America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 459 The Bleeding Neon Man

James finally discovered the problem.

When USD/JPY reached a peak of 129.560.

The director of marketing at JPMorgan Chase wants to check the earnings on his bank account.

However, what he saw was not the tens of billions of dollars he had imagined.

Instead, the floating loss exceeded US$5 billion.

What's going on? What's going on? What on earth is going on?!

The genius investment managers on Wall Street became furious after being stunned.

Because only now did he discover that dozens of his subordinates managed more than 500 trading accounts.

These accounts actually did short positions on the USD/JPY investment target, rather than the long positions that could kill Abel Smith.

James would have been extremely angry, if it weren't for the fact that he didn't have a gun on him.

It is estimated that at this moment, he dared to draw his gun and shoot randomly in the office.

Looking at the extremely angry manager, James' assistant opened his mouth.

He wanted to say, in fact, you have no command authority since a few days ago.

But before he could say anything, John Cleese, who came over in the pouring rain, had already appeared in the trading room with several people.

James, there is nothing to do with you here. What you did is quite acceptable, but I will be responsible for the next thing.

As soon as he entered the door, John Cleese had not yet spoken.

James' enemy in the company is actually his biggest competitor, Yorkesh, the deputy manager of the marketing department, said to him with a smile.

James was stunned.

If it weren't for John Cleese, standing behind Yorkish right now.

James even wanted to punch Yorkish in the face.

The big boss was here, and James maintained the greatest restraint.

He ignored Yorksh, but looked at John Cleese with respect.

BOSS, why is this guy here? And those traders, they made a huge mistake.

Look at John Cleese's calm expression.

James has actually calmed down now.

Once he calmed down, the rationality of the Wall Street genius took over his mind again.

This made James understand. Something may have happened that you don't know about and that is very detrimental to you.

Yokesh is right, James, your work is very good. You are very tired during this period, I will give you half a month off. Go to Hawaii, Australia, or Europe to travel and rest.

John Cleese patted James on the shoulder.

James opened his mouth in shock, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

At this time, John Chris nodded to Yorkish.

Yorkish smiled respectfully at John Cleese.

Then the deputy manager directly bypassed James as the director and said to James' original subordinates:

Hey, guys. From now on, I'm the new Marketing Director. Come on, let's have a good hunt!

James stared blankly at his subordinates, who sat down on their respective trading computers at Yorksh's greeting.

When James wakes up a little from the huge loss and even fear.

James Robinson, one of the presidents of Morgan Chase and the former director of marketing, was surprised to see the market conditions on the screen in front of him.

At some point, USD/JPY made a huge move.

The USD/JPY originally reached its highest level of 129.650 in just ten minutes while I was in a daze.

It has fallen to 129.100, a drop of 50 points in ten minutes.

This is just the beginning.

Only a few more minutes passed.

USD/JPY suddenly fell below the 129 line from around 129.100.

Within a few minutes, it dropped to 128.890.

A sudden Yin line lies above the Yang line that has been extremely arrogant in the past two days.

Such strange and sudden changes occurred in the financial market.

This somewhat woke up James, whose head was already full of paste.

He looked at the boss and York paying no attention to him.

James hesitated for a moment, then walked to the side and picked a computer that could check the market and had a dedicated backend.

He took the mouse and quickly clicked to see what was happening in the market.

How could such a change occur suddenly?

Then he saw a series of factors that affected USD/JPY and caused the original bullish trend to move to the bearish direction.

[…The spokesperson of White House promoted that Neon Bank had artificially manipulated the market. This violates market freedoms and may be investigated by the U.S. Department of Commerce. 】

[Rand Corporation: Experts predict that the United States will fall into a mild recession within two years, and Asia may rise...]

[Berkshire Hathaway claims that it is not optimistic about the appreciation of the U.S. dollar because the U.S. dollar index has reached a historical peak...]

[William Harrison, chairman and CEO of Morgan Chase Group, claimed: Smith Media is an excellent media company, and Morgan Chase is willing to serve as one of Smith Media's IPO channels.]


After reading a bunch of news, James was already confused.

At this moment, this Wall Street genius, who was actually very smart, had already thought of a terrible possibility.

That is……

The fox hound that hunted the fox united with the fox.

In turn, cull the rabbits, antelopes and lemmings watching the fun around them!

Looking ahead, Yorkish continued to direct his original subordinates to short-sell.

James still doesn't understand that this terrible possibility is not possible at all.

It is already a reality!

He kept saying that he was going to target Abel Smith.

In connivance with many media in the United States, they continue to exaggerate Morgan and Rockefeller's dissatisfaction with Smith.

It turned out that they were fine, when everyone thought that the two sides were bound to fight to the death.

But they united.

You still have the nerve to say that the Neon people are manipulating the market, but you guys are the culprits of manipulating the market, okay?

Thinking of this, James figured everything out.

This Wall Street genius discovered the truth.

The truth made him feel like a deflated rubber ball, and his whole body softened.

James just feels that he is really funny now.

Try your best to do something well.

In the end, he discovered that he was just a pawn thrown by his boss.

Thinking of this, James has no interest in staying here at all.

He walked outside in despair.

Good job, keep adding more!

John Cleese gave them a shout of encouragement.

Turning around, I saw the back of James leaving decadently.

The leader of Morgan shook his head, feeling a little sorry for the downfall of an elite trader.


What Wall Street lacks most is money. Everyone is short of money and yearns for more money.

What Wall Street lacks most is all kinds of human elites and all kinds of geniuses.

Even top mathematicians don’t study mathematics, but come to study market data models and make money in the capital market.

He is just an elite trader, not an unscientific being like Abel Smith.

Gone is a James, but if needed.

John Cleese could get his hands on at least dozens of similar Jameses.

Morgan withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at Yorkish and the others making trouble in the market.

The well-hidden big shorts began to unite with the original lost dogs to beat up the real lost dogs in the market.

When USD/JPY fell back below the 129 line.

Jimmy at First Citibank sees this happening too.

Jimmy initially thought it was just a minor market correction.

It's the counterattack of the bears and Smith's desperate struggle.

Originally, he wanted to continue to build positions and cut more meat.

Fortunately, First Citibank is, after all, one of the top ten financial groups in the United States.

The information channels are very well-informed.

So Jimmy was the first person to know the news that Foxhound and Fox began to cooperate.

After learning the news, Jimmy had only one thought in his mind.

Close your position and run away!!!

Like James, Jimmy finally came to his senses.

This matter may be a big conspiracy from beginning to end.

To outsiders, it seems that the Texas consortium is going to collide with the East Coast system.

Because the two sides do have grudges, which were left over from long ago.

But who would have thought that a pair of enemies who were supposed to fight to the death would join forces...

Money is so tempting, it can turn people against you.

It naturally has the ability to make people temporarily forget their hatred and even unite.

Jimmy knew that if the news leaked out.

Even in the market, the bulls are actually stronger now, and the bears are much less powerful.

Because in the current market, the bulls are the national team of Neon, coupled with a large number of international financial players.

Their combined hard power is actually much stronger than Smith + Morgan + Rockefeller.

The problem is that financial capital often does not look at strength and reality.

Many times, financial capital plays with confidence and the future.

Investors believe that something will rise in the future.

As long as there are a large number of investors who believe this.

So even if the actual value of these things is worthless, in the financial market, they can increase their worth infinitely.

They are the best examples of virtual currencies that have not yet appeared in this era.

They are worthless in and of themselves.

Even to create them, huge amounts of energy are consumed.

But when Bitcoin was at its highest value, one Bitcoin was worth more than $68,900.

At that time, with two Bitcoins, you could buy a nice Ferrari or Lamborghini sports car in the United States.

For 1.5 Bitcoins, you can buy a Porsche Panamera in the United States...

Now, because of the defections and backstabbing of Rockefeller and Morgan.

The confidence in USD/JPY was suddenly exhausted.

The top of the mountain turned into an abyss, the contrast was too great.

At this time, even if the Fed steps up, it may be difficult to restore the market's confidence in USD/JPY.

Because even if the Fed steps up at this time.

Investors will also wonder, Is this a conspiracy by Morgan and Rockefeller?

The big players in the world all know that the combination of Morgan and Rockefeller can influence the decision-making of the Federal Reserve.

Confidence collapses and a market trampling is imminent.

If you don't run away and stop the loss in time at this time, why don't you stay and cut the leeks?

Jimmy knows that the bullish power of USD/JPY has basically been exhausted since then, and USD/JPY is about to undergo a major correction.

Jimmy was unambiguous immediately, and with his extremely sensitive sense of smell, he immediately decided to close all his long orders.

Fake, 129.600 is the big top. Shet, I almost failed this time. Run away while there is still profit, and then Fakshet goes short again!

Fuck the Morgan, Shet the Rockefeller, Fuck the Smith!! No wonder these days, every time USD/JPY hits above 127.000, it is immediately knocked down, unable to even stand for half an hour. stable··········

Shetfak, it turns out that other than Smith, someone has been crazy in placing orders on it and short selling like crazy!!!

Jimmy frantically directed the traders to close their positions. He kept swearing and he was obviously very angry.

Excited to death.

However... there are quite a few people like Jimmy who can receive the news in advance.

USD/JPY is on a tear right now.

Here, Jimmy, who was frantically closing positions, also contributed some strength.

And Jimmy actually knows this.

In fact, Jimmy even felt that the inside information he and other leaders of large bull institutions received might be information deliberately leaked by the other party.

This is a method used by short sellers to force and induce long sellers to close their positions, thereby reducing their consumption.

Similar to the practice of surrounding three and missing one during ancient wars.

Prevent the enemy from being forced into a desperate situation and having to unite to resist.

Just leave a way out, don't really force the bulls to have no way out.

But you know, Jimmy, like everyone else, can only choose to stop the loss in time at this moment.

The reason lies in financial capital, which in many cases is really about confidence.

Both Morgan and Rockefeller revealed their true colors.

The market still has a lot of confidence.

If you don't stop the loss in time, by the time even the leeks react, they won't even be able to run away.

At this time, as long as the reaction is quick enough, someone can still find a chance to escape from the one surrounded by three and missing one.

At this time, USD/JPY had quickly fallen below 126.700 from 127.800, a crazy drop of 110 points.

Then it rebounded slightly for 3 points, and then continued to fall. In less than 2 minutes, it fell below the 126.600 position, and then went straight to the 126.500 position.

All the bulls in the world also looked at this scene blankly.

So far, only a small number of people have chosen to close their positions, while others are still waiting and watching.

Because until now, except for people like Jimmy, most people still don't know about the backhand backstabs of Morgan and Rockefeller.

Jimmy from First Citigroup started closing positions frantically.

Neon, Tokyo.

Kuroda of the Neon Bank Special Economic Action Team, Kuroda Group, looked at this scene with shocked eyes.

USD/JPY fell all the way from the highest level of 129.600, falling to 126.500 in less than an hour.

A total of 310 points! !

Previously, USD/JPY was still rising so strongly, and it was about to reach 130.

But in the blink of an eye, it fell like a thousand miles.

In fact, when USD/JPY started to fall, the Neon National Team, including Kuroda, had the opportunity to exit the market and stop their losses in time.

Maybe even make a fortune.

But because their superiors have been contacting Morgan and Rockefeller, wanting to know what happened.

Of course, they are trying their best to delay it and let the Neon people react as late as possible.

Neon people, facing the Wall Street dads in the United States, even if sometimes they know that there is a trap, they can only bite the bullet and pretend not to see it.

So it took more than an hour for Neon to know the truth.

Wait until the upper management of Neon Bank informs Kuroda and the others about the good deeds of Morgan and Rockefeller.

It was simply too late.

At this moment, the 5-minute K-line chart of USD/JPY shows an extremely long negative line.

If you change it to a one-hour K-line chart, the big negative line looks like jumping off a building...

After receiving the news, Kuroda finally understood.

He and his colleagues, as well as this time the Neon National Team, and even some of the Neon Folk Forces.

We are just a bunch of cannon fodder, rushing to the front line and consuming so much of the short-sellers’ vitality.

After the USD/JPY shorts exhausted their power, the abominable Morgans and Rockefellers took action and all opened positions at high levels.

He didn't even have time to close his position now. Kuroda felt extremely regretful and said angrily:

Why did you receive this kind of news so late! Why, more than an hour! I had a chance to stop the loss in time, close the position at that time, and even make a lot of profits!! Damn it! Damn Wall Street devil, damn it National traitor!!

Kuroda not only hated the betrayal of Wall Street monsters, but also hated the insensitivity of Neon Bank's top executives.

In the financial market, which values ​​intelligence the most, this extremely important information was received so late.

This is truly a battle that can be won or lost.

It took half an hour from the time the top management of Neon Bank received the news.

Kuroda just closed 300,000 USD/JPY long orders.

The problem is that because they received a very high capital allocation quota, the Kuroda group, which has been building positions like crazy, still holds 2.5 million USD/JPY long orders.

Starting below 128.500, for every point USD/JPY fell, the Kuroda Group lost $25 million in profits.

After falling to this point, the Kuroda group was originally the most profitable group in the Special Economic Action Group.

At this point, all profits have been lost, and the next thing to be lost is the principal and margin.

But now the stampede has formed, and bulls are leaving frantically to close their positions.

The long orders of 20 million lots were closed almost at the same time.

In this case, no matter who wants to leave, it is impossible to leave immediately.

I watched helplessly as USD/JPY plunged another 70 points.

Watching his profits completely exhausted, he still lost $700 million.

Fortunately, the bulls may be scared of the fall.

It may also be that it is trying to fight to the death, or that the rushing short force has been slightly suppressed.

After falling to around 125.900, USD/JPY finally stabilized for a while and even rebounded 5 points during the period.

At this time, Kuroda did not dare to close the position at all, for fear that large-scale liquidation would cause the dollar/yen to continue to plummet.

At this moment, USD/JPY has fallen another 5 points, once again returning to its lowest level in a week.

Then it started to vibrate.

Kuroda felt cold in his heart.

The profits are gone, and I want to close my position but dare not move, for fear that the trampling wave will appear again.

The bulls' confidence was exhausted, and they were frightened by Smith's smash.

Morgan and Rockefeller started taking action again, and now the bulls are waiting one by one, causing the USD/JPY to fall back to its lowest level within a week.

What an idiot!! Baga!!! Baga!

Kuroda now hates the upper management of Neon Bank, mainly the president Yu Hayami.

Because it was Yu Hayami, who had studied at the Bank of New York, who strongly supported the cooperation between Neon People and Morgan and Rockefeller.

Well now, Neon Man was stabbed hard in the back.

Although after this time, Hayami Yu will most likely be held accountable, and he will definitely not be able to retain his position as president of the Neon Central Bank.

But so what? Neon's national team is bound to suffer heavy losses this time.

Not to mention just firing Hayami Yu, even cutting him to pieces.

Thinking of this, Kuroda, who had no place to vent, immediately slapped himself twice on the face!

Bang, bang, the slap is very loud!

The slap hurt too.

If there was a knife and Yu Hayami were in front of him at this moment.

Kuroda felt that he would dare to rush forward and give the president of Neon Bank a clean break.

Baga Baga! We are now cannon fodder for the devils in the United States!!!

Kuroda felt very uncomfortable.

The 300,000 lots that were closed just now were not enough to offset the principal loss caused by the 70-point plunge just now.

Kuroda looked at the computer and felt that the computer was also laughing at him.

So he couldn't help but hammered his keyboard hard, but the keyboard seemed to be against him. It bounced up and just hit Kuroda's mouth!

Hiss! ! !

Kuroda felt a sharp pain and covered his mouth, feeling that his mouth was completely broken.

He looked down and saw blood on his hands.

It turned out that the skin of his mouth was broken, blood dripped down, and he was bleeding.

Just like now, the neon bank is also bleeding.

456 is dead, and it will not be reviewed again until two days later.

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