An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 67 - A Dungeon Run

Riley walked into the church on Friday morning. If I hear one more lecture on unity, I’m using real poison. She huffed and was pushed forward by the eager students.

Walking across the chapel floor, she studied her classes.

[Assassin (C) has advanced: 126 → 130!]

[Bard (C) has advanced: 126 → 130!]

[Ranger (C) has advanced: 126 → 130!]

[Spell Thief (C) has advanced: 126 → 130!]

[Noble (D) has advanced: 209 → 210!]

[Maid has advanced: 28 → 36!]

[Infiltrator (F) has advanced: 18 → 26!]

[Poisoner(F) has advanced: 12 → 15!]

Stretching, Riley walked up and stood near the front of the chapel. She turned and looked back at the group. Students were covered with a dusting of snow, and several had hair going everywhere. A red mane of it appeared, and Riley choked back her laughter.

“Rotten driver,” Lily hissed. “I’ll have his head.” She strode toward the portal and brushed her hair furiously.

Riley masked her amusement and stepped up to it. She checked the straps on her pack and joined hands with the others.

“As a reminder, students,” Seeker Holt said, “this place does not guard against death. Be cautious.”

Riley watched him fade away along with everything else. A wave of hot, muggy air slammed into her, and she pulled at her cloak, removing it and placing it in her pack.

“Gods, it’s hot,” Olivia said, untying her cloak.

Looking at the moss-covered trees, Riley spun and saw similar. Tall grass grew. Ferns and stale water dotted the area. A swamp? She sniffed deeply and regretted it. The smell of sulfur and decay filled the place. Listening carefully, she placed her bag on the ground and walked to a nearby tree.

Pulling out a knife, she cut into a thick branch, using her blade as a makeshift saw.

“What are you doing?” Lily asked.

“I need some safe way to avoid quicksand or worse,” Riley said while cutting the branch down. “Keep an eye out, and keep the noise low. We need to figure out the first level.” She finished sawing through the branch.

Watching the area, she trimmed the leaves and turned it into a long walking stick. Tossing it to Olivia, she scaled up the tree, vaulting up the branches until she was high off the ground.

Carefully balancing on one, she leaned out and peered through the leaves. The sight was similar to the ground. Trees, water, and plants covered the area. What is the goal here? Looking into the distance, she failed to see anything except the swamp. Great. Just great. A tree came crashing down with a thunderous boom.

Scurrying down the tree, she jumped and landed next to Lily. Taking the branch from Olivia, she gestured. “Be very quiet,” she whispered and began traveling to the south, moving silently through the grass and ferns that littered the area.

The sound of snapping plants and branches hit instantly. Of course. Riley grimaced and studied the swamp, carefully moving forward.

A hiss rippled through the air, and a massive alligator lunged. Its tooth-filled maw opened. Riley slammed the stick on its head and vaulted backward. It charged forward, and hissing filled the air.

Dropping the stick, Riley used Spirit Blade, conjuring two ethereal knives. She threw both at the charging reptile. The blades flew through the alligator’s skull, blood sprayed out of its eyes and ears.

Riley spun and threw the blades at another. A boulder slammed into it, sending it flying off into the swamp. It hit the water with a splash. Spinning, Riley saw three others. Each looked like it’d been flattened by stones.

A ribbon of light flowed through the group and coalesced into a chest. Olivia reached down and flipped it open, taking out the crystals.

“Mana?” Riley asked.

“Eighty percent,” Olivia stated.

“Plenty. I have most of it,” Lily said, shrugging.

The rest sounded off, and Riley grimaced at the numbers that followed. She shook her head. “If you want level two, you can’t keep spending that much. Stay there.” She turned and walked through the swamp, skirting around bushes and shrubs like a wraith.

Vaulting a puddle, she landed on roots and studied the grove of vine covered plants. Where have I seen—oh, gods! A grimace spread on her face, and she vaulted back toward her group, a shiver running through her spine. That rotten plant cost me a trial.

“Well?” Lily asked.

“You’re going to hate it. I hate it,” Riley said, shaking her head. “Stranglevine. There’s a large grove of it.” She gestured to the vine-covered portion of trees.

“We have to use magic then,” Olivia said, shaking her head. “We’ll die if we try anything else.”

Riley didn’t argue. She looked at the princess.

“I agree. Olivia, use most of your mana. We’ll use more if we have to.”

Olivia’s eyes turned red. A massive ball of fire gathered in her hands before streaking off across the swamp. Riley watched it in quiet awe. The rotating ball slowed. A vine flicked out and hit the scorching flame. It jerked back, and the plants started to shake.

The glowing ball of fire exploded, ripping through the grove with thunderous force. Broken vines and branches smoldered everywhere. Moving back toward it, Riley started throwing her knives, launching them toward the smoldering plants. Do psychic blades do things to plants? Unsure, she continued to volley her daggers, sending them whizzing through any plant that moved.

A quiet fell upon the swamp, and Riley continued throwing. “Don’t waste your mana,” she called back. Moving closer to the grove, she climbed over roots and threw, hitting the massive tree in the center.

The ground shook, and the massive tree ripped itself from the ground. Vines whipped through the air in a fury. Riley continued volleying her blades from a distance. The tree flailed, its branches smashing bushes, boulders, and anything else it caught. A lone alligator was ripped from the swamp and beaten. A snake got caught in the mayhem and was crushed.

Keeping her distance, Riley continued volleying her blades. With each one, she felt a strange feeling as it passed through the tree. That feels like Psychic Strike. Launching the blades again, Riley waited for the feeling and slammed her mind against the tree.

The tree ripped itself from the ground, and a boulder smashed into the trunk. Yellow sap burst out, exploding through the clearing and coating the area.

The tree toppled, crashing to the ground with a heavy thud. Sap oozed from it, and Riley picked up a rock. She chucked it at the plant. It soared and bounced off the trunk with a soft thud. Guess that did it.

A quiet fell on the area, and the plants turned into ribbons of gold. Riley felt a wave of magic wash over her.

[Your base level has advanced: 210 → 214!]

She looked back at the group and saw the chest forming. I can’t steal it if you spawn over there. Sighing, she peered past the scorched forest and looked for the next level.

Grabbing a stick, she vaulted over puddles and the smoldering remains of the vine, quickly crossing their newly made clearing.

Reaching the other side, she squinted into the trees and saw a crude hut that looked like it had collapsed. A large, ugly, green troll shuffled forward and sniffed the air.

Turning back, Riley vaulted her way toward the group. The sound of the gathering creatures grew. They started stomping their way toward the clearing.

Pausing, Riley reached down and smeared the smelly mud on herself. Then she resumed fleeing, vaulting back to her group.

Landing lightly, she gestured to the group.

“What is it?” Lily asked in her ear.

“Trolls. Get ready, and don’t hold back,” Riley whispered to the group.

Lily nodded at the others. Riley pulled out her sling. A half-dozen trolls came marching into view. The large creatures looked like the swamp had infested them. Moss grew on their backs and arms. They chittered at each other, and a ball of fire streaked across the marsh.

Riley loaded her sling, carefully placing the stone inside. Whirring it overhead, she aimed and launched it at one of the growing group of trolls.

The trolls stepped forward. One noticed the large ball of fire. It screeched, and the fireball exploded, setting the entire place on fire once more. Flames licked through the air and set the trolls ablaze. Riley fired another stone, skipping the round river rock off a troll’s head. It wobbled and smoldered.

Grabbing another rock, Riley loaded her sling, and another group of trolls burst into the clearing. They bellowed and charged. Riley fired, and another ball of fire streaked by.

With a loud boom, it exploded, burning the growing mob of trolls. Condemnation. Riley’s eyes flickered. There were dozens of them. We need fire. Stashing her sling, she turned. “Burn it!”

Lily’s hair turned a vibrant red, and her eyes burned. A massive ball of fire streaked forward. Riley looked at the growing group of trolls. We’re five minutes from the entrance… Condemn it. Huffing, she looked at the trees and changed her plan.

A wave of fire engulfed the trees, and Riley saw panic on the faces of the girls.

“Out,” Lily called, turning and sprinting toward the entrance. The rest followed.

Riley looked at the group, whistled, and grabbed her knives. Flooding them with psychic energy, she stepped behind a tree and used Ambush, stepping behind the attackers.

Triggering Dancer’s Form, she embraced the steady thumping of her heart and let her blades flow around her. Green blood sprayed into the air. The troll bellowed, and she stabbed it through the heart, slamming her mind into it.

The troll dropped with a whimper, blood oozing from its smoldering body. Darting to the next, Riley slashed again, stabbing and lashing out with her mind.

Trolls dropped, and the charging group faltered. One bellowed, and the entire group turned to the girl in their midst.

Nope. Not this time. Riley turned and ran, singing a drinking song while she did it. The trolls bellowed and charged after her. One grabbed a boulder and threw it. It soared through the air, and Riley zigged away, bounding from root to root and rock to rock.

The thrown boulder smashed into a tree. It crashed to the ground, and the trolls chased. Riley continued singing, belting out a silly rhyme while she ran.

“Hello to all those out there.

I have some trolls for you.

Come and maybe eat them up.

You know just what to do!

Don’t let your dinner run away.

Raise your cup most high.

Come and get your supper.

Dinner time is nigh.”

Laughing, she bound through the trees, looking for anything to kill the army of trolls behind her.

Minutes quickly trickled by. When the trolls slowed, Riley spun and launched knives into them, sending another two dropping to the ground. With another furious bellow, the group charged again, pursuing her deeper into the swamp.

Bouncing off a large rock, Riley saw a large, muddy lake. With nothing else to go on, she tossed her Spirit Blades into it. The water churned and erupted as multiple snake-like heads rose out of it.

Nope, nope. Riley vaulted into the trees and swung through the branches, leaving the trolls to deal with it.

The massive hydra bellowed and searched; its five heads focused on the massive army of trolls, who skidded to a halt.

Landing lightly behind a tree, Riley peered out at the mess.

The hydra opened its maw and sprayed a stream of poison at the group of trolls, who began hurling rocks at it. Riley grinned and reached into a small pouch at her side. Carefully pulling out vials, she started mixing them, pouring them into a large vial. Alchemist class, here I come.

Taking a stick, she stirred it until it was golden. Sparking a nearby leaf, she lit it on fire and then placed the end of the stick on the flame. It lit up, burning a vibrant purple. Dropping the stick into the vial, the rest of the fluid lit on fire, becoming a vial of flame.

Poking her head out from behind the tree, she grinned and threw, sending the bottle of liquid fire looping through the air.

The hydra lunged to the shore. Its mouths snaked forward and lunged. With a troll in its maw, it began swallowing, and the vial broke across its middle. The purple flame spread and eagerly licked up the hydra, who roared out in anguish.

Triggering Spirit Blades, Riley conjured and threw the knives, sending them blurring through its head.

Slamming her will into it, she tried to enhance the damage. The hydra thrashed, sending a nearby troll flying into a nearby tree. It hit with a thud and went still. Another troll roared and smashed its club into the hydra. The hydra lashed out, biting into the troll while another smashed it with a massive log, sending broken teeth and blood spattering across the ground. The hydra bellowed, and the trolls rushed forward, slamming logs into it.

Riley darted behind the trees, flinging blades as soon as they returned. Should I run? She considered it while she threw her blades once more. The knives ripped through a hydra’s head, and it dropped. Trolls rushed forward and slammed makeshift clubs into it, beating it bloody.

The hydra opened another maw, raining poison on the group. Trolls screamed, and Riley pulled out her book. Flipping pages, she ignited one of them, pouring her mana into the runes.

The air dimmed. Clouds swirled overhead, and Riley felt every hair on her body lift. Clamping her hands over her ears, she finished the spell. The sky darkened, and the hydra swallowed another troll. It turned its focus to the next troll, and Riley’s spell completed.

Lightning cracked down, chaining through everything with a massive crash of thunder.

Stowing her book, Riley turned and examined the mess. Bloody, smoldering trolls fell. The hydra staggered, and Riley resumed throwing knives at the remaining head, volleying them repeatedly.

The hydra turned toward her, its remaining head glaring angrily. It opened its maw, and blood burst from its eyes. Screeching, it rained out poison while Riley ran, fleeing the caustic substance.

Vaulting over logs, she turned and looked at the pissed hydra that was searching for her. Moving silently, she launched her silent blades. They ripped through the furious hydra. It lurched back into the water, and Riley continued her assault, launching her blades into the water, her connection with the hydra growing stronger and stronger.

With a firm lock on it, Riley slammed her mind against the weakened creature. The creature flailed, the surface churned, and the connection dropped.

In a burst of golden sparkles, the trolls and hydra flowed into a golden river that swept up to Riley. She gasped, and a chest formed at her feet.

[Your base level has advanced: 214 → 216!]

Reaching down, she flipped it open and grabbed the pile of crystals. How do I sneak these out? If I use them, I’ll pass out. That would be a real problem. She frowned. Her bag was back near the entrance. She filled her purse and said a silent prayer.

“Gods, I ask a favor.

Aid with my disguise.

I need some hidden pockets.

Some places things can hide.”

She triggered the skill, and her hunting attire altered. She chuckled and looked at the skirt. Will they notice? They might not. She shrugged and hoped they wouldn’t. Then, she carefully counted the crystals, hiding most of her surplus.

With the crystals hidden, she turned and bound through the swamp, enjoying the rush of air around her.

The swamp seemed to come alive. Bright eyes looked out at her. Crocodiles swam closer, and Riley bolted like a startled deer, rapidly fleeing anything around her. I am not fighting level four or five. This was enough.

With no desire to push her luck further, she sprinted, bounding over puddles and mud.

As a roar echoed through the swamp. The sound of wings filled the air, and Riley saw the portal. Her allies were gone, and her bag sat there. She grabbed it and rushed through the shimmering surface, leaving the place behind.

[Reward: Chemist Class (F): +1 intelligence per level. Grants one skill slot while active.]

[Warning: Max class count exceeded.]

Riley willed the new class to merge with Poisoner with a single thought. It swirled and churned.

[Chemist(F) + Poisoner(F) → Alchemist(D). +2 Intelligence per level, +1 mana per level.]

Riley grinned, and text appeared.

[Your base level has advanced: 216 → 219!]

[Level 2 Cleared: Pick class experience, the new skill “Momentous Stride (D),” or an E-tier skill to upgrade.]

She picked the new skill with a growing smile. I need that. Not waiting, she willed it into Dancer’s Form. That should fix this.

[Dancer’s Form (B) + Momentous Stride (D) → Momentous Tempo (B).]

[Momentous Tempo (B): +10 speed. This boost will increase to up to +100 for every ten seconds you are in motion. Slowing in any way will reduce the effect. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 10 for a minute.]

[Level 3 Cleared: Conjure Poison (D) upgraded to Conjure Potion (D). Conjure a potion that you understand. Cost varies based on the potion and potion duration.]

Stepping forward, the world flashed around her, and she found herself in the temple once more.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 219

Bard (C)

Level: 130

Dominating Presence D Enemies within sixty meters of you lose 10 strength, 10 dexterity, and 10 speed. You may use inspiration to boost the range and the effect temporarily.

Spirit Blade D Manifest an ethereal blade or imbue a blade with psychic energy. The blade lasts five minutes and will return to you after it is thrown. Costs 5 mana.

Restoring Presence D Subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every half hour; their healing is augmented by 10%. Allies within 50 meters count as subjects. You may use mana to send out a burst of healing. You may use inspiration to expand and increase the effect.

Empowering Presence E Your subjects gain +3 strength, +3 dexterity, and +3 movement speed; allies within 20 meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Assassin (C)

Level: 130 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Momentous Tempo B +10 speed. This boost will increase to up to +100 for every ten seconds you are in motion. Slowing in any way will reduce the effect. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 10 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 130

Predatory Sight D Your perception and insight are boosted by 25. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light. You may use 1 stamina to double this effect for 10 seconds.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Pretty D Your appearance is nice, but it could be so grand. Use a mana to get Beauty’s help! She may provide it anyway. Oh, and you’ll stand out in a crowd! After all, everyone knows a Beauty.

Music's Lute - You may summon this lute from the heavens. It will return to the heavens when you will it away.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 130 Inactive.

Noble (D)

Level: 210 Inactive.

Maid (F)

Level: 36 Inactive.

Alchemist (D)

Level: 15 Inactive.

Infiltrator (F)

Level: 26 Inactive.

- -

Conjure Storm D Manipulate or conjure up a storm. Mana cost varies.

Conjure Poison D Create a poison. Cost varies based on the poison type and requirements.

Dexterity 840

Strength 438

Speed 292

Intelligence 438

Charisma 598

Stamina 710

Mana 828

Inspiration 349

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