An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 38 - To Steal Or Not To Steal

Like the spring thaw, students flooded out of the academy. They jostled and chatted while walking to the cathedral.

Riley grinned and looked at Lin, who swallowed nervously and started chanting to herself.

“You’ll be fine,” Riley said, bumping her in the side.

Lin bit her lip. “Just nervous. These matter so much.”

Riley smiled at her and followed through the large wooden doors. The cathedral opened up into a glowing white room. Stained glass windows decorated the walls. Rows of benches lined the floor, and a shimmering green archway stood at the front.

Multiple guards stood next to it. A priest sat at a desk, and a truthseeker stood beside them.

Riley looked down and checked her gear. Hunting knives, bow, quiver, leathers, waterskin…

Magus Victoria walked to the front and spun around, looking at the group. “Students, do your best. These runs will be critical to your future. For those who opted not to pay attention, I’d remind you that we will have a priest and truthseeker available for any theft or harm toward other students. You will be expelled if you are found culpable of any action.” She gestured to the truthseeker standing next to her.

Riley considered getting her writ. They are dead. What’s my level? She looked at her advancement notifications from the week.

[Your base level has advanced: 102 → 110!

[Activity experience granted to Assassin, Bard, Ranger, Spell Thief, and Noble.]

[Assassin has advanced: 101 → 104!]

[Bard has advanced: 101 → 104!]

[Ranger has advanced: 101 → 104!]

[Spell Thief has advanced: 101 → 104!]

[Noble has advanced: 12 → 18!]

Clearing them away, she smiled. I can do this. She bumped Hassan and approached the seeker while the first group filed inside.

The seeker looked at Riley. “Yes?”

“I’d like a writ,” Riley said. “A colleague was able to track down the fugitives, Matt and Maddie. I can assure you that they will never cause a problem again. Regrettably, the crystals were consumed.” She smiled at the pedantically accurate statement. They are dead, never to return, Riley thought to herself.

The truthseeker pulled out a piece of parchment and started writing. “State that they died.”

“They died,” Riley said, firmly believing the statement. “I watched it happen. They’re gone forever.”

The woman nodded. “That’s good to know. It’ll save us efforts.” She turned and signed off a writ, stamping it with a seal. “Your colleague may turn this in for the bounty.”

“Thank you, seeker.” Riley took it and folded it up. She turned to Hassan with a nod.

Hassan sighed. “Gone. Just like that.” He sighed and shook his head. “Rotten thieves.”

“I will be collecting on my debt,” Riley said with a nod.

“Fine, fine,” Hassan muttered.

“Lady Riley,” the magus called. She gestured to the archway

Stashing the paper, Riley walked up to it, pausing as she saw Dwight standing there.

“I’m coming with you,” Dwight said, reaching out and taking her hand. Then he walked through the portal.

Riley was pulled with him. Text flashed up.

[You have entered a place of power and are being transported. This place of power has been tethered. Damage and death will not persist, but they will come at a price to experience and rewards gained. Resources are temporarily recharged for your trial. May you find your path!]

The cathedral faded away. Barren maple trees appeared along with a dirt path, which meandered off through the woods.

Looking out into the forest, Riley spun back toward her new escort. “If you try to kill me or steal my stuff, I’ll kill you.” She glared at him.

Dwight laughed, his voice carrying through the trees. “Didn’t you listen? There is a seeker outside, and they mean it.” He leaned forward. “I’m not here to play petty games like common mayors. I’m here to advance.”

Riley frowned at him. I’ll have to watch him.

“Trust me, Riley. The prince sent those books as a gift. We’re allies,” Dwight stated firmly. He walked forward. “Let’s do this. I want to see how far we can make it.”

Riley’s frown faded, and realization sunk in. The game had changed. There was a seeker outside, and the prince was her ally. “One moment,” she called out, swapping Spell Thief for Ranger.

Dwight turned and waited. Riley finished swapping and started walking down the path.

Dwight followed rather noisily, smashing sticks and kicking stones. He frowned at a fallen tree. “Why are there ax marks on it?”

“Something’s cutting them.” Riley broke through the trees and stared out at the sprawling town. “Umm. Dwight?” she asked, looking out to the clearing.

People were cutting down trees and hauling timber down to the city, which was littered with newly constructed buildings. A picket surrounded it, and a manor was at the center.

“Well, this is new,” Dwight said, with a note of shock.

Riley nodded. “I didn’t expect a town.”

Dwight grinned. “We can get so many crystals.”

“Want the murderer class?” Riley asked, a crooked smile spreading across her face.

Dwight scoffed. “Of course not.” Then he saw her smirk. “Wait. Are you serious right now?”

“It is an option,” Riley said. “But going to war against it will likely end there. Do you want to steal or kill?”

Dwight considered it. He shook his head. “I don’t want the murderer class, but I’m okay with Assassin or a little theft.”

Riley nodded. “Then we can’t kill without reason. And currently, we don’t have a reason.”

“So, time to talk?” Dwight asked.

“Yep.” Riley skipped off down the hill, waving at the nearby villagers.

One of the woodcutters screamed and ran. A pack of dire wolves burst out from the trees.

Riley grabbed an arrow, nocked it, and watched the nearby guards rain arrows into them. The wolves staggered and dropped instantly.

“Condemn them!” Dwight hissed. “Can I shoot the guards?”

“To defend Nature? You might get a druid skill or class.” Riley smirked at him. Then she frowned. The guards walked away from the carcasses, which didn’t stream away.

Jogging across the clearing, Riley knelt down and pulled out her knife. She slit the wolf open and field-dressed it, cutting out the digestive system.

Dwight walked up. “Are there crystals in it? Can you harvest crystals here? I thought you could only do that outside.”

“You can’t harvest them here. And no, there aren’t any inside,” Riley replied, grabbing a branch and lashing the carcass to it. “Help me out.”

“Why?” Dwight asked with a groan.

“Maybe we can barter it for something good?” Riley replied, moving to the next.

“You’d better know what you are doing. I can guarantee you that no one else is practicing butchery skills.” Dwight reached for one. “How do I even do this?”

“Just hold this up.” Riley handed him the branch and lashed the wolf to it.

Moving through each one, she quickly field-dressed the six wolves and lashed them to branches.

Grabbing half, she dragged the carcasses back toward the city. He followed.

A guard at the gate nodded at them. “Thank you. The butcher shop is just up the street.” He gestured to a newly constructed shop.

Riley dragged the carcasses up and inside the building. She smiled at the man who was working the counter. “We have some wolves for sale.”

The butcher grinned. “Excellent. Excellent. A little banged up, but should taste alright.” He grabbed them and hauled them into his back room. Then he walked back out and opened a purse with glowing crystals.

Looking at the bag, Riley altered her plans. I’m going to steal them. She smiled up at him.

He plunked two imperfect F-tier crystals on the table. “That should be fair.”

“The hides are worth more than that!” Dwight protested with greed plastered on his face.

Riley smiled and nodded. “Perfect F or Imperfect E,” she said happily.

The butcher scoffed. “That’s far too much. I still have to do a lot of work on them, and they have arrow holes everywhere.”

“It’s an order!” Dwight barked. “I am the duke’s son.”

“Ain’t no duke here,” the butcher said with a growing scowl.

Riley triggered her pretty skill and forced herself to cry. She looked at him with watering eyes. “Please, sir.” She gestured down to her bloody attire. “We don’t have a cottage. And I haven’t been able to find any others.” She wiped the tears away, looked at Dwight, and let out a little sob.

The butcher’s stern disposition failed. He reached over and patted her shoulder. “It’ll be alright, little lass. Tell you what. Help me skin them right quick.”

Riley wiped away tears and nodded. She followed him into the back room, pulled out her knife, and grabbed the first carcass. Following the line between meat and hide, she sliced the skin off, tossed it on the rack, and headed to the next.

Dwight stared as she seemed to just jerk the hides right off them. “How?”

“Practice. Not my first time. Or even my hundredth,” Riley replied while removing them. Then she spun and walked up to the butcher.

The butcher smiled. “You come back if you want some work.” He patted Riley and handed her two crystals, placing the purse back on his belt.

Riley bowed, sliced the purse, and caught the crystals. She stashed them in her armor and took the two offered crystals. “Thank you, sir.”

“Of course.”

Riley turned and jogged for the door. The butcher frowned and reached for his purse.

“Thieves!” he hissed.

Riley triggered Ambush and slammed the knife into his neck. The butcher gurgled and dropped to the floor.

Turning toward Dwight, Riley gestured. “Go now, straight to the guards. Tell them I killed him. I’ll get a disguise and find you.”

Dwight ran for the door and shouted for the guards.

Riley triggered Assume Disguise. “I need to look like a different hunter girl!” She felt her hair shorten. Not bothering to look at her now blonde hair, she triggered Ambush and appeared outside, where she jogged up to the guards.

“Hurry!” Riley announced, pointing back to the shop. “She’s getting away!”

The guards streamed past them both. Dwight followed them, and Riley ran for the keep with a crooked smile. She’d lost her escort and could get some crystals without him. I have a thief class, anyway. May as well embrace it.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 110

Bard (C)

Level: 104

Rousing Song E Bolster your allies or agitate your enemies with magic and music. Strength and Move Speed increased or decreased for one minute. Costs five Bardic Inspiration and impacts creatures within ten meters. The radius of influence expands by one meter for each additional inspiration spent.

Psychic Strike E Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 104 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 104

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Manipulate Storm E Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.

Ice Blade E Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs two to twenty mana depending on blade durability.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 104 Inactive.

Noble (F)

Level: 18 Inactive.

Dexterity 544

Strength 220

Speed 240

Intelligence 220

Charisma 354

Stamina 440

Mana 532

Inspiration 214

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