An Assassin's Anthem

Interlude - Mischievious Maids

Ignoring the falling snow, Althea studied the castle and sighed. Increased patrols were everywhere. Soldiers lined the wall, and hawks soared overhead.

Well, I certainly paid the price this time. My time with Riley just got destroyed. Sighing, she turned and walked down the snowy streets before entering a nice little cottage.

Walking in, she stopped in front of the warm hearth, lightly rubbing her hands together. The door swung open behind her, and a girl with green eyes and white hair walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

“Hello, Neria,” Althea said, turning and smiling. “They are searching for you.”

“I’m certain that’s true,” Neria said, walking over to the hearth where she was jerked into a hug by Althea.

“It’s good to see you.” Althea smiled and pulled the girl tight against her.

Neria hugged her back. “Did you do this to Riley, too?”

“You know that I did. Hugs are fun.” Althea released her.

“You hug too much.”

Althea smiled. “No I don’t.”

Neria laughed. “Did you learn more about her? I’ve heard good things from the servants.”

“We took a little trip last night. She has a lot of promise.” Althea paused. “The palace?”

Neria smiled. “The duo are now stable and have guards. The king and queen are focused on the war. Two weeks. That is the date that they’ve planned. Troops are marching south now.”

Althea nodded. “Will they win based on what you saw?”

“It’s not looking likely unless we keep her here. Did the council contact you?” Neria asked, a nervous expression spreading across her face. “If she leaves, we should, too.”

Althea nodded and released her hug. “I did. They’re nervous and don’t want to push.” She grimaced. “And we have a shortage on places of power.”

“Ah. They want her to level.” Neria nodded. “Can’t blame them. Think I can sneak in with the nobles this weekend?” She grinned.

Althea shook her head. “You’re trouble.”

“Thanks.” Neria bit her lip nervously. “If she leaves, can I go with them?”

“Yes. I won’t keep you here any longer, and I don’t want either of you harmed.” Althea wiped the snow off her cowl.

Neria dusted off her shoulders. “Be careful going out there. They are very alert.”

“I will.” Althea smiled and pulled the girl close once more. “Your disguise?”

“It’s fine. Looking human isn’t so bad,” Neria said, straightening. “But now I need to go.”

“Be safe, daughter dear,” Althea whispered. She waved goodbye, and Neria slipped out the door.

Spinning around, Althea walked over to the table and took a seat. Pulling out her quill and parchment, she started writing.


Two weeks to Firestorm. Saplings growing and progressing. Father progressing. Requesting mobilization.


Carefully rolling up the parchment, she walked to the door. There was a lot to do in a short window of time.


Snow fell around the palace, landing in soft piles of pure white. The enchanted lights lit the yard, bathing it all in a dazzling display of sparkles. A quiet peace hung in the air, directly contrasting Timothy’s darkening mood.

Traitorous parents. Oh sure, they promise you a path forward. The moment I get it, they do this and call the seekers in. He huffed, and Lily smirked.

“Now, now,” Lisa said with a frown. “It’s a time for celebration. Both of you have reached D-tier.”

Scooting back his chair, Timothy stood. “I need to review the reports.” He turned and walked from the supper table, barely containing his fury. Empty words and broken pieces.

He stormed into his room and sat down in an angry huff. His eyes flickered through the group of allies. I hope they can get this paperwork done because I’m not doing all this work for nothing.

“Should we check on Riley?” Hassan asked, stretching and looking away from his paper. “She might have caused all this.”

“She has a guard watching her,” a nearby guard said. “Rest assured that she’s in her room.”

Hassan sighed and looked at the prince. “Is it true that she’s betrothed to Seeker Lucas?”

“Yes,” Timothy replied. He scowled at the papers. “Have at it, gentlemen,” he said, gesturing to Hassan and Randalf.

Randalf looked at the pile and paled. “What do we do?”

“Read them. Tell me if I need to act. Flag anything potentially illegal. And tally the resources,” Timothy said, leaning back in his chair.

Hassan looked at the pile, looked at the prince, and groaned. “Seriously? That’s why you invite us?”

“You’ll have to do it as a Baron,” Dwight said, leaning back in his chair and yawning. “Time to learn.”

Timothy nodded and looked at the bookshelves. His eyes flickered to the window and the falling snow. Looking back, he saw his recruits looking glumly at the papers. Dad ruined everything. He frowned. “Those won’t read themselves.”

“Can’t we get some servant for this?” Hassan asked, looking up from the pile. “That’s what my father did.”

“Please,” Randalf said, stretching. “This is a waste of time.”

“The king forbade it. Now, work,” Timothy said, shaking his head. He rang the bell on his desk, and a maid stepped inside.

Kamal sighed. “Your parents clearly favor your sister.”

“We should just end her,” Randalf said, sighing.

“Enough, gentlemen,” a guard barked with a growing frown. “There is to be no warring or fighting.” He straightened his uniform. “And there is no favoritism.”

Kamal rolled his eyes. “And that’s why the princess got an extra run this week.”

“The king will be informed,” the guard warned. “We can’t have another incident.”

“You read these then,” Hassan huffed, gesturing at the pile of parchment.

The guard chuckled and shook his head. “No, thank you.”

Timothy rubbed his brow. He looked at the bell and frowned. Where is she? He looked up and saw the maid standing next to the guards. She saw his gaze and dropped into a curtsy. Oh. He studied the black curly hair that was spilling from her cap. Her uniform was pristine, and her face looked radiant. Where did I see her before?

“A bottle of wine and glasses,” Timothy said and studied her a moment longer.

Riley stood and walked out of the door, a smile on her face and a book hidden in her maid’s outfit.

Timothy turned to the papers and frowned at the others, who weren’t working. “Work.”

Kamal turned to the guard. “Is the princess reading all this? There’s no way she is.”

The guard shrugged. Hassan sighed and leaned back in the chair. “Get the pretty maid to do it.”

Kamal nodded and then groaned. “She probably can’t even read.”

Timothy sighed, and Riley walked back into the room. Placing down glasses, she uncorked a bottle of wine and poured a small amount in each, letting the red liquid flow into the glass cups.

As she finished, she looked at the prince, extending the bottle.

“Leave it,” Dwight said quickly.

Riley set it on the desk, bobbed a curtsy, and walked to the exit.

“Wait,” Hassan said. “You, maid. Is the princess reading all of hers?” He gestured to the documents.

Riley turned and looked at the guards.

“You can tell them,” the guard said, smiling at her.

“She has several helping her, good sirs,” Riley replied.

“Who?” Timothy asked.

Riley looked back at the guard.

“Only position,” the guard said with a nod.

“A future duchess, a future duke, two future barons, and a half dozen future mayors. Along with a few servants,” Riley stated. “They rotate day to day.” She curtsied once more.

“Can you read?” Timothy asked, a bit of hope showing on his face.

Riley shook her head, sending her curls bouncing. “I am sorry, my prince.”

Dwight sighed. “I don’t suppose you know any who can?”

Riley shook her head. The boys turned back to each other, and she left the room.

Timothy looked back at the parchment. “Who else can we recruit?”

“Future mayors are probably the best,” Kamal said, sighing.

Timothy took a sip of wine. “We’ll look tomorrow because this is ridiculous.”

Hassan set down his glass and hiccuped out a shimmering bubble. It drifted in the air over the desk.

“What?” Kamal asked, setting down his empty cup. He reached toward the bubble.

“Don’t touch—” Timothy barked.

Kamal’s finger touched the bubble. It popped, bursting into a small storm of snowflakes. They drifted and swirled, settling on the desk.

Timothy hiccuped, sending a bubble of his own into the air.

“What the condemnation?” Randalf asked, hiccuping up his own.

“Find that maid,” Timothy said, jumping up from his desk. His bubble popped, sending more snow fluttering through the air.

The group of boys tore down the halls, hiccuping out bubbles behind them.


Riley walked out of the palace. She hadn’t planned to do it, but seeing all of them together had served as easy motivation, that and the quest.

[Bravo! ~Mischief]

“Mischief, you are welcome.

It was a bit of fun.

May their bubbles fly around them.

The snowy day’s not done.”

Grinning, she ducked into the shadows and used Ambush, appearing in her room. Triggering Assume Disguise, her appearance reverted. That disguise is so burned. She smiled and took a seat.

Pulling out a knife, she began carefully tracing the enchantment. Void magic blades would be extremely useful under the right circumstances. She wanted them.

Her door clunked open. A guard poked her head in and stepped forward.

“Lady Riley,” the guard stated. “We have report of someone sneaking into the palace.”

A skill pulsed through the air. Riley ignored it, her focus consumed by the task at hand.

The guard frowned. “Lady Riley, please meet—”

“Stop!” Riley hissed. “This is difficult enough, and you have an invitation to my room whenever you want. Now, don’t interrupt my enchantment.” She delicately prepared the next rune.

The guard closed the door and walked through the room. She peered in the dresser, under the bed, and in the closet before giving up. Walking forward, she studied Riley’s work.

Riley ignored the guard, slowly enchanting her knife. If she was going to spend a crystal on this, she wanted it to be perfect. I need to steal more of them for enchantments. She smiled at the thought.

The door opened, and another guard entered. The two whispered back and forth before one left.

Minutes slowly passed while Riley gently etched out the final runes. When she finished, she grinned and examined them. The guard reached down and picked it up, surprise showing on her face.

“Does the Magus know you have that book?” the guard asked, looking at the book on void magic.

Riley turned and looked at the woman with her pixie-cut hair. “Yes. That’s where I got it. I mentioned wraiths, and she told me about void magic. I want a weapon that can handle them.”

“You’ve fought a wraith?” the guard asked, open skepticism dancing on her face.

“I watched guards fight one, and I died to one in a dungeon.” Riley held out her hand and gestured for the knife.

“Oh. My apologies. I can understand why you want it. They are nasty.” The guard handed it back. “I’m going to watch from inside.”

“Fine by me. Let me know if you want a book or some paper,” Riley replied, turning back to her book on void magic. Text appeared in her vision.

[Quest Complete: Royal Mischief]

[Reward: One Snowball. You have to go outside to get it.]

Riley looked at the text. Well, I guess I should have seen that coming. She turned her focus back to her studies.

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