An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 32 - A Reckoning

The sound of squeaking springs filled the air. Wheels bounced off potholes. A slumbering form bounced up and down on the seat.

“Gods, I hate carriages,” Roger muttered, grabbing onto a railing. He looked over.

Riley groaned and massaged her head. Her body felt like it’d been on fire. She sat up and looked around the small carriage.

“Riley?” Megan asked, patting Riley’s arm. “How are you?”

“Stop the bouncing,” Riley muttered, grabbing onto a handhold. She blinked, and the memories came flooding back.

Roger leaned forward. “What happened in there?”

Riley blinked at him. “It was bad. There were wraiths, and that guy tried to kill me.”

Megan frowned. “Do you have his crystal? He said that he’d get a seeker and demand reparations.”

“I don’t. I died in there,” Riley said, leaning against the wall.

Megan pursed her lips and nodded.

“I did tell you that he was lying,” Roger said, maintaining his death grip on the rattling carriage. “I assume you found the pearl?”

Riley looked out the window. Trees blurred by. “Yes. And I used those crystals. I made it to the second floor. It had wraiths.”

Roger grimaced. “They killed you?”

“Yes. I fought a few and died trying to stop them from reaching the center.” The carriage slowed, and Riley released her death grip. She looked out and saw the sun shining down on the fields. People were out harvesting vegetables.

“So, the wraiths inflicted spiritual damage,” Megan nodded. She turned to Roger. “She must have done enough to stop corruption.”

“You need to limit access to it, mother. You’ve pushed it too hard.” Roger frowned at her.

“As if I have a choice! The budget is tight.” Megan glared at him. “Maybe if you’d have brought her to me instead of running off?”

Roger sighed, and Riley chuckled. She looked at her notifications, and a massive smile spread across her face.

[Your base level has advanced: 63 → 100!]

[Assassin has advanced: 26 → 100!]

[Bard has advanced: 26 → 100!]

[Ranger has advanced: 26 → 100!]

[Spell Thief has advanced: 17 → 100!]

[You have unlocked the Noble (F) class! - +1 charisma per level.]

Riley looked at the class and nearly snorted. Yeah, I’ll feed you into Bard as soon as I'm stable.

“I got the noble class,” Riley said, turning to her father. “Is it always this bad?”

Roger chuckled. “Yes. Level it a bit and sacrifice —“

“Nonsense,” Megan interrupted. “It’s perfectly respectable if you advance and grow it. It will be easy to get experience when you are baroness.” She turned back to Riley. “Straighten your dress, Riley. It isn’t proper.”

Riley scowled and looked down. Her blue and white dress was wrinkled, and a part had flipped up. Riley brushed it down, stood, and tucked it under her.

“Better. No unladylike scowling next time.” Megan turned toward the window. “That was an impressive jump. Well done reaching E-tier in there. I’m proud of you.”

“Are you locked out?” Roger asked.

[No crystals or sacrificing for a week ~Death]

Riley shook her head. “From crystals, yes. The rest, no.”

“You can stockpile those,” Megan said happily. She turned toward Riley. “You’ll make a wonderful baroness. Keep pushing yourself.”

Riley nodded. Is that who I’m meant to be? She looked out the window and wondered.

“And remember to treat the others well,” Megan said. “Friends and favors are hard to get.”

“Right.” Riley turned back to the window. How am I going to make friends with nobility? She frowned and considered that while the carriage rolled rapidly down the road.

A bump sent her soaring. She bonked her head on the ceiling and dropped back down with a whump. Groaning, she grabbed onto the brace again.

“Watch the road!” Megan shouted.

Roger chuckled and reached into his bag. He pulled out a book and waved it. Riley grabbed it, grinned at him, and started reading.

The carriage continued rolling. Riley looked up from the book. “Dad? How do I get a focus? They say I need that to build out the spell.”

“The academy will provide that answer.” Megan looked out the window. “Finally!”

A bustling city with a towering temple and castle came into view. A stone wall surrounded the cottages, shops, and other buildings that were scattered across the hill.

“Now, best behavior, but remember that you are the next heir and E-tier at a young age,” Megan said happily. “So, you do have some standing. Don’t grovel. We have our pride.” She studied Riley’s appearance and frowned. “We’ll get you some clothing for the academy, and I’ll introduce you to the duke. Shame he doesn’t have a child your age.” She reached into her bag and pulled out some brush that looked like it had seen better days.

Riley adjusted her dress and wearily eyed the scratchy brush. Opting to cheat, she used the Pretty skill instead. Her hair untangled itself and curled. Her lashes seemed heavier.

“The pretty skill too? Marvelous,” Megan said, beaming. “You’ll make a wonderful baroness in time.” She turned. “Perhaps you can convince your father to get remarried and take the position.”

“Don’t start. You wanted a soldier; you got one,” Roger said, reaching out his hand toward the book in Riley’s lap.

Riley pulled the book to her chest. “I’ll be good.”

“Yeah. Right.” Roger gave her a stern look and gestured for it.

“Let her keep it. The duke might be impressed,” Megan countered, straightening her dress.

“Where’s the baron - err - grandpa?” Riley asked.

“Busy. Harvest season is so very busy,” Megan replied. “The academy will help prepare you. And your father will help.” She turned to Roger. “That does remind me. There is an eligible -”

“No,” Roger replied and studied Riley. He seemed to do mental math, calculating the odds of discovery. Then he signed a message. “Swap out Ranger, just in case.”

Riley swapped Ranger for Assassin.

The carriage rolled to a stop. Guards peered inside. Megan sat there, refusing to acknowledge them.

Riley, growing bored, waved at them.

“Decorum!” Megan barked.

Riley waved at another, chuckling while she did.

“Riley, please.”

“What?” Riley asked with a growing grin.

“You are the lady of the house. They are guards. It’s not appropriate.”

Riley chuckled and turned back to her book. The carriage rolled forward. Megan reached over and pulled the curtains closed.

“Really?” Riley asked.

“Best not tempt anyone, even with your father sitting there. Remember, you are still quite weak. Many will be tempted.” Megan reached over and brushed a few of Riley’s curls. A happy smile spread across her face.

Riley smiled back. Is this my fate? She’d like me if I was human. She paused and said a silent prayer. “They say the gods are guiding. Each half-elf gets the quest. Do we seek to be one, leaving off the rest? A pathway to discovery. A choice that must be made. But which one is the answer? Guide my journey, thus I pray.”

[I’m sure you’ll figure it out, dear. ~Beauty]

Turning back, she met her grandmother’s gaze.

“Your father should have brought you to us long ago. If I’d known, we would have made it work.” Megan picked up an errant hair and plucked it off. “And your hair is fascinating. Was this Beauty’s doing?”

“Oh, yes. I think she was embracing the water thing,” Riley said with a nod.

[You’re welcome! ~Beauty]

“Of course,” Megan said with a nod. “Now, best behavior, but don’t grovel. We have our pride.” She pulled off a bracelet. Reaching over, she clamped it around Riley’s wrist.

Riley fiddled with it. “Thank you.”

“Of course, dear.”

The carriage slowed, and the door swung open. A guard held out his hand. Riley took it and stepped out of the carriage. She turned, stretched, and looked at the castle.

Bannerets were flying from spires. Guards stood at attention. A butler stood in the doorway. Like a painting, the building stood proud, showing off the intricate stone carvings and stained glass that decorated it.

Feels strange not to try to rob it. Riley’s smile crept higher. The duke had to have a library, which probably had interesting things - very interesting, exciting things. And she was nobility. It only seemed fitting to acquire said knowledge.

“No,” Roger whispered, stepping next to her.

“What? I didn’t say anything.” Riley smiled innocently at him.

Roger scoffed. “I know that look.”

“I would never.” Riley winked and straightened her dress. She followed her father up the steps and entered the building.

The opulence on the outside adorned the inside. Intricate rugs were on the polished floor. Paintings lined the hallway. Statues and suits of armor littered the way like silent guards.

Riley stared at a bronze statue, letting her mask slip.

Roger pulled her. “Snap out of it,” he whispered.

“But—but—look at it!” Riley replied, spinning to look up at the vaulted ceilings. Her voice carried, bouncing off the stone and wood. I want to sing in here.

“Riley!” Roger barked.

Riley scowled and forced the mask back on. Right. I’m nobility. This isn’t just some wild dream — a dream where I rob him blind. This is just normal. A completely common — oh my gods! She stared into the study, greed flooding through her. Shelves of books lined the place, and she knew one thing: she wanted them!

She stumbled. Roger pulled again, coughing loudly. That set her cheeks ablaze. Turning back, she followed the two into a large room.

Following the lead of the two adults, she dropped into a curtsy and rose moments later.

Duke Thomas rose from his chair and walked forward with a frown. Riley felt goosebumps roll across her body. Every instinct screamed to run.

He studied her. “You have some gall, showing up after killing Randalf.”

Riley shoved the panic aside and embraced her mask. “He tried to kill me first, your grace.” She bobbed her head slightly.

The duke paused, surprise flitting across his face. Then it was gone. “Seeker?” he asked while turning to the woman sitting in the corner.

“She believes it,” a woman said, standing up from a desk. She walked forward and studied Riley. “Tell me what happened?”

Riley paused to study her.

[Dawna - Level 278, Merchant(B) 256, Priestess(A) 244, Seeker(C) 212.]

Clearing it away, Riley nodded. “Of course, seeker. We worked together for the first portion and encountered the final boss for the first level. It was a large crab. He sent me to flank it even though there wasn’t room. Then, rather than following the plan, he called for me repeatedly and tried to shoot me. I saw the arrow fly to where he thought I was. It was a straight shot down the beach. There was no way he missed.”

The seeker nodded. “Tell me how you gained so many levels since then?”

“Wraiths,” Riley said. “They invaded. The gods saved me and rewarded me for helping with the dungeon. They let me keep the experience but said I couldn’t bring out any crystals.”

“You’re claiming to have killed wraiths in it?” the duke asked, skepticism lacing his words.

“She has magic,” the seeker replied. “I’m certain she used it all to kill a few before she instantly died. Correct?”

“That’s exactly what happened. I died almost instantly and burned all my mana trying to stop them.” Riley tried to feel the skill and didn’t pick it up. Maybe it’s just passive.

The seeker turned to the duke. “She’s telling the truth, or what she believes is truth.”

“You said the same about him!” the duke yelled. He ran his fingers through his long, brown hair. Silence fell on the room while he tried to piece out who was lying. “He shot at you?”


“And he told you to flank it? In the narrow stretch of beach?”


The duke huffed. “So, there was either a massive misunderstanding and gross incompetence, or he started it.” He frowned and paced. “Either way, you did kill him.” The duke scowled. “That is not allowed, even if he was to blame. You should have died and gotten a seeker. I would have corrected it. As the price, neither of you will be allowed in the dungeon here.”

“That’s not fair!” Randalf shouted, walking into the room. His eyes blazed. “She killed me!”

“You shot at me,” Riley said coldly. Her churning spirit rose to meet her mood. Her breath billowed out in a cloud.

“Enough,” the duke called. “Choices have consequences. You should learn that now. I will not tolerate squabbles. I have neither the time nor patience to endure further incompetence.” His eyes lingered on Megan.

Riley forced her anger into check and rapidly considered options. Angering him against the family was the wrong choice. “Apologies, your grace.” Riley bobbed a slight curtsy. “We understand, and I ask forgiveness from you both.” She smiled at Randalf.

“Give me my crystal!” Randalf hissed. “And the rest as pay —”

“Enough,” the duke shouted. “She died. That is obvious, and it was confirmed. The crystal is gone. Next time, don’t betray those with you.”

“We apologize,” Baron Hanson said, walking forward. He smiled wryly. “I do ask your pardon. My son is feeling the pressure. It did cost him dearly.”

The duke nodded and returned to his seat.

The baron continued. “Perhaps it would be good for the two to become better acquainted. She clearly has some skill. And he will learn.”

“They will not get into the dungeon,” the duke said, picking up a goblet.

“Of course not, but they are the same age, and perhaps it is time for that barony to be claimed with a stronger hand. What I’m proposing is betrothal.” The baron spun and smiled.

Riley’s forced smile faltered. She felt a chill roll through her. Oh, gods no! I will kill him.

“She hasn’t yet had her debut,” Roger said icily. “It is improper without consent of their majesties.”

Riley let out a breath of relief.

“But a deal can be made,” the baron replied. “After she attends the academy, and the other nobles are made aware.”

Roger bowed to the duke. “Thank you for your time, my lord.” Turning, he walked for the door.

Riley didn’t wait; she curtsied and followed.

The baron turned back to the duke. The duke went quiet as he contemplated. Then he nodded to the baron. “I’ll consider it.”

“Excellent. I do believe we have much to discuss.”

Riley’s walk turned to a jog, and she fled for the door.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 100

Bard (C)

Level: 100

Inspiring Song F Bolster your allies with magic and music. Strength and Move Speed increased by 1 for one minute. Costs five Bardic Inspiration and impacts allies within ten meters. The radius of influence expands by one meter for each additional inspiration spent.

Psychic Spike F Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Manipulate Water F Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 100 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Spell Thief (C)

Level: 100

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Ranger (C) Level: 100 Inactive.

Noble (F)

Level: 1 Inactive.

Dexterity: 512

Strength: 200

Speed: 232

Intelligence: 200

Charisma: 330

Stamina: 412

Mana: 500

Inspiration: 200

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