan Liu and so on, the super rich.

After that, a group of councilors, justices of the peace, and clerks appeared who usually kept a low profile and only appeared in social news on Hong Kong Island.

Later, more and more customers appeared.

It made even the entertainment reporter, who has a high excitement threshold, a little tired.

Because in less than an hour, at least five to six hundred guests arrived one after another.

They all got off the bus at the gate of No. 26 Garden Road, the vehicle left on its own, and walked into the U.S. Consulate.

The time came to 8 o'clock in the evening, and the passenger flow was almost gone.

Zha Xiaoxin breathed a sigh of relief. The big shots who appeared one after another made her scared.

She was afraid that one or two big shots who shouldn't be here would appear and cause a huge disturbance.

Fortunately, after so long, everyone is indeed a big shot.

Appearing here is somewhat problematic.

But the problems are not big.

In this way, she received tasks from her boss and certain beings that asked her to do them, and she could accomplish them at a relatively low cost and risk level.

That should be it. What happens next should have nothing to do with us.

Zha Xiaoxin said to Lu Mixue, who was also relieved.

Lu Muchue opened her mouth and was about to say something when a blue light reflected from the lenses of her glasses.

Another car is coming. Who could it be so late? Lu Mixue pointed to the front of the garden road.

There was indeed a black car driving slowly towards No. 26 Garden Road ahead.

Cha Xiaoxin closed her eyes tiredly and whispered:

Almost all the big guys are here.'s not the chief who's here, right? That would be really big news.

It doesn't seem to be the chief, at least it's not the chief's car. It seems to be an American car. The license plate is Kadiri. On Hong Kong Island, except for the people in the American Consulate, very few people drive Kadley cars. .”

Jadeli is the name of Cadillac on Hong Kong Island.

Except for the official bus of the U.S. Consulate, this car is very rare on Hong Kong Island. Even American businessmen don’t drive it.

The dark and bright Cadillac monster slowly drove past the press corps blocked by the police and the embassy attaché. It was solemn and majestic, and its aura looked extremely powerful.

Cha Xiaoxin, Lu Mixue, and other reporters watched helplessly as it drove into No. 26 Garden Road.

What happened? It drove in! Zha Xiaoxin said in surprise.

Tonight, hundreds of other customers' cars all arrived at the gate of No. 26 Garden Road. They parked their cars and dropped off the customers. The cars drove away and people went in.

Even the Big Four who stomp their feet can cause earthquakes in Hong Kong Island, and super bosses like Huo Yiguan are no exception.

But this seemingly large Kadley car ignored the military attache at the door and drove into the US Consulate under the respectful guidance of the military attaché.

A group of reporters were surprised by this and talked a lot.

Zha Xiaoxin couldn't help but said: Why do I look at this car? The more I look at it, the more it looks like the car of the American commander in the Gui Lao newspaper?

When she reminded her, Lu Mixue immediately thought about it, Han family property! It seems to be the car of the American Commander-in-Chief! If it's missing, it couldn't be that the Commander-in-Chief of the United States is here, right?

Zha Xiaoxin was shocked by what he said was a clever idea.

Die, if the American commander-in-chief is really here, then it's impossible that the soldiers from Edinburgh Square in Central won't come over, right?

The two entertainment reporters, who had guessed some of the problems, both saw fear in each other's eyes.

That is the natural fear that arises when people at the bottom realize that a high-level fight is happening around them and they are involuntarily involved.

And the Jadeli that drove in was naturally not the one owned by the American commander.

Even if they are produced at the same time, they are almost identical except that the national flag cannot be placed.

The owner of this Jadeli is Abel who came from the Peninsula Hotel.

Because Saint Gaule hopes that Abel can play in the finale.

So in the afternoon, Abel, who had already arrived at No. 26 Garden Road, went back to the Peninsula Hotel.

After the time approached, he was escorted by the Hong Kong police team and set off to No. 26 Garden Road.

The Cadillac Monster drove all the way into the consulate and arrived in front of the garden where hundreds of the city's celebrities had gathered.

As soon as the vehicle came to a stop, Consul General Gao Lesheng, who was chatting with Huagua, Huo Yiguan and others from the Big Four, immediately stepped forward with a smile.

I saw Gao Lesheng, who had a very high status in Hong Kong Island and was even respected by the chief executive, standing in front of the Cadillac monster like a welcome guest and helped open the car door.

In the carriage, Abel, who was wearing formal clothes, got out of the car.

In the rare, flashlights of a cadre of accredited journalists.

Abel stretched out his hand and held Carla's little hand inside, making it easier for her to get out of the car.

After all, Carla's high heels are really worrying.

Handsome guy and beautiful girl, both of them have perfect bodies that make people lick the screen.

Abel, who was smiling, was held by the radiant Carla, and accompanied by Saint Gao Le, he walked towards the front of the banquet with a smile.

There is only one chapter today. I actually want to think about the 20,000 words a day I used to do. After all, it is just a small amount of money. The peak income is three times less than what it is now. Don’t I want to make money? If you don’t make money, who will code?

But until now, the objective conditions really don’t allow it.

First, I must have brain fog, my coding speed and thinking have dropped significantly. In the past, it was 3,000 words per hour, but now the maximum is 2,000 words per hour.

Second, the Chinese New Year has not been smooth so far. I went to the hospital again today. The reason is that the diarrhea that caused the hemorrhoids has not gone away. After a blood test, it turned out that it was norovirus... The diarrhea virus plus hemorrhoids made me feel worse now than when I was positive.

Third, I can’t think of anything. I just feel like I’m so miserable. I’m currently self-isolating in a hotel. My children and my wife haven’t been infected yet. This is a blessing among misfortunes. Now my butt feels like it’s been violently raped dozens of times. It didn’t even happen during the COVID-19 pandemic. So exhausted... This chapter was written little by little while lying on the hotel bed and using a tablet.

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