America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 458 Cooperation between hunter and prey

Bad news that is not good for Smith Capital comes one after another.

At the same time, JPMorgan Chase Bank headquarters in Manhattan.

James Robinson was excited.

He kicked away the beautiful secretary who had been serving him these past few days.

Because now, he felt that he no longer needed the little physical comfort that the beautiful secretary provided when she served him.

The soaring USD/JPY market and the huge floating profit figures are a greater psychological stimulus than physical stimulation.

Watching the bullish USD/JPY news come out one after another.

James knows that this is the strength of the giants.

Hahaha... what god of investment! You must know that what you are facing this time is the world's second largest economic power, as well as Morgan and Rockefeller!

Poor Texans, you're going to suffer a lot this time!

But who told you to choose a little Dixie??! This is called being clever but being misled by cleverness!

Extremely excited.

James felt as if he had seen Abe Smith defeated in front of him.

And when that day comes.

If he succeeds in killing the gods, he will surely become the new God of Wall Street.

When I think of this, adrenaline and dopamine are secreted crazily.

At this moment, James felt that he was even more powerful than having sex.

However, James did not notice that his own traders.

In fact, I haven't listened to him since the day before yesterday.

These elite traders were certainly not bribed by Abel.

Abel didn't have the ability to take down all the elite traders at JPMorgan Chase.

As for the real situation, James will know it later.

same moment.

Neon Special Economic Team, Kuroda of the Kuroda Group was extremely excited.

Previously, he frantically opened long positions, and finally reached more than 1 million positions.

Then when the U.S. economic data came out, the U.S. dollar/yen skyrocketed by 60 points, almost instantly making his team earn more than three billion U.S. dollars.

It seems that the US dollar/yen is still going to continue to skyrocket. Some long-term short sellers must have stopped their losses and closed their positions just now. Now as long as the US dollar/yen plummets once, they must close their positions once. Hehe, it's a good idea. This time I want you all to liquidate your positions!

Kuroda was thinking about Feifei.

USD/JPY was suddenly severely suppressed again.

Within ten minutes, it fell again by more than 40 points.

Kuroda's imaginary thoughts were interrupted.

The nervous Kuroda Akihiko immediately asked someone to check.

An investigation revealed that it was Smith Capital, a super short seller, who continued to scan the market for short selling.

The bulls have encountered a big sniper attack from the airdrop.

The market fell this time because new funds from Smith Capital entered the market.

This is a desperate struggle, this is a useless desperate struggle!

With no time to think, Kuroda was extremely excited and immediately began to continue to do long USD/JPY.

However, he soon discovered that his orders were quickly eaten up and completely unable to support the decline of USD/JPY.

what's the situation?

Seeing that the floating profit of more than 3 billion US dollars just now was eaten up all at once.

Kuroda became anxious.

He asked the Kuroda team to investigate again, and upon investigation they discovered a big news.

The big news is that in the United States, Smith Financial Group borrowed US$60 billion from PNC Financial Services Group and Berkshire Hathaway.

A portion of the shares of Smith Media and Pacific Energy were used as collateral.

This capital will continue to be invested in the market.

Amaterasu, God above!

Akihiko Kuroda is completely crazy.

He immediately applied to his superiors for the maximum funding limit.

After getting the quick approval from Neon Bank President Yu Hayami.

The Kuroda group suddenly received more funds.

2 million hands!!

In the Kuroda group's office, Kuroda Akihiko shouted crazily:

We have to achieve 2 million hands! This time, we have to make at least 20 billion US dollars!

Onboard! Onboard!


Dozens of neon elite traders in the office also screamed crazily.

While venting their excitement, they frantically scanned the market for goods.

Not only the Kuroda group, this time Neon Bank invested 6 special economic action teams.

Every special team's reaction now is similar to the Kuroda team.

Many Neon people are thinking that this time they must give Mi Zhu a hard blow to his arrogance.

Let these Wall Street monsters who are constantly buying their Japanese bonds and shorting their yen know that they are not easy to mess with.

I hope that these Wall Street guys will no longer dare to pay attention to Neon Capital Market in the future.

Even in reality, even if they can win, it is actually based on the great efforts of Morgan and Rockefeller.

But Neon people don’t think so. People in this country love to do things according to their own fantasy scripts.

When the enemy's reaction is inconsistent with their script.

Neon people will not reflect on whether they have done something wrong.

Instead, they will resent the other party for not following their own script.

This is the character of this country and this nation.

At the same moment, it was not just Neon Man and James.

Jimmy from Citibank. Paulson of Goldman Sachs. Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers. Merrill Lynch’s David Komansky…

There are too many players who have chosen to end up joining the Neon Man, Morgan, and Rockefeller in beating up the drowned dogs they imagined.

Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers even shouted loudly within his company:

This is a good opportunity for us to get revenge. We want to get back the shares they lost on behalf of our shareholders! The carving up of Smith is right around the corner!

Two years ago, the failure of Wall Street caused many of their core shares to be snatched away by Abel.

Their failure was also an important battle that established Abel's current reputation and influence on Wall Street.

But now, Abel Smith is about to suffer a huge defeat under the collective efforts of everyone.

Richard, who had the most intense reaction at the time, naturally reacts the most intensely now.

Among the investment banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers is the craziest this time.

They opened nearly 2.6 million long positions in the market.

It can only be said that the bulldogs of Wall Street, when they get crazy, are really too much like bulldogs.

The giants of global financial markets are like this.

A large number of leeks and retail investors participated in this financial crisis.

Seeing this opportunity to fight the big boss with the big guys.

Of course they are even crazier.

The so-called give it a try, and the bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

This spirit and idea does not only exist in Chinese leeks.

In fact, it also exists among leeks and small retail investors around the world.

In the global financial market, too many retail investors are borrowing money from banks day and night.

Some people even mortgaged their houses and cars, and some even took out loan sharks.

Like the oligarchs, they threw all their borrowed money into this USD/JPY storm.

They want to follow the numerous big tycoons in the world and ruthlessly slaughter the world's richest man.

After holding a god and creating a god, he placed the god high above his head.

Then try to find a way to throw the god down hard, and watch the god fall to pieces.

This is something that almost all human beings, regardless of ethnic group, like to hear about.

On April 9, the Wall Street Journal published a piece of news.

The news claimed that in this USD/JPY exchange rate incident.

The short sellers, led by Smith Capital, have suffered heavy losses so far.

Take Smith Capital as an example.

The Wall Street Journal speculates that the world’s richest man has lost at least US$50 billion.

As soon as this news came out, the market became even more crazy.

The Wall Street Journal is the most important and authoritative media in the global financial market.

Its reporting will not be random. There is evidence, and the evidence is clearly stated in the report.

What's more, at this time, the exchange rate of USD/JPY has reached around 129.500.

Seeing it is about to break through the critical moment of 130 at any time.

For a time, both the small retail investors and the large number of bulls all went crazy.

Amidst the commotion.

New England region of the United States, near the Hudson River in New York State.

A huge manor that cannot be found on various maps of the United States.

In a quiet manor, there is a secret study at the core.

A helpless sigh came from inside the closed door.

Hey - it seems that he really figured it out. Chris, if possible, I really want to see him suffer a severe loss.

I want to, too. But rather than seeing him suffer, I hope that Morgen can reach a higher level under my leadership.

It was David Rockefeller who sighed.

In this manor house called Kikwit.

The head of Rockefeller sighed again.


Then David said leisurely:

Okay, actually I think so too. It seems we really have no choice but to accept him.

It's actually not a bad thing. Triangles are always the most stable, and now we can be considered triangles.

I'm just a little unwilling.

As for which aspect you are not willing to accept, why.

David didn't say.

Needless to say, David knew why.

The conditions are right. If we delay it any longer, that guy might break his pot. Then our benefits won't be that much.

John Cleese reminded David.

David Rockefeller nodded slightly, Let's get started.


John Cleese was directly in the study, picking up a special telephone that was connected.

Called and waited a few minutes.

After the phone call was made.

It's hunting time, Mr. Smith.

Oh. Hunters are always ready. As long as your net is well woven and strong enough, there will be no problem.

Okay, let me answer you now. Our network is up. I hope to see you in the conference room at 33 Liberty Street in New York in a while.

Of course, so am I. Say hello to Mr. Rockefeller for me.

John Cleese smiled and looked at Rockefeller next to him.

The latter looked unhappy and mouthed Fake silently.

John Cleese smiled and said to the person on the phone:

Oh, he's right next to me. Mr. Rockefeller also asked me to greet you for him...

Well, bye then.


The head of the Morgen family put down the phone.

He saw David standing up and preparing to walk outside. As he walked, he said to himself:

I'll tell them to start. This time we must grab the most perfect trophies, and don't let that kid get the bulk of it.

John Cleese nodded and watched David Rockefeller leave.

When you are the only one left in the secret room.

The head of the Morgen family hung up the secret phone boredly.

He also started walking outside.

John Cleese plans to leave Kikwit Manor and return to his job.

He walked all the way to his exclusive car.

Along the way, John mentally reviewed the general process of this operation.

This was originally their operation to hunt down Abel Smith.

But now he has become a hunter, cooperating with the hunted prey.

In turn, the financial turmoil of killing other hunters around them together.

Yes, Morgan and Rockefeller collaborated with Smith.

An opportunity for cooperation between the enemy and ourselves appeared in the past few days.

At that time, Morgan and Rockefeller took the initiative to invite Neon People to cooperate.

Then the neon people agreed.

Soon after, Abel passed by the owner of the white house.

Two options were passed to Rockefeller, who had good relations with the Bush family.

In the first option, Smith Financial Group lost approximately US$30 billion.

This loss of about US$30 billion will be included in Neon Man, Morgan and Rockefeller.

There are also many other hunters, as well as a large number of small retail investors to share.

Even if you can occupy the bulk, you can eat the most.

Morgan and Rockefeller can only occupy about 1/3 at most.

And in order to get this 1/3, which is about tens of billions of dollars in profits.

Morgan and Rockefeller's relationship with Texas would turn from bad to worse.

Although Texans will complain about Abel's failure, it may even affect Abel's status within the Texas consortium.

But Morgan and Rockefeller will also be hated by Texans.

Because Abel told them clearly.

Half of the funds used by Abel this time were from the original Texas consortium...

Moreover, Morgan and Rockefeller still need to divide the possible profits of tens of billions of dollars among themselves.

When it comes to their turn, each of them probably only has more than 3 billion US dollars.

The main reason is that there are too many people involved.

The result of too many hunters is that there are not enough prey and trophies to divide.

This is option one, but within this option.

Abel did not say explicitly what Morgan and Rockefeller chose to do.

It can break Abel's immortality in the financial market.

There is no need for Abel to say it himself. Rockefeller and Morgan also understand this.

As for the second option, both Morgan and Rockefeller were a little unimpressed at first.

It became more and more exciting later on.

The second option is for Smith to work with them.

Everyone cooperated secretly to push up the USD/JPY, which actually had no support at all.

In this process, try to exaggerate the hostility between the two parties as much as possible.

Pulling away the passers-by who were originally watching.

Then when the time is right, both parties will work together to blow up USD/JPY in one fell swoop.

Thus will hunt Abel, become Abel and they hunt Neon Man and others.

If you choose the second option.

Then this time, Morgan and Rockefeller would not be able to defeat Abel's undefeated golden body.

At the same time, as a big short, Abel was able to make a lot of money, and his influence within the Texas consortium increased to a higher level.

And what about Morgan and Rockefeller?

Their biggest losses were two.

One is that Abel's immortal golden body was not defeated this time, and their original intention of launching this financial crisis failed.

The other is that by doing this, they are working together with Abel to deceive the whole world.

If they still want to deal with Abel in the market in the future.

Among the players who were tricked this time, except for the unscrupulous ones, there is a high probability that no one will end up in the game again.

But...Mogan and Rockefeller gained more than they lost.

Yes, if you do this, Abel, the big short seller, will indeed be able to eat a big piece of meat.

But they are stronger, more influential, more sophisticated in this regard, and their tentacles are everywhere in the entire financial world.

As long as they prepare in advance, they will definitely be able to reap huge benefits even more than Abel.

To put it bluntly, it is hedging, turning the real side of Abel into a virtual one.

The high leverage prepared for hedging will be directly turned into the actual main force.

Through the cooperation of both parties, the US dollar/yen will rise.

In the end, the plot shows up and jumps directly to the camp.

Backstab the cooperating neon people and trap and kill the onlookers who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make money.

Anyway, the cooperation between them and the Neon People is just a verbal agreement.

In the financial world, let alone a verbal agreement. Even contracts with legal effect can often be torn up...

Faced with these two choices passed down to Abel through the Bush family.

At first, both David and John Cleese were a little scornful.

They felt that this was Abel's coy way to show them his intention to admit defeat.

From the beginning, David expressed his refusal.

John Cleese is less extreme.

He suggested that this possibility be analyzed by Morgan and Rockefeller's think tanks.

As a result, the think tanks of these two huge consortiums gave the same advice.

They believe that considering practical interests, it is best to choose the second option.

That would allow Morgan and Rockefeller to absolutely maximize their interests in this financial crisis.

David and John Cleese were not quick to adopt.

However, the developments in the next two days proved that the suggestions from both sides’ think tanks were indeed more attractive.

The choice before the two of them became simple.

One is to tarnish Abel's invincible reputation and make Abel lose 30 billion or more, and then make more than 30 billion himself.

The other was to let Abel continue to live freely.

At the same time, Morgan and Rockefeller can earn tens of billions of dollars, or even hundreds of billions of dollars in profits.

Potentially billions of dollars, and potentially tens of billions of dollars.

This choice, for the consortium oligarchs...does it really need to be a choice?

When Abel let the Southeast Asian beauties leave and punished internal commercial espionage.

David asked John Cleese to call Abel.

It was also the time when James Robinson was struck a little crazy.

After the two sides passed the Qi, the cooperation of guarding against each other began.

One party acted like it was a desperate fight and the situation was not good.

One party is doing its best to cooperate with the inflated USD/JPY. At the same time, privately, through invisible hands, he has actually become a bigger short than Abel...

Now that USD/JPY is about to cross 130, the time has come for hunting.

David Rockefeller stepped in personally and began to dig holes and fill them in.

Abel Smith took the opportunity to follow up, and together they would eat the flesh and blood of the person who had been tricked.

And I can also get one of the biggest benefits.

Thinking that he had canceled the trading rights of James and his gang two days ago.

After the review was completed, John Cleese found no omissions and sat in the car with a satisfied smile.


There were dark clouds outside, and there was thunder in the sky.

This year's rainy season is about to begin in New York.

There was a cool breeze just a moment ago, but in the blink of an eye it was pouring rain.

Go to Morgan Chase headquarters.

In the warm and comfortable car, John Cleese said to the driver.

456 review…

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