An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 31 - An Autumn Leaf Falls

The sea crashed onto the beach. The sand was warm, and Riley settled on a strategy. I use the sea to freeze them and pick them off. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to sneak by them.

Reaching into her bag, she pulled out the glowing black crystal. Crackling red energy streaked throughout it like a strange thunderstorm. Riley shook it, and a voice ripped through her mind.

[Consume! Grow! Consume!]

Riley shivered, stood, and looked up. “Gods, I ask your guidance. Is this safe to do? Shall I wait or purge this thing? Help me follow through.”

[Quest: Purify the crystal. Be warned, purification may alert other wraiths to your presence.]

[Reward: Purified Fallen Crystal (E).]

Riley focused on her mana. It was empty. Entirely empty, and it was crucial for either plan. Sighing, she put the crystal in her bag and stood up. What to do? What to do? Her eyes fell on the trees and a fallen pile of coconuts.

With nothing better to do, she dug a hole and planted one. Moving to another part of the small beach, she sang and planted the next.

After a few hours, she ran out of seeds and ideas. With nothing else to do, she walked into the shade, sat down, and meditated.

Energy coursed through her. Riley smiled and embraced it, flowing up to a crack in the channels. Willing some of her spirit forward, she slowly mended the crack and moved to the next.

Minutes ticked by slowly. The sun arced overhead, lighting up the island and distant shore. Shadowy forms flickered near the water, and Riley finished her work and swapped her class.

[Assassin swapped for Spell Thief! Skills automatically transferred.]

Turning, she tidied up her makeshift shelter and ate some nuts.

With a sigh, she nestled into her makeshift bed and waited. The sun descended, lighting things in a final glow. Riley drifted off to sleep, and the place turned dark.

The waves beat against the sand. The darkness grew thicker. A chilly breeze rolled out to the sea, and the wraiths came alive.

Like a growing storm, they gathered and flew out over the water, approaching the distant island.

One flickered and slammed into a golden barrier. The barrier splintered, the tiniest crack forming through it. The wraith wailed loudly and tried again.

The noise attracted others who began throwing themselves into the barrier. Their wails carried out over the water, an endless drone that built with time and with each attempt. The noise drew in another. It arrived like a crackling red streak of lightning, slamming into the barrier with a boom.

The crack spider-webbed upward. It tried again and again. Minutes passed by, and the barrier flickered like a damaged shell.

Riley jerked awake. The wailing of wraiths carried across the water, and chills ran down her spine.

I’m going to die. They’re coming. With that thought, she sprinted to the pearl.

Pulling out the corrupted crystals, she placed them all against the pearl and brought them into harmony until they had changed.

[Cleansed Fallen Crystal (E) - You may use this for a chance to advance E-tier skills or gain experience. This crystal resonates with Riley Milvsky, granting more experience or increasing the chance significantly.]

Riley looked at the crystal and looked back out to the water. It was a risk to push again so soon, but that much wailing meant one thing and one thing only: more wraiths had arrived. All of them were waiting. Getting out was a massive risk. It was better to cash in on it. Text flashed into her vision.

[Quest: Protect the place of power from corruption.]

[Reward: Unknown. - Failing will cause this place to be destroyed.]

Riley grimaced and committed to her new plan: advance and fight as many as possible.

Holding the E-tier crystal close, she channeled it, pulling it inside.

Her eyes went wide. Power surged through her like a flood.

[Your base level has advanced: 44 → 63!]

Everything went black, and she slumped to the ground.


Riley jerked awake, wiping the sand from her face. The echoing cry of the wraiths carried over the water, and text displayed in her vision.

[Warning: Due to the rapid growth of your spirit, your channels are exhausted. All base-level experience is halted during recovery. The recovery time is 102 hours.]

That did not come as a surprise. She willed it away and pulled the F-tier crystal to her chest. Bringing it into harmony, she willed it to flow into her Psychic Spike skill.

The energy flowed into her and surged, flowing through and spilling out of the skill. Condemn it! Riley tried it again. The power flowed and spilled. Desperation filled her. Using her spirit, she willed it to hold things together, pushing to bring it all in harmony.

The crystal pushed and churned against her spirit. Her spirit churned and flooded into the skill. Sweat broke across her brow, and the skill snapped.

Dazzling pieces of the skill spun within her. Riley gasped in horror. No. No. No. She quickly gathered them and tried to put them in place.

“Please,” she prayed upward while the crystal’s energy faded.

[I am sorry, Riley. Be careful pushing so quickly. ~Death]

[It will heal if you don't push it again. ~S]

Riley nodded glumly. Not wanting to risk further damage, she walked over to the pearl and fed it the remaining crystals before walking back down the coast.

She looked out across the water and embraced the growing dread. The storm of wraiths was billowing, slamming into the golden shield that flickered like a dying fire.

You can do this, she lied to herself and waded into the water.

She swam across the short distance. The wraiths locked onto her instantly, crowding together in eager anticipation.

Stopping, Riley conjured the water into two icy rapiers. With one in each hand, she trod water and embraced all over her flowing mana, pulling on the wave behind her.

The wave rose from the ocean, building as more water flowed into it. Riley dove and swam forward. The wave crashed through the barrier and slammed into the group.

Like a freezing rain, the water froze on the mass of creatures, coating them with ice. They thrashed, breaking away ice and ripping parts of themselves. Wisps of black smoke leaked into the air as they broke the ice.

Riley burned bardic inspiration and burst from the water, spinning like an autumn leaf. Her icy blades whirred around her. Ribbons of smoke streamed, and Riley felt claws. Pain blossomed through her, and like all autumn leaves, she fell, splashing crimson on the water.

Her vision dimmed, and agony surged. She sank into the swirling depths. I tried. She didn’t fight it. She embraced it and fell, falling into the depths and landing on a soft surface.

She shivered. Tears ran down her cheeks. I died. I wasn’t good enough. Text flashed into her vision.

[Quest Partially Completed: Protect the place. While you were able to remove some wraiths, some remain, and it has sapped strength from the place.]

[Reward: No lost rewards due to death.]

[Hidden Quest Complete: Noble Sacrifice. You sacrificed power and your life trying to protect this place.]

[Reward: Noble Class.]

[Hidden Quest Complete: Bolster the Place of Power.]

[You sacrificed stolen power in order to bolster this place’s power. You are now faced with a choice. Was this for redemption or merely the work of a master thief?]

Riley knew what the text was asking and knew her answer.

“Some people need the power and the will to push on through. A thief will take what they need, aiding others too. I stand within the boundaries. Keep balance at my side. But the pathway of redemption isn’t justified.”

The text vanished, and Riley looked around at the black. Where am I? She watched a form materialize.

Death quirked his brow. “Back so soon?”

“Sorry.” Riley blushed and paused. Wait. Why am I back with the gods?

Beauty appeared and pulled Riley up, wrapping her in a hug.

“Why am I here?” Riley asked. “It’s early. Too early. I shouldn’t be here.” Her lip trembled.

Death nodded. “You’re right. We do what we can to protect you in there, but you happened to stumble on a collapse. Real remnants inflict damage to your spirit, and yours was already in a fragile state.”

“I died then?” Riley’s eyes started to water.

“No, but it was very close,” Beauty said, patting her on the head. “The damage is extensive. You’ll heal, but it’ll take time.”

“We pulled you in time, but you need to recover,” Death added. “That will take some time and some further intervention.” He gestured, and a small pile of red and black crystals appeared in his hand. A moment later, they were glowing white. He waved his hand and gestured at Riley. The crystals vanished. The energy flooded into her.

[Spiritual Healing In Progress. All progression is halted while your spirit mends and advances.]

Riley’s eyes went wide. Advances? That meant E-tier. “Really?” she asked.

“You killed more wraiths than you realize,” Death replied. “But I can’t let you take the crystals, so I’ve given you what I can and what your spirit can sustain. And no more crystals for a week or two.” He met her gaze.

Riley nodded. “Thanks.“

Beauty squeezed her. “I can’t wait for you to push higher. I have the perfect classes and upgrades for you! You’ll be like a princess! So beautiful and regal. You’ll woo everyone with your noble class and my pretty —“

“I’m sacrificing that class to Bard,” Riley interrupted with a giggle.

Beauty gasped and clutched her chest. Then she laughed. “I’ll allow it.” She grinned.

Riley looked at Death and second-guessed that option. “Is she tricking me?”

Death smiled. “The two are compatible. She’s happy that you aren’t wasting it by sacrificing it to Spell Thief or similar. That might upset her.”

Riley chuckled. A quiet spread between them. She looked up at both. “Why am I still here?”

“You need to be here while we heal your spirit and body. That will take some time - Ugh. Don’t ask about the time,” Beauty said with a sigh. “I’m not getting another lecture from her.”

“Lecture about time? From who?” Riley asked.

“S,” Death replied. “She is over the time domain. And spare me the lecture!” he shouted into the black.

Riley laughed. “So, S is really the goddess Time?”

“Not accurate!” S shouted. “That’s only a portion of — Can we keep her? I could explain it.”

“No!” Death shouted and turned back to Riley. “That’s why we don’t ask.” He patted her shoulder and vanished.

Riley felt a burst of energy flow into her. It spread through her and started mending jagged rips and tears inside.

Beauty smiled. “Want to sing me a song? You can earn some favor.”

“Want to help me get a lute?” Riley asked.

“Yes!” Beauty handed her one. “I shall keep it in mind. Music will be thrilled.”

Riley strummed and frowned. “Sorry. I don’t really know how to play.”

“That’s fine. Practice. And sing me a song about my beauty,” Beauty said happily.

Riley nodded and plucked out a rather mediocre tune. Then she started to sing.

“The gods above watch over, and we don’t understand

everything they’re thinking or their master plan.

It’s said that there are others. Dark gods who can do more.

A whisper and a shadow, remnants from before.

“Wraiths are aberrations. They feed to gain their strength.

So watch the path and your acts lest you lose your way.

The gods are there to guide you. Each will give their gifts.

Beauty’s known for wonder, that nobody resists.

“It’s said that with her favor, you can win all hearts.

A path to being pretty and dancing on a lark.

Yet there’s a darker rumor. That she will steal your youth!

For beauty comes, and beauty goes. So mind the skills you choose!”

Riley burst into laughter.

Beauty bonked her on the head. “That was very mean, Riley!”

“Sorry. They all sing it.”

“I will have my revenge!” Beauty huffed, crossing her arms. “Now try again.”

Riley nodded and started singing.

“They say that she’s a Beauty. She shares some gifts with grace.

For it is together, a princess takes her place.

Charm and wit and wisdom. A beauty to behold.

The princess is like fire. Beauty’s light there shows.”

Riley groaned. “Forget that. It’s just about the princess.”

Beauty laughed. “True. But it’s better than your horrible one. Tell you what. Write a song about me and spread it wide, alright?”

“Okay,” Riley said with a shrug. “It’ll take a while.”

“That’s fine.” Beauty pulled her into a hug. “Be careful out there.”

Riley opened her mouth and was slammed with a wave of fiery agony. Like being doused in hot oil, it burned through her. She screamed, and the world faded away.

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