An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 37 - Advancements

Riley woke early the next morning. She pulled up her notifications and checked her activity experience.

[Activity experience granted to Assassin, Bard, Ranger, Spell Thief, and Noble.]

[Noble has advanced: 7 → 12!]

Clearing it away, she sat up and looked at her desk. A wrapped parcel was sitting there. She reached over and unwrapped the paper, squinting at the book inside.

With a growing smile, she slapped the little lamp on her desk and fed it a single mana. It lit, bathing the room in a soft, warm glow.

Opening the book, she looked at the inserted letter.

Hello Lady Riley,

I hope you are doing well and not missing home too badly. I thought that these books might be of use to you. Harvesting crystals is monitored, but I have added you to the registry.

If you have an issue with Randalf or an additional request, inform Dwight, Kamal, or me.


Prince Timothy

Riley blinked. Why? She mused on it and quickly realized the answer. He was trying to offer something to her for her loyalty. Better than nothing. Riley thought, looking up to see a shadow coalesce in her room.

“Hi, Dad,” Riley said with a chuckle.

Roger winked and took a seat at the desk. He looked at the books and ribbon. “Already aligned with the prince?”

“Should I swap or do something different? I can.” Riley quirked her brow.

Roger shook his head. “The duke would have our heads. Align with the prince. It’s easier.” He sighed. “That was fast, though.”

“I blame Randalf.” Riley scowled and then smiled. “Also, I promised to kill off Maddie and Matt. So, you get two dungeon runs from them after I report their deaths.”

Roger chuckled. “Well played, and thank you.” He picked up the ribbon. “Have a plan for this?”

“Get stronger, quickly,” Riley whispered. “Ideally, I can tip the pot in our favor.”

Roger nodded. “A good plan. Be careful. Push yourself, and hide Death’s Blessing. Your disguise will be able to do it.”

“I am. I don’t need them knowing I get levels from killing.” Riley looked at the desk and caught her reflection in a small mirror. The human girl with blue hair and blue eyes looked back. Is this who I am meant to be? Some human girl that will be baroness? She blinked. What about Mom? And my elven half? Sorrow built in her throat.

“What’s wrong?” Roger asked, tapping her shoulder.

Riley swallowed. “Am I supposed to ask the gods to make me human? Is that what I do for my quest?” she whispered, looking at her reflection. “How do you choose to just leave half of you behind? Why can humans and elves even have kids together if we’re - we’re - we’re broken.” She looked at the desk and wiped her eyes.

Roger reached over and patted her on the shoulder. “You aren’t broken. And you can stay half-elf if you wish.”

“But I’ll never have kids,” Riley said, looking back at her reflection.

Roger pulled her shoulder. “I don’t have good answers for you and wish it was easier for you. The gods offer the option to try to help. Just know that I’ll accept you regardless. Pick who you want to be. If you want to meet with the elves, we can do that.” Roger patted her on the shoulder. “If you wish to remain a half-elf, you can. We’ll need to meet with the elves instead, but that is still an option, too.”

Riley looked up at him. “And if I chose to be an elf instead?”

Roger smiled. “Then that’s fine. We’ll get your grandparents into a stable position and leave. It’s your choice, and we have options.”

Riley frowned. “Can I meet an elf? Just to know more about them.”

Roger sat on the desk. “Yes. The guildmaster here is one. She wishes to meet with you. Feel free to visit.”

Riley nodded. “Thanks.” She wiped her eyes again. “And if I choose human?”

“That’s what this is for, but we can leave.” Roger picked up the books and flipped through them.

Riley wiped her eyes. At least I have options. She smiled at her dad. “Thanks, Dad.”

Roger smiled back. “There she is,” he whispered. “Keep that smile. Use that charm of yours. And have some fun. Where’s the girl who would have stolen from the palace already?”

Riley laughed. “Really?”

“Really, Riley. Don’t force yourself to be someone you aren’t. If you want to be an elven master thief, do it. We’ll set your grandparents up and go have some fun. Don’t be someone you hate.” Roger grinned.

Riley’s smile grew. The stress of the choice faded. I have time and options. That’s the goal for now. “Thanks, Dad.”

“You’re welcome. Take a break from your disguise if it gets too much. Try out others,” Roger said with a smile. “Learn what you want from this place. We can leave if you want.”

Riley nodded.

Roger shut the book. “Now, for the warring twosome. Your plan is good. Push yourself, and we’ll align with the duke so that he doesn’t get upset. That means the prince for the moment.”

Riley nodded. “They’ll group with me after the first run. It’ll be too obvious since I can’t hide it when I jump tiers.”

“There is no stopping that. Hide what you can.” Roger looked around the room. “It’s also time to upgrade and move forward. You’ve given your spirit long enough. Fill your slots. Upgrade your skills. Then, push your levels. The rest can wait.”

Riley stood. “How fast can I go without hurting myself?”

Roger frowned and considered. “Breaking through a tier in a week is very fast. I don’t think you’ll have that happen again. But do keep an eye on it. Only use attuned crystals if you gain fifty levels in a week.” He handed her the book with a wink. “And if it’s slower, you can fix that. There are plenty of creatures to poach.”

“You’re such a criminal.” Riley chuckled. “They’re looking for you. I saw your picture in class.”

“They have been looking for a long time.” Roger smirked.

“Do they ever find you?” Riley asked.

“Yes. Be prepared for that if your name gets out there.”

Riley nodded. “What about activity experience?”

Roger nodded. “Assassin will be fine if you have it equipped and are hiding it. That’ll keep it progressing. Spell Thief will work great, as will Bard and Noble. The challenge is Ranger. That one will lag here unless you start running, hunting, or using the right spells.” He stood.

Riley smiled and walked over to the closet, pulled up the board, and took out her bag. She carefully looked at the crystals.

[1 Perfect E-tier crystal]

[3 Perfect F-tier crystals]

[12 F-tier crystals]

Taking an F-tier crystal, she brought it to her chest and focused inward, bringing it in harmony with her Psychic Spike skill.

They surged and hummed. The crystal’s light snuffed out. The delicate structure shrank away like melting ice. Riley gasped, and the structure surged upward, growing into a new shape.

With a feeling of peace ringing through her, she gently touched the skill.

[Psychic Spike (F) → Psychic Strike (E) - Assault a creature’s mind. This does not reveal your location. Costs two mana or more.]

Riley smiled and said a prayer.

“Thank you for your guidance.

Thank you for the skills.

In the future, I’ll do better.

Guide me with your will.”

She picked up the next crystal and used it on Inspiring Song. The structure expanded, building a layer of red throughout the white.

[Inspiring Song(F) → Rousing Song(E) - Bolster your allies or agitate your enemies with magic and music. Strength and Move Speed increased or decreased for one minute. Costs five Bardic Inspiration and impacts creatures within ten meters. The radius of influence expands by one meter for each additional inspiration spent.]

Picking up another crystal, she willed it inside, bringing it into harmony with Manipulate Water. The icy structure started shaking; pieces crashed down like a snowy avalanche.

[Use two more! ~Magic]

Rapidly, she grabbed two more and willed them inward. The energy flooded into the pieces which started building once more.

[Manipulate Water(F) → Control Water(E) - Control or conjure water around you. Cost varies.]

[Manipulate Water(F) → Ice Blade(E) - Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs two to twenty mana depending on blade durability.]

[Manipulate Water(F) → Manipulate Storm(E) - Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.]

Riley smiled, slotted in Ice Blade, and slipped out of her meditative state. “Magic, know I love you.

Thank you for the aid.

May I move like water.

May I walk its way.”

“Skill splinter?” Roger asked.

Riley grinned. “Yes. Manipulate water became three. I think I was doing a lot with it.”

“That does happen on rare occasions,” Roger said. “It’ll make the specific things cheaper. Swap them as needed.”

“When do I combine them?” Riley asked.

Roger went quiet while he thought. “That is always a balance. You can do that to upgrade them to a new tier. Ideally, you do it like classes. Pick compatible ones. The further along it is, the better the end result. However, you won’t be able to have more than sixteen skills or eight classes, so balance that.” He gestured at a book. “There are several books around in the school.” He winked. “Sneak a visit if needed.”

Riley smiled. “Thanks.” She looked at the remaining eight crystals. “Should I push?”

Roger nodded. “Yes. I’d avoid passing out, but I’d advise using most of the crystals before the dungeon. You want to continue to push upward.”

Riley grabbed four of the remaining normal crystals and infused them with her spirit.

[Your base level has advanced: 100 → 102.]

She stood and stashed the rest under the floorboard. Then she returned to her desk and picked up the book.

“Be careful while I’m away. Seek the guild if needed. They’ll protect you.” Roger reached forward and pulled her into a hug. “Be safe. Trust your instincts.”

“I will. You be safe, too.” Riley looked at him. “Where are you going?”

“The front. I need to check on it. I’ll be back in a week.” Roger let her go. “Have fun. If the disguise gets too bad, try dropping it when you’re sleeping.”

Riley smiled and let him go. “I will. Thanks, Dad.”

A bell gonged out.

“You need to go,” Riley said, setting the book down.

Roger laughed and vanished.

Riley chuckled and prepared for the day, rapidly bathing and using her Pretty skill to speed it along. Returning to her room, she took a seat and started reading.

Ritually harvesting crystals may be done on wild creatures. The grade will depend on the grade of the slain creature and mana spent. The rune sequence is shown below. It is advised to use a focus of your own making. This will produce the best results.

She started memorizing the sequence until Emma poked her head in.

“Should I?” Emma asked, gesturing to the ribbon.

“Up to you. I’m pulled in,” Riley said sympathetically, reaching over and tying the black ribbon around her hair. She stood, set the book aside, and walked out of her room.

Emma tied a ribbon around her wrist. “Hassan says we should.”

Lin walked up. “I did it.” She gestured to the black ribbon. “Hopefully it doesn’t cost me.” She chewed on a fingernail. “I worry.”

“Me too,” Riley said, walking outside.

The three traveled to the cafeteria and took seats in the ornate room. Servants ran back and forth with dishes. The lights above bathed the stone walls and floor, and tension wafted through the air like a mountain storm.

Riley looked at the students. Every last one of them had a ribbon. The pressure to conform had clearly happened quickly, bringing the nervous tension.

Eating a bowl of porridge, Riley looked at her silent friends and swallowed. The tension was building. The hair on Riley’s neck rose, and a chair slammed to the ground.

A girl turned to another. “Traitor!” she shouted.

“You’re the traitor! The prince was born first,” another shouted, her face turning a blazing red.

A roar washed through the room like a breaking wave. Students started insulting each other. A whistle rang loudly, and the room fell silent.

“We will not have squabbles,” an instructor thundered. “Get to class, and don’t think about causing trouble.”

Riley rapidly swallowed a few spoonfuls, stood, and headed to class. She walked down the halls and into the room, where she took a seat and waited.

The instructor walked to the front of the room and glared at the group. “Make no mistake, we will not tolerate political divides. Anyone found provoking conflict will be punished; this includes those ribbons.” He glowered at the group. “Divided we fall. You have one minute to remove them.”

Riley happily reached up and removed the black ribbon, stashing it in her bag. Many did the same. Within a minute, they were all gone.

“Now, tell me what would happen if we started fighting among ourselves?” the instructor asked, glaring at the group. “We are already at war with the human nation of Shorove to the south. Eteln, in the west, is waiting for one mistake.”

The instructor rapidly drew on the board, giving a rough sketch of the region. He spun dramatically. “And you would start a civil war?” he demanded.

The class looked at their desks.

“Good. It is the king’s decision. Now, let us resume with the region’s history, starting with the founders and the great war, where the elves took the forests and places of power for themselves…”

Riley quirked a brow. I wonder if that is true. She frowned. That answer was probably outside of this kingdom. She started taking notes and wondering how much was fabricated.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 102

Bard (C)

Level: 101

Rousing Song E Bolster your allies or agitate your enemies with magic and music. Strength and Move Speed increased or decreased for one minute. Costs five Bardic Inspiration and impacts creatures within ten meters. The radius of influence expands by one meter for each additional inspiration spent.

Psychic Strike E Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 101 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Spell Thief (C)

Level: 101

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Manipulate Storm E Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.

Ice Blade E Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs two to twenty mana depending on blade durability.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Ranger (C) Level: 101 Inactive.

Noble (F)

Level: 12 Inactive.

Dexterity 521

Strength 206

Speed 234

Intelligence 307

Charisma 337

Stamina 319

Mana 509

Inspiration 204

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