An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 77 - Siege Lessons

A quiet hung over the stone fort. Snowflakes drifted from the clouds above, and fire streaked across the sky. A bolt of water slammed into it, exploding in steam, flame, and water. The sound rolled through the fort, and Riley’s eyes snapped open.

Gods, not again. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

[Assassin (C) has advanced: 186 → 188!]

[Bard (C) has advanced: 186 → 188!]

[Ranger (C) has advanced: 186 → 188!]

[Spell Thief (C) has advanced: 186 → 188!]

[Noble (D) has advanced: 251 → 252!]

[Infiltrator (E) has advanced: 32 → 37!]

[Enchanter(F) has advanced: 53 → 57!]

[Alchemist (D) has advanced: 121 → 125!]

Looking around the room, she saw Lucas sitting at the desk, scribbling away at a piece of paper. Where’d Dad go? Sitting up, she looked down at her nightdress and triggered Pretty. Her nightgown was replaced by a modified version of her hunting gear. She smiled. “Thanks, Beauty!”

[You’re welcome, love! ~Beauty]

Lucas looked up and smiled. “Thank you for your help last night.”

“I did what I could,” Riley replied, standing and stretching. She shivered in the cold air and looked at the stone walls. Pulling her cloak close, she walked over to his desk and sat. “I assume we survived?”

“The shelling stopped for a while. We assume they set up an anti-magic ward in their tower.” Lucas smiled and raised a brow. “Can you nullify it?”

Riley frowned. “Maybe? It becomes a mana drain loop unless someone goes and sabotages the thing.” She sighed, and her stomach grumbled.

Roger walked into the room and set a plate in front of Riley. Sitting beside her, he started eating his pile of hash.

Riley picked up the fork and ate the greasy potatoes, sausage, and cabbage. She rapidly swallowed it down while watching Lucas open various letters.

Lucas opened one and sighed. “I should have seen this one coming.”

Riley swallowed. “What?” she asked, catching the rolled letter. She looked down and read.

Seeker Lucas,

Please bring Riley with you for this weekend’s status report. Advise her that she will be making two D-tier runs. We also ask that you thank her for aiding at the front.


Their majesties.

Riley quirked a brow and looked at him. “I didn’t expect that. Why?”

“The knights,” Lucas said. “They sent a missive to the palace as soon as your auras happened.”

“It’s not that good,” Riley said, looking around the stone room.

Lucas paused a moment. “Yes, and no. It’s the healing aura that’s good. The healers do more. The potions do more, and they want it boosted. Ten percent adds up fast.”

“They are all beginning to matter, especially when you boost them,” Roger said, setting down his fork.

Another explosion rolled through the fort, shaking everything. Riley sighed. “The real question is if this place will still be around by then.” She turned and looked at her dad.

“I managed, but I don’t know if it will be enough.” Roger frowned as the ground shook again. “Can you do something—”

A massive explosion rippled through the fort. Screaming and shouting filled the air. Riley grimaced and heard fighting outside.

Flooding Dominating Presence with a quarter of her inspiration, she sent the aura slamming through the fort. Then she stood and followed her father to the door. Peering out, she saw soldiers rushing toward the front gate.

The gate was bent, and part of the wall was missing, a gaping hole in the stone. Enemy soldiers charged inward, and Riley pulled out her spell book.

An enemy looked at Riley, and his eyes glowed. Roger flickered away, and a ball of fire streaked forward.

Riley felt panic surge into her throat. She dove, scrambling wildly for the shadows, and flame exploded through the courtyard.

Beating heat crashed over her. A scream tore from her throat, and she jerked into a little ball, sobbing while her hearing and vision started to fade.

Dumping Inspiration into both her auras, she tried to fight it and failed. Pain crackled through her, and everything faded away.


Lucas screamed. His flesh burned, and then it knitted back together in a wave of magic. He looked up and saw an explosion of blood ripple across the enemy forces. Heads spun through the air, and blood crashed onto the muddy ground.

Picking himself up, he looked at the giant mess and saw Riley lying on the ground, still covered with burns. He ran forward and grabbed a healing potion from his purse. Gingerly pouring it down her throat, he grimaced and looked up at the looming shadow.

Roger waited and watched her skin mend. Reaching down, he picked her up and carried her down the hallway.

Gods, Lucas thought, looking out at the compound. Orders were being barked. A group ran forward to repair the damage. He turned and followed Roger, striding down the halls and entering his room.

“Is she alright?” Lucas asked.

Roger placed Riley on a cot and grimaced. “She’s alive. The potion should help.” He spun, walked over, and kicked the door shut. “You and I need a conversation.”

Lucas walked over to a chair and slumped into it. “About what?”

“This mess, and you.” Roger leaned over and checked Riley’s pulse. He shook his head. “How did you get roped into this?” he asked, turning and studying the boy.

“I volunteered,” Lucas said, looking over.

Roger frowned. “Why?”

“I’m the bastard of a Shorove noble,” Lucas said, standing and walking over. He looked down at Riley’s burnt head and grimaced.

“You’re a half-elf then,” Roger said with a nod.

Lucas shook his head. “No, I befriended one. We fled together.”

“And Althea recruited you?” Roger asked.

Lucas nodded and looked at Riley. “Do we need a healer?”

“I’m unsure, so get one.” Roger grimaced.

Lucas turned and walked out the door. He strode down the hall and through the barracks. Gods, we need to start winning. How do we start winning? He emerged in the courtyard where people were busy repairing the breach and looking after the wounded.

Ignoring all of it, he walked over to a man in white robes. “Healer Vikram, a moment, please.”

The healer pushed up his bloody sleeves. “Seeker?” he asked, studying the bloody soldier before him.

“Lady Riley was hurt. I gave her a healing potion, but I need someone to look.” Lucas frowned and looked at the soldier. “He looks fine.”

“I got caught by a fireball,” the soldier snapped.

“You’re fine. The healing wave caught you.” Vikram turned. “Was she hit by the wave? If so, she’s fine.”

“No, she wasn’t. I gave her a potion,” Lucas said with a growing frown. “Please.”

“Very well.” Vikram marched off behind him.

Lucas led him through the barracks and into his room. Walking inside, he was greeted by a prone Riley and a pacing Roger.

Vikram jogged over and felt her pulse. A burst of magic rippled through the room moments later. “That will fix the internal damage,” he said. “But it will take her a few hours to recover.” He paused and studied her. “She was the source of the healing?”

“I’m uncertain,” Lucas said.

“Do thank her for me.” Vikram straightened his outfit and headed for the door.

“Thank you,” Roger called.

“You’re welcome.” Vikram walked out of the room.

Roger walked over and ensured the door was shut. Then he spun and looked at Lucas. “How did you get this so wrong?”

“They managed to keep several places of power secret and hid their mages. We missed it. Althea was livid that day,” Lucas said, walking to his desk.

Roger moved over to the desk. “Who is my daughter to the elves?”

“That is something I can’t reveal,” Lucas said, taking a seat.

“Why?” Roger asked with a growing frown.

Lucas turned. “Because that will depend on her, the gods, and the elven council. She’ll be welcome among them. The rest is up to her.”

Roger shook his head and frowned. “Who could she be then?”

“A member of the elven royal council. I thought that was obvious,” Lucas said with a sigh. “Don’t tell Althea I mentioned it. The council must agree and have a ceremony.”

Roger nodded. “Finally, how do we get out of this pit? I’m not risking her life like this again.”

“Will your poison work?” Lucas asked. “I do not have good options.”

“Maybe? I can’t guarantee it.” Roger frowned. “What of our mages?”

“They’re already failing to hold back the tides.” Lucas grimaced. “His majesty is not going to be happy.” He held out pieces of paper. What are we going to do? That poison needs to work. Frowning, he grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote another letter for the palace.

Roger sighed. “Watch over her; I’ll be back shortly.” He turned and walked out the door.

Lucas turned his attention back to the intelligence documents.


Riley groaned. Her body ached. She opened her eyes and found herself in the same cold stone room. Her father was studying papers, and Lucas was writing something.

Reaching up, she gently felt her scalp and jerked her hand away. Burying herself back in the blankets, she pulled up her cowl and curled into a ball.

Will Pretty fix this? She frowned at her empty pool of mana.

[I’m sorry, Riley. It can’t at this level. ~Beauty]

Riley grimaced and poked her head out of the blankets. “Are we going to die here?”

Roger spun and let out a breath of relief. “I’m sorry, Riley.”

“If that poison doesn’t work, are we dead?” Riley asked, looking at Lucas. “I need to know.”

Lucas looked up. “We’re researching options, but we don’t have a lot. They have stronger mages.”

Riley looked at her father. “Can we assassinate?”

Roger shook his head. “There are too many high-level perception skills. I barely made it in and out while doing no direct damage.”

Riley frowned. “Are we sure about this?” she asked her dad.

“No,” Roger said. “I’m not sure about any of it.”

“We need this,” Lucas said. “There are plans, and we need to win.” He gestured to a book on his desk. “If you learn to meditate, you can regenerate small amounts of mana during the day. The magus advised it.”

Roger grabbed it and handed it to her.

Riley groaned. Pulling her cowl closer, she flipped it open and started reading.

An explosion ripped through the building, shaking the ground and everything around. Riley felt her empty mana pool and leaned against her bunk. Pulling her blanket up, she read, searching for better ways to turn the tide.


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